Chapter 22. Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

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less likely

According to a study by Byers et al., older adults were _____ to be depressed if they were providing support for their adult children than if they are distant from them. more likely less likely equally as likely unable

All of these are correct.

An advantage of having close friends is that they: help with one's physical and psychological health. help one get through personal losses. give advice and help analyze problems. All of these are correct.


As Tabitha nears her 60th birthday, she has become more afraid of growing old and losing her "looks." Because of this, she has decided to take all she can from life "before I have nothing left." As a result, Tabitha has been buying clothes and going on expensive vacations. She has stopped volunteering as a Big Sister and spends little time with her children and grandchildren. Erikson would probably describe Tabitha as: foreclosed. a kinkeeper. stagnant. generative.

both psychological and physical

For adults, family members and friends improve one's _____ health. both psychological and physical physical but not psychological neither psychological nor physical psychological but not physical

social context and personality traits.

In a study of well-being and self-esteem in 28 countries, there was a correlation between: childhood experiences and extroversion. responsibility being viewed as overwhelming and depression. social context and personality traits. extroversion and marital satisfaction.

openness; conscientiousness

In terms of the Big Five personality traits, _____ is to creative as _____ is to self-disciplined. neuroticism; extroversion agreeableness; assertive openness; conscientiousness artistic; critical


In terms of the Big Five personality traits, agreeableness is to helpful as _____ is to conforming. extraversion openness neuroticism conscientiousness


In the United States, about _____ percent of employees still work the traditional work schedule of Monday to Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Big Five

Personality researchers have identified five basic dimensions of personality that remain quite stable throughout adulthood and seem to be universal in individuals around the world: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.


Roughly _____ of all North American adults become stepparents, adoptive parents, or foster parents.

Gottman argues that there are four major emotional reactions that are destructive and thus are the four predictors to a divorce: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt (called The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse). Among these four, Gottman considers contempt the most important of them all.

The Gottmans explain that about two-thirds of parents say that they are not content with their marriage three years after the birth of their baby. According to the Gottmans, what factors contribute to this discontent? Answer box for question 2

intimacy versus isolation

Thirty-two-year-old John and Katherine were happily married for five years until Katherine was killed in an automobile accident. Since he lost his wife, John has refused to date and maintain his friendships, throwing all his energy into his job. John was in Erikson's _____ stage, which was disrupted by the loss of Katherine. identity versus role confusion intimacy versus isolation generativity versus stagnation integrity versus despair

workers increasingly change jobs several times during adulthood.

Today's work environment has changed in that: three-fourths of all workers in their 40s are employed longer than 40-year-olds from previous generations. adults are working fewer hours than adults of previous generations did. workers increasingly change jobs several times during adulthood. workers remain employed at a job longer than in the past.

friendships improve with age.

A characteristic of adult friendships is that: friendships in older age become more ambivalent than they were at a younger age. friendships improve with age. friendships become more problematic with age. relationships with spouses become more problematic than do friendships as one ages.

grandparent caregivers

A grandparent who lives with and has primary responsibility for grandchildren ages 18 and below.

skipped generation

A household in which one or more grandparent has sole responsibility for raising grandchildren without any assistance from the parent(s).


A living arrangement in which an unmarried, intimately involved couple live together long-term without legal or religious sanction.

Your response should include some of the following strategies: cool down conflicts by eliminating criticism; avoid being defensive, being contemptuous, or cutting out your partner; savor your relationship by showing appreciation and saying "thank you;" express how much you need your partner, and be open about your sexual needs. Some methods for heating up the sex life include: talking about sex, making sex a priority, recognizing that the quality of sex is more important than the quantity, and thinking about ways to make a partner feel desired.

According to the Gottmans, what can couples do to help their marriages survive after the arrival of children?


Barry and Sharon raised five children and experienced the normal challenges of family life. As their family grew, they experienced more family problems. Therefore, it can be said that Barry and Sharon experience a positive correlation between family _____ and family problems. income size privacy difficulties


Bill has been getting great personal satisfaction from volunteering with youth in his community, teaching them how to fly fish. Erikson would probably describe Bill as: intimate. stagnant. impoverished. generative.

extrinsic; intrinsic

Curtis accepts employment as a paid canvasser in a campaign aimed at increasing voting rates among people of color. Curtis is paid $18 per hour for his work. With respect to the rewards of work, the $18/hour wage is to _____ as the feeling of doing something meaningful is to _____. extrinsic; intrinsic internal; external external; internal intrinsic; extrinsic

feel as if she is stagnating.

Donna just turned 50, and she feels as if she is not making any real contributions through the career she has chosen. She has never married and has no children. Based on Erikson's theory, Donna may: display role confusion. develop a sense of despair. experience growing isolation. feel as if she is stagnating.

there is an increased need to be sensitive to words or actions that could be interpreted as hostile.

Due to increased diversity in the workforce: there is a decreased need to be sensitive to words or actions that could be interpreted as hostile. decreased acceptance of diversity may give younger workers a disadvantage. increased acceptance of diversity may give younger workers a disadvantage. there is an increased need to be sensitive to words or actions that could be interpreted as hostile.


During Erikson's intimacy versus _____ stage, adults seek a reciprocal connection with another human being. isolation role confusion stagnation despair

2.7 million In 2010, 2.7 million American grandparents were responsible for the basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, of one or more of their grandchildren who were living with them

How many American grandparents were responsible for the basic needs of one or more grandchildren who were living with them in 2010?

identity versus role confusion

In Erikson's _____ stage, many adults reassess the four arenas of identity: sexual/gender, vocational, spiritual and political. intimacy versus isolation integrity versus despair identity versus role confusion generativity versus stagnation

intimacy versus isolation

In which of Erikson's stages do adults seek a reciprocal connection with another human being? intimacy versus isolation generativity versus stagnation integrity versus despair identity versus role diffusion

fictive kin.

Jan has been so much a part of her best friend's life that she effectively has been "adopted" by her best friend's family. In other words, Jan has become: part of the social convoy. a consequential stranger. fictive kin. part of the sandwich generation.


Jim has been getting great personal satisfaction from volunteering with youth in his community by teaching children from single-parent homes how to play golf through the First Tee program. Erikson would likely describe Jim as: generative. intimate. impoverished. stagnant.

living apart together.

Lauren and Dave have separate residences but are committed to each other. Their type of relationships is called: empty nest. living apart together. kinkeeper. cohabitation.

neuroticism; openness

Len seems to have a gloomy view of things. The present day is inferior to past eras, and the future will be similarly inferior to the present time. With respect to the Big Five personality dimensions, Len is likely to be high in _____ and low in _____. neuroticism; agreeableness openness; neuroticism neuroticism; openness agreeableness; openness

Children raised by their grandparents may have particular problems with their sense of trust or their faith in the stability of their environment especially if their lives with their biological parents had been troubled. Grandchildren may feel torn between their loyalties to their grandparents who are acting as parents and their biological parents. No matter what the details of the circumstances that have brought these grandchildren into the custody of their grandparents, odds are that they have experienced some degree of trauma. While their grandparents may offer a less traumatic living environment, these grandchildren are still likely to be living with serious emotional baggage.

List some general concerns of children being raised by their grandparents that are discussed in this video. Please add any other concerns that you think children who are being raised by their grandparents might have.

Grandparents are at a stage in life when they are focusing on retirement and their own goals. Grandparents may not be emotionally, financially, or even physically prepared for taking on full-time care of their grandchildren. The reasons for why grandparents have to step in may be a source of stress that can contribute to the overall stress of the added caretaking responsibilities. The generational gap may create difficulties in grandparents being able to relate to the educational, social, and emotional problems that grandchildren may face at school, with friends, or in having to deal with the absence of their biological parents. These caretaking grandparents may also suffer from a lack of support. For example, one grandmother in the video mentions that she is ineligible for much governmental financial assistance.

List some general concerns of grandparent caregivers that are discussed in this video. Please add any other concerns that you think grandparent caregivers might experience when raising their grandchildren.

because of the importance of family ties.

Mark and Luke cohabitated for years. They decided to get married when it became legal to do so. According to the text, Mark and Luke likely got married: because of the importance of family ties. to receive legal benefits of marriage. to receive the child-rearing benefits of marriage. to receive financial benefits of marriage.

less child-rearing stress now that their children are out of their house.

Marvin and Maryanne have been married for 36 years. They report that they are much happier and more satisfied in their marriage today than when they were younger. One reason their marriage has improved with time may be that they have: less child-rearing stress now that their children are out of their house. planned to get a divorce. ceased having a sexual relationship. had to support their adult children financially the past few years.

intimacy versus isolation

Nikolas and Andrea have a close and reciprocal connection with each other where they put forth effort and time toward each other. According to the text, Nikolas and Andrea would be going through Erikson's _____ stage of development. generativity versus stagnation intimacy versus isolation integrity versus despair identity versus role confusion

Gloria, age 48, who is married, has two children in college, and frequently calls her siblings and regularly plans holiday family events

Of these family members, who is MOST likely the family kinkeeper? Gloria, age 48, who is married, has two children in college, and frequently calls her siblings and regularly plans holiday family events Henry, age 43, who is married, has three children, is a Little League coach, and is actively involved with his children Marielena, age 51, who cares for her ailing mother Dean, age 65, who is a busy executive in another state but visits the family twice a year

increased conscientiousness.

Shifts in personality during adulthood often reflect: the tightening of gender roles. increased conscientiousness. rebellion against earlier life choices. no personality shifts in adulthood


Since his divorce three years ago, 37-year-old Matthew lives alone, has few friends, and spends his time working at his office and at home. He hasn't made new friends and does not seem to be motivated to do so. According to Erikson, Matthew has developed: role confusion. stagnation. isolation. integrity.


The average age of new stepchildren is _____, which means that they may be strongly connected to their biological parents.


The tendency to pair off with someone who is of similar socioeconomic status, background, interests, needs, attitudes, religion, goals, and ethnic background.


The textbook states that adults satisfy their need to be generative through parenting, caregiving, and employment. This statement echoes _____'s emphasis on love and work in adulthood. Erikson Freud Maslow Piaget


The theory of ______ stresses the potential of all humans, who have the same basic needs regardless of culture, gender, or background. cognitivism behaviorism humanism relativism

to change jobs several times during adulthood.

Twenty-two-year-old Tasha just graduated from college and accepted her first position with a biology research laboratory. According to your text, Tasha can expect: to work fewer hours than adults of previous generations did. to remain employed at a job longer than in the past. to be employed longer in the same position than 22-year-olds from previous generations. to change jobs several times during adulthood.

the time in parents' lives when grown children leave the family home

What is "the empty nest"? the time in parents' lives when grown children leave the family home the supposed anxiety people experience upon approaching midlife, which has been found to be mostly a myth the first six months of a marriage the end of a marriage

LAT (living apart together)

When a couple is committed to each other emotionally and sexually for years, yet each partner has his or her own home, they are:


Which individual viewed adult development as a process of ascending the levels of a pyramid? Maslow Piaget Freud Erikson


Which is NOT one of the Big Five personality traits? agreeableness independence openness extroversion

industry versus inferiority

Which of Erikson's stages does NOT characterize development after puberty? generativity versus stagnation intimacy versus isolation industry versus inferiority identity versus role confusion

A. not wanting to go through parenting again at such a late stage in life Stress, lack of support, and generational differences are all mentioned as some challenges of becoming a parent, but fortunately, none of those interviewed describe grandparents not wanting to or refusing to take on the care of their grandchildren.

Which of the following is NOT a concern of grandparent caretakers that is discussed in this activity? A. not wanting to go through parenting again at such a late stage in life B. stress C. lack of support D. generational differences

single grandmother caregiver with no parent present

Which of the following is the household most likely to suffer from poverty? A.two grandparent caregivers with a parent B.two grandparent caregivers with no parent C.a single grandmother caregiver with no parent present D.a single grandfather caregiver with no parent present

When Sarah hears her 1-year-old cry, she interprets the crying as an attempt by the child to communicate about something distressful.

Which parent is demonstrating generative parenting? Beth sees herself as a strict disciplinarian. When her 2-year-old cries in the grocery store or park, she has no problem yelling and even spanking the child in public. Twenty-five-year-old Nolan has two children and buys them many gifts. He tries to be protective by telling them not to do as he does, but spends the bulk of his time with his motorcycle gang transporting illegal drugs. Colin is a single parent. He is very proud of his two children and has financially provided for them, but he spends most of his free time dating and going out with his friends. When Sarah hears her 1-year-old cry, she interprets the crying as an attempt by the child to communicate about something distressful.

Malik, who lives with his biological mother and father

Which parenting relationship will exhibit the LEAST difficulty in developing strong attachment? Kindra, who has recently taken in Rhianne, a 14-year-old foster child Malik, who lives with his biological mother and father Charlie, who recently adopted a 4-year-old from Russia Julio, who has recently married Roxanne, who has two children


Which theorist developed the hierarchy of needs? Fromm Maslow Freud Erikson


Which therapist developed the hierarchy of needs? Fromm Maslow Erikson Freud

working too many hours; not by choice

Work and productivity is important to all adults; however, _____ and _____ limits the psychological and physical benefits. low pay; working overtime working too many hours; not by choice very challenging work; shift work hours part-time; overtime work

provide volunteer opportunities.

Work meets generativity needs by assisting people with all of the following opportunities, EXCEPT: provide volunteer opportunities. gaining mentorship from older employees. to develop and practice their intrapersonal skills. to provide goods and services for the community.

Increased autonomy

_____ seems to contribute to the fact that, on average, older employees are MORE likely to have higher job commitment, be on time, and have less absenteeism in the workplace. Higher salaries Increased stress Decreased autonomy Increased autonomy


t or f : Since the 2010 average income for grandparent-headed households in which no parent of the grandchildren is present was above the U.S. poverty level, most grandparent caregivers have more than enough to take on the care of their grandchildren.

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