Chapter 24: Management of Patients With Chronic Pulmonary Disease

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Histamine, a mediator that supports the inflammatory process in asthma, is secreted by

Mast cells Mast cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes play key roles in the inflammation associated with asthma. When activated, mast cells release several chemicals called mediators. One of these chemicals is called histamine.

A junior-level nursing class has just finished learning about the management of clients with chronic pulmonary diseases. They learned that a new definition of COPD leaves only one disorder within its classification. Which of the following is that disorder?

Emphysema COPD may include diseases that cause airflow obstruction (eg, emphysema, chronic bronchitis) or any combination of these disorders. Other diseases such as cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, and asthma that were previously classified as types of COPD are now classified as chronic pulmonary disorders. Asthma is now considered a distinct, separate disorder and is classified as an abnormal airway condition characterized primarily by reversible inflammation.

As status asthmaticus worsens, the nurse would expect which acid-base imbalance?

Respiratory acidosis As status asthmaticus worsens, the PaCO increases and the pH decreases, reflecting respiratory acidosis.

In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), decreased carbon dioxide elimination results in increased carbon dioxide tension in arterial blood, leading to which of the following acid-base imbalances?

Respiratory acidosis Increased carbon dioxide tension in arterial blood leads to respiratory acidosis and chronic respiratory failure. In acute illness, worsening hypercapnia can lead to acute respiratory failure. The other acid-base imbalances would not correlate with COPD.

The classification of Stage III of COPD is defined as

severe COPD. Stage III is severe COPD. Stage 0 is at risk for COPD. Stage I is mild COPD. Stage II is moderate COPD. Stage IV is very severe COPD.

Which of the following would not be considered a primary symptom of COPD?

Weight gain COPD is characterized by three primary symptoms: cough, sputum production, and dyspnea on exertion. Weight loss is common with COPD.

A nurse has just completed teaching with a patient who has been prescribed a meter-dosed inhaler for the first time. Which of the following statements would the nurse use to initiate further teaching and follow-up care?

"I do not need to rinse my mouth with this type of inhaler." Mouth-washing and spitting are effective in reducing the amount of drug swallowed and absorbed systemically. Actuation during a slow (30 L/min or 3 to 5 seconds) and deep inhalation should be followed by 10 seconds of holding the breath. The patient should actuate only once. Simple tubes do not obviate the spacer/VHC per inhalation.

Emphysema is described by which of the following statements?

A disease of the airways characterized by destruction of the walls of overdistended alveoli Emphysema is a category of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In emphysema, impaired oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange results from destruction of the walls of overdistended alveoli. Emphysema is a pathologic term that describes an abnormal distention of the airspaces beyond the terminal bronchioles and destruction of the walls of the alveoli. Also, a chronic inflammatory response may induce disruption of the parenchymal tissues. Asthma has a clinical outcome of airflow obstruction. Bronchitis includes the presence of cough and sputum production for at least a combined total of 2 to 3 months in each of 2 consecutive years. Bronchiectasis is a condition of chronic dilatation of a bronchus or bronchi.

Which of the following is accurate regarding status asthmaticus?

A severe asthma episode that is refractory to initial therapy Status epilepticus is a severe asthma episode that is refractory to initial therapy. It is a medical emergency. Patients report rapid progressive chest tightness, wheezing, dry cough, and shortness of breath. It may occur with little or no warning.

Nursing students are gathered for a study session about the pulmonary system. One student asks the others to name the primary causes for an acute exacerbation of COPD. Which of the following responses should be in the reply? Choose all that apply.

Air pollution Tracheobronchial infection Common causes of an acute exacerbation include tracheobronchial infection and air pollution. However, the cause of approximately one third of severe exacerbations cannot be identified. Fractured hips, hypertension, and GI viruses are not causes of exacerbation of COPD.

Following are statements regarding medications taken by a patient diagnosed with COPD. Choose which statements correctly match the drug name to the drug category. Select all that apply.

Albuterol is a bronchodilator. Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic. Prednisone is a corticosteroid. Theophylline, albuterol, and atropine are bronchodilators. Dexamethasone (Decadron) and prednisone are corticosteroids. Amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, and cotrimoxazole (Bactrim) are antibiotics. These are all drugs that could be prescribed to a patient with COPD.

After reviewing the pharmacological treatment for pulmonary diseases, the nursing student knows that bronchodilators relieve bronchospasm in three ways. Choose the correct three of the following options.

Alter smooth muscle tone Reduce airway obstruction Increase oxygen distribution Bronchodilators relieve bronchospasm by altering smooth muscle tone and reduce airway obstruction by allowing increased oxygen distribution throughout the lungs and improving alveolar ventilation.

The nurse should be alert for a complication of bronchiectasis that results from a combination of retained secretions and obstruction and that leads to the collapse of alveoli. What complication should the nurse monitor for?

Atelectasis In bronchiectasis, the retention of secretions and subsequent obstruction ultimately cause the alveoli distal to the obstruction to collapse (atelectasis).

Which of the following is true about both lung transplant and bullectomy?

Both are aimed at improving the overall quality of life of a patient with COPD. The treatments for COPD are aimed more at treating the symptoms and preventing complications, thereby improving the overall quality of life of a patient with COPD. In fact, there is no cure for COPD. Lung transplant is aimed at treating end-stage emphysema and bullectomy is used to treat patients with bullous emphysema.

Which of the following is the most important risk factor for development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

Cigarette smoking Pipe, cigar and other types of tobacco smoking are also risk factors for COPD. While a risk factor, occupational exposure is not the most important risk factor for development of COPD. Air pollution is a risk factor for development of COPD, but it is not the most important risk factor.

Upon assessment, the nurse suspects that a patient with COPD may have bronchospasm. What manifestations validate the nurse's concern? (Select all that apply.)

Compromised gas exchange Decreased airflow Wheezes Bronchospasm, which occurs in many pulmonary diseases, reduces the caliber of the small bronchi and may cause dyspnea, static secretions, and infection. Bronchospasm can sometimes be detected on auscultation with a stethoscope when wheezing or diminished breath sounds are heard. Increased mucus production, along with decreased mucociliary action, contributes to further reduction in the caliber of the bronchi and results in decreased airflow and decreased gas exchange. This is further aggravated by the loss of lung elasticity that occurs with COPD (GOLD, 2010).

A nursing student knows that there are three most common symptoms of asthma. Choose the three that apply.

Cough Wheezing Dyspnea The three most common symptoms of asthma are cough, dyspnea, and wheezing. In some instances, cough may be the only symptom.

A nurse consulting with a nutrition specialist knows it's important to consider a special diet for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which diet is appropriate for this client?

High-protein Breathing is more difficult for clients with COPD, and increased metabolic demand puts them at risk for nutritional deficiencies. These clients must have a high intake of protein for increased calorie consumption. Full liquids, 1,800-calorie ADA, and low-fat diets aren't appropriate for a client with COPD.

In which stage of COPD is the forced expiratory volume (FEV) less than 30%?

III Stage III patients demonstrate an FEV less than 30% with respiratory failure or clinical signs of right heart failure. Stage II patients demonstrate an FEV of 30% to 80%. Stage I is mild COPD with an FEV less than 70%. Stage 0 is characterized by normal spirometry.

Asthma is cause by which type of response?

IgE-mediated Atopy, the genetic predisposition for the development of an IgE-mediated response to allergens, is the most common identifiable predisposing factor for asthma. Chronic exposure to airway allergens may sensitize IgE antibodies and the cells of the airway.

A nurse is assisting a client with mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to set a goal related to the condition. Which of the following is an appropriate goal for this client?

Increase walking distance around a city block without shortness of breath. If the client has mild COPD, goals are to increase exercise and prevent further loss of pulmonary function. The client who increases his walking distance without shortness of breath meets these criteria. If the client has severe COPD, goals are then to preserve current pulmonary function and relieve symptoms as much as possible. Examples of these goals are the other options, in which the activity level is at current and symptoms are relieved to tolerable or close to tolerable.

A nursing student is taking a pathophysiology examination. Which of the following factors would the student correctly identify as contributing to the underlying pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? Choose all that apply.

Inflamed airways that obstruct airflow Mucus secretions that block airways Overinflated alveoli that impair gas exchange Because of chronic inflammation and the body's attempts to repair it, changes and narrowing occur in the airways. In the proximal airways, changes include increased numbers of goblet cells and enlarged submucosal glands, both of which lead to hypersecretion of mucus. In the peripheral airways, inflammation causes thickening of the airway wall, peribronchial fibrosis, exudate in the airway, and overall airway narrowing.

The nurse is assigned the care of a 30-year-old female patient diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF). Which of the following nursing interventions will be included in the patient's plan of care?

Performing chest physiotherapy as ordered Nursing care includes helping patients manage pulmonary symptoms and prevent complications. Specific measures include strategies that promote removal of pulmonary secretions, chest physiotherapy, and breathing exercises. In addition, the nurse emphasizes the importance of an adequate fluid and dietary intake to promote removal of secretions and to ensure an adequate nutritional status. The patient with CF also experiences increased salt content in sweat gland secretions; thus, it is important to ensure the patient consumes a diet that is adequate in sodium. As the disease progresses, the patient will develop increasing hypoxemia. In this situation, preferences for end-of-life care should be discussed, documented, and honored; however, there is no indication that the patient terminally ill.

A nursing student understands that emphysema is directly related to which of the following?

Respiratory acidosis from airway obstruction In the later stages of emphysema, carbon dioxide elimination is impaired, resulting in increased carbon dioxide tension in arterial blood (hypercapnia) leading to respiratory acidosis.

A nurse administers albuterol (Proventil), as ordered, to a client with emphysema. Which finding indicates that the drug is producing a therapeutic effect?

Respiratory rate of 22 breaths/minute In a client with emphysema, albuterol is used as a bronchodilator. A respiratory rate of 22 breaths/minute indicates that the drug has achieved its therapeutic effect because fewer respirations are required to achieve oxygenation. Albuterol has no effect on pupil reaction or urine output. It may cause a change in the heart rate, but this is an adverse, not therapeutic, effect.

A patient comes to the clinic for the third time in 2 months with chronic bronchitis. What clinical symptoms does the nurse anticipate assessing for this patient?

Sputum and a productive cough Chronic bronchitis, a disease of the airways, is defined as the presence of cough and sputum production for at least 3 months in each of 2 consecutive years.

A nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client with asthma. Which teaching point has the highest priority?

Take ordered medications as scheduled. Although avoiding contact with fur-bearing animals, changing filters on heating and air conditioning units frequently, and avoiding goose down pillows are all appropriate measures for clients with asthma, taking ordered medications on time is the most important measure in preventing asthma attacks.

At 11 p.m., a client is admitted to the emergency department. He has a respiratory rate of 44 breaths/minute. He's anxious, and wheezes are audible. The client is immediately given oxygen by face mask and methylprednisolone (Depo-medrol) I.V. At 11:30 p.m., the client's arterial blood oxygen saturation is 86%, and he's still wheezing. The nurse should plan to administer:

albuterol (Proventil). The client is hypoxemic because of bronchoconstriction as evidenced by wheezes and a subnormal arterial oxygen saturation level. The client's greatest need is bronchodilation, which can be accomplished by administering bronchodilators. Albuterol is a beta2 adrenergic agonist, which causes dilation of the bronchioles. It's given by nebulization or metered-dose inhalation and may be given as often as every 30 to 60 minutes until relief is accomplished. Alprazolam is an anxiolytic and central nervous system depressant, which could suppress the client's breathing. Propranolol is contraindicated in a client who's wheezing because it's a beta2 adrenergic antagonist. Morphine is a respiratory center depressant and is contraindicated in this situation.

A nurse is assisting with a subclavian vein central line insertion when the client's oxygen saturation drops rapidly. He complains of shortness of breath and becomes tachypneic. The nurse suspects the client has developed a pneumothorax. Further assessment findings supporting the presence of a pneumothorax include:

diminished or absent breath sounds on the affected side. In the case of a pneumothorax, auscultating for breath sounds will reveal absent or diminished breath sounds on the affected side. Paradoxical chest wall movements occur in flail chest conditions. Tracheal deviation occurs in a tension pneumothorax. Muffled or distant heart sounds occur in cardiac tamponade.

The classification of Stage I of COPD is defined as

mild COPD. Stage 0 is at risk for COPD. Stage III is severe COPD. Stage IV is very severe COPD.

A nurse is caring for a client experiencing an acute asthma attack. The client stops wheezing and breath sounds aren't audible. This change occurred because:

the airways are so swollen that no air can get through. During an acute asthma attack, wheezing may stop and breath sounds become inaudible because the airways are so swollen that air can't get through. If the attack is over and swelling has decreased, there would be no more wheezing and less emergent concern. Crackles don't replace wheezes during an acute asthma attack.

The goal for oxygen therapy in COPD is to support tissue oxygenation, decrease the work of the cardiopulmonary system, and maintain the resting partial arterial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) of at least ______ mm Hg and an arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) of at least ___%.

60 mm Hg; 90% The goal is a PaO2 of at least 60 mm Hg and an SaO2 of 90%.

A patient is being admitted to the medical-surgical unit for the treatment of an exacerbation of acute asthma. Which of the following medications is contraindicated in the treatment of asthma exacerbations?

Intal (Cromolyn Sodium) Intal is contraindicated in patients with acute asthma exacerbation. Indications for Intal are long-term prevention of symptoms in mild, persistent asthma; it may modify inflammation. Intal is also a preventive treatment prior to exposure to exercise or known allergen. Proventil (albuterol), Xopenex (levalbuterol HFA), and Atrovent (ipratropium) can be used to relieve acute symptoms.

An increase in the red blood cell concentration in the blood is termed which of the following?

Polycythemia Polycythemia is an increase in the red blood cell concentration in the blood. Emphysema is a disease of the airways characterized by destruction of the walls of overdistended alveoli. Asthma is a disease with multiple precipitating mechanisms resulting in a common clinical outcome of reversible airflow obstruction.

A patient with asthma is prescribed a short acting beta-adrenergic (SABA) for quick relief. Which of the following is the most likely drug to be prescribed?

Proventil Proventil, a SABA, is given to asthmatic patients for quick relief of symptoms. Atrovent is an anticholinergic. Combivent is a combination SABA/anticholinergic, and Flovent is a corticosteroid.

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