Chapter 18 Questions

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Who supported and who opposed the Compromise of 1850, what were its main provisions, and how did it pass?

It was an attempt to defuse the tension between the Slaves states and Free states, but in the long run it drew a thick and deep line between them. The strain between the North and South was tugged and tugged a little more each day it seemed. The slaves states depended on their "peculiar institution" as a way of boosting and enabling there lifestyle and economy. The Compromise of 1850 stated that fugitive slaves would be returned for money. And that Northerners would be punished for housing or helping fugitive slaves. All African Americans were being checked for "free slave" papers, and they had to have these documents with them at all times or they would be presumed a fugitive slave and would be immediately returned to the South as a slave.

How did popular sovereignty relate to the issue of slavery?

Popular sovereignty tossed the slavery problem into the laps of the people in the various territories. Advocates of the principle thus hoped to dissolve the most stubborn national issue of the day into a series of local issues. Yet popular sovereignty had one fatal defect: it might serve to spread the blight of slavery.

Did the North, South, or West benefit most from the Compromise of 1850? Why?

The South benefitted because they were punishing the supporters of fugitive slaves in the North in a formal and legal manner.

Why did popular sovereignty appeal to the public and politicians?

The public liked it because it accorded with the democratic tradition of self-determination. Politicians liked it because it seemed a comfortable compromise between the free-soilers' bid for a ban on slavery in the territories and southern demands that Congress protect slavery in the territories.

How did the California gold rush result in inflaming strong sectional disputes?

The California gold rush made loads of people flee to this area. The land was pulled in as a state quicker than anyone could have ever thought. Only because thousands of people had rushed to California to lay their claim to fame. The North wanted to rush into turning this land into a state that way things would equalized with Texas again.

What were the explicit provisions and implicit understandings of the Kansas - Nebraska Act and what were some of the consequences of its passage?

The Kansas - Nebraska Act was the first act to repeal to the Missouri Compromise and went against the rules set into place by the 36-30 line. This was the first of many acts, ordinances, battles, and events leading up to the Civil War. The end of the use of the 36-30 line signified the end of the peace and calm between the North and South, and the beginning of a gruesome battle.

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