Chapter 26: Urinary Test Bank Review

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agents that increase urine excretion are known as

increased sensitivity to ADH

changes occur in the urinary system with aging include all of the following except

cotransport of Na and K ions

chloride ions is reabsorbed in the thick ascending limb by

stimulation of stretch receptors in the bladder wall sends impulses to the sacral cord and the parasympathetic motor neurons that control the detrusor muscle become active

during the micturition reflex,


each of the following is a normal constituent of urine, EXCEPT


each of the following organ systems excretes wastes to some degree, except the____system


each of the following organs is part of the urinary system, EXCEPT the

regulation of blood volume and blood pressure, helping to stabilize pH, regulation of plasma concentration ions, conservation of valuable nutrients

function of the urinary system include...

renal corpuscle

glomerular (Bowman's) capsule and the glomerulus make up the

large branches of the renal pelvis

major calyces are

24 mmHg

measurement of the functions of nephrons reveals a glomerular capillary pressure of 69 mmHg, and a pressure in the capsular space of 15 mmHg. Assuming the colloid osmotic pressure is 30 mmHg

both parts of the statement are true

normally, all the glucose filtered by the glomeruli is reabsorbed by cells of the collecting tubules, but there is a limit called the transport maximum (Tmax); which parts of this statement are true or false?

decrease in urinary albumin concentration

one mechanism the kidney uses to raise systemic blood pressure is to...

1 liter/min

renal blood flow is about...

bundles of tissue extend between pyramids from the cortex

renal columns are

facilitated diffusion

secretion of hydrogen ion by the PCT is by the process of


substances larger than ____ are normally NOT allowed to pass through the filtration membrane

creatinine, hydrogen and potassium ions, penicillin

substances secreted by the distal convoluted tubule include...

increase the glomerular filtration rate

sympathetic stimulation of the kidney can do all of the following, EXCEPT

nephron loop (loop of Henle)

the U-shaped segment of the nephron is the

papillary duct

the ___delivers urine to the minor calyx

the collecting duct and the nephron loop (Loop of Henle)

the ability to form a concentrated urine depends on the functions of

renal pelvis

the cavity of the kidney that receives urine from the calyces is called the

juxtaglomerular complex

the cells of the macula densa and the juxtaglomerular cells form the

floating kidney

the condition called___is especially dangerous because the ureters or renal blood vessels can become twisted or kinked during movement.

compresses the urinary bladder and expels urine through the urethra

the detrusor muscle


the efferent arteriole of a nephron divides to form a network of capillaries within the cortex called the ____capillaries.

renal pelvis

the expanded beginning of the ureter connects to the

endoethelium of glomerulus, dense layer of glomerulus, and podocyte filtration slits

the filtration barrier in the renal corpuscle consists of three layers

renal corpuscule

the filtration of plasma takes place in the


the glomeruli are best described as being tufts of

both parts of the statement are true

the kidneys are retroperitoneal and the renal arteries branch directly off the abdominal aorta; which parts of this statement are true or false

blood pH, blood pressure, blood volume, blood ion levels

the kidneys not only remove waste products from the blood, they also assist in the regulation of


the left kidney lies____to the right kidney


the majority of glomeruli are located in the___of the kidney

the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) by the neurohypophysis, a high concentration of NaCl in the interstitial fluid that surround the collecting ducts, aquaporins being inserted into the membranes of the collecting duct cells

the mechanism producing a concentrated urine involves...

fibrous capsule

the outermost layer of the kidney is the...

distal convoluted tubule

the portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct is the

supporting connective tissues, contact with adjacent visceral organs, the overlying peritoneum

the position of the kidneys in the abdominal cavity is stabilized by...

absorption of ions, organic molecules, vitamins, water

the primary function of the proximal convoluted tubule is

blood hydrostatic pressure

the process of filtration is driven by

the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule

the process of filtration occurs at


the prominent indentation on the medial surface of the kidney is the...

the distal convoluted tubule

the region known as the macula densa is part of

an internal cavity lined by the fibrous capsule

the renal sinus is


the renal threshold for glucose is approximately___mg/dl

both statements are true and relate to production of a dilute urine

the thick ascending limb of the nephron loop (Loop of Henle) is almost impermeable to water but reabsrobs sodium, potassium, and chloride ions from the filtrate.


the ureters and urinary bladder are lined by____epithelium

excretes albumen molecules

the urinary system does all of the following, EXCEPT that it

adjusting the volume of water lost in urine

the urinary system regulates blood volume and pressure by

proximal convoluted tubule

the urine first passes from the glomerular capsule to the


triangular or conical structures located in the renal medulla are called


tubular reabsorption involves all of the following EXCEPT

stem cell movements

tubular reabsorption involves all of the following EXCEPT


typrical renal flow is about ___ml/min under resting conditions

blood hydrostatic pressure, capsular hydrostatic pressure, blood colloid osmotic pressure

under normal conditions, glomerular filtration depends on three main pressures:

the ureters

urine is carried to the urinary bladder by


urine is eliminated through the...

collecting duct, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra

urine passes, in the order given, through which of the following structures?

renal artery, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, cortical radiate artery, afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole, peritubular capillary

The proper order in which blood passes through these vessels is


___is an inflammatory disorder of the glomeruli that affects the filtration mechanism of the kidneys.

polycystic kidney disease

___is an inherited abnormality that affects the development and structure of kidney tubules

less secretion of aldosterone, reduction of blood pressure, increased urinary loss of sodium

a drug that inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) may lead to...

a knot of capillaries within the renal corpuscle

a glomerulus is

absence of ADH

a patient excretes a large volume of very dilute urine on a continuing basis. This may be due to

located partly within the pelvic cavity

all of the following are true of the kidneys except that they are

renal failure

an inability of the kidneys to excrete adequately to maintain homeostasis is...

is secreted in response to low potassium ion in the blood

antidiuretic hormone


approximately___liters of glomerular filtrate enter glomerular capsules each day


as the filtrate passes through the renal tubules, approximately what percentage is reabsorbed and returned to the circulation

depends on changes in the efferent arteriole, maintains glomerular filtration over a wide range of blood pressures, depends on the afferent arterioles

auto-regulation of the rate of glomerular filtration has which of the following properties?

efferent arteriole

blood leaves the glomerulus through a blood vessel called the...


glomerulonephritis may occur as a consequence of an infection with the bacterium

it will contain large amounts of urobilin

if a urine sample is distinctly yellow in color, which of the following will be true?

permanent kidney injury, presence of blood, loss of protein in urine

if heavy exercise reduces blood flow in the kidneys, which of the following might occur?

urine with lower concentration of sodium ions

in response to increased levels of aldosterone, the kidneys produce

more urine is produced and the osmolarity of urine decreases

when the level of ADH decreases....

collecting ducts

which of the following components of the nephron is largely confined to the renal medulla?

final urine enters here

which of the following descriptions best matches the term calyx?

creates high interstitial NaCl concentration, enables production of hypertonic urine, relies on countercurrent multiplication

which of the following descriptions best matches the term nephron loop (loop of Henle)?

tip of medullary pyramid

which of the following descriptions best matches the term renal papilla?

FP = BHP - (CsHP + BCOP)

which of the following formulas will allow you to calculate correctly the net filtration pressure (FP)?

facultative reabsorption when the body is dehydrated

which of the following is greater?

the concentration of solute in the filtrate at the bottom of the nephron loop (loop of Henle)

which of the following is greater?

excretion of excess albumen

which of the following is not an important function of the kidney?

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