Chapter 2 Dev Psych

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13) Meiosis results in __________ in the male and _______________ in the female. A) four sperm; one ovum B) one sperm; four ova C) millions of sperm; about 40,000 ova D) four sperm; millions of ova


22) If the alleles from both parents are alike, the child is A) homozygous. B) female. C) heterozygous. D) a monozygotic twin.


25) One of the most frequently occurring recessive disorders is A) phenylketonuria. B) Huntington disease. C) Marfan syndrome. D) Down syndrome.


29) In incomplete dominance, A) both alleles are expressed in the phenotype. B) children have a 25 percent chance of being carriers. C) children have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the disorder. D) one allele is expressed in the phenotype.


39) Most chromosomal defects result from A) mistakes during meiosis. B) germline mutations. C) mistakes during mitosis. D) somatic mutations.


4) Chromosomes A) store and transmit genetic information. B) come in 46 matching pairs. C) are inherited from the mother only. D) are inherited from the father only.


46) Except for ____________, prenatal diagnosis should not be used routinely, since other methods have some chance of injuring the developing organism. A) maternal blood analysis B) amniocentesis C) chorionic villus sampling D) ultrasound


50) Most adopted children A) fare well and make rapid progress. B) have persistent cognitive delays. C) suffer from severe emotional problems. D) have persistent social problems.


52) Children conceived through assisted reproductive techniques A) may receive caregiving that is somewhat warmer than children who are conceived naturally. B) are at greater risk for genetic disorders than their naturally conceived counterparts. C) tend to experience severe adjustment problems throughout childhood, including insecure attachment to caregivers. D) are usually well-adjusted until adolescence when they experience a significant rise in psychological problems.


55) Contemporary researchers view the family as A) a network of interdependent relationships. B) primarily influenced by third parties. C) a macrosystem. D) a chronosystem.


58) In diverse cultures around the world, ____________ in particular fosters patterns of thinking and behaving that greatly improve quality of life, for both parents and children. A) education of women B) collectivism C) living near extended family D) having one stay-at-home parent


59) Affluent parents A) too often fail to engage in family interaction and parenting that promote favorable development. B) are less likely than low-SES parents to have children who use alcohol and drugs. C) are less likely than low-SES parents to have children who report high levels of depression. D) are more likely than low-SES parents to engage in family interaction and parenting that promote favorable development.


63) Neighborhood resources A) have a greater impact on economically disadvantaged than on well-to-do young people. B) contribute to favorable development in preschoolers, but not in adolescents. C) are rarely needed in middle-income areas. D) have a greater impact on affluent than on low-SES young people.


66) Parent-teacher contact is more frequent in A) small towns. B) large cities. C) low-SES schools. D) small schools.


72) Extended-family living is associated with A) more positive mother-child interaction during the preschool years. B) increased antisocial behavior in adolescents. C) decreased self-reliance in adolescents. D) lower rates of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood.


79) Dr. Dimera is interested in measuring the extent to which individual differences in complex traits in a specific population are due to genetic factors. When conducting research, Dr. Dimera will most likely rely on A) heritability estimates. B) epigenesis. C) canalization. D) genetic-environmental correlation.


8) DNA duplicates itself during A) mitosis. B) osmosis. C) meiosis. D) gamete formation.


88) Denyse and David are both actors and have enrolled their children in acting classes. This is an example of a(n) ____________ genetic-environmental correlation. A) passive B) evocative C) active D) dynamic


95) According to the concept of epigenesis, A) development results from ongoing bidirectional interactions between heredity and all levels of the environment. B) children's genetic makeup causes them to receive, evoke, and seek experiences that actualize their inborn tendencies. C) heredity restricts the development of some behaviors to just one or a few outcomes. D) children's genetic inheritance constrains their responsiveness to varying environments.


1) Hair color is an example of a A) karotype. B) phenotype. C) gamete. D) genotype.


10) Gametes A) are formed during mitosis. B) contain only 23 chromosomes. C) contain 46 chromosomes. D) determine directly observable characteristics, like eye color.


12) Which of the following is true about crossing over? A) It results in a new cell called a zygote. B) It creates new hereditary combinations. C) It increases the probability that nontwin siblings will be genetically identical. D) It decreases the chances that some members of a species will survive ever-changing environments.


18) The release and fertilization of two ova results in A) identical twins. B) fraternal twins. C) PKU. D) miscarriage.


19) Which of the following is a major cause of the dramatic rise in fraternal twinning in industrialized nations? A) temperature changes B) older maternal age C) late fertilization of the ovum D) variation in oxygen levels


23) Heterozygous individuals with just one recessive allele A) cannot pass that trait to their children. B) may be carriers of the trait. C) will pass the dominant trait to their children. D) will pass the recessive trait to their children.


26) All U.S. states require that each newborn be given a blood test for A) cystic fibrosis. B) PKU. C) sickle cell anemia. D) Tay-Sachs disease.


3) The nucleus of a cell contains A) karotypes. B) chromosomes. C) genotypes. D) phenotypes.


32) When a harmful allele is carried on the X chromosome, A) females are more likely to be affected. B) males are more likely to be affected. C) 50 percent of the female children are likely to have the disorder. D) 50 percent of the male children are likely to be carriers of the disorder.


34) Genomic imprinting A) can be triggered by smoking or exposure to environmental pollutants, such as mercury or lead. B) occurs when alleles are chemically marked in such a way that one pair member is activated, regardless of its makeup. C) is more likely to affect males because their sex chromosomes do not match. D) is always permanent, cannot be erased in the next generation, and occurs in all offspring if it occurs in one.


36) Mutations A) rarely occur spontaneously. B) can be caused by hazardous environmental agents. C) affect only one gene. D) cannot occur after birth.


40) Mr. and Mrs. White are told that their son has the most common chromosomal disorder. The Whites' son has _________ syndrome. A) Klinefelter B) Down C) Triple X D) Turner


44) Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick's child was diagnosed with Turner syndrome. Their child has a(n) _________ chromosome. A) extra X B) missing X C) missing Y D) extra Y


45) Angela and Tony's first child died in infancy. They badly want to have another child, but are worried about Angela's family history of genetic disorders. They want to find out if Angela is a carrier. Angela and Tony are candidates for A) in vitro fertilization. B) genetic counseling. C) donor insemination. D) amniocentesis.


48) In proteomics, A) researchers map the sequence of all human DNA base pairs. B) scientists modify gene-specified proteins involved in disease. C) doctors correct genetic abnormalities by delivering DNA carrying a functional gene to the cells. D) the fetus is inspected for defects of the limbs and face using a small tube with a light source.


57) People who work in skilled and semiskilled manual occupations tend to _____________ than people in professional and technical occupations. A) marry later B) have more children C) have fewer children D) have children later


64) Which of the following children is least likely to participate in an available neighborhood organization? A) Meagan, who lives in a lower-middle class area B) Francois, who lives in a low-income area C) Chantel, who lives in an upper-middle class area D) Lucius, who lives in an affluent area


65) Nate, whose parents are involved in his school activities, probably A) resents his parents' involvement in his education. B) shows better academic achievement than his agemates whose parents are uninvolved. C) lives in a low-SES household with many siblings. D) attends a private school in a large city.


69) In individualistic societies, people A) define themselves as part of a group. B) are largely concerned with their own personal needs. C) value an interdependent self. D) readily endorse public policies for low-SES families.


7) On the DNA ladder, adenine always appears A) alone. B) with thymine. C) with cytosine. D) with guanine.


77) In the United States, A) a significant portion of government spending is devoted to improving quality of child care. B) the Children's Defense Fund is the most vigorous special interest group devoted to the well-being of children. C) the Convention on the Rights of the Child engages in research, public education, and legal action on behalf of children. D) UNICEF is the most vigorous special interest group devoted to the well-being of American children.


80) In a kinship study of intelligence, which of the following sibling pairs will likely share a high correlation? A) Max and Martin, nontwin brothers B) Jabar and Tobias, identical twins C) Marci and Sonia, fraternal twins D) Mary Jane and Susan, nontwin sisters


84) Range of reaction reveals that A) individuals usually respond similarly to the same environment. B) unique blends of heredity and environment lead to both similarities and differences in behavior. C) twins are more alike than other siblings because they are raised in the same environment. D) our genes influence the environments to which we are exposed.


86) Which of the following seems to be strongly canalized? A) intelligence B) motor development C) personality D) emotional development


87) According to the concept of genetic-environmental correlation, A) the environments to which we are exposed determine which genes are expressed in our phenotypes. B) our genes influence the environments to which we are exposed. C) heredity restricts the development of some behaviors to just one or a few outcomes. D) our genes influence how we respond to the environment.


89) Marcus, a cooperative, attentive child, receives more patient and sensitive interactions from his parents than they give to Erica, his distractible, inattentive sister. This is an example of a(n) ____________ genetic-environmental correlation. A) passive B) evocative C) active D) dynamic


97) Research suggests that by itself, the DD genotype is A) related to impulsivity. B) unrelated to impulsivity, overactivity, or oppositional behavior. C) related to overactivity. D) related to oppositional behavior.


11) __________ halves the number of chromosomes normally present in body cells. A) Mitosis B) Osmosis C) Meiosis D) Autosome formation


14) Twenty-two matching pairs of chromosomes are A) sex chromosomes. B) XX. C) autosomes. D) XY.


15) Taylor's twenty-third pair of chromosome is XY. Taylor A) has PKU. B) has Down syndrome. C) is male. D) is female.


17) Dizygotic twins A) have the same genetic makeup. B) result from a zygote that separates into two clusters. C) are the most common type of multiple birth. D) are more alike than ordinary siblings.


21) Which of the following environmental influences contributes to monozygotic twinning? A) early fertilization of the ovum B) poor maternal nutrition C) temperature change D) high-fructose diet


28) Which of the following serious diseases is due to dominant alleles? A) Cooley's anemia B) sickle cell anemia C) Huntington disease D) hemophilia


30) Sickle cell anemia A) is common among Jews of European descent. B) is common in children whose parents are of Mediterranean descent. C) occurs in full form when a child inherits two recessive alleles. D) is a homogeneous condition.


31) The average life expectancy of a North American with sickle cell anemia is A) 18. B) 35. C) 55. D) 62.


35) Fragile X syndrome A) is an example of polygenic inheritance. B) occurs when there is a sudden but permanent change in a segment of DNA. C) is the most common inherited cause of mental retardation. D) occurs more often in females than males because the disorder is X-linked.


38) Personality variations among siblings is due to A) germline mutation. B) dominant-recessive inheritance. C) polygenic inheritance. D) homozygotic inheritance.


41) The most frequently occurring form of Down syndrome results from A) an extra broken piece of a twenty-first chromosome attaching to another chromosome. B) an error during the early stages of mitosis. C) a failure of the twenty-first pair of chromosomes to separate during meiosis. D) the inheritance of an extra X chromosome.


47) Which of the following is a risk associated with frequent ultrasound use? A) premature labor B) miscarriage C) low birth weight D) limb deformities


49) Which of the following is true about adoption? A) In North America, more unwed mothers give up their babies than in the past. B) Children adopted after infancy fare as well or better than those adopted as infants. C) In North America, the availability of healthy babies has declined. D) Fewer adoptive parents are accepting children who have known developmental problems.


5) Each rung of the DNA ladder A) is made up of thousands of chromosomes. B) contains 20,000 genes. C) consists of a pair of chemical substances called bases. D) contains 23 matching pairs.


51) ________ of all couples who try to conceive discover that they are infertile. A) One-third B) One-fourth C) One-sixth D) One-eighth


53) Which of the following is true about surrogate motherhood? A) Most surrogates have no children of their own. B) Surrogates cannot be paid for their childbearing services. C) It usually involves the wealthy as contractors for infants and the less economically advantaged as surrogates. D) It usually involves younger couples as contractors and older women as surrogates.


54) In power and breadth of influence, no other microsystem context equals the A) school. B) church. C) family. D) peer group.


56) Jonelle can promote her grandchildren's development indirectly by A) responding warmly to the children. B) gently reprimanding the children when they misbehave. C) providing financial assistance to their parents. D) implementing a reward system for the children's good behavior.


61) The largest barrier to the education of girls worldwide is/are A) cultural beliefs about gender roles. B) a reluctance to give up a daughter's work at home. C) that many schools charge parents a fee for each child enrolled. D) a limited number of schools in developing areas.


67) Which of the following statements reflects a widely held opinion in the United States? A) "The government should help poor parents raise their children." B) "Most people are content with others intruding into family life as long as help is needed." C) "If you decide to have a baby, you should be ready to care for it." D) "People should try to define themselves as part of a group."


68) In __________ societies, people stress group over individual goals. A) individualistic B) independent C) collectivist D) industrialized


70) ____________ tends to increase as cultures become more complex. A) Collectivism B) Interdependence C) Individualism D) Social harmony


74) In the United States, affordable child care is A) usually high in quality. B) fairly easy to find. C) in short supply. D) the norm.


75) Which of the following is a reason why attempts to help children and youths have been difficult to realize in the United States? A) While good social programs are inexpensive, they must compete for a share of the country's economic resources. B) Cultural values of interdependence and responsibility to others have made federal programs unnecessary. C) Children cannot vote or lobby to protect their own interests. D) Public policies aimed at fostering children's development do not yield valuable returns.


78) Behavioral geneticists A) have identified the variations in DNA sequences associated with most psychological disorders. B) argue that the effects of the environment account for only a small amount of variation in behavior. C) are still limited to investigating the impact of genes on complex characteristics indirectly. D) have identified the genes that underlie most polygenic traits, such as intelligence and personality.


81) A heritability estimate of .3 for activity level would indicate that differences in __________ could explain ____ percent of the variation in activity level. A) the environment; 30 B) heredity; 70 C) heredity; 30 D) the environment; 3


83) In an extremely understimulating environment, both Bella and Alice would have low intelligence. However, in a highly stimulating environment, Alice's performance would greatly exceed Bella's performance. This is an example of A) canalization. B) niche-picking. C) reaction range. D) genetic-environmental correlation.


85) A behavior that is strongly canalized A) is easily modified by environmental conditions. B) varies greatly with changes in the environment. C) develops similarly in a wide range of environments. D) influences the environment to which the individual is exposed.


9) Research demonstrates that A) it takes a change in several base pairs to influence human traits. B) approximately 75 percent of chimpanzee and human DNA is identical. C) even at the microscopic level, biological events are the result of both genetic and nongenetic forces. D) simpler species have far more proteins than humans or primates.


90) Grace, a musically talented youngster, joins the school orchestra and practices her violin. This is an example of a(n) ____________ genetic-environmental correlation. A) passive B) evocative C) active D) dynamic


91) Niche-picking is an example of a(n) ___________ genetic-environmental correlation. A) passive B) evocative C) active D) dynamic


93) Niche-picking helps us understand why ____________ pairs report similar stressful life events influenced by personal decisions and actions more often than other pairs. A) same-sex fraternal twin B) other-sex fraternal twin C) identical twin D) adopted sibling


96) Jada provides her baby with a healthy diet, which promotes brain growth, leading to new connections among nerve cells, which transform gene expression. This sequence opens the door to new gene-environment exchanges, such as advanced exploration of objects and interaction with caregivers. This is an example of A) niche-picking. B) canalization. C) epigenesis. D) range of reaction.


98) Which of the following individuals is the most likely to score high in impulsivity, according to research on smoking? A) Daniel, who has a DD genetic makeup and a mother who smoked during pregnancy B) Reba, who has a DD genetic makeup and a nonsmoking mother C) John, who has a DD genetic makeup and a mother who smoked prior to becoming pregnant D) Samantha, who has a DB genetic makeup and a mother who smoked during pregnancy


16) Which of the following is true about sex chromosomes? A) The Y chromosome is large and long, and the X chromosome carries most of the genetic material. B) Both boys and girls are born with several pairs of X and Y chromosomes. C) When gametes form in females, the X and Y chromosomes separate into different cells. D) The sex of a baby is determined by whether an X-bearing or a Y-bearing sperm fertilizes the ovum.


2) Directly observable characteristics are affected by an individual's lifelong history of experiences and also by the individual's A) karotype. B) phenotype. C) gamete. D) genotype.


20) Which of the following individuals is most likely to have fraternal twins? A) Marlie, a 25-year-old Caucasian American B) Janie, a 30-year-old Caucasian American C) Jessi, a 30-year-old Asian American D) Rhoda, a 30-year-old African American


24) Which of the following is a recessive trait? A) curly hair B) facial dimples C) double-jointedness D) red hair


27) ___________ enhance or dilute the effects of other genes. A) Alleles B) Trait genes C) Sickle cells D) Modifier genes


33) Which of the following statements is true about sex differences? A) Rates of miscarriage are higher for girls, while rates of birth defects are higher for boys. B) Rates of miscarriage, mental retardation, and birth defects are all higher for girls. C) Worldwide, about 106 girls are born for every 100 boys. D) Rates of miscarriage, mental retardation, and birth defects are all higher for boys.


37) In somatic mutations, A) the defective DNA is passed on to the next generation. B) cells that give rise to gametes mutate. C) the event giving rise to the mutation occurs at conception. D) the DNA defect appears in every cell derived from the affected body cell.


42) Which of the following individuals has the highest probability of having a child with Down syndrome? A) Isabella, who is 15 years old B) Bonny, who is 24 years old C) Raelyn, who is 33 years old D) Katrina, who is 42 years old


43) Most children with sex chromosome disorders A) suffer from mental retardation. B) have verbal difficulties. C) have trouble with spatial relations. D) have very specific intellectual problems.


6) Individuals around the world are about ________ percent genetically identical. A) 39.1 B) 59.1 C) 79.1 D) 99.1


60) ____________ strongly predicts women's preventive health behavior. A) Age B) Marital status C) IQ D) Years of schooling


62) In the United States, poverty rates A) have declined in recent years. B) are lower among children than any other age group. C) are lower for African Americans than for Caucasian Americans. D) have risen in recent years.


71) In the United States today, African-American parents ______________ than Caucasian-American parents. A) live farther away from extended-family members B) see fewer relatives during the week C) perceive their relatives as less important in their lives D) more often live in extended-family households


73) Which of the following is true about how the United States ranks on key measures of children's health and well-being? A) The United States ranks in the top 10 on most key measures of children's health. B) The United States ranks higher than Poland and Germany on the childhood poverty indicator. C) The United States ranks higher than Canada in public expenditure on children's healthcare. D) The United States does not rank well on any key measure of children's health and well-being.


76) Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Convention on the Rights of the Child? A) The United States was one of the first countries in the world whose legislature ratified it. B) Opponents maintain that the Convention's provisions would shift the burden of child rearing from the state to the family. C) Although it includes the rights to freedom of thought and freedom of religion, it does not include the right to a free compulsory education. D) The United States is one of only two countries in the world whose legislature has not yet ratified it.


82) Heritability estimates A) give precise information on how personality traits develop. B) are likely to diminish the role of heredity because the environments of twin pairs are less diverse. C) tell researchers how environment can modify genetic influences. D) are controversial measures because they can easily be misapplied.


92) Which of the following age groups does the most niche-picking? A) infants B) toddlers C) preschoolers D) adolescents


94) The relationship between heredity and the environment is A) a one-way street. B) strongest for intelligence. C) best measured using heritability estimates. D) bidirectional.


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