Chapter 26: The Cold War Smartbook

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Joseph McCarthy was...

A Republican senator

The change in U.S. policy outlined in NSC-68 required...

A massive increase in the U.S. defense budget

Who was the Democratic candidate in the presidential election of 1952?

Adlai E. Stevenson

An integral part of the containment policy was to...

Aid the economic reconstruction of Europe

After ousting Chiang Kai-shek from power, the communists controlled...

All of mainland China but not Taiwan

At a conference in Potsdam in July 1945, Truman...

Allowed Stalin to adjust the German-Polish border

Which of the following describe the vision of the postwar world that appealed to Roosevelt and many other Americans?

An international organization serving as arbiter of disputes and protector of every nation's right to self-determination Nations governing their relations with one another through democratic processes

The fear of nuclear weapons and nuclear destruction...

Appeared widely in popular culture

The agreement that formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization...

Called for the maintenance of a standing military force in Europe Declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all

The expansion of the containment doctrine established in NSC-68 was a response to the Soviet Union's development of a nuclear weapon and the rise of communism in...


MacArthur's invasion of North Korea appeared to be on its way to victory until...

China intervened

MacArthur's invasion of North Korea...

Collapsed after reaching the capital

Faced with the threat of further Soviet expansion, the Truman administration developed the policy known as...


In Korea at the end of the war, the United States and the Soviet Union...

Divided the nation between them along the 38th parallel

A 1948 public opinion poll revealed that a majority of Americans believed atomic power would...

Do more good than harm in the long run

Who was the Republican candidate in the presidential election of 1952?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Which of the following occurred in the election of 1952?

Eisenhower pledged to settle the Korean conflict A long period of Democratic dominance ended Nixon exploited the issue of domestic anticommunism

Stalin's true motivation for his actions after the war was to...

Ensure Soviet security

Which countries were to be represented in the United Nations' General Assembly?

Every member country

T/F: The establishment of the United Nations met far more opposition in the U.S. Senate than had been encountered by the League of Nations several decades earlier

False - the Senate ratified the United Nations charter by a wide margin, in sharp contrast to its failure to ratify the League of Nations

At the time of his accession to the presidency, Truman...

Had almost no familiarity with international issues

The Truman Doctrine was based in part on the work of George F. Kennan, who believed that Soviet expansionism...

Had to be contained

Which of the following hampered Truman's ability to "get tough" with the Soviets after assuming office?

He had little leverage over Russia and was unable to enter into a renewed conflict in Europe

During Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in government...

He never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist

How did NSC-68 reflect a change in U.S. policy from the initial statements of the containment doctrine?

It removed any limits to the execution of the containment policy

At the Yalta conference,...

It was agreed the Soviet Union should regain land lost in the 1904 Russo-Japanese War

The administration of Syngman Rhee, South Korea's leader at the time of the North Korean invasion, was...

Nominally democratic but anticommunist

The founding charter of the United Nations established a Security Council composed of...

Permanent and temporary delegations

Much of the anticommunist furor in the United States emerged from...

Politically motivated attacks by the Republicans on the Democrats

The establishment of NATO...

Preceded the signing of the Warsaw Pact by several years

Upon what faulty premise was the doctrine of containment based?

That communists sought to spread their ideology in a global revolution

Which of the following best describes the results of the 1952 elections?

The Republicans took control of the White House and both houses of Congress

McCarthy's first investigations targeted...

The State Department

By the end of 1945 the Korean peninsula had been occupied by troops from...

The United States and Soviet Union

As put forth in the Truman Doctrine, the policy of containment was...

The basis of American policy for more than forty years

The Cold War intensified in 1949 with...

The first successful test of an atomic weapon by the Soviet Union

The first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was...

The movie industry

Which of the following happened after Hollywood writers and producers refused to answer HUAC questions about their political beliefs?

They were jailed for contempt They were blacklisted and barred from employment

T/F: The desire to economically strengthen Western European nations was due to a fear they might fall under control of domestic communist parties

True - American policymakers believed that unless something could be done to strengthen the shaky pro-American governments in Western Europe, those governments might fall under the control of domestic communist parties

T/F: When Harry S. Truman assumed the presidency, he viewed Stalin with deep suspicion and even hatred

True - Truman considered the Soviet Union as fundamentally untrustworthy and viewed Stalin himself with suspicion and even hatred

T/F: In the postwar period, the Soviet Union wanted to control Central and Eastern Europe and use the region as a protective buffer against the West

True - the Soviet Union wanted to create a sphere of influence against any future Western aggression

Which of the following actions at Potsdam confirmed that Germany would remain divided?

Truman refused to allow the Russians to claim reparations for the American, French and British zones of Germany

The National Security Council report known as NSC-68 urged the United States to resist communist expansion...

Virtually anywhere it occurred

China entered the war...

When American forces neared the Chinese border

Under the policy of containment, the U.S. and its allies would...

Work to prevent Soviet expansion

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