Chapter 23 Flashcards (P.2)

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"Doughboys" was a nickname for U.S. Army cooks during World War I. Select one: True False


At the beginning of World War I, many Americans identified more closely with the Germans than with the English. Select one: True False


Germany was the only country that sought to gain territory as a result of the First World War. Select one: True False


None of the centralized federal mobilization agencies in the First World War succeeded very well. Select one: True False


Senator Henry Cabot Lodge headed the "irreconcilables." Select one: True False


The Lusitania ignored warnings that it was about to be torpedoed. Select one: True False


The Russian Revolution united leftists in the United States behind the American Socialist Party. Select one: True False


The Triple Alliance was much stronger than the Triple Entente. Select one: True False


The U.S. position of neutrality resulted in increased trade with the Central Powers. Select one: True False


The United States mobilized for the First World War on a scale not seen since the Civil War. Select one: True False


The Wilson administration had difficulty selling war bonds. Select one: True False


The regime of Tsar Nicholas II was replaced by a Bolshevik government in March 1917. Select one: True False


Volunteers outnumbered conscripts during the First World War. Select one: True False


Woodrow Wilson followed precedent when he headed the American delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919 himself. Select one: True False


All of the following groups contributed to repression in the name of democracy on the home front except the Select one: a. American Protective League. b. National Americanization Committee. c. Committee on Public Information. d. American Red Cross. e. Office of the Attorney General.

The correct answer is: American Red Cross.

Which of the following was not a factor in the growing U.S. movement toward war? Select one: a. German submarine warfare b. two revolutions in Russia c. German overtures toward Mexico d. German-American support of the war e. the desire to fight for freedom and democracy

The correct answer is: German-American support of the war

In the election of 1916, Select one: a. Woodrow Wilson's campaign slogan was "He kept us out of war." b. the Republican presidential candidate was Theodore Roosevelt. c. Irish and German Americans supported the Socialist candidate Eugene V Debs. d. Woodrow Wilson won by the largest electoral margin in U.S. history. e. Woodrow Wilson ran on a war platform.

The correct answer is: Woodrow Wilson's campaign slogan was "He kept us out of war."

Each of the following was part of the First New Deal (1935-1937) except the Select one: a. Public Works Administration. b. Civilian Conservation Corps. c. Works Progress Administration. d. Tennessee Valley Authority. e. National Industrial Recovery Act.

The correct answer is: Works Progress Administration.

The United States joined the war effort in Europe Select one: a. as a formal ally of the British and French. b. as an ally of Russia. c. as an associated power to keep its war aims separate from the Allies. d. as an ally of the British but not the French. e. as an ally of Austria.

The correct answer is: as an associated power to keep its war aims separate from the Allies.

The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany by Select one: a. removing Kaiser Wilhelm II from power. b. placing Germany under the military control of France and England. c. assessing $33 billion in war reparations. d. giving independence to Finland and Belgium. e. executing all of the nation's leading officials.

The correct answer is: assessing $33 billion in war reparations.

When Germany renewed submarine warfare in 1917 it Select one: a. planned to seek favorable terms of peace immediately and thus avoid U.S. entrance into the war. b. did not believe that President Wilson would held strong opposition to this war tactic. c. assumed the U.S. would enter the war but hoped to secure victory before the U.S. could mobilize. d. assumed the U.S. would enter the war but believed that it was too weak a power to make a difference in the outcome. e. believed that the British would immediately open negotiations for peace.

The correct answer is: assumed the U.S. would enter the war but hoped to secure victory before the U.S. could mobilize.

In the Fourteen Points, Woodrow Wilson proposed that territorial settlements be Select one: a. based on the principle of self-determination. b. designed to restore the 1914 international boundaries. c. resolved in favor of the victors. d. negotiated at separate special conferences between the concerned ethnic groups. e. made by the League of Nations.

The correct answer is: based on the principle of self-determination.

During World War I, "IQ" (intelligence quotient) tests Select one: a. proved to be a valuable tool in determining appropriate assignments for recruits. b. conclusively disproved traditional racial stereotypes. c. concluded (inaccurately) that most American soldiers were feeble-minded. d. were used to prove the inferiority of enemy soldiers. e. were administered only to officers.

The correct answer is: concluded (inaccurately) that most American soldiers were feeble-minded.

During World War I, the complicated alliances of the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance were Select one: a. entente: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy; alliance: Great Britain, France, Russia. b. entente: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia; alliance: Great Britain, France, Italy. c. entente: Great Britain, France, Russia; alliance: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy. d. entente: Great Britain, France, Italy; alliance: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia. e. none of the above.

The correct answer is: entente: Great Britain, France, Russia; alliance: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy.

The Committee on Public Information Select one: a. successfully met the Progressive aim of unifying the nation. b. exacerbated social and cultural divisions. c. uncovered widespread espionage. d. was attacked by the general public. e. raised awareness and support for the peace treaty.

The correct answer is: exacerbated social and cultural divisions.

The peace treaty negotiated by the Allies Select one: a. forced Germany to accept total responsibility for the war. b. left Germany with a large army. c. did not significantly alter European borders. d. did not include the League of Nations. e. ensure Germany's rapid economic recovery.

The correct answer is: forced Germany to accept total responsibility for the war.

Former President Theodore Roosevelt Select one: a. strongly opposed U.S. entrance into World War b. insisted that war with Germany was inevitable for the United States. c. supported Germany in World War I. d. ran against Woodrow Wilson in 1916 on a pro-war platform. e. organized a military unit to fight in World War I

The correct answer is: insisted that war with Germany was inevitable for the United States.

For the American worker, World War I meant Select one: a. increased unemployment. b. more leverage with employers. c. fewer job opportunities. d. lower wages. e. more competition with immigrant workers.

The correct answer is: more leverage with employers.

All of the following statements about the Port Chicago incident in 1944 are true except Select one: a. it involved an explosion that killed nearly 300 mostly black U.S. Navy dockworkers. b. surviving black dockworkers refused orders to resume the dangerous work. c. most black dockworkers injured in the explosion were awarded Purple Heart medals. d. nearly 50 black dockworkers were court-martialed and imprisoned for disobeying orders. e. Blacks who were imprisoned pressed the Navy for redress for excessive sentences, finally winning a pardon for one sailor from President Clinton.

The correct answer is: most black dockworkers injured in the explosion were awarded Purple Heart medals.

Most African-American soldiers were Select one: a. not permitted to register for the draft. b. considered by white soldiers to be superior fighters. c. assigned to all-black units and were sent to the front. d. assigned to integrated units. e. not allowed to fight.

The correct answer is: not allowed to fight.

Before the U.S. entrance into World War I, when the British blockaded German ports, President Wilson Select one: a. raised no objection. b. suspended loans and exports to Britain. c. threatened to declare war against the British. d. protested but took no action against the British. e. cut off trade with the British.

The correct answer is: protested but took no action against the British.

The initial U.S. policy regarding the European war was to Select one: a. offer immediate support to the Allied Powers. b. offer immediate support to the Central Powers. c. offer to mediate between the two camps. d. declare war on both sides. e. pursue a policy of neutrality.

The correct answer is: pursue a policy of neutrality.

During World War I the U.S. Railroad Administration Select one: a. performed poorly in coordinating rail shipments. b. shifted the rail system from private to public control. c. concentrated primarily on ensuring profits for the railroad companies. d. was disbanded by Congress. e. ensured equal opportunity for all races in railroad employment.

The correct answer is: shifted the rail system from private to public control.

When the United States entered World War I Select one: a. the British and French were on the verge of victory. b. Russia had defeated Germany in the East. c. the British were on the verge of defeat. d. it made little difference in the outcome of the war. e. Germany had already sued for peace.

The correct answer is: the British were on the verge of defeat.

The bulk of U.S. war financing came from Select one: a. the sale of bonds. b. new taxes. c. deficit spending. d. tariffs. e. borrowing from abroad.

The correct answer is: the sale of bonds.

Before entry into the war, the United States Select one: a. traded with both Great Britain and Germany. b. traded only with Great Britain. c. refused to loan money to combatants. d. suspended exports to Great Britain in protest of the British blockade. e. ceased trade with both sides.

The correct answer is: traded with both Great Britain and Germany.

All of the following statements regarding the German attack on the Lusitania are true except it Select one: a. was an unwarranted attack against a purely passenger vessel. b. resulted in the loss of more than 100 American lives. c. was denounced strongly by Wilson. d. increased American hostility toward Germany. e. led to the resignation of Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan.

The correct answer is: was an unwarranted attack against a purely passenger vessel.

The War Industries Board Select one: a. represented Woodrow Wilson's attempt to have a decentralized approach toward war mobilization. b. possessed complete authority over military and civilian wartime production. c. was criticized by Progressives as inefficient. d. nationalized all industries in the U.S. e. was not authorized to fix prices or wages.

The correct answer is: was not authorized to fix prices or wages.

The Eighteenth Amendment Select one: a. gave women the right to vote. b. was the most important reform of Woodrow Wilson's administration. c. was partially an expression of anti-immigrant feelings stimulated by the war. d. was the only amendment passed by the Progressives. e. was not ratified for more than decade after it was passed by Congress.

The correct answer is: was partially an expression of anti-immigrant feelings stimulated by the war.

Both the English and the Germans violated American neutral rights during World War I. Select one: True False


Democratic enthusiasm unleashed by the Committee on Public Information triggered unrest among the home population. Select one: True False


Marcus Garvey expressed support for the Ku Klux Klan. Select one: True False


Woodrow Wilson initially pursued a decentralized approach to mobilization. Select one: True False


Woodrow Wilson's unwillingness to compromise on the peace treaty is the chief reason it failed to pass in the Senate. Select one: True False


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