Chapter 2
Demographic Transition Stage One
In stage 1 of the demographic transition
Arithmetic Density
Many countries have a high population density which is pretty much arithmetic density. Examples of a high arithmetic density would be India, China, and Netherlands. Examples of low arithmetic density is Australia, Canada, and even the United States.
Physiological Density
Many countries have high and low physiological density which is the number of people supported by a unit area of arable land. A high physiological density country would be Egypt. A low physiological density country would be Canada.
Agricultural Density
Rural countries usually have a higher agricultural Density. More Developed Countries usually have a lower agricultural density. In Egypt they have an agriculture rate of 1,401 because they are not a very developed country. The U.S. has an agricultural density of 4 because they are a more developed country.
Natural Increase Rate
When the Fertility Rate is 2.1 there is no National Increase Rate. The National Increase Rate is pretty much the percentage increase rate every year. The Fertility Rate is used to measure the number of births in a society.