Chapter 25

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What document is the president most likely holding?

the text of his State of the Union address

How many countries were created when the Soviet Union broke up?


Which sea labeled on the map is bordered on all sides by former Soviet republics?

Arel sea

President Reagan made a point of appointing administrators to the Environmental Protection Agency who were sympathetic to

Business interests

According to the theory of supply-side economics, ___ is the first step toward creating a healthy economy.

Cutting taxes

During Reagan's presidency, federal spending increased most for

Defense and the military

In the 1980 presidential election, Ronald Reagan's running mate was Walter <u>Mondale</u>.


In the theory of <u>deregulation</u> economics, cutting taxes allows people to save more money. Banks then loan that money to businesses, and businesses invest the money in resources to improve productivity.


Members of the <u>Silent Majority</u> were primarily Christians who interpreted the Bible literally and believed in absolute standards of right and wrong.


The <u>New Left</u> is an alliance of conservative special interest groups stressing cultural, social, and moral issues.


The Defense Department estimated that the <u>Superfund bill</u>, popularly known as Star Wars, would cost trillions of dollars to complete.


The first woman to run on a major party's presidential ticket was <u>Sandra Day O'Connor</u>.


The term "<u>de facto</u> discrimination" is used by some conservatives to describe what they believe to be discrimination against white people, especially white men.


A direct result of the glasnost policy might be ___.

Freedom of the press

During the 1980s, the conservative coalition tended to support ___.

Government deregulation

During the early 1980s, conservatives objected to what they believed were excesses in

Government regulation

Why are the men fighting and arguing?

In lying about Iran-Contra they are getting in each other's way.

In the cartoon on the right, who is on President Reagan's back?

Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini

When George H. W. Bush ran for president in 1988, his opponent was

Micheal Dukakis

The Strategic Defense Initiative was an extremely costly

Missile defense system

___ was the goal of the program known as Star Wars.

National defence

The system of ___ rated jobs based on what they required of workers.

Pay equality

In 1987, Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev announced his plans for ___, or a restructuring of the Soviet economy and government.


Based on the map, which of the following countries would most likely have shared close ties with the former Soviet Union?


Which of the following eastern European countries shares its eastern border with three former Soviet republics


Who are the men depicted in the cartoon on the left?

Reagan administration officials

According to the map, which former Soviet republic had the largest land mass?


In an attempt to fill the Supreme Court with conservatives, Reagan nominated ___, the first woman ever appointed to the Court.

Sandra Day O'Connor

The main purpose of the tax cuts Reagan supported was to ___.

Stimulate private investments

What is the main idea of the cartoon on the right?

The Iran-Contra affair was a burden on Reagan and his presidency.

What is the main idea of the cartoon on the left?

The Reagan administration told many lies about the Iran-Contra affair.

What is the main idea of the cartoon on the left?

The Reagan administration was dishonest about the Iran-Contra affair.

What does this suggest about the documents they are writing?

The documents contain lies

Fundamentalist Christian leader and televangelist Jerry Falwell formed the organization called

The moral majority

___ is an example of a result of an entitlement program.

The receipt of a social security check

What has happened to the Reagan administration officials in the cartoon on the left?

Their noses have grown

An <u>entitlement program</u> is one that guarantees and provides benefits to particular groups of Americans.


Reagan nominated <u>William Rehnquist</u> to the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Reagan's efforts at deregulation included removing price controls on oil, eliminating federal health and safety inspections for nursing homes, and cutting the budget of the <u>Environmental Protection Agency.</u>


Reaganomics</u> called for lower taxes to accompany a reduction in government spending on social programs.


The<u>Conservative Coalition</u> was an alliance of intellectuals, business leaders, middle-class voters, Christian groups, and disenchanted Democrats. Among their key issues were opposition to big government and a belief in the return to traditional morality.


People who believe that reverse discrimination is a problem are worried about discrimination against

White people

The cartoon on the right shows President Reagan and Iran's leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. How does Reagan seem to feel about having Khomeini on his back?


Presidents Reagan and Bush were most successful in meeting their goal of

making the Supreme Court more conservative.

In the 1980s, reports on education revealed that U.S. schools were

performing worse than those of most other industrialized nations.

A member of the New Right who objected to affirmative action was most likely to criticize it for ___.

resulting in discrimination against white men

People who support pay equity argue that women should be paid

the same as men for doing the same jobs.

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