Chapter 2: Trends in HR Management
illegal immigrants
1) needed to help labor supply meet labor demand. 2) compliance tough: they need the labor but they can't get around justifying it anymore.
TQM core values
1) processes made to satisfy intended customer. 2) train everyone in quality. 3) build quality in. 4) supply chain cooperation up and downstream. 5) have data driven feedback. less speculation.
results of reengineering
1) way HR reaches goals may change. 2) HR must help the organization as a while change its designs and implement said change.
youth challenge
HR needs to attract, retain, prepare youth.
diverse workforce
HR needs to consider race, ethnicity and gender. asia is the biggest immigrant race and Hispanics the biggest ethnicity.
human resource information systems
HRIS. computer system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute information related to human resources.
total quality management
TQM. firm wide effort to continuously improve the ways people, machines, systems accomplish work.
contract company workers
a specific company contacted to do a specific thing for us for a specific time.
aging workforce
a unique challenge to HR. the fifty five plus age group is growing. a lot of time spent planning retirement and motivating those with peaked careers. get them to work as mentors
combating challenges of diversity
accommodations include flexible schedules, train on stereotypes, elder care, day care etc.
effects of HRIS
allows strategic decisions, less lawsuits for not being up to date, help with evaluations, makes decisions easier. these systems help adapt to strategies by integrating HR tasks thus improving the talent pool
the new psychological contract
an unspoken contract. employers want employees to take more career responsibility. that being said less job security. employees want flexible schedules, more work control and opportunities to develop.
challenges of a diverse workforce
biases must be combated. acknowledge that diversity can lead to innovation. culture values differ, you must encourage career development and confront conflict
knowledge workers
contractors specialized information of customers, processes, profession etc. good for our future as a service economy. they are super valuable and a new idea is treating everybody as special and unique. technoservice
external labor force
creates internal labor force. those readily seeking jobs
psychological contract
description of what an employee expects to contribute in an employment relationship and what the employer will provide
Human resources dashboard
display on all the human resource performance metrics. productivity. info sharing at it's finest. free flow of information. social networks may be linked
electronic Human resource management
e-HRM. process of transmission of digitized human resources information using computer networks and internet. super customization, accessible and no geographic limitations. a huge issue is security and privacy
employee engagement
fully involved and committed employee. this leads to more productivity, better service and less turnover. but one must adapt and listen to customer needs
groups with multiple skill sets interacting to make a product or service. they tend to have more control and responsibility, management power and less end of the line inspection.
skill deficiency
hard to find the right people. math verbal and interpersonal skills are the most wanted. people need to be better at interaction and collaboration.
challenges of HR
hiring growth is slowing. specific talent is harder to find. changing technology means changing training. cost of benefits is going up so we need creative packages.
risk of employees
if you try and dictate how they do their work then they are an employee
in lew of security. want provision of training and job experiences to ensure we can find another job if needed.
internet with limited and authorized access.
common HRIS
internet, intranet, portals, shared service centers (kills redundancy), cloud, business intelligence (trends), data mining.
global outsourcing
its a big world out there. international labor pool. international rivals. talent exists
lay-offs. how to keep up reputation as a good place to work. help morale. help sustainability. be sure it's surgical removal.
needs of employee empowerment
listen, engage, have all contribute ideas, reward innovation, train in management, have a feedback system. all needed to help employees feel needed
international assignments
managers need to be ready to travel and deal with cultures, norms, language and technology
customer goal of HR
managers need to do their tasks faster, more efficiently and be less wasteful while still delivering the top quality.
employee empowerment
more autonomous. decision making for all parts of product development and customer service in the hands of the worker. accountability.
alternative working arrangements
not the traditional full time employee. using independent contractors, temps, contract companies etc.
immigration and compliance
note that all those immigrants are checked for legal authorization to work
flexible work schedules
now the 24-7 staffing is the norm. more demanding and life encroaching work. often leads to less morale, more stress and lower productivity. not to mention turnover so a work life balance program and the chances to go to the gym or lunch is needed.
management self-service
online access affects top dogs too. can go online and make decisions, change positions, give authorization what have you.
online way of a bunch of people each doing a tiny bit of the job. impossible to know who is doing what.
operate from a country where a firm is headquarter is moved to a country with lower pay rates but sufficient skills.
temporary workers
part of an agency which we pay to have a person work for us
on-call workers
people who only work when we need them.
strategy and HR: integrated approach
recruitment and selection, training and development, measure and reward only based on where the tasks meshed with strategy. helps us pick the right talent and make the right moves
cloud computing
remote server computers do the computing tasks. everything based on line.
flexible staffing levels
reshape and resizing the workforce. the use of traditional and alternative working arrangements to alter who is working for us as needed to fit economics and customer needs
independent contractors
self-employed individual with multiple clients.
agile approach
service sector. work with business users to continuously deliver goods while weaving the goods into the strategy. are receiving feedback on what is and isn't working.
systems in which employees have online access to information about human resource data, issues etc. employees can go online to enter programs and give feedback via surveys.
generation x
the cynical but management skilled generation
internal labor force
the employees and those contracted to work.
generation y
the generation that wants respect, be acknowledged and involved.
job hopping
the intentional changing of jobs repeatedly. less bored but always learning new systems and cultures so reduces own value.
what the new customer wants
the new customer wants quality and customization. means that workers need to be adaptive and creative
worker trends
the new movement for employees is knowledge workers, empowerment and teams
virtual teams
the team of the future. skype. email. reduces labor costs and more batch production
strategy and HR: challenges
these strategic moves hurt HR. they include M&A, outsourcing, globalization etc. total quality management, re-engineering, downsizing, outsourcing.
third party provides services. often offer in-depth expertise and economical value. biggest are employee assistance, retirement, outplacement.
silent generation
this generation is focused on job security
immigration and HR
this global factor is the biggest in terms of an at home changing diversity. rules and quotas big and lots of relatives and work visas coming over. the thing is a lot of them are super skilled.
high performance work systems
this means a fit of social systems (people and interactions) to tech system ( equipment and processes).
total review of organizations processes to improve efficiency and quality.
mergers and acquisitions
two become one. at time industry consolidation happens. HRM helps the culture shock. lots of conflict resolution. have to integrate outstanding systems.
baby boomers
want more opportunities to learn this generation is
way to meet long term goals. supported by HR. try and align strategy with HR policies and practices. think long term
employee empowerment: job design
we need to rethink structure to help employees. build in authority, train on how to use it and evaluate your success. link to the internal and external resources and compensations. reward co-operation and interaction across organization levels.
challenges of global workforce
what if they are less educated or tech savy? what if the country is unstable? how will it affect recruiting here in the U.S.? is management ready to handle international tasks.
simplify downsizing
when these lay-offs happen communicate everything. how, what, why. be transparent. help them find new jobs.
workers take on a task in other country.