Chapter 27

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A plan for the international control of atomic power was proposed by presidential aid and special representative to the United Nations Select one: a. Bernard Baruch. b. Henry Wallace. c. George Kennan. d. Millard Tydings. e. Joseph McCarthy.

The correct answer is: Bernard Baruch.

All of the following contributed to Truman's victory in the election of 1948 except Select one: a. the lackluster campaign of his Republican opponent. b. Truman's vigorous cross-country, old-fashioned, speaking tour. c. Truman's denunciation of the "do nothing" eightieth Congress. d. Dewey's reputation as a communist sympathizer. e. voter loyalty to the memory of Roosevelt and the New Deal.

The correct answer is: Dewey's reputation as a communist sympathizer.

In 1951, Harry Truman relieved General ____ of his command in Korea for insubordination. Select one: a. George C. Patton b. Douglas MacArthur c. Dwight D. Eisenhower d. George Marshall e. Henry Wallace

The correct answer is: Douglas MacArthur

Each of the following ran for the presidency in 1948 except Select one: a. Harry Truman. b. Thomas Dewey. c. Strom Thurmond. d. Dwight D. Eisenhower. e. Henry Wallace.

The correct answer is: Dwight D. Eisenhower.

In 1949, Mao Zedong forced Jiang Jieshi's forces off mainland China to the offshore island of Select one: a. Korea. b. Hawaii c. Tahiti. d. Indonesia. e. Formosa.

The correct answer is: Formosa.

The article in Foreign Affairs that called for the policy of containment to be used against the Soviets was authored by Select one: a. Harry Truman. b. Dean Acheson. c. George Kennan. d. Richard Nixon. e. Dwight Eisenhower.

The correct answer is: George Kennan.

The Truman Doctrine was first applied when the President asked Congress to extend aid to the governments of Select one: a. China and Korea. b. Greece and Turkey. c. Texas and Oklahoma. d. Great Britain and France. e. the Soviet Union and China.

The correct answer is: Greece and Turkey.

Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential candidate in 1952, was from Select one: a. South Carolina. b. Indiana. c. New York. d. California. e. Illinois.

The correct answer is: Illinois.

Which of the following was not included in the National Security Act of 1947?

The correct answer is: It created the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The first player to break Major League Baseball's policy of racial discrimination was Select one: a. Willie Mays. b. Leroy ("Satchel") Page. c. Willie McCovey. d. Jackie Robinson. e. Larry Doby.

The correct answer is: Jackie Robinson.

All of the following occurred in 1949-1950 except Select one: a. communists gained victory in China. b. Russia exploded an atomic bomb. c. the Korean War began. d. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed. e. Joseph McCarthy charged there were communists in the State Department.

The correct answer is: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed.

The Long Island suburb of ____, which opened in 1947, consisted of more than 10,000 affordable homes for middle-income families. Select one: a. the Bronx b. Morristown c. Edeltown d. Yorktown e. Levittown

The correct answer is: Levittown

The 1949 military and political alliance linking Western European nations with the United States was Select one: a. NATO. b. CENTO. c. SEATO. d. the Warsaw Pact. e. the Marshall Plan.

The correct answer is: NATO.

The war in Korea began when the Select one: a. South Korean army moved across the thirty-eighth parallel into North Korea. b. Chinese army moved across the thirty-eighth parallel into South Korea. c. North Korean army moved across the thirty-eighth parallel into South Korea. d. United States landed at Inchon. e. Soviet Union invaded South Korea.

The correct answer is: North Korean army moved across the thirty-eighth parallel into South Korea.

When Eisenhower was elected President in 1952 Select one: a. Democrats continued to control both houses of Congress. b. Republicans won overwhelming victories in both houses of Congress. c. Republicans won narrow victories in both houses of Congress. d. he immediately switched to the Democratic Party. e. Democrats controlled the house, but Republicans controlled the Senate.

The correct answer is: Republicans won narrow victories in both houses of Congress.

Who of the following was not accused by Joseph McCarthy of traitorous actions against the United States? Select one: a. Dean Acheson b. Richard Nixon c. Alger Hiss d. George Marshall e. Millard Tydings

The correct answer is: Richard Nixon

The couple arrested, tried, convicted, and executed (in 1953) for espionage were named Select one: a. Hiss. b. Chambers. c. Rosenberg. d. Ackroyd. e. Jones.

The correct answer is: Rosenberg.

The "Dixiecrats" were officially called the Select one: a. Southern Democratic Party. b. Party of Dixie. c. Democratic Rights Party. d. States' Rights Democratic Party. e. White Supremacy Party.

The correct answer is: States' Rights Democratic Party.

In the post-war years, in South Africa the U.S. supported Select one: a. a democratic government. b. a white supremacist government that enforced strict subordination of blacks. c. a leftist regime. d. reinstitution of colonialism. e. a communist government.

The correct answer is: a white supremacist government that enforced strict subordination of blacks.

The Mattachine Society Select one: a. opposed communist infiltration of government offices. b. advocated equal rights for gays. c. defended actors and writers accused of being communists. d. called for racial equality. e. supported women's rights.

The correct answer is: advocated equal rights for gays.

Truman responded to the Berlin blockade by Select one: a. closing all land routes into West Berlin. b. arresting the Soviet ambassador to the United States. c. airlifting tons of supplies to the city. d. pulling all Americans out of Berlin. e. attacking the Soviet Union.

The correct answer is: airlifting tons of supplies to the city.

According to the popular view of the containment policy Select one: a. the U.S. should only involve itself in the international disputes when U.S. territory is attacked. b. all leftist insurgencies everywhere are controlled by the Russian Communists. c. the U.S. must keep the public calm by carefully containing potentially frightening information. d. both Communist and non-Communist nations must be contained within their own borders. e. the spread of Communism is an indirect threat to the U.S.

The correct answer is: all leftist insurgencies everywhere are controlled by the Russian Communists.

National Security Council Document 68 (NSC 68) endorsed which of the following? Select one: a. massive military buildup b. covert actions c. enlarged propaganda efforts both inside and outside the United States d. economic pressure e. all of the above

The correct answer is: all of the above

The U.S.-backed government of Syngman Rhee in South Korea was Select one: a. a communist regime. b. a democratic government. c. an autocratic government. d. a theocratic state. e. a Nazi regime.

The correct answer is: an autocratic government.

The Fair Deal can be viewed as all of the following except Select one: a. a continuation of New Deal policies such as Social Security. b. an attempt to act on the Democratic Party's promises for civil rights and national health care. c. an effort to expand on Truman's desire for "maximum" employment policies. d. support for farm prices. e. an effort to silence critics who considered Harry Truman unfit to be president.

The correct answer is: an effort to silence critics who considered Harry Truman unfit to be president.

The Central Intelligence Agency was Select one: a. created by Franklin Roosevelt during World War II. b. given a mandate to infiltrate suspicious organizations within the United States. c. an information-gathering agency with authority to participate in international covert actions. d. required to receive congressional approval before it undertook any controversial actions. e. not an important agency during the Cold War years.

The correct answer is: an information-gathering agency with authority to participate in international covert actions.

In the late 1940s militant ideologues charged the Truman Administration was subverting the cause of Select one: a. individual liberty. b. democratic government. c. anticommunism. d. economic determinism. e. support for the U.S. Constitution.

The correct answer is: anticommunism.

The Kinsey Report published in 1948 Select one: a. was a study of the major educational institutions in the United States. b. exposed thousands of communists who worked for the State Department. c. called for racial equality. d. found that 30 percent of FBI agents were psychotic. e. asserted that homosexuality was normal and should be tolerated.

The correct answer is: asserted that homosexuality was normal and should be tolerated.

Women in movies referred to as film noir were portrayed as Select one: a. ideal wives and mothers. b. competent professionals. c. beautiful but dangerous. d. dumb but lovable. e. communist conspirators.

The correct answer is: beautiful but dangerous.

Supporters of the "Second Bill of Rights" Select one: a. sought to amend the Constitution. b. hoped to abolish the poll tax. c. wanted to limit presidents to two terms in office. d. advocated equal rights for all races. e. believed all Americans had a right to such rights as food, shelter, education and health care.

The correct answer is: believed all Americans had a right to such rights as food, shelter, education and health care.

The National Association of Manufacturers Select one: a. supported the idea of a "Second Bill of Rights." b. believed that expanded domestic programs would destroy private free-enterprise. c. supported President Truman. d. supported bills to expand public housing. e. advocated stronger environmental laws.

The correct answer is: believed that expanded domestic programs would destroy private free-enterprise.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Select one: a. established a European free-trade zone. b. continued the traditional U.S. policy of nonentanglement. c. delivered economic aid to the Soviet Union. d. called for preemptive wars against likely aggressors. e. considered an attack on one member nation an attack on all members.

The correct answer is: considered an attack on one member nation an attack on all members.

The major goal of the Marshall Plan was to Select one: a. crush the Soviet Union. b. destroy communist subversion in the United States. c. build a series of military alliances throughout the world. d. counter communism by offering economic aid to war-torn European countries. e. overthrow communist governments in Latin America.

The correct answer is: counter communism by offering economic aid to war-torn European countries.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

The correct answer is: destroyed the careers of hundreds of TV and movie workers.

In the post war years commitment to "national security" served to Select one: a. expand the power of the Supreme Court. b. extend congressional involvement in foreign affairs. c. expand personal liberties and freedom for Americans. d. spread democracy throughout the world. e. extend the power of the executive branch of government

The correct answer is: extend the power of the executive branch of government

In the presidential campaign of 1948, candidate Henry Wallace criticized President Truman for Select one: a. his militant containment policies toward the Soviet Union. b. his plans to integrate the military. c. failing to win the war in Korea. d. losing China to communism. e. being a communist.

The correct answer is: his militant containment policies toward the Soviet Union.

The so-called "white flight" refers to Select one: a. middle-class white families leaving the cities to live in the suburbs. b. middle-class whites leaving the Northeast to live in the West. c. wealthy whites leaving the city to live on country estates. d. poor whites fleeing rural areas for the cities. e. increased number of airline flights to Las Vegas.

The correct answer is: middle-class white families leaving the cities to live in the suburbs.

The Taft-Hartley Act Select one: a. enacted the highest tariff in U.S. history. b. negated many union gains from the New Deal years. c. implemented the first peacetime draft in U.S. history. d. required strict loyalty oaths from all Americans. e. imposed the first income tax.

The correct answer is: negated many union gains from the New Deal years.

Prior to the 1950s Dwight D. Eisenhower had Select one: a. been an outspoken Democrat. b. always supported the Republican party. c. not publicly declared his political party affiliation. d. been perceived as an extreme conservative. e. been a prominent businessman.

The correct answer is: not publicly declared his political party affiliation.

Alger Hiss was charged with Select one: a. espionage. b. murder. c. sexual misconduct. d. perjury. e. theft.

The correct answer is: perjury.

General Douglas MacArthur was fired by Truman because MacArthur Select one: a. lost the Korean War. b. refused to attack north of the Yalu River. c. publicly disagreed with Truman's containment policy. d. was too old and senile to command combat troops. e. launched a preemptive strike on the Soviet Union.

The correct answer is: publicly disagreed with Truman's containment policy.

All of the following were characteristics of the suburbs except they Select one: a. offered privacy, playgrounds, and built-in appliances b. increased property ownership and symbolized the crusade against communism c. served as model communities for racial integration. d. benefited from federal loan policies and tax breaks e. represented an optimistic spirit and confidence in the future.

The correct answer is: served as model communities for racial integration.

The U.S. anti-Communist crusade caused the federal government to Select one: a. reduce U.S. military spending. b. support corrupt, oppressive, racist governments in other countries. c. encourage freedom of speech and conscience at home and abroad. d. lose interest in U.S. holdings in the Pacific. e. retreat into an isolationist stance.

The correct answer is: support corrupt, oppressive, racist governments in other countries.

Harry Truman's policy in regard to the Soviet Union was based on his belief that Select one: a. the Russians were honest and could be trusted to negotiate in good faith. b. the United States should cut off all contact with the U.S.S.R. c. the United States had to take a firm stand in opposition to Soviet territorial and ideological expansion. d. the United States should maintain friendly relations with the U.S.S.R. at all costs. e. his isolationist stance.

The correct answer is: the United States had to take a firm stand in opposition to Soviet territorial and ideological expansion.

Bernard Baruch's plan for limiting atomic power included Select one: a. the eventual destruction of U.S. atomic weapons. b. an end to all atomic research. c. organization of public antinuclear protest marches all over the world. d. establishment of a U.N. nuclear arsenal to intimidate rogue military groups. e. the use of nuclear weapons against any nation that threatened to develop such weapons.

The correct answer is: the eventual destruction of U.S. atomic weapons.

Truman's domestic policies were based on Select one: a. the idea that economic growth would finance federal welfare programs. b. a tax-the-rich plan. c. a reduction in the size and power of the federal government. d. allowing the free enterprise system to function without government intervention. e. rolling back labor reforms of the 1930s.

The correct answer is: the idea that economic growth would finance federal welfare programs.

All of the following were part of the "G.I. Bill" except Select one: a. providing veterans with financial assistance for education. b. mandating that veterans receive favorable terms for securing loans for home purchases. c. mandating preferential treatment when veterans applied for public-sector jobs. d. the promise to veterans of a future financial bonus. e. it eventually provided medical care in veterans' hospitals.

The correct answer is: the promise to veterans of a future financial bonus.

President Truman's loyalty program Select one: a. won the support of Joseph McCarthy. b. proved that the domestic communist conspiracy was a serious threat to U.S. security. c. was criticized by both the political far left and the far right. d. resulted in a lower divorce rate in the U.S. e. revived support for labor unions.

The correct answer is: was criticized by both the political far left and the far right.

All of the following are true about the Truman Doctrine except that it Select one: a. argued that the United States must oppose Communist aggression around the world. b. argued that the United States must allocate money for nations resisting outside subversion. c. was initially tied to the Greek civil war. d. was strongly opposed by all members of Congress. e. it called for the U.S. to aid those who were resisting armed minorities from within.

The correct answer is: was strongly opposed by all members of Congress.

Anticommunism was used to Select one: a. strengthen support for labor unions. b. weaken labor unions. c. integrate labor unions. d. convince labor leaders to vote Republican. e. extend the right to unionize to women workers.

The correct answer is: weaken labor unions.

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