Chapter 2 - Words and Phrases

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Noun Phrase

- Noun phrases include the noun and all its modifiers, as in "the big red bouncy ball" - Plays the role of the Subject in a sentence.

Example of a Qualifier

- a closed-class word that qualifies or intensifies an adjective or adverb Ex) VERY difficult, RATHER quickly

Verb Definition

- a word that can show tense such as present or past

Plural Suffix

- adding an -s to the end of a noun Ex) cats

Past-tense suffix

- adding the -ed suffix to the end of a verb to show action that has already happened Ex) laughed


- an affix that is added at the end of the word


- any single word or group of words that function as a unit within a sentence - will always have a headword


- any structure, no matter its form, that functions as a modifier of a verb

Adjectival Prepositional Phrase

- any word or phrase that modifies a noun Ex) A huge crowd OF STUDENTS (clarifies the crowd).

Adverbial Prepositional Phrase

- any word or phrase that modifies a verb Ex) My roommate studied IN THE LIBRARY (clarifies the studying).

Noun Definition

- any word that can be made plural or possessive


- described a verb


- describes a noun

Adjectives are found between the ________ and _________.

- determiner and headword Ex) our NEW neighbor, an ENORMOUS crowd


- positioned in front of nouns to add detail or to clarify. (Commonly the articles "a", "an" or "the," but can also be other words.) Ex) MARIA'S boyfriend, OUR apartment, A clock, THE clock, THIS old house, THESE shoes, etc.

Personal Pronoun

- refers to the one speaking, the one spoken to, or the one spoken about Ex) I, you, he, she, it, they


- the comment made about the subject in a sentence, includes the verb and all of its modifiers and complements


- the extra letter or letters added to nouns, verbs and adjectives in their different grammatical forms Ex) Plural -s (cats), possessive (cat's), -er and -est (bigger, biggest), -ly (nicely)


- the noun is the headword of a noun phrase - the verb is the headword of a verb phrase - the preposition is the headword of a prepositional phrase GOES ON THE MAIN LINE IN SENTENCE DIAGRAMS

Adverbs are found _________.

- typically in the predicate, sometimes opening the sentence Ex) Mario hit the brakes SUDDENLY. Ex) SUDDENLY, Mario hit the brakes.

Verb Forms (3) or Principle Parts of a Verb

1) Base form (laugh) 2) Past tense (laughed) 3) Past participle (laughed)


A word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word Ex) above, at, in, of, according to, instead of

How do you turn an adjective into an adverb?

Add and -ly ending. Ex) Quick (adjective) + ly = quickly (adverb) Ex) Happy (adjective) + ly = happily (adverb)

Prepositional Phrases can behave as either:

Adverbials or Adjectival

Where are adverbs found in a sentence?

Anywhere, they are very movable. Ex) Brittany reads occasionally. Occasionally, Brittney reads. Brittney occasionally reads.

Closed classes of words

Determiners, qualifiers, prepositions

Where are adjectives found in a sentence?

In the noun phrase, in between the determiner and the headword.

When you see a determiner, you know you're dealing with a _________

Noun Phrase

NP + VP = S

Noun Phrase plus Verb Phrase equal sentence. Another way of saying Subject plus Predicate equals Sentence.

Open classes of words (4)

Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs These are "open" because new words are constantly being added. Also referred to as "form classes" because they have particular suffixes (endings).

Noun Forms (2)

Plural (-s) and possessive (-'s)

Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

Superlative and Comparative (-er, -est, more, most)

Prepositional Phrase

a modifying phrase consisting of a preposition and its object. Ex) The students rested AFTER THEIR TRIP Ex) AFTER THEIR TRIP, the students rested.

"Noun" is latin for:


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