Chapter 22: Sixteenth-Century Art in Northern Europe and the Iberian Peninsula

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The Protestant Reformation results in

acts of violent iconoclasm.

Which feature helps us to identify the "Romanizing" style of Jan Gossaert?

architectural elements

Which answer best describes The Escorial?


How did French artists working for Francis I learn about Classical art?

copies of ancient sculpture

What does your text describe as the characteristically northern quality of Lucas Cranach's and Albrecht Dürer's art?

detailed description

Which answer BEST describes the image cultivated by Elizabeth I in her portraits?


What evidence supports attributing El Greco's paintings to the Mannerist style?

elongated figures and ambiguous space

Which feature most distinguishes the Portuguese Manueline style, as represented by the West Window of the Church in the Convent of Christ, from more classicizing Renaissance styles elsewhere in Europe?


Most German sixteenth-century sculpture is

polychrome or varnished wood.

Albrecht Altdorfer is best known for creating the new type of landscapes known as

pure landscapes.

Paintings of secular themes increase in Protestant territories during the Reformation because

religious commissions declined.

What type of paintings became popular in sixteenth-century Flemish homes?


Hieronymous Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights represents the theme of


Antwerp's bustling art market leads to a rise in artists who

specialize in a single theme.

In what way does Holbein's The French Ambassadors preserve a tradition of northern European painting?

surface description

Which feature of Chateau of Chenonceau reflects Classical principles?

symmetrical plan

Where does the exterior view of The Escorial reveal its classicizing style?

temple-front facade

Which work by Albrecht Dürer most clearly reflects the artist's interest in Classical art?

Adam and Eve

How does the Lourve reflect Italian Renaissance architecture?

Classical architectural elements

What is the significance of Fountainebleau for French art?

It introduced Italian-style Mannerism.

El Greco's painting style may reflect the influence of

Spanish mystics.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder is best known for his paintings of

everyday life.

Some Catholic artists working in Protestant territories during the Reformation are

forced to move.

Hardwick Hall incorporates aspects of Classicism through its

geometric order and symmetrical arrangement.

Francis I's effort to modernize Gothic traditions in France is best demonstrated by

hiring Italian artists for his court.

Holbein's The French Ambassadors embodies the English court's


Grünewald's painting is best described as

visionary and moving.

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