Chapter 20

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Facts Concerning STDs:

- STDs are the most common diseases in America next to the common cold and flu. - 20% of Americans are presently infected with an STD. - 25% of Americans will get an STD in their lifetime. - 19 million new STD cases are reported each year (52,000/day). - 65 million Americans are infected with an incurable STD. - 35-50 different kinds of STDs exist. - 20 different STDs are rampant among the young ages of 15-25. - 50% of all STDs occur in people less than 25 years of age. - 25% of teens each year contract an STD. - 50% of sexually active person siwll contract an STD by the age of 25. - Over 50% of everyone will contract an STD in their lifetime. - 80% of people infected with an STD don't develop initial symptoms. - STDs are contagious even without symptoms. - New strains of STDs are resistant to treatment. - STDs often cause chronic pain and permanent damage. - Because the method of becoming infected is similar with all STDs, a person can easily pick up more than one infection at a time. - Less than 50% of adults ages 18-44 have ever been tested for an STD. - 12-25% of sexually active teen girls test positive for Chlamydia. - As many as 30-50% of sexually active teenagers have been infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). - Sexually active teenagers between 15-19 years of age have the highest rates of gonorrhea. - About 25% of new HIV infections occur in people under 22 years of age. - Genetal herpes infection has increased more than 50% in sexually active teenagers.

Loss of Self-Esteem, Unplaned Pregnancy, and STDs

3 possible consequences of sexual activity.


Annual percentage of female teenagers that get pregnant.


Occurrence of more cases of a disease than expected. STDs are a "silent epidemic", since they are asymptomatic, meaning one can have the disease without any symptoms, thus not being aware they have the disease. Some STDs, suh as herpes, cannot be cured, and some cause miscarriages or infant blindness. Behaviors that Put Teens at Risk of STDs: - Being sexually active - Having more than one sexual partner - Having a sexual partner who has had multiple sexual partners - Using alcohol or drugs Protecting Yourself from STDs: - Practicing abstinence - Staying away from alcohol & drugs - Respecting yourself - Learning facts about STDs - Choosing friends who influence you positively - Getting plenty of rest - Going out as a group - Being aware of your emotions Ways of Spreading STDs: - Any sexual activity that brings a person in contact with body fluids from an infected person - Any sexual activity in which one person's genitals contact another person's skin or mucous membranes - Direct contact with open sores - A mother to her baby before/during birth or through breast-feeding False Ways of Spreading Most STDs: - Kissing - Sharing Eating Utensils - Holding Hands - Using Public Toilets Actions to Take in Suspicion of Having an STD: - Seek medical help right away. - Complete the full course of medications. - Have follow-up testing done. - Avoid all sexual activity while being treated. - Notify all sexual partners.


Only sure way to eliminate the risks of teen sexual activity. Reasons to Avoid Being a Teen Parent: - You'll have less free time. - Most teen mothers don't marry the fathers. - Most pregnant teens don't even finish high school. - Parents become legally responsible for the child's well-being. - Teen fathers usually make less money than male teens who aren't fathers. Nonsexual Ways to Show Affection: - Make your date feel special. - Find hobbies to do together. - Spend time with your date and get to know them. - Show respect for your date.


Percentage of girls that get pregnant before they become 20 years of age.

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