Chapter 25 History

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What was the common idea behind the GI Bill and programs such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank established after World War 2?

As World War 2 came to an end, the countries of the world began seeking ways to prevent the problems and conflicts that helped lead to war.

What happened to the kind of fighting that took place in the final phase of the war?

Guerilla fighting, Small scale fighting occured when peace agreements were trying to be made. Unproductive, lives were lost though.

Communist leader in China

Mao Zedong (People's Republic of China) (Nationalist leader: Chiang Kai-shek) (They flee to Taiwan)

Alliance formed after World War Two

NATO ( western europeans countries, us, and canada) ( alliance against communism) (after the blockade on West Berlin) (north atlantic treaty organization) (only time that america will enter into an alliance during peacetime)

What was the second Red Scare:

The Soviet Union's atomic bomb and the spread of Communism in China led to a series of anti-Communist feelings in the United States during the late 1940's and the early 1950's.

What difficult adjustments faced the people of the United States after the war?

The overproduction of Military equipment would come to a standstill, making the economy plummet. The minorities who were employed in these factories would be returning to regular civilian life as a result of the veterans returning home. This caused many jobs not to be hireable. Some women were pressured to leave their jobs.

Postwar rise in U.S. birthrate

baby boom

Identify the significance of the following term: 38th parallel

-38th parallel: chosen as the dividing line, with Soviets controlling north of the line, and the U.S. south, Soviets establish a Communist government in the north, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. 38th degree mark. Set after world war 2.

What can you infer about Truman's successful tactic of attacking the "do-nothing Congress"?

-He wanted to divert the blame of inflation off of himself, and onto someone else.

What were the events that started the Korean war?

-On June 25, 1950 the Soviets invaded South Korea and the U.S. was caught off guard. The North Koreans quickly move to capture Seoul, and Truman orders us to support South Korea in the war. North Korea wanted to be communist, and South Korea asks for the UN's help. 5 members: China, Soviet Union, britain, US, France.

Identify the sequence of events discussed in the section that contributed to the rising Red Scare.

-The Soviet Union's atomic bomb and the spread of Communism in China, also the start of the Cold War.

Accused of spying against the United States

Alger Hiss (too much time had passed so he convicted of perjury, pumpkin, microfilm) (Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, espionage, soviet spy ring, electric chair 1953)

The period of high tension between the United States and the Soviet Union

Cold War

Write a brief definition for the following term: Cold war

Cold War: era of high tensions and bitter rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union from 1945-1991 Lasted 46 years.

Truman policy for limiting the spread of communism

Containment (The Truman Doctrine)

Write a brief definition for each of the following terms: containment, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan

Containment: U.S. policy to stop the spread of communism developed by diplomat George F. Kennan, who believed the U.S. should take any means necessary to prevent Soviet attempts at expansion of power - this would include military force and economic aid to to strengthen countries against the Soviets Truman Doctrine: policy of the U.S. to "support free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressure" issued by Truman to urge the importance of sending aid to Greece and Turkey when both were faced with Soviet pressure in 1947 Congress agrees, sends hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, and both are able to resist Soviet control -Marshall Plan: June 1947, secretary of state George Marshall gives a speech calling for American aid to help rebuild Europe's economy, which becomes known as the Marshall Plan U.S. sends over $13 billion to 17 countries is offered to the Soviet Union and its allies, but Stalin refuses helps Western Europe's economy recover, which enables these countries to buy American products and help with the American postwar economy U.S. gains strong political support throughout Western Europe Is only successful in the West because Stalin would not let them accept it.

Helped many former soldiers get a college education, start a business, or build a home.

GI Bill (to help veterans ease back into civilian life)

Write a brief definition for each of the following terms: GI Bill, baby boom

GI Bill: issued by FDR in June 1944 to help veterans make a smooth re-entry into civilian life, provided money for veterans to attend college or receive job training, helped arrange loans for veterans to buy homes, farms, or businesses, helped veterans find work and provided unemployment benefits for one year Baby Boom: for two decades after WWII more Americans begin having families, which increases consumer demand

Group blacklisted for refusing to help in effort to uncover Communists-

Hollywood Ten (HUAC) (house un-american activities committee) ( unconstitutional)

How do you think the Marshall Plan will affect relationships between the United States and the countries in Western Europe who received the aid? Support your answer with details from the section.

I think that the Marshall plan will build a stronger relationship with the countries in Western Europe because it will help them to resist communism against the Soviet Union.

Why do you think Julius and Ethel Rosenberg received a death sentence?

I think that they received the death sentence because they could potentially have ended up killing more U.S. soldiers. They were convicted of passing military secrets to the Soviets, including Ethel's brother, who was an employee on the Manhattan Project. They served as an example for anyone else who wanted to commit espionage. "Worse than murder"

A major turning point of the Korean War occurred here

Inchon ( Gen. MacArthur sent forces there to land) (surprise attack against enemy lines) (now the UN forces have an advantage)

How do you think Truman's decision to desegregate the U.S. armed forces will affect African Americans and their growing demands for civil rights?

It is going to encourage them.

How do you think the events of 1949 would affect the U.S. policy toward communism in the future?

It might increase fear and make our containment policies become more strict. The Korean War would happen after.

How would you describe the major pattern of fighting in the first year of the Korean War?

It was fast moving and back and forth. The U.S. gets attacked, and runs away to the successful Inchon Landing. Then North Korea runs away, then the UN forces retreat.

Based on what you have read here and in other chapters, how do you think efforts to improve countries' economies and international trade will help promote peace in the future?

It will help the communication between countries so if a conflict were to occur, they would have a better stance view of the situation and how to approach it.

Consider the arguments of both MacArthur and Truman about the possibility of a wider war with China. Which argument do you think was stronger? Explain.

MacArthur wanted to defend against communism at all costs, and Truman wanted to make peace without losing South Korea or initiating another war. I think that Truman's argument was stronger because he saw that communism could not be stopped by defeating North Korea. That would only wipe out more resources that the U.S. needed to recover from World War Two. The Soviet Union would still try to cultivate communism.

Why was Senator McCarthy able to win recognition as a great fighter of communism without actually identifying any communists?

Many Americans were able to believe Senator McCarthy without any evidence of communists, because they needed something to place the recent events, such as the loss of China and the Soviet development of the atomic bomb on.

Effort to help rebuild Europe after World War Two

Marshall Plan (economics)

Term for method of making reckless attacks on people's reputation

McCarthyism (Sen. Joseph McCarthy) (false accusations) (no evidence) (at first the people loved him) (he makes accusations against the US army) (televised hearings let the people see his strange tactics)

Write a brief definition for the following term: McCarthyism

McCarthyism: term coined by a political cartoonist to describe McCarthy's method of spreading fear and making baseless charges. Made him popular to be re-elected. People voted for him out of fear.

What is the significance of Panmunjom?

Negotiators meeting in Panmunjom argued over details of a peace agreement.

Do you think the United States should have done more to improve relations with the Soviet Union during World War Two?

No, I think that if the United States tried to form a better relationship with the Soviet Union, it would have either backfired or done nothing at all because they would still be communist and we would still be a democracy.

Do you think that it was reasonable to conclude from the advance of communism in the late 1940s that communism was "winning"?

No, communism, at this point in history, hadn't taken over the world, and there were still changes for democracy to rise.

What events led to the Korean War?

North Korea invaded South Korea wishing to unite both countries with the government of Communism. When South Korea refused, it asked the United Nations for help.

Describe the major events of the war in the order in which they occured.

North Korea invades the South. The United Nations respond to the South's cry for help. North Korea pushed forces all the way to the southeastern tip of South Korea. The UN forces formed a line around the port city of Pusan. The Communist attack stalled UN forces made an amphibious landing at Inchon. The UN forces quickly moved out of Inchon to recapture Seoul. -The North Koreans had spread themselves too thin. The Chinese join with North Korea UN forces retreat MacArthur is fired Fighting ends Unsuccessful negotiations for peace and small scale fighting

Why do you think some people were unwilling to stand up to McCarthy and his hunt for Communists?

SSome people might have feared that if they stood uup to McCarthy, he might have targeted them for cCommunism. The cause of his downfall was a televised case against the U.S. Army. The people see that he does not have any base for his charges.

Why did Truman believe it was important to defend such a small country such as South Korea?

South Korea a small country, unable to defend itself against an enemy supported by the Soviet Union, and failure to act could inspire further Communist aggression.

What was the Berlin Airlift, and why was it necessary?

The Berlin Airlift was the United States sending aircraft carriers to West Berlin to give them goods to survive the separation of the cities. Without this, West Berlin might have fallen. The soviets put the blockade on because of capitalism.

Following World War 2, how did the United States manage to avoid the severe economic problems that some people experienced?

The GI Bill was created, allowing the Veterans to be employed again. More demand more more products because of the increased birth rate. The veterans were building houses.

Who were the Hollywood Ten and what was their significance in the late 1940s?

The Hollywood Ten were a group of Hollywood writers and directors who, when called before HUAC, refused to answer questions regarding their political beliefs; are found guilty of contempt of Congress and sentenced to a year in jail. This significance of this is that alarm in Hollywood causes some to provide names of possible Communists to the House of Un-American Activities Committee, while others refuse and are blacklisted.

What was the Iron Curtain and why was that term chosen?

The Iron Curtain was the spread of communism in Eastern Europe. The term reflected Churchill's belief that communism had created a sharp division in Europe. It was chosen for Truman's speech about, " Unless Russia is faced with an iron fist and strong language, another war is in the making." Would mark the division between soviet and democratic rule.

What was the term that describes the dividing line between Communist Eastern Europe and non-Communist Western Europe.

The Iron Curtain. (Churchill gave that name) (Stalin said that it was not nice)

Why do you think the fighting in Korea was referred to as a police action?

The Korean fighting was referred to as a police action because Truman did not want to start another war. The United States did not declare war. It was a UN action.

How was the second Red Scare similar to and different from the Red Scare of 1919?

The Red Scare of 1919 was also a fear of Communism in America. The first Red Scare was a result of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The Americans were worried that communism would spread and lead to a revolution in the US. The second Red Scare was a result of the Soviet Union's atomic bomb and the spread of Communism in China, also the start of the Cold War.

What were the events that led up to and marked the beginning phases of the Cold War?

The Soviet Union and the United States had differing views on politics. The Soviet Union was Communist and had a Totalitarian Dictator. The United States was Capitalist had was governed as a free-enterprise republic. During World War 2 the Soviet Union and the US had difficulties in their alliance. For example, the Soviets wanted the British and the Americans to open a second European front earlier in the war. The United States also secretly developed an atomic bomb. Post War, they experienced even more conflicts. The Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression pact was created. These were that the Soviet Union refused to live up to wartime promises of elections in Eastern Europe that was made at Yalta. Because of this, the US made efforts to resist Soviet expansion. These events sparked the beginning of the Cold War. The Iron Curtain fell across Berlin.

Why were there two different views about the way in which Korea might be unified?

The U.S. had control of everything in Korea, south of the 38th parallel, and the Soviets had control of everything north of the line. They had different political views.

What was the significance of Inchon in the war?

The UN forces secured a landing in the city of Inchon on September 15th. From there, they were able to push north and trap the Soviet forces. A turning point in the war. Controlled by North Korea.

What can be inferred from the fact that the United States did not share its plans for building the atomic bomb with the Soviets during the war?

The US did not want to share the atomic bomb with the Soviets because they were worried that they might use it to harm them, or another country and become a world superpower. We didn't trust them. He had an agreement with Germany. A communist totalitarian.

What was the effect of the growing fear of communism at home?

The growing fear of communism at home led to the Smith Act, and the McCarran Act. Many people were also accused unfairly. Many people lost their jobs on false accusations. Paranoia.

Why do you think there was so much interest after the war in creating organizations to improve conditions for people in the United States and around the world?

The idea was to create as favorable circumstances as possible to hopefully delay another war.

What do you think was the most important benefit of the Marshall Plan? Explain your answer.

The rebuilding of Western Europe was the most important benefit of the Marshall Plan. It gained political support for the US, it strengthened the US'S economy after the war, and it also strengthened Western Europe.

What were the risks in attempting to supply West Berlin by air?

The risks were that they might have been shot down, or started an air battle against the Soviets. Raised tension between soviets in the West and East.

Why do you think western leaders were so concerned about the Iron Curtain?

They did not want communism to spread. Stalin would not stop at eastern Europe.

By what means did the United States and other countries seek to make the world better during the postwar era?

They established the United Nations, the Commision on Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the World Bank, the IMF, and the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). The Marshall Plan- sent money to countries in Western European countries that needed it.

How do you explain the fact that so many political observers were wrong about Truman and the presidential election of 1948?

They were not responding to the people, maybe the media.

What was the outcome and significance of the elections of 1946?

Truman faces much criticism when he becomes president upon FDR's sudden death in April 1945, inflation occurs following the war, as the government eases price controls and critics blame Truman, Republicans gain a majority in Congress for the first time since 1930, and Truman will struggle to push through his programs. 1946=midterm elections Truman= democrat

How did the communist takeover of China and the Soviet explosion of an atomic bomb affect the United States?

U.S. fears Communist China would increase Communist threat to the U.S. The U.S. tries to combat the spread by falling under another Red Scare, which lead to anti-communist fear.

Considering the cost of the war and what was gained, do you think the United States was right to fight in Korea?

Yes, I think the U.S. was right to fight against Korea because they stopped the spread of communism that would have occurred otherwise.

Do you think the United States was right to be concerned about the fate of the people of Eastern Europe? Explain.

Yes, the people in Eastern Europe in West Berlin might have been in a very dangerous situation due to the limited resources in their half of the city. The spread of communism might have also occurred.

Do you think the US and the UN in Korea made an effective defense against the spread of Communism?

Yes, they contained communism to North Korea.

What was the UN and why was it created?

born out of a desire to prevent yet another world war, committed members to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war" and to "reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights", called for respect of treaties and agreements, promotion of progress and freedom of all people, and for the use of international organizations to promote economic and social advancement, member nations were to live in peace and unite to maintain security.

What were two different ways that the Marshall Plan benefited the United States?

helps Western Europe's economy recover, which enables these countries to buy American products and help with the American postwar economy U.S. gains strong political support throughout Western Europe Less communism

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