Chapter 22: WIreless Networking

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Always change the default SSID to something unique, and change the password right away. Configuring a unique SSID name and password is the very least that you should do to secure a wireless network. Older default SSID names and passwords are well known and widely available online.

These defaults are intended to make setting up a wireless network as easy as possible but can cause problems in places with a lot of overlapping wireless networks. Keep in mind that each wireless network node and access point needs to be configured with the same SSID name. The SSID name is then included in the header of every data packet broadcasting the wireless network's coverage area.


WiFi standard with 54 Mpbs throughput 300 ft

There is no single standard for configuring a cellular network because the cards and software change based on your server provider.

With most cellular cards you simply plug the card into your computer, usually via USB and the setup program that automatically launches A key thing to remember about cellular Internet access is that it is almost completely configured and controlled by the provider. A tech has little to do excpet make sure the cell card is plugged in and recognized by the computer.

Service Set Identifier (SSID)

also known as a "network name" this identifies your network/server/router can disable it from broadcasting for security purposes


also supports the more powerful DUAL-BAND operation. To use a more advanced (and expensive) WAP that runs at both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz simultaneously, some support 11a and b/g devices.

Ad Hoc

another name for independent network


antenna provides (usually for a router) an omni-directional function? Looks like a stick.

Troubleshooting Wi-Fi

ask yourself who, what and when? - who is affected by the problem? - What is the nature of their network problem? - When did the problem start?


designed to create small wireless networks preconfigured to do very specific jobs. Wearable tech. Bluetooth is not designed to be a full-function networking solution, nor is it meant to compete with WiFi.

Hopping Sequence

order of frequency changes

MAC Addressing Filtering

security feature for a wireless network that allows only specific NICs on a computers to connect. Can be used to limit access to specific users


used to verify the integrity of wireless link

Questions to ask when troubleshooting WiFi?

who is affected by the problem? What is the nature of their network problem? when did the problem start?

Cellular wireless Network

A cellular network or mobile network is a communication network where the last link is wireless. The network is distributed over land areas called cells, each served by at least one fixed-location transceiver, but more normally three cell sites or base transceiver stations. you connect to the Internet through a network aware smartphone, table or other mobile device.

Digital communication offers

- more efficient bandwith - greater utilization - improved error rates - less susceptibility to noise and interference

Bluetooth personal networks are made to replace the snake's nest of cables that currently connects most PCs to their various peripheral devices - keyboard, mouse, printer, speakers, scanner, etc.

Bluetooth is acceptable for quick file transfers where a wired connection (or a faster wireless connection) is unavailable.


Direct Sequence Spectrum

Locate Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), select it and then the properties button. Make sure "Obtain IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically" is selected. You may also want to click on the advanced button and make sure that DHCP enabled is listed on the next page.

EXAM TIP: WAP protocol provides security, but it's easily cracked. Use WAP2 or, if you have older equipment, settle for WPA until you can upgrade.


Frequency hopping spread spectrum

Installing and Configuring Wireless Networking

Installing and Configuring Wireless Networking

Site Survey

Performed to determine the best locations for access points


Service Set Identifier

EXAM TIP: Be sure to know about WEP, WPA, WPA2, TKIP and AES wireless encryption types.

Speed and range issues: Wireless networking data throughput speeds depends on several factors including the standard that the wireless devices use.

IEEE 802.11

The current wireless Ethernet standard, better known as WiFi

WiFi Configuration

WiFi networks support ad hoc and infrastructure operation modes. Which mode you choose depends on the number of wireless nodes you need to support, the type or data-sharing they'll perform and your management requirements.


WiFi standard that allows WAPs to use up to 4 antennas via a feature called MIMO to increase speed 600 Mbps throughput

Infrared Data Association Protocol (IrDA)

Wireless standard designed to make a point to point connection between 2 devices in only ad hoc mode


broadband wireless access

MU-MIMO (Multiuser)

gives WAP the ability to broadcast to multiple users simulatenously. 801ac also supports dual band operation


number sequence appears random but actually repeats

Last Mile

the last part of the connection from the telecommunications provider to the customer


when a bluetooth device is set up to connect to antoher bluetooth device

Hand off

when a computer established an association with another access point

Infrastructure Mode

wireless networks running in infrastructure mode requires more planning and are more complicated to configure than ad hoc mode networks but they also give you control over how the network operation. Infrastructure mode is better suited to networks that need to share dedicated resources such an Internet connections and centralized databases. Infrastructure networks are created to support small office/home (SOHO) networks and the access points in these environments are known as SOHO WAPs and SOHO routers.

What's the top speed for data transfers using IrDA technology?

4 Mpbs


Basic Service Set, independent network

What is the first thing you should do to the PC BEFOE making any config or hardware changes?

Reboot the PC

Request to Send/Clear to Send (RTS/CTS)

Wireless collision detection option for transmitting and receiving nodes to communicate and provide acknowledgment when data can be sent. Introduces significant overhead to the process and can impede performance


Wireless network mode in which all users connect to a Wireless Access point (WAP) to form a Basic Service Set (BSS)


the user's ability to maintain network connectivity as he moves through the workplace

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

wireless network encryption that uses 40 bit encryption to scamble packets sent across PCs in a network. Is an older form of encryption and has a flaw that makes it very vunerable to attack

Newer wireless devices typically provide backward compatibility with older wireless devices, except for 802.11a.

802.11a - great power but not as popular.

What 802.11 standard functions only on the 5GHz band?

802.11ac 802,11g functions on 2.4 GHz, 802.11n functions on both, and 802.11i is a security standard called WPA2

In which mode to all the wireless devices connect directly to each other?

Ad hoc mode


Ad hoc network of up to eight bluetooth devices

EXAM TIP: to achieve a good compromise in supporting connections to clients with different antenna polarization, orient the WAP antennas on a 45 degree angle.

Determine the best orientation by experimenting


Extended Service Set, the use of multiple access points to extend user mobility


Security features for a wireless network in which the network requires a password to be connected to

Wireless Network Modes

Simplest wireless network consists of two or more PCs communicating directly with each other without cabling or any other intermediary hardware. More complicated wireless networks use a WAP to centralize wireless communication and bridge wireless network segments to wired network segments. These two methods are called AD HOC MODE and INFRASTRUCTURE MODE

Arpanet was the predecessor of the modern internet

The first mobile generation to support Internet Access was 2G+

To connect to a wired network or sharing a high speed Internet connection, you need a WIRELESS ACCESS POINT (WAP).

A WAP centrally connects wireless network nodes in the same way that a hub connects wired Ethernet PCs. Many WAPs can also act as switches and Internet routers such as the Linksys device.

What is a infrared transceiver?

A hardware device installed to send or receive infrared. Imagine old remotes. These are now often not installed in modern PCs, which is now often use WiFi or Bluetooth

MAC address filtering is a handy way of creating a type of "accepted users" list to limit access to your wireless network, but works best when you have a small number of users.

A table stored in the WAP lists the MAC addresses that are permitted to participate in the wireless network. Any data packets that don't contain the MAC address of a node listed in the table are rejected. Most techs shorten the term "MAC" address filtering to simply MAC filtering. Either way works.

Slotted Aloha

Air interface protocol adopted for RFID tags similar to Ethernet, where tags only transmit at predetermined times after being energized

Gaining gain

An antenna strengthens and focuses the radio frequency (RF) output from a WAP. The ratio of increase, called a GAIN, is measured in decibels (dB). The gain from a typical WAP is 2 db. Enough to cover a reasonable area but not a large room. Signal power can be increased with a bigger antenna. Many WAPs have removed antennas you can replace. To increase the signal in an omni and centered setup, simply replace the factory antenna with one or more bigger antennas. Get big enough antenna you can crank up to 11 db.

Data packets that lack the correct SSID name in the header are rejected. When it comes to picking a new unique SSID, it's still good to think about whether the name will make your network a more interesting target or give away details that could help an attacker gain physical remote access.

Another trick in wireless networks is to tell the WAP not to broadcast the SSID. People not authorized to access the network will have a harder time knowing it's there, as it won't show up in the list of nearby networks on most devices.

Gain antennas cause the antenna to pick up weaker signals and have an amplifying effect on transmitted signals. Increasing the size of a dipole will increase its gain in all directions.

Antennas and the signals that they transmit have an electromagnetic property called POLARIZATION. Think of polarization as the signal having the same alignment as the antenna. If the antenna on your WAP or the computer is aligned up and down, your transmitted signal will have vertical alignment. Likewise, if you tilt your antenna over on its side, the signal will have horizontal polarization. Of course, you can also align your antenna somewhere between vertical and horizontal.

Bluetooth's speed and range make it a good match for wireless printer server solutions

Bluetooth hardware comes either built into most newer portable electronic gadgets such as smartphones or as an adapter added to an internal or external expansion bus. Bluetooth networking is enabled through ad hoc device-to-device connections or in an infrastructure-like mode through Bluetooth access points. Bluetooth access points are very similar to 802.11 based access points, bridging wireless Bluetooth PAN segments to wired LAN segments

Generally, the faster and further a device

Bluetooth is a packet-based protocol with a master/slave architecture. One master may communicate with up to seven slaves in a piconet. All devices share the master's clock. Packet exchange is based on the basic clock, defined by the master, which ticks at 312.5 µs intervals. Two clock ticks make up a slot of 625 µs, and two slots make up a slot pair of 1250 µs. In the simple case of single-slot packets the master transmits in even slots and receives in odd slots. The slave, conversely, receives in even slots and transmits in odd slots. Packets may be 1, 3 or 5 slots long, but in all cases the master's transmission begins in even slots and the slave's in odd slots.

Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz[3]) from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs). Invented by telecom vendor Ericsson in 1994,[4] it was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS-232 data cables. Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), which has more than 30,000 member companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking, and consumer electronics.[5] The IEEE standardized Bluetooth as IEEE 802.15.1, but no longer maintains the standard. The Bluetooth SIG oversees development of the specification, manages the qualification program, and protects the trademarks.[6] A manufacturer must meet Bluetooth SIG standards to market it as a Bluetooth device.[7] A network of patents apply to the technology, which are licensed to individual qualifying devices.

Bluetooth operates at frequencies between 2402 and 2480 MHz, or 2400 and 2483.5 MHz including guard bands 2 MHz wide at the bottom end and 3.5 MHz wide at the top.[15] This is in the globally unlicensed (but not unregulated) industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) 2.4 GHz short-range radio frequency band. Bluetooth uses a radio technology called frequency-hopping spread spectrum. Bluetooth divides transmitted data into packets, and transmits each packet on one of 79 designated Bluetooth channels. Each channel has a bandwidth of 1 MHz. It usually performs 800 hops per second, with Adaptive Frequency-Hopping (AFH) enabled.[15] Bluetooth low energy uses 2 MHz spacing, which accommodates 40 channels.[16]

Infrared TRANSCEIVER ports have been standard issue on portable computers and high end printers for years though no so much on more modern

Build in cellular networking is less common but is similiarly easy to add. You can add wireless network capabilities by using external USB wireless network adapter such as an External USB wireless NIC

Software Troubleshooting

By the time you unpack your new gadget/WAP, there's a good chance its firmware is already out of date. Check the firmware updates. when updating the firmware of any device, including your WAP there's always a chance something could go wrong, and render it unusable, and you may hear techs say such a device has been "bricked." That means it's no more useful than a brick.

Bluetooth devices are configured for one of the three classes that define max power usage on milliwatts (mW) and max distance

Class 1 100mW 100 meters Class 2 2.5mW 10 meters Class 3 1mW 1 meter

A WiFi Repeater effectively contains two wireless routers, similar to the wireless router you already have in your home or office. One of these wireless routers picks up the existing WiFi network. It then transfers the signal to the other wireless router, which transmits the boosted signal.

Exam Tip: look for basic troubleshooting questions on the exam dealing with factors that affect wireless connectivity, range and speed.

Turning your phone into a WAP is known as CREATING A HOTSPOT, using a bridge to the cellular network is called TETHERING.

Many 802.11n in WAPs employ TRANSMIT BEAMFORMING, a multiple-antenna technology that helps get rid of dead spots. Optimizes radio signal.

World is dominated by RADIO FREQUENCY (RF) technologies, in particular 802.11 (WiFi) standards

Other standards such as infrared, Bluetooth and cellular hold a strong place in the market too.

What determines the name of a wireless network?


Data Encryption

Security feature for a wireless network that encrypts packets sent from PC to PC in a network


Turning your phone into a WAP

Multiuser MIMO

Use of MIMO technolology with eight spatial streams

What device enables you to extend the capabilities of a wireless network?


What is the typical range of a Wireless LAN ? A general rule of thumb in home networking says that 802.11b/g WAPs and routers support a range of up to 150 feet (46 m) indoors and 300 feet (92 m) outdoors. Another rule of thumb holds that the effective range of 802.11a is approximately one-third that of 802.11b/g.


Wi-Fi Protected Access


a standard included on most WAPs and clients to make secure connections easier to configure. WPS works in one of two ways: some devices use a push button and others use a password or code. There is a security flaw. A hacker can use a program to repeatedly guess the 8 digit code. Because of how the code is set up, it's very easy to guess. As long as you have WPS enabled on your WAP, you are vulnerable. The only way to stop this hack is to shut down WPS. Check the WAP manuf. website for instructions on turning off WPS.

Connectivity Troubleshooting If your wireless NIC has link lights, check to see if its passing data packets to and from the network. Next, check the wireless NICs config utility The link state defines the wireless NICs connection status to a wireless network: connected or disconnected If your link state indicates that your computer is currently disconnected, you may have a problem with your WAP If signal is too weak to receive a signal, you may out of range or access point or there may be a device causing inteference

Cellular Configuration



SSID (service set identifier)

parameter is also called the NETWORK NAME defines the wireless network. Wireless devices want to be heard.


the reflection of the radio waves striking the RFID tag and reflecting back to the transmitter source

War Driving

using wireless equipment to detect wireless management packets

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)

early in the game, this protocol was developed to ensure that data is secured while in transit over the airwaves. WEP encryption uses a standard 40-bit encryption to scramble data packets. WEP has a flaw that is easy to attack. All WEP traffic is encrypted with the same key, so one user's traffic isn't protected from other members of the network. For improved encryption, which uses a different key for each client, see WPA or WPA2.


extensible authentication protocol

Omni-directional and Centered

for a typical network, you want blanket coverage and would place a WAP with an omni-directional antenna with omni- the radio waves flows outward from the WAP. This has the advantage of ease of use. Most wireless networks use this combination. The standard straight wire antenna that provide most omni function are called DIPOLE ANTENNAS. These look like a stick, but inside they have two antenna arms or poles, aligned on the antenna's axis: hence the term "DIPOLE."

Placing the Access Point(s)

for optimal location depends on area you want to cover whether you care if the signal bleeds our beyond the borders, and what interferences exists from other wireless sources. Start by doing a site survey

The basic service set (BSS) is a set of all stations that can communicate with each other at PHY layer. Every BSS has an identification (ID) called the BSSID, which is the MAC address of the access point servicing the BSS. There are two types of BSS: Independent BSS (also referred to as IBSS), and infrastructure BSS.

Successful mobility requires

location discovery move detection update signaling path establishment

Hardware Troubleshooting

open Windows Device manager and look for an error or conflict. A big exclamation point.

WPA (WiFi Protected Access)

protocol addresses the weakness of WEP and is a security upgrade to WEP. WPA uses the TEMPORAL KEY INTEGRITY PROTOCOL (TKIP) which provides a new cryption key for every sent packet. This protects WPA from many of the attacks that makes WEP vunerable, though TKIP has since been discovered with flaws of its own. WPA offers security enhancements such as a key integrity-checking feature and user authentication through the industry-standard EXTENSIBLE AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL (EAP). EAP provides a huge security improvement over WEP. Still, WPA is only intended as a interim security option until 802.11i (wireless security committee) finalized and implemented the next generation of wireless secuirty: WPA2

what do wireless networks use to communicate with each other?

radio waves or beams of infrared light


remote authentication dial-in service

Ad Hoc Mode

somtimes is called PEER TO PEER MODE with each wireless node in direct contact with every other node in decentralized free for all. Two or more wireless nodes communicating in ad hoc mode form what's called an INDEPENDENT BASIC SET (IBSS). aD hOC Mode networks are suited for small groups of computers (less than a dozen or so) that need to transfer files or share printers. Ad hoc mode networks are also good for temp networks such as study groups or business meetings.


standard came with improvements including faster speeds and new antenna technology implementations


technique that directs transmission of the radio signal to a specific device

Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)

the IEEE 802.11 security protocol standard. Uses advance encryption standard (AES) to protect data packets


the first standard to take off. Supports data throughput of up to 11 Mbps.

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)

the standard included on most WAPs that makes secure connections easier to configure Keeping it on is a security risk, as anybody can brute force to guess the 8 digit code user to connect devices

Bluetooth Configuration

these devices are completely plug and play. Just connect the adapter and follow the prompts. once installed, you need to start the PAIRING process to enable the devices to create a secure connection.

Ad Hoc Mode

these networks don't need a WAP. The only requirements in an ad hoc mode wireless network are that each wireless node be configured with the same network name (SSID) and that no two nodes use the same IP address. The only other configuration steps to take are to make sure no two nodes are using the same IP address (unnecessary if using DHCP) and ensuring that the File and Printer Sharing service is running on all nodes.

Infrastructure Mode

typically this kind of wireless employ one or more WAPs connected to a wired network segment, such as a corporate intranet, the Internet or both. As with ad hoc mode wireless networks, infrastruct. mode networks require that the same SSID be configured on all nodes and WAPs.


used in bluetooth security to limit outsider access to the pairing

Access Point Replacement and Radio Power

when setting up a wireless network, keep the space in mind; you can limit risk by hiding the network from outsiders. When using an omni-directional antenna that sends and receives signals in all directions, for example, keep it near the center of the home or office. The closer you place it to a wall, the further away someone outside the home or office can be and still detect the wireless network. Many wireless access points enable you to adjust the radio power levels of the antenna. Decrease the radio power until you can get reception at the furthest point INSIDE the target network space, but not outside. This will take some trial and error.

Wireless Standards

wiFi dominates the network market but these are examples or other types of what? Bluetooth, cellular networks, infrared

IEEE 802.11-Based Wireless Networking

wireless Ethernet standard (WiFI) defines methods devices may use to communicate via SPEED SPECTRUM radio waves. Spread Spectrum data in small, discrete chunks over the frequencies available within a certain frequency range.

what is the name for the common omni-directional antennas found on wireless access points?

Dipole antennas

EXAM TIP: CompTIA lists changing the default SSID and disabling SSID broadcast on the WAP as steps for securing a new wireless network. These practices for managing your SSID don't secure your network, but they can keep you from catching the attention of someone targeting known vunerabilities with specific hardware and default settings.

EXAM TIP: Don't forget to secure the WAP. Most WAPs have physical Ethernet ports in addition to their wireless capabilities. These ports are not password-protected or encrypted. Keep the WAP in a location where unscrupulous folks can't get to it.

EXAM TIP: will likely ask ou about the appropriate scenario for implementing an infrastructure v. adhoc (sic) WiFi network. Infrastructure is the default but ad hoc makes sense for limited impromptu networks.

EXAM TIP: lists changing the default SSID and disabling SSID broadcast on the WAP as steps for securing a new wireless network. These practices for managing your SSID don't secure your network. but they can keep you from catching the attention of someone targeting known vulnerabilities with specific hardware and default settings.

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

Essentially a security protocol upgrade to WEP, uses Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), offers integrity checking and authentication (password protection)

Paging Procedure

Establishes and synchronizes a connection between Bluetooth devices

Infrared Wireless Networking

IR wireless is the use of wireless technology in devices or systems that convey data through infrared (IR) radiation. Infrared is electromagnetic energy at a wavelength or wavelengths somewhat longer than those of red light. Communication through infrared devices is implemented via the INFRARED DATA ASSOCIATION (IrDA) protocol. This protocol stack is widely supported in the industry since Win95.

A wireless connection management utility is a piece of software that manages the activities and features of a wireless network connection. It may control the process of selecting an available access point, authenticating and associating to it and setting up other parameters of the wireless connection.

If your router supports WPS and it's connected to the network, follow these steps to set up a network security key: Select the Start button, start typing Network and Sharing Center, and then choose it in the list. Select Set up a new connection or network. Select Set up a new network, then choose Next.


Industrial, scientific and medical

WAPs have an integrated Web server and are configured through a browser-based setup utility.

Infrastructure mode is an 802.11 networking framework in which devices communicate with each other by first going through an Access Point (AP). In infrastructure mode, wireless devices can communicate with each other or can communicate with a wired network.

At the outer reaches of a device's effective range speed may decrease to around 1 Mbps before it drops out altogether.

Interference caused by solid objects and other wireless devices operating in the frequency range - such as cordless phones or baby monitors - can reduce both speed and range. So called DEAD SPOTS occur when something capable of blocking the radio signal comes between the wireless network nodes. Large electrical appliances like a fridge block wireless network signals very effectively. Other culprits include electrical fuse boxes, metal plumbing, air conditioning units and similar objects.

Ralph has installed a wireless network in his house, placing the wireless access point in the kitchen, a centralized location. The WiFi works fine in the living room and dining room but goes out almost completely in the bedroom. What's likely the problem?

Interference with the metal object watch out for microwaves, fridge, pipes in walls. they can interfere with a WIFi signal and create a dead spot

What technology enables 802.11n networks to make multiple simultaneous connections and thus improve speed over previous wiFi standards?


Pairing mode

Mode in which devices will look for bluetooth signals to discover - required to connect two devices via bluetooth

MAC Address Filtering

Most WAPs also support MAC ADDRESSING FILTERING, a method that enables you to limit access to your wireless network based on the physical, hard wired address of the units' wireless NIC.


Multiple input multiple output, space division technique where data stream is split into spatial streams

Apple and Linux computers also support IrDA.

No infrastructure mode is available.

Depending on the standard used, wireless throughput speeds range from a measly 2 Mbps to a snappy 1 + Gbps.

One other factor affecting speed is the distance between wireless nodes (or between wireless nodes and centralized access points). Wireless devices dynamically negotiate the top speed at which they can communicate without dropping too many data packets. Speed decreases as distance increases, so the max throughput speed is achieved only at extremely close range (less than 25 feet or so).

WAP draws power from a wall outlet. More advanced WAPs, especially those used in corporate settings, can also use a feature called POWER OVER ETHERNET (PoE). Using PoE, uou only need to plug a single Ethernet cable into the WAP to provide both power and a network connection

Other devices can use PoE, even in places where there is no power. A power over ethernet injector, for example, can extend a PoE connection 100 meters. This is great for security cameras.

Bluetooth technology enables computers to link into what sort of network?

Personal area network (PAN)


Radio Frequency Identification,uses radio waves to track and identify people, animals, objects and shipments.

Plug your Range Extender into a power outlet near your main Router/AP. 2. Push the WPS button on your main Router/AP first, then immediately push the WPS button on your Range Extender. Note1: After you have pushed WPS button of your Router/AP, you need to push WPS button of your Range Extender within 2 minutes.

Right-click on Local Area Connection and select Properties. Highlight the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) option and click the Properties button. If you want to enable DHCP, make sure Obtain an IP address automatically is selected, as well as Obtain DNS server address automatically.


Today, Linux, MacOS and Win support the full IEEE 802.11i standard, more commonly called WPA2 to lock down wireless networks. WPA2 uses the ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES) among other improvements, to provide a secure wireless environment.


Unlicensed national Information Infrastructure

Which encryption protocol offers the best security?


Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)

What wireless devices use to operate - sends a signal to the WAP to see if another node is currently broadcasting data. If yes, then it waits for a random amount of time before trying again.

Power of Ethernet (PoE)

When a device uses power via Ethernet cable - often useful for advanced devices, businesses, and devices that will be installed far away from power outlets (like the ceiling). Great for security cameras

You can see the speed and signal strength on your wireless network by looking at the wireless NIC's properties. In current versions of Win, open the Network and Sharing Center, select Change Adapter Settings, then right-click your wireless NIC and select status.

Wi-Fi networks have a range that's limited by the transmission power, antenna type, the location they're used in, and the environment. A typical wireless router in an indoor point-to-multipoint arrangement using 802.11n and a stock antenna might have a range of 32 metres (105 ft).


Wi-Fi standard that was the first to be ubtiquitous and support data throughput of 11 Mpbs 300 ft range


WiFi standard that offers throughput of 54 Mbps operates in the 5 GHz 150 ft range


WiFi standard that only uses 5 GhZ Uses MIM to broadcast to multiple users simultaneously


Wireless Local Area Network

Wireless Networking standards

Wireless Networking Standards

Wireless Networking Software

Wireless devices use the same networking protocols and client that their wired counterparts use, and they operate by using the CARRIER SENSE MULTIPLE ACCESS/COLLISION AVOIDANCE (CSMA/CA) networking scheme.

With this protocol enabled, a transmitting node sends an RTS frame to the receiving node after it determines the wireless medium is clear to use. The receiving node responds with a CTS frame, telling the sending node that it's okay to transmit. Once the data is sent, the transmitting node for an acknowledgement (ACK) from the receiving node before sending the next data packet.

Wireless network adapters are plug and play. Current versions of WIndows include built-in tools for these settings, but some wireless adapters also come with configuration tools provided by the wireless network adapter vendor

Ad Hoc

Wireless network mode in which each wireless node is in contact with all other nodes in a decentralized free for all (also known as peer to peer). Good for impromptu or small home networks Does not require a WAP

Wireless networks use either radio waves or beams of infrared light to communicate with each other. The wireless radio wave networks you will find yourself supporting these days are are based on the IEEE 802.11 wireless Ethernet standard - marketed as Wi-Fi on Bluetooth technology.

Wireless networks using infrared light are limited to those that use the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) protocol. Finally, cell phone companies got into the mix and offer across to the Internet through cellular networks


Wireless tech designed to do very specific jobs, like connect phone to headphones or connect input devices to your PC Creates Personal Area Networks (PAN)

EXAM TIP: Wireless access points are commonly known as WAPs, APs or access points.

You can add to an older PC via an external USB Bluetooth adapter.

You can fix these problems in a number of ways. Because WiFi signals bounce off of objects, you can try small adjustments to your antenna to see if the signal improves.

You can swap out the standard antenna for a higher gain antenna. You can relocate the PC or access point or locate and move the device causing interference.

802.11 based wireless technologies broadcast and receive on one of two radio bads: 2.4 Ghz and 5 GHz.

a band is a contiguous range of frequencies that are usually divided up into discrete slices called CHANNELS. 802.11 over the years has extended into a-n.

What is Wireless Access Point (WAP)

a device that centrally connects all wireless network nodes in the same way a HUB (Star Bus) connects wired Ethernet PCs


a natural expansion of 802.11n standard incorporating even more streams. IEEE 802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the 802.11 family (which is marketed under the brand name Wi-Fi), developed in the IEEE Standards Association process,[1] providing high-throughput wireless local area networks (WLANs) on the 5 GHz band.[1] The standard was developed from 2008 (PAR approved 2008-09-26) through 2013 and published in December 2013 (ANSI approved 2013-12-11). The specification has multi-station throughput of at least 1 gigabit per second and single-link throughput of at least 500 megabits per second (500 Mbit/s). This is accomplished by extending the air-interface concepts embraced by 802.11n: wider RF bandwidth (up to 160 MHz), more MIMO spatial streams (up to eight), downlink multi-user MIMO (up to four clients), and high-density modulation (up to 256-QAM).


a transmit/receive unit

The COLLISION AVOIDANCE aspect differs slightly from the COLLISION DETECTION standard used in wire Ethernet. A wireless node listens in on the wireless medium to see if another node is currently broadcasting data.

because wireless nodes have a more difficult time detecting data collisions, however, they offer the option of using the REQUEST TO SEND/CLEAR to SEND (RTS/CTS) protocol.


broadband wireless system based on the IEEE 802.16e standard


came out in 2003. Data transfer speeds higher and wider 300 foot range. Backward compt. to b


carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance

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