Chapter 2 Nutrition: planning a healthy diet

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Dietary guidelines for CHO

Increase fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, & whole grains -Choose foods & beverages with little added sugar -Good oral hygiene & consume less total sugar

What are the five ways you can estimate serving size if you dont have a measuring cup or food scale

Memorize These Portion Sizes 1 cup cooked veggies = a fist 1 medium fruit = baseball 3 oz meat = deck of cards 1½ ounces of real cheese = 6 dice 2 tablespoons of PB = a marshmallow Portion Sizes for Personal Use ¼ cup dried fruit = golf ball 2 ounces of processed cheese = 8 dice ½ cup ice cream = racquetball 4 small cookies = 4 poker chips


critical for cell hydration & nerve function


defined as the foods & beverages one consumes on a daily basis. We are always on a diet No diet fits everybody Need to find the rihgt combination of nutrients to make sue you have enough

which nutrients have antioxidants?

Phytochemicals(maybe), vitamins: C, A, E

Which two fats classified as unhealthy

Trans fat and saturated fat.

What are the two unhealthy fats we should have in moderation?

Trans fat(should eliminate) and Saturated fat.

What would you recommend someone who wants a food that is high in nutrient density?


How is the order of ingredients on the ingrediant list determined

by weight. Greatest ingredient by weight listed first. Allows comparison of different products to determine the product with the highest nutrient density

Difference between the complexity of fruits and vegetables

fruits have simple sugars while vegetabls have complex CHO

where are phytochemicals found

soy, garlic, onions, teas and coffee

What are the 4 food serving sizes associates wit 1 cup equivalents of milk and milk products

1 ½ ounces of hard cheese (6 dice) 2 cups of cottage cheese 1 cup of milk 1 cup of yogurt or frozen yogurt 1 cup of soymilk

Nurient content claim for "high in"

20% or more of the DV per serving

Dietary guidelines for food safety

-Avoid food-borne illness with good food safety habits. -Clean hands, food contact surfaces, fruits, and veggies. Meat and poultry should not be rinsed. -Cook foods to safe temperatures. -Refrigerate promptly. -Avoid unpasturized and raw products particularly milk, juices, eggs, meat, and poultry.

What are the nutrienets in whole grains

-Complex CHO = less impact on blood sugar levels than sugar containing foods. Insoluble Fiber = helps with regular fecal movement which is associated with lower colon cancer risk. B vitamins = assist with energy production in cells of the body (riboflavin, thiamin, niacin) Folate = needed for DNA replication & making red blood cells to prevent anemia Iron = required for making red blood cells to prevent anemia

Dietary guidelines for sodium and potassium

-Consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day -Choose lower salt foods -Use less salt in food prep.....try herbs and spices -Consume potassium rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy

Too much protein leads to?

-gaining weight from saturated fat -Diseases linked to it are heart diseases and stroke

What are the 5 food serving sizes associated with 1 oz equivalents of grain

1 cup dry cereal (ready to eat cereal) ½ cup of cooked cereal, rice, & pasta 1 slice of bread ½ English muffin, bagel, bun or pita 1 tortilla (6 inch diameter)

What are the 4 food serving sizes associated with 1 cup equivalents for fruit

1 cup of fresh fruit 1 cup of frozen fruit ½ cup of dried fruit 1 cup of 100% fruit juice 1 cup of canned fruit

What are the 4 food serving sizes associated with 1 cup equivalents for vegetables?

1 cup of fresh vegetables 1 cup of frozen vegetables 2 cups of raw leafy green vegetables 1 cup of vegetable juice 1 cup of canned vegetables

What are the 5 food serving sizes associated with 1 oz equilvent of meat and beans

1 ounce of red meat 1 ounce of poultry 1 ounce of pork 1 ounce of cooked fish or shellfish 1 egg 1 ounce of nuts/seeds 2 tablespoon of nut butter ½ cup cooked beans

What are the 5 components that a food label must include

1. A statement of identity 2. the net content of the package 3. Ingredient list 4. The name & address of the food manufacturer, packer or distributor 5. Nutrition information

6 basic healthful diet planning principles that one can use to guide their choices

1.Adequacy 2. Moderation 3.Balance 4. Variety 5. Calorie control 6. Nutrient density

Nutrient content claim for " good source in"

10-19% of DV per serving

How many ounces of whole grain should we eat daily?

3 ounces. men typically have 8 women typically have 6

Alcohol standard state

7 calories per gram

Dietary guidelines for fats

AMDR: 20-35% of total kcals -Less than 10% from saturated fat -Less than 300 mg cholesterol -Minimize Trans Fats -Highest fat intake from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat sources (fish, nuts/seeds, and vegetable oil)

Dietary guidelines

A. Adequate nutrients within calorie needs -Focus on nutrient dense foods -Balance the food groups so nutrient needs are met B. Weight Management -Maintain healthy body weight / fat by balancing calories in and calories out C. Physical Activity -Engage in 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity for health benefits -Weight management requires 30-60 minutes D. Food Groups to Encourage -Consume an adequate amount of vegetables and fruit selected from different "subgroups". -Three whole grain servings with the rest from enriched or whole grain sources. -3 cups of fat-free or low fat milk or dairy products. -Choose lean meats and try to consume plant protein sources.

Why is the ingredient list important to a consumer?

Allows comparison of different products to determine the product with the highest nutrient density Canned fruit containing: 1) sugar, apples, water vs. 2) apples & water Salsa with the first ingredient: 1) whole tomatoes or 2) tomato puree Cereal containing: 1) puffed milled corn, sugar, corn syrup vs. 2) cereal made with 100% rolled oats

How does our protect against inflammation?


What criteria must be met for the nutrient claim " free of"

Anything free (< .5 g): Fat free (< .5 g), sugar free (< .5 g), and trans fat free (< .5 g) Can say something is free of something as long as its low than .5 g Can say trans fat free and still have .49 trans in the food As long as its less than .5 can say free of trans fat

what are the main microntrients provided by the grain group

B vitamins = assist with energy production in cells of the body (riboflavin, thiamin, niacin) Folate = needed for DNA replication & making red blood cells to prevent anemia Iron = required for making red blood cells to prevent anemia.

Nutrients in protein

B vitamins = assist with energy production in cells of the body (thiamin, niacin) Vitamin B6 = nervous system function & protein metabolism Vitamin B12 = needed for cell replication & making red blood cells to prevent anemia Iron = required for making red blood cells to prevent anemia. Potassium = critical for cell hydration & nerve function Zinc = antioxidant protection for DNA & immune function

What are the three contributors to energy expenditure

BMR + PAC + TEF = Total Energy Expenditure

Example of a high potassium food include

Bananas and avocado(800mg)

Why you should consume CHO

CHO are fiber rich If you lack fiber and eat sugar it will throw off BS levels High fiber and low sugar is recommended

What are discretionary calories?

Calories to limit from unhealthy food to have in moderation

Why should sodium be avoided or had in moderation?

Causes hypertension

Nutrient density

Choose foods high in nutrient density and low in energy density. Avoid foods low in nutrient density and high in energy density. Goal: Get the most nutrients for the fewest calories.

Additional nutrients in vegetables

Complex CHO = less impact on blood sugar levels than fruit. -Starchy vegetables have higher total carbohydrates -Non-starchy vegetables have lower total carbohydrates -fruits have simple sugars while CHO have complex CHO Vitamin K = promotes blood clotting and a component of healthy bone. Vitamin E = immune function & fat soluble antioxidant Magnesium = important for nerve function and helps with bone strength

What are the main macronutrients that are provided by the grain group?

Complex CHO = less impact on blood sugar levels than sugar containing foods. Insoluble Fiber = helps with regular fecal movement which is associated with lower colon cancer risk.


Consuming "enough" but not too much or too little of a food. Allows for "unhealthy" food choices in small amounts. Also includes moderation of alcohol.

Kcal Control

Consuming a calorie intake in proportion to calorie expenditure. Use EER to evaluate energy balance.

What are the daily values and how are they used?

Daily Values (DV) are given for many of the nutrients on the food label based on a 2000 kcal diet. DV reference standard is based on 1968 RDAs The DV on the food label is shown as a percentage of recommended intake (% Daily Value): -% DV = Nutrient Amount / DV Recommendation * 100 -% DV = 300 mg Calcium / 1000 mg Calcium * 100 -% DV = 30% Purpose of DV is to determine whether the person has: -Enough of the essential nutrients = > 100 % DV -No excesses (> 100% DV) for potentially unhealthful nutrients

Which two agencies of the government developed the dietary guideline for america?

Department of Agriculture Department of Health & Human Services.


Eating a wide selection of foods within and among the major food groups on a regular basis. Each food group has different nutrients the body needs. Choosing different color vegetables & fruits shows you are "practicing variety".

Which government agency is responsible for establishing food labels


Where should we get our fat intake

Get fat intake from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat sources Fish, nuts, vegetable oil Eat salmon

Which claims are closely monitored? Which claims are not closely monitored

Health claims and Nutrient content claims closely monitored. Structure function claims are not

Why we should limit fats?

Heart disease Stroke

Low potassium leads to

Hypertension. More potassiun can be obtained from fruits and vegetables

Dietary guidelines for alcoholic beverages

If you choose to drink, please do so in moderation: *Women = 1 drink a day *Men = 2 drinks a day -If you DO NOT drink, there are no health consequences if alcohol is not consumed. -So, please do not start drinking for health benefit!!!

what are the main macronutrients found in both fruits and vegetables

Insoluble Fiber = helps with regular fecal movement which is associated with lower colon cancer risk. Soluble Fiber = helps lower blood cholesterol levels and reduces heart disease & stroke risk.

Non starchy vegetable

Lower total CHO

What are phytochemicals and where are they found?

Naturally occurring plant chemicals such as pigments that enhance health. Work together in whole foods in a unique way to provide health benefits. Found in soy, garlic, onions, teas, coffee. Scientific study of phytochemicals is new. May reduce risks for chronic diseases (cancer and cardiovascular disease).

What the three different claims manufactures can put on their labels

Nutrient Content Claims Health Claims Structure Function Claims

Too much grain leads to

Obesity and diabetes

Whole grain vs processed grains vs enriched

Processes grains lose the nutrients from the whole grains. Enriched grains try to resupplement processed grains but does not reach original amount.

Which macronutrients can be found in milk and milk products

Protein, fat and CHO.


Providing "enough" of the essential nutrients to maintain health. Use EAR, RDA, & AI to determine adequacy. If not adequate, then a state of under-nutrition or deficiency.


Providing food groups/nutrients in proportion to one another and in proportion to the body's needs. Use AMDR to evaluate macronutrient balance.

What is the basic difference between a whole grain and a refined grain

Refined grain loses much of the nutrients found in whole grain. Whole grain has a gritty taste while refined grain gets rid of the gritty tste

Why is juicing fruits bad?

Removing the fiber If I take a whole fruit that has fiber, if I put the piece of fruit in a blender then it gets rid of the structure If I take an ogange and blend it, the fiber is broken apart then I have concentrated sugar water

What is the nutrient content claim

Statements that characterize the quantity of a nutrient in a food. Fat-free and cholesterol free Good source of fiber High in calcium Often relate to vitamins, minerals, fat, cholesterol, sodium, fiber, and sugar. Specific guidelines set by FDA must be met in order to use on food label.

Structure function claims

Statements that characterize the relationship between a nutrient or other substance in food and a disease or health-related condition. FDA holds manufacturers to a higher standard of scientific evidence prior to allowing health claims on labels. Some argue the newer FDA system used to categorize health claims is more liberal & manufacturer friendly than in the past.

What is a health claim?

Statements that characterize the relationship between a nutrient or other substance in food and a disease or health-related condition. FDA holds manufacturers to a higher standard of scientific evidence prior to allowing health claims on labels. Some argue the newer FDA system used to categorize health claims is more liberal & manufacturer friendly than in the past.

What are the main micronutrients found in veggies and fruits?

Vitamin A = required for skin, eye, & immune system function. Orange colored substances have high vitamin A Vitamin C = immune function & water soluble antioxidant Potassium = critical for cell hydration & nerve function Folate = needed for DNA replication & making red blood cells to prevent anemia

Which micronutrients can be found in milk and milk products

Vitamin B12 = needed for cell replication & making red blood cells to prevent anemia Calcium = required for building bone & muscle contraction Potassium = critical for cell hydration & nerve function Fortified Vitamin A = required for skin, eye, & immune system function Fortified Vitamin D = required for building bone & immune system function

which types of oils should we favor

We should favor mono and poly unsaturated fats rather than saturated and trans fat

Reccomended calorie intake is based on

age and gender, weight goals and physical activity

Nutrient content claim for "low in"

amount that would allow frequent consumption of a food without exceeding the DV


antioxidant protection for DNA & immune function

B vitamins

assist with energy production in cells of the body (riboflavin, thiamin, niacin)

B vitamins

assist with energy production in cells of the body (thiamin, niacin)

soluble fiber

helps lower blood cholesterol levels and reduces heart disease & stroke risk.

Why is fiber important?

helps slow the digestion of the sugars. It fills you up.

Insoluble Fiber

helps with regular fecal movement which is associated with lower colon cancer risk.

starchy vegetables have

higher total CHO

What does high sodium and low potassium lead to?


Vitamin E

immune function & fat soluble antioxidant

Vitamin C

immune function & water soluble antioxidant


important for nerve function and helps with bone strength

Complex CHO

less impact on blood sugar levels than sugar containing foods.


needed for DNA replication & making red blood cells to prevent anemia

Vitamin B12

needed for cell replication & making red blood cells to prevent anemia

Vitamin B6

nervous system function & protein metabolism

which food provides sources of fat that are conisdered healthful

plant proteins

Vitamin K

promotes blood clotting and a component of healthy bone.

which macronutrients can be found in meats? In beans?

protein and lipids

Fortified Vitamin D

required for building bone & immune system function


required for making red blood cells to prevent anemia


required for making red blood cells to prevent anemia.

Fortified Vitamin A

required for skin, eye, & immune system function

Vitamin A

required for skin, eye, & immune system function. Orange colored substances have high vitamin A

What health risk can phytochemicals reduce

risk for chronic diseases such as cancer and CVS disease

the number of servings for each food group is based on

the recommended calorie intake

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