Chapter 23-respiratory-l-practice test

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45) Regarding the vestibular folds, the term vestibular refers to A) an entryway. B) balance. C) vocal. D) cartilage. E) sound.


49) The airway that connects the larynx to the bronchi is the A) trachea. B) bronchiole. C) laryngopharynx. D) alveolar duct. E) bronchus.


55) Which of the following statements about bronchioles is true? A) Sympathetic action causes bronchodilation. B) Walls contain hyaline cartilage. C) Extreme bronchodilation occurs in asthma. D) The muscular walls are composed of a mixture of skeletal and smooth muscle. E) Segmental bronchi are braches of terminal bronchioles.


5) The trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli all make up the A) upper respiratory tract. B) lower respiratory tract. C) internal respiratory tract. D) alveoli of the respiratory tract. E) respiratory mucosa.


50) Secondary bronchi supply air to the A) lungs. B) lobes of the lungs. C) lobules of the lungs. D) alveoli. E) alveolar ducts.


58) In the lower respiratory tract, cartilage plates first appear at the A) primary bronchi. B) secondary bronchi. C) tertiary bronchi. D) bronchioles. E) terminal bronchioles.


61) Which respiratory organ features a cardiac notch? A) right lung B) left lung C) right primary bronchus D) left primary bronchus


71) Absorption of O2 from blood and release of CO2 from tissue cells is known as A) external respiration. B) internal respiration. C) pulmonary ventilation. D) gas diffusion. E) alveolar ventilation.


75) The technical term for ʺbreathingʺ is A) gas exchange. B) pulmonary ventilation. C) internal respiration. D) external respiration. E) alveolar ventilation.


79) Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is A) less than the pressure in the atmosphere. B) greater than the pressure in the atmosphere. C) equal to the pressure in the atmosphere. D) greater than intra-alveolar pressure. E) less than intrapulmonary pressure.


81) If the fluid bond between the parietal and visceral pleura is broken and the lung collapses, the resulting condition is termed A) emphysema. B) atelectasis. C) metaplasia. D) apnea. E) anaplasia.


102) Henryʹs law states that A) gas volume and temperature are directly proportional. B) gas volume and pressure are inversely proportional. C) the volume of gas that will dissolve in a solvent is proportional to the partial pressure of that gas. D) in a mixture of gases such as air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture. E) gas pressure is inversely proportional to gas volume.


105) The process by which dissolved gases are exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluids is A) pulmonary ventilation. B) external respiration. C) internal respiration. D) cellular respiration. E) breathing.


126) The obstructive lung disease in which elastic fibers are lost, leading to collapse of alveoli and bronchioles, is called A) asthma. B) bronchitis. C) emphysema. D) tuberculosis. E) pneumonia.


29) Inhaling through the nostrils is preferred over the mouth because A) there is less resistance to flow. B) it combines olfaction with respiration. C) it allows better conditioning of the inhaled air. D) bacteria wonʹt be inhaled from the oral cavity. E) it dries out the mouth.


33) The glottis is A) the soft tissue that hangs off the end of the soft palate. B) a flap of elastic cartilage. C) the opening to the larynx. D) the opening to the pharynx. E) part of the hard palate.


34) The vocal folds are located within the A) nasopharynx. B) oropharynx. C) larynx. D) trachea. E) bronchi.


16) The common passageway shared by the respiratory and digestive systems is the A) larynx. B) glottis. C) vestibule. D) pharynx. E) trachea.


51) What branches from the trachea? A) terminal bronchioles B) secondary bronchi C) tertiary bronchi D) primary bronchi E) alveolar ducts


108) At a PO2 of 70 mm Hg and normal temperature and pH, hemoglobin is ________ percent saturated with oxygen. A) 10 B) 25 C) 50 D) 75 E) more than 90


137) The pneumotaxic center A) is in the pons. B) excites the apneustic center. C) inhibits the apneustic center. D) both is in the pons and excites the apneustic center. E) both is in the pons and inhibits the apneustic center.


pneumotaxic center

a reduction in activity of this center results in decreased pace and increased depth of respirations

factors that influence lung capacity

age, gender, and height

partial pressure

sum of these pressures give us the total and are described by henrys law

sleep apnea

this breathing disorder is caused by relaxation of the respiratory accessory muscles


this breathing disorder known for its closed off airways that inhibit expiration

96) After a quiet expiration, the amount of air in your lungs is called the A) expiratory reserve volume. B) inspiratory capacity. C) functional residual capacity. D) tidal volume. E) residual volume.


144) A period in which breathing has stopped, followed by a forceful expulsion of air, is termed A) respiratory distress. B) anoxia. C) hypoxia. D) apneustic breathing. E) apnea.


3 physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation

airway resistance, lung compliance, and alveolar surface tension


gas exchange takes place by this physiological process

why can you hold your breath longer after hyperventilation

greater amount of gas exchange. tissues already saturated.


happens when intraplural pressure is no longer negative


pulmonary function is measured by this

four processes of respiration

pulmonary ventilation, external ventilation, transport, and internal respiration


this condition is characterized by low CO2 levels from hyperventilation causing dizziness, lightheadedness and possible fainting

right bronchus

this structure breaks off into 3 different structures

Nasal Cavity

warm, humidify, and filter ait

14) The openings to the nostrils are the A) external nares. B) internal nares. C) vestibules. D) conchae. E) nasal apertures.


1) Which of the following organs is not part of the lower respiratory system? A) oropharynx B) bronchioles C) larynx D) bronchi E) alveoli


129) The ʺCʺ in COPD stands for A) congestive. B) chronic. C) cumulative. D) compliant. E) critical.


13) Functions of the nasal cavity include all of the following except A) filtering the air. B) cooling the air. C) humidifying the air. D) trapping airborne particles. E) All of the answers are correct.


139) The most important chemical regulator of respiration is A) oxygen. B) carbon dioxide. C) bicarbonate ion. D) sodium ion. E) hemoglobin.


141) The term ʺhypercapniaʺ refers to A) the cessation of breathing. B) elevated PCO2. C) elevated PO2. D) an increase in pH. E) labored breathing.


149) Define respiratory defense system. (Module 21.2A) A) The respiratory defense system is the resident macrophages that live in the respiratory passageways. B) The respiratory defense system is a series of filtration mechanisms that prevent airway contamination. C) The respiratory defense system is the lymph fluid that lines the internal respiratory passageways to prevent invasion by pathogens. D) The respiratory defense system is the collection of lymph nodes throughout the lungs that filter the air as it is inhaled. E) The respiratory defense system is the collection of T cells and B cells that reside in the respiratory passageways.


15) The portion of the nasal cavity contained within the flexible tissues of the external nose is the A) nasopharynx. B) vestibule. C) internal chamber. D) conchae. E) nasal septum.


95) The amount of air that a person can voluntarily expel after completing a normal, quiet respiratory cycle is termed A) total lung capacity. B) expiratory reserve volume. C) residual volume. D) tidal volume. E) inspiratory reserve volume.



major non-elastic source of resistance to air flow

148) Distinguish between the conducting portion and respiratory portion of the respiratory tract. (Module 21.1B) A) The conducting portion includes the nasal cavity and extends through the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and larger bronchioles. The respiratory portion includes the respiratory bronchioles and alveoli. B) The conducting portion of the respiratory tract includes the respiratory bronchioles and alveoli. The respiratory portion includes the nasal cavity and extends through the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and larger bronchioles. C) The conducting portion includes the nasal cavity and extends through the pharynx and larynx. The respiratory portion includes the trachea, bronchi, larger bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles and alveoli. D) The conducting portion includes the trachea, bronchi, larger bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles and alveoli. The respiratory portion includes the nasal cavity and extends through the pharynx and larynx. E) The conducting portion includes the nasal cavity and pharynx. The respiratory portion includes the larynx, trachea, bronchi, larger bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles, and alveoli.


151) List the structures of the upper respiratory system. (Module 21.3A) A) nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx B) nose, mouth, pharynx, and larynx C) pharynx, larynx, and trachea D) trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli E) glottis, larynx, trachea, and bronchi


164) How are hypoxia and anoxia different? (Module 21.8B) A) Hypoxia is low tissue oxygen levels; anoxia is the complete cutoff of oxygen supply. B) Hypoxia is low tissue oxygen levels; anoxia is low tissue carbon dioxide levels. C) Hypoxia is low tissue carbon dioxide levels; anoxia is low tissue oxygen levels. D) Hypoxia is low lung oxygen levels; anoxia is low lung carbon dioxide levels. E) Hypoxia is low lung carbon dioxide levels; anoxia is low lung oxygen levels.


17) The auditory tubes open into the A) nasopharynx. B) oropharynx. C) laryngopharynx. D) larynx. E) nasal cavity.


19) The nasal cavity is separated from the oral cavity by the A) hard palate. B) soft palate. C) cribriform plate. D) internal nares. E) pharyngeal septum.


2) Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the A) upper respiratory tract. B) lower respiratory tract. C) lungs. D) alveoli. E) bronchioles.


3) Components of the upper respiratory system include all of the following except the A) lips. B) nose. C) nasal cavity. D) pharynx. E) paranasal sinuses.


31) Which of the following is false about the pharynx? A) It is shared by the integumentary and respiratory systems. B) The nasopharynx is superior. C) The oropharynx connects to oral cavity. D) The laryngopharynx ends at esophagus opening. E) Solids, liquids, and gases pass through.


67) Each terminal bronchiole supplies air directly to A) a single pulmonary lobule. B) over 150 million alveoli. C) a single alveolar duct. D) several alveolar sacs. E) about 6500 bronchioles.


73) Pulmonary ventilation refers to the A) movement of air into and out of the lungs. B) movement of dissolved gases from the alveoli to the blood. C) movement of dissolved gases from the blood to the interstitial space. D) movement of dissolved gases from the interstitial space to the cells. E) utilization of oxygen.


80) When there is no air movement, the relationship between the intrapulmonary and atmospheric pressure is that A) they are equal. B) intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric. C) atmospheric pressure is less than intrapulmonary. D) atmospheric pressure is more than intrapulmonary. E) intrapulmonary pressure is less than atmospheric.


89) When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract, A) the volume of the thorax increases. B) the volume of the thorax decreases. C) the volume of the lungs decreases. D) the lungs shrink. E) expiration occurs.


107) External respiration involves the A) movement of air into and out of the lungs. B) diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood. C) exchange of dissolved gases between the blood and the interstitial fluid. D) binding of oxygen by hemoglobin. E) utilization of oxygen by tissues to support metabolism.


20) The nasopharynx is divided from the rest of the pharynx by the A) hard palate. B) soft palate. C) cribriform plate. D) internal nares. E) pharyngeal septum.


4) Which of the following systems is responsible for gas exchange? A) urinary B) respiratory C) digestive D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


46) Modification of the sounds produced by the larynx is known as A) vibration. B) articulation. C) speech. D) phonation. E) amplification.


97) Alveolar ventilation (VA) refers to the A) movement of air into and out of the lungs. B) amount of air reaching the alveoli each minute. C) movement of dissolved gases from the alveoli to the blood. D) movement of dissolved gases from the blood to the alveoli. E) utilization of oxygen by alveolar cells to support metabolism.


128) The measure of how easily the lungs expand and contract is termed A) resistance. B) elasticity. C) compliance. D) rebound response. E) inflation index.


133) The pneumotaxic center of the pons A) sets the at-rest respiratory pattern. B) prolongs inspiration. C) modifies the rate and depth of breathing. D) suppresses the expiratory center in the medulla. E) both prolongs inspiration and modifies the rate and depth of breathing.


145) Which of these age-based changes is false? A) The lungs lose elastic tissue. B) The lungsʹ compliance changes. C) Vital capacity increases. D) Respiratory muscles weaken. E) Costal cartilages become less flexible.


165) Define Boyleʹs law. (Module 21.9A) A) Boyleʹs law states that in a mixture of gases, the individual gases exert a pressure proportional to their abundance in the mixture. B) Boyleʹs law states that at a given temperature, the amount of a particular gas that dissolves in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas, which underlies the diffusion of gases between capillaries and alveoli, and between capillaries and interstitial fluid. C) Boyleʹs law states that at a constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume. D) Boyleʹs law states that at a constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its volume. E) Boyleʹs law states that at a given temperature, the amount of a particular gas that dissolves in a liquid is inversely proportional to the partial pressure of that gas, which underlies the diffusion of gases between capillaries and alveoli, and between capillaries and interstitial fluid.


18) Starting at the ________, the epithelium changes to stratified squamous epithelium. A) nasopharynx B) trachea C) oropharynx D) larynx E) nasal cavity


41) Air passing through the glottis vibrates the vocal folds and produces A) speech. B) articulation. C) phonation. D) whistling. E) ululation.


74) The ultimate function of pulmonary ventilation is to A) remove carbon dioxide from the blood. B) supply oxygen to the blood. C) provide adequate alveolar ventilation. D) remove air from dead air space. E) prevent gas exchange in the bronchioles.


76) Boyleʹs law states that gas volume is A) directly proportional to pressure. B) directly proportional to temperature. C) inversely proportional to pressure. D) inversely proportional to temperature. E) both directly proportional to pressure and directly proportional to temperature.


8) ________ is the most common lethal inherited disease affecting people of Northern European descent. A) MRSA B) Congestive heart failure C) Cystic fibrosis D) Myasthenia gravis E) Parkinsonʹs disease


90) Which of these descriptions best matches the term ʺexternal intercostalʺ? A) accessory muscle of expiration B) accessory muscle of inspiration C) primary muscle of inspiration D) contraction increases airway resistance E) affects lung compliance


92) ________ is the amount of air that you can inhale above the resting tidal volume. A) Residual inhaled volume B) Expiratory reserve volume C) Inspiratory reserve volume D) Enhanced tidal volume E) Inspiratory capacity


93) In quiet breathing, A) inspiration and expiration involve muscular contractions. B) inspiration is passive and expiration involves muscular contractions. C) inspiration involves muscular contractions and expiration is passive. D) inspiration and expiration are both passive. E) None of the answers is correct.


103) Daltonʹs law states that A) gas volume and temperature are directly proportional. B) gas volume and pressure are inversely proportional. C) the volume of gas that will dissolve in a solvent is proportional to the solubility of the gas and the gas pressure. D) in a mixture of gases such as air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture. E) gas pressure is inversely proportional to gas volume.


147) Where does gas exchange between the air and the lungs occur? (Module 21.1A) A) lobar bronchi B) bronchioles C) trachea D) alveoli E) segmental bronchi


156) Compare the two main bronchi. (Module 21.5A) A) The right main bronchus is smaller in diameter than the left main bronchus and it descends toward the lung at a shallower angle than the left main bronchus. B) The right main bronchus is smaller in diameter than the left main bronchus and it descends toward the lung at a steeper angle than the left main bronchus. C) The right main bronchus is larger in diameter than the left main bronchus and it descends toward the lung at a shallower angle than the left main bronchus. D) The right main bronchus is larger in diameter than the left main bronchus and it descends toward the lung at a steeper angle than the left main bronchus. E) The right main bronchus is the same diameter as the left main bronchus and it descends toward the lung at a shallower angle than the left main bronchus.


166) What physical changes affect the volume of the lungs? (Module 21.9B) A) The contraction of the abdominal muscles affect the volume of the lungs. B) The degree of flexion and extension of the trunk affect the volume of the lungs. C) The movements of the upper limbs affect the volume of the lungs. D) The movements of the diaphragm and rib cage affect the volume of the lungs. E) The contraction of tracheal smooth muscle affect the volume of the lungs.


42) Tension on the vocal cords is regulated by the A) movement of the arytenoid cartilages. B) extrinsic ligaments. C) contraction of laryngeal muscles. D) movement of the arytenoid cartilages and contraction of voluntary muscles. E) None of the answers is correct.


43) The laryngeal cartilage composed of elastic cartilage that prevents entry of solids or liquids into the larynx when swallowing is the A) arytenoid cartilage. B) corniculate cartilage. C) cricoid cartilage. D) epiglottis. E) thyroid cartilage.


56) Air traveling from the tertiary bronchi must pass through the ________ to reach the pulmonary lobule. A) secondary bronchi B) alveoli C) primary bronchi D) terminal bronchioles E) trachea


64) The sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the A) bronchioles. B) terminal bronchioles. C) pleural spaces. D) alveoli. E) falciform ligaments.


68) Which of the following statements is true regarding activity in the alveoli? A) Type II pneumocytes are the site of gas exchange. B) Alveolar capillaries constrict when oxygen levels are high. C) Type I pneumocytes produce surfactant. D) Alveolar macrophages collect stray dust particles. E) They are composed of simple cuboidal epithelium.


7) A mucosa consists of A) an epithelium. B) an underlying layer of areolar tissue. C) stratified squamous cells. D) both an epithelium and an underlying layer of areolar tissue. E) both an underlying layer of areolar tissue and stratified squamous cells.


70) At the level of the alveoli, where does gas exchange occur? A) within the red blood cells B) at the interconnections between adjacent alveoli C) in the alveolar ducts D) across the respiratory membrane E) between type II pneumocytes and red blood cells


91) ________ is the amount of air that moves into the respiratory system during a single respiratory cycle under resting conditions. A) Residual volume B) Expiratory reserve volume C) Inspiratory reserve volume D) Tidal volume E) Inspiratory capacity


98) ________ equals the respiratory rate × (tidal volume - anatomic dead space). A) Vital capacity B) Respiratory minute volume C) Pulmonary ventilation rate D) Alveolar ventilation rate E) External respiration rate


22) The ________ extends between the soft palate and the base of the tongue at the level of the hyoid bone. A) pharynx B) laryngopharynx C) trachea D) epiglottis E) oropharynx


28) Breathing through the nose rather than the mouth is advantageous for all of the following reasons except A) air is warmed on inhalation. B) air is humidified on inhalation. C) heat loss is reduced on exhalation. D) water loss is reduced on exhalation. E) decreased breath volumes on inhalation.


32) The larynx contains all of the following except A) three unpaired cartilages. B) three paired cartilages. C) a total of nine cartilages. D) vestibular ligaments. E) C-rings composed of hyaline cartilage.


35) The elastic cartilage that covers the opening to the larynx during swallowing is the A) thyroid cartilage. B) cricoid cartilage. C) corniculate cartilage. D) cuneiform cartilage. E) epiglottis.


48) Which of the following statements about the trachea is false? A) It ends in the mediastinum. B) It is reinforced with C-shaped cartilages. C) It is also called the windpipe. D) It alters its diameter in response to the autonomic nervous system. E) It is reinforced with D-shaped cartilages.


57) The ________ extends from the larynx to the mediastinum. A) upper respiratory system B) cricoid cartilage C) primary bronchus D) pharynx E) trachea


72) The condition of having low tissue oxygen levels is known as A) anoxia. B) hypercapnia. C) hypoventilation. D) hyperoxia. E) hypoxia.


9) The respiratory defense system is important for all of the following reasons except A) helping filter the air. B) helping warm the air. C) keeping out debris. D) keeping out pathogens. E) providing gas exchange.


94) If a patient being tested inhales as deeply as possible and then exhales as much as possible, the volume of air expelled would be the patientʹs A) tidal volume. B) total lung capacity. C) expiratory reserve volume. D) reserve volume. E) vital capacity.


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