Chapter 25 Reproductive System

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What is the importance of the blood-testis barrier?

It prevents escape of membrane antigens of differentiating sperm through the basal lamina and into the blood, where they would activate the immune system.

Which of the following statements regarding an ectopic pregnancy is correct? If it occurs in a uterine tube, it can rupture and lead to internal bleeding that may be life threatening. It can occur anywhere in the intraperitoneal region if the zygote does not enter the uterine tube. It usually occurs in a uterine tube. All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the above

Seminiferous tubules are the site of sperm storage.


The ejaculatory ducts are formed by the union of the ductus deferens and urethra.


The spermatic cord is another name for the ductus deferens.


Involuntary contraction of this smooth muscle layer wrinkles and thickens the walls of the scrotum to prevent heat loss.

dartos muscle

Sperm become motile in the


The opening of the oviduct is surrounded by these structures.


All of the following are adaptations for keeping the testes cool except the

testicular artery.

Oogenesis takes years to complete.


This layer of the uterus contracts during parturition to expel the baby.


A cancer that is often caused by a human papilloma virus is __________.

cervical cancer

The function of the pampiniform plexus of veins is to

help cool blood.

Type of cell in the testes that produces testosterone.


The zona pellucida

is a protective shell around the oocyte that sperm must penetrate for fertilization to occur.

The phases of the uterine cycle occur in the following order.

menstrual phase (days 1-5); proliferative phase (days 6-14); secretory phase (days 15-28)

All of the following are located within the spermatic cord except the

superficial inguinal ring.

The vaginal fornix

surrounds the tip of the cervix.

The usual site of embryo implantation is the


The seminal vesicles

are glands that secrete most of the volume of the semen.

The largest macroscopic region of the uterus is its


The acrosomal reaction occurs

just before fertilization.

Which of the following is NOT a function of sustentocytes? A phagocytizing cytoplasm shed by spermatids B secreting testicular fluid secreting inhibin C conveying nutrients to D.spermatogenic cells E. secreting testosterone

secreting testosterone

For each oogonium that undergoes meiosis, how many eggs result?

1- 1 stem cell yields one secondary oocyte and three polar bodies, remnant DNA.

The journey through the epididymis takes sperm about __________ and by the end of that process, __________.

20 days / they can swim and fertilize anovum through the acrosomal reaction

The secretion of the seminal vesicles makes up about __________% of the volume of semen, and the secretion contains __________.

60 / fructose, prostaglandins, substances that enhance sperm motility

In what way are the prostate and the bulbourethral glands similar?

They are both compound tubuloalveolar glands.

What is the function of the seminiferous tubules?

They are the site of sperm manufacture.

bulbourethral gland

They secrete the fluid that cleanses the urethra just before ejaculation.

The female uterine cycle begins

on the first day of menstruation.

Order of spermatozoa after production in seminiferous tubules before they exit the external urethral orifice

straight tubule>testis>efferent ductile>duct of epididymis>ductus deferens>ampulla of ductus deferens>ejaculatory gland>prostatic urethra>membranous urethra?spongy urethra

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