Chapter 2 Comparative Politics

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Capacity can be defined as the a. ability of the state to wield power to carry out the basic tasks of providing security and reconciling freedom and equality. b. ability of the state to use its legitimacy to raise revenue and encourage adherence to rules and regulations. c. state's ability to influence international actors either through military force or diplomatic means. d. level of economic modernization of a country.


Max Weber's three forms of political legitimacy are a. traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal. b. traditional, charismatic, and technocratic. c. technocratic, democratic, and authoritarian. d. authoritarian, democratic, and revolutionary.


The development of the modern state in Europe was partly encouraged by a. linguistic and ethnic fragmentation. b. the leadership of the Holy Roman Emperor. c. lucrative trade with Africa. d. the Crusades.


Which of the following might be a characteristic of a state with low autonomy? a. a limited ability to disobey the public b. freedom from a state of "capture" c. government pursuit of the best interests of the country, despite public opinion d. a tendency to resist the interests of well-organized groups


Which of the following statements about Pakistan's slide toward state failure is accurate? a. Pakistan's lack of a central government at the time of formation may have contributed to its continued weakness. b. Central authority in Pakistan is too strong, leading to the formation of rebellious military groups on its borders. c. Constant warfare has led to a weak Pakistani military that is unable to provide sufficient state support. d. The first Pakistani leadership regime was too strongly institutionalized after independence.


Political scientists, based on the work of Max Weber, define the state as a. a small regional unit within a country, found only under federalism. b. an organization that maintains a monopoly of violence over a territory. c. the basic rules and norms of politics. d. any condition that leads to political action.


Which of the following statements about the development and spread of the modern state is accurate? a. Many states were able to use ethnicity as a nationalizing force even as people began to define themselves less through characteristics like religion or town of residence. b. The rapid spread of states reduced the ability of individuals and groups to eliminate political rivals, leading to greater political violence. c. The increased warfare resulting from the rise of modern states in Europe restricted technological innovation for centuries. d. China's inability to forge a powerful state structure before Europe led to its marginalization in world affairs for over a thousand years.


A small state government successfully makes major changes to its public education policy out of belief that it is the best thing for the people, even though the public largely opposes the new policy. At the same time, the state proves largely incapable of maintaining law and order or providing food and medical care in a region that is suffering through a drought. In which of the following ways could this state be categorized? a. high-capacity, high-autonomy state b. low-capacity, high-autonomy state c. high-capacity, low-autonomy state d. low-capacity, low-autonomy state


An institution that is recognized and accepted as right and proper by the public is seen as a. sovereign. b. legitimate. c. rational. d. despotic.


Asymmetric federalism refers to a system in which power is divided unevenly between a. federal departments or authorities. b. regional bodies. c. national and federal bodies. d. federal and judicial authorities.


Charles Tilly suggests that the modern state beat out rival forms of political organization primarily because it a. linked religious authority to political authority. b. settled near trade routes. c. staked out an area, consolidated power, taxed its subjects, and defended its territory. d. developed the means by which groups could defend themselves through state building.


Government can be defined as a. a body that monopolizes violence, such as the army and police. b. the leadership that runs the state. c. bureaucrats who manage the paperwork and policies of the state. d. any individual elected to office.


Recent research suggests that the rise of political organizations came about in large part because of a. the rise of monotheistic religions. b. the extreme violence of pre-state societies. c. writing as an innovation. d. the expansion of slavery.


Russia is a good example of a state with a. high capacity but low autonomy. b. low capacity but high autonomy. c. high capacity and high autonomy. d. low capacity and low autonomy.


The emergence of the modern state followed what specific developments? a. the rise of the Chinese Empire b. the collapse of the Roman Empire and the European Dark Ages c. the expansion of European empires around the globe d. the development of the Mayan and Incan empires


The modern state spread throughout the world primarily through a. increased international commerce and trade. b. colonial dominance imposed by European states. c. the spread of philosophical treatises by European thinkers. d. a centuries-long process of wars and indigenous development of the state.


The text suggests that the difficulty of amending the U.S. Constitution is evidence of the power of a. rational-legal legitimacy. b. traditional legitimacy. c. federalism. d. charismatic legitimacy.


In which of the following ways does a government built primarily on charismatic legitimacy differ from one based on traditional legitimacy? a. Charismatic legitimacy is much more likely to transform into rational-legal legitimacy. b. Charismatic legitimacy has a better chance of being institutionalized. c. Charismatic legitimacy would likely be much shorter-lived. d. Charismatic legitimacy increases in power more from length of office than does traditional legitimacy.


Sovereignty is primarily defined as the ability of a. individuals to vote freely in elections without restriction by the state or external actors. b. individuals to depend on laws and regulations to be enforced with impartiality. c. states to carry out actions or policies within a territory independent of external actors or internal rivals. d. states to influence other actors in the international system by means of physical, cultural, or economic force.


States with high capacity and high autonomy are a. unable to provide basic services. b. typically democratic. c. running the risk of threatening individual freedom. d. more likely to provoke public unrest.


The legitimacy of modern states is primarily derived from a. tradition. b. charisma. c. rational-legal authority. d. technological specialization.


The modern state eventually supplanted which system of economic organization? a. city-states focused on trade b. farming and agricultural model c. feudalism d. mercantilism


Thomas Hobbes believed that people gave up their rights to the coercive power of the state in order to a. seek greater equality between peoples. b. gain religious freedom. c. escape anarchy. d. escape authoritarianism.


Which of the following can be said about the concept of a regime? a. A regime is a set of political institutions that generate and carry out policy. b. Regimes are most often transformed slowly by the evolving legislative and social preferences of citizens. c. A regime guides the state regarding individual freedom and collective equality, where power should reside, and how power should be used. d. A regime may consist of democratically elected legislators, presidents, and prime ministers, or it may be made up of leaders who gained office through force.


Which of the following is a common argument for a centralized, unitary state (with no federalism or devolution of power)? a. A centralized state increases economic productivity. b. More centralized power enhances the legitimacy of ethnic groups. c. Local interests can be effectively represented without recourse to regional political institutions. d. A centralized state will have more legitimacy and sovereignty.


Country is a shorthand term for the combination of a. regime, government, nation. b. nation, state, ideology. c. territory, regime, state. d. regime, state, government.


Which of the following characteristics is more likely to be seen in a federalist state than a unitary state? a. concentration of power in a central government b. underrepresentation of ethnic minorities c. limited local policy making d. devolution of taxation to regional bodies


Which of the following is most likely a reason for the emergence of the modern state in Europe rather than elsewhere? a. the absence of significant internal geographic boundaries b. the guidance of the Roman Empire in government formation c. the presence of impressive farming and war-making technologies d. the collapse of the Roman Empire and the rise of a form of organized crime


Which of the following statements about the top twenty failed or fragile states is accurate? a. None is a European country. b. Most of the countries are extremely poor. c. Most of the countries were previously colonies. d. All of these statements are correct.


Which one of the following accurately reflects the order of concepts from weakly institutionalized to highly institutionalized? a. state, regime, government b. regime, government, state c. government, state, regime d. government, regime, state


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