Chapter 2

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What shows that Biblical covenants were so important?

- The concept of a covenant is central to Sacred Scripture.

What was the first Old Testament covenant?

- The covenant between God and Noah.

What is the covenant God makes and with whom does God make it?

- The covenant is never to destroy the earth by water; it is made with Noah, his descendants, and all creation.

What is the main purpose of the story of the Tower of Babel?

- The main purpose of this story is that we should not put our faith in human triumphs.

The two sacred parts of the covenants in Scripture. The two sacred parts of the covenants in Scripture:

- The promised made and the conditions attached to the promise.

What is the sign of the covenant?

- The rainbow - a sign not only of God's promise to Noah, but of God's continuing love and protection of us all.

Why did God send the flood?

- To cleanse the world of human wickedness and to repopulate the earth.

What must happen because we are born into sin?

- We must re-born. God must restore us into new life through is son and his sacraments.

What did God do for Cain?

- While God punishes Cain, he does not abandon him. He placed a mark on him to protect him from getting killed.

While myth is truth, what does it grapple with? What does it address?

- While myth is truth, it grapples with the reality in a story. - Myth addresses questions about the meaning of events that are part of the human experience.

The other three major Old Testament covenants:

1. The covenant with Abraham. 2. The covenant with Moses on Mount Sinai. 3. The covenant with David.


A binding promise between God and humankind in which God pledges enduring love and asks for faithful love in return. Most theologically important word.


A binding promise between God and humankind, which God pledges . Synonym for Covenant.


A story whose main purpose is to express a great spiritual truth or insight into reality.


A term that means "the first gospel," which is found in Genesis 3: 15, when God revealed he would send a Savior to redeem the world from its sins.

Original Holiness & Original Justice

The state of man and women before sin. The state of perfection in which God created all human beings.


Worshipping something or someone other than the true God.

New Adam

a name for Jesus Christ who through his abidance of life and death make amends for their disobedience.


a prophet who preached to the northern kingdom. True worship of God manifested to the weak and the poor. Warned unless people repented their nation would be destroyed.

Isiah 1 - 39:

comes from the original prophet, Isaiah of Jerusalem. Preached a powerful message of repentance to a sinful nation characterizing idolatry, empty sacrifice, human pride and cruelty to the poor. He also prophesied that God would give a sign: "Immanuel" (meaning "God is with us").

Isiah 56 - 66:

composed by a disciple or disciples of the great prophet, some time after the Jews returned from exile. The belief that Gods salvation is meant for all not just the Chosen People. Worship of the one true God and the Lord's Salvation are a universal call and gift.


cutting off of the boys tip on the eight day of after his birth. Sign of the covenant between God and Abraham.


inclination to do what we know is not right.


known for his wisdom. Succeeded his father as king. Built the temple in Jerusalem. Under his sons, the kingdom was divided into two.

Isaiah 40 - 55:

often called "Deutero-Isaiah" or "Second Isaiah," is attributed to an anonymous poet. Offered consoling words to the people, God was coming to save his people, his love is enduring. A message contains consolation, hope, and deliverance, but also teaches that God is the one, all-powerful, creator God. It also contains four important pieces known as the "Servant Songs."


preached at the time of Babylonia's assault on the southern kingdom. He used props in very dramatic scenes to get the attention of the people.


preached repentance and hope. Before Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians, he censored the people of God for their After the fall of Jerusalem he offered a message of hope. His vision prophesized that his people would return to the promise land, their despair would be turned to hope.

Law of Moses, Torah, Law

the ten commandments.


to impose Greek culture on a way of life and religion.

The three elements of the virtue of faith:

Hearing, obeying, and believing


Hebrew word for "covenant"

How did Cain and Abel live?

- Cain Is a settled farmer like the Canaanites. - Abel is a herdsman like the nomadic Hebrews when they came into Canaan.

What was the result of that instruction?

- Cain cannot resist the temptation, and he kills his brother (fratricide - the killing of ones brother).

How did Cain handle the situation?

- Cain lies to God and denies any responsibility for his brother.

How did God receive their offerings?

- God accepts Abel's offering, but rejects Cain's.

What was the result?

- God banished Cain from the land and condemned him to a life of wandering.

What was God's instruction to Cain?

- God told Cain not to be resentful, otherwise he'd be mastered by evil.

What does the account of the Great Flood make very clear?

- If people choose to abuse the freedom of God gives, they bring ruin upon themselves; - Living a moral life (like Noah) is worth it; - The universe is under humankind's stewardship (care), not its control; and - Although God shows his justice with the flood, he show great mercy with his covenant.

What happened in 63 BC?

- In 63 B.C., the Romans imposed their rule on Israel. - Herod the great was appointed to rule the government, he was also a half Jew.

Why are there repetitions and differences in the biblical account of the flood?

- It is composed of both the Yahwist and Priestly versions.

What does sin do (two things)?

- Sin alienates and separates.

What is sin a result of? Whose responsibility is it?

- Sin is a result of a freely made decision on our part. - The responsibility for sin rests on us, as do its consequences.

What does the Church hold with regard to the story of the Fall?

- The Church holds that a real historical event lies behind the story of the Fall.

The three basic human drives and needs:

- A great nation would descend from him (Israel) - Abraham and his family would be given a land (Canaan) - Abraham would be blessed and his name would be revered. - The entire earth would ultimately be blessed through him. - Abraham and his wife Sarah would present a child even though both were old. (Genesis 15:1-4: 17:16-21)

The five provisions of the covenant with Abraham:

- A great nation would descend from him (Israel) - Abraham and his family would be given a land (Canaan) - Abraham would be blessed and his name would be revered. - The entire earth would ultimately be blessed through him. Abraham and his wife Sarah would present a child even though both were old. (Genesis 15:1-4: 17:16-21)

Why do all human beings inherit sinful tendencies?

- All human beings inherit the sinful tendencies passed on to us by previous generations. Because of Original Sin.


Babel was reversed.


Israel's Greatest King.


Literally "ten words," it summarizes the Law; it expresses what humans know in their hearts, and deduce by reason, to be right or wrong.

Sinai Covenant

Moses covenant. Lord entered in a personal union with the Israelites.

New Covenant

The climax of Salvation History, the coming of Jesus Christ, the fullness of God's Revelation.

Original Sin

The fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born.

Natural Law

The principle of morality, of right living, that extends to human race in all places and at all times.


Tribal chieftains who acted as temporary military leaders, arbiters of disputes within and between tribes and reminded people of their responsibilities to God.

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