Chapter 29, Pt. 1

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Jones Act (Identify the historical significance)

. Law according territorial status to the Philippines and promising independence as soon as a "stable government" could be established. The United States did not grant the Philippines independence until July 4, 1946.

Fedral Trade Commission Act (Identify the historical significance)

A banner accomplishment of Woodrow Wilson's administration, this law empowered a standing, presidentially appointed commission to investigate illegal business practices in interstate commerce like unlawful competition, false advertising, and mislabeling of goods.

Louis D. Brandeis (Identify the historical significance)

A progressive-minded confidant of Woodrow Wilson, Brandeis was the litigator behind Muller v. Oregon. In 1916, Wilson made him the first Jewish American to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Eugene V. Debs (Identify the historical significance) a. All choices are correct. b. A frequent presidential candidate on the Socialist party ticket, in 1920 he won more than 900,000 votes campaigning for president from his prison cell. c. Debs was later convicted under the World War I's Espionage Act in 1918 and sentenced to ten years in a federal penitentiary. d. A tireless socialist leader who organized the American Railway Union in the Pullman Strike in 1894.

All choices are correct

Federal Reserve Act (Identify the historical significance) a. An act establishing twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks and a Federal Reserve Board. b. Appointed by the president, to regulate banking and create stability on a national scale in the volatile banking sector. c. The law carried the nation through the financial crises of the First World War of 1914-1918. d. All choices are correct.

All choices are correct

Adamson Act (Identify the historical significance) a. The law was upheld by the Supreme Court in Wilson v. New (1917). b. The first federal law regulating the hours of workers in private companies. c. This law established an eight-hour day for all employees on trains involved in interstate commerce, with extra pay for overtime. d. All choices are correct.

All choices are correct.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (Identify the historical significance) a. Law extending the anti-trust protections of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. b. The act conferred long-overdue benefits on labor. c. Law also exempted labor unions and agricultural organizations from antimonopoly constraints. d. All choices are correct.

All choices are correct.

Francisco ("Pancho") Villa (Identify the historical significance) a All choices are correct. This answer is correct. b. A combination of bandit and Robin Hood, Villa emerged as a chief rival to Mexican president Carranza. c. President Wilson dispatched General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing in an attempt to capture Villa, but the expedition ended in defeat for American forces. d. Villa tried to provoke the United States into war by going on a killing spree north of the border in New Mexico.

All choices are correct.

Tampico Incident (Identify the historical significance)

An arrest of American sailors by the Mexican government that spurred Woodrow Wilson to dispatch the American navy to seize the port of Veracruz in April 1914. Although war was avoided, tensions grew between the United States and Mexico.

President Wilson's progressive reform stopped short of which group?


Central Powers (Identify the historical significance)

Germany and Austria-Hungary, later joined by Turkey and Bulgaria, made up this alliance against the Allies in World War I.

What divided Americans in respect to the United States's involvement in World War I?

Germany's use of submarine sandwiches.

All of the following were true of the Lusitania's sinking except:

It resulted in an immediate declaration of war by Congress.

Speech Quote Which of the following can best be concluded about United States involvement in the First World War based on the point of view expressed in the excerpt?

Joining the war was a departure from the traditional foreign policy of nonintervention.

Arthur Zimmermann (Identify the historical significance) a. Zimmermann proposed a Dutch-Mexican alliance against the United States. b. French foreign secretary during World War I and author of the infamous "Zimmermann note." c. Helped puch the United States to enter the Spanich-American War. d. None of the choices are correct.

None of the choices are correct.

Workingmen's Compensation Act (Identify the historical significance) a. Required union negotiations with large companies. b. Passed under Howard Taft, this law granted assistance to federal civil-service employees during periods of disability. c. It was a precursor to labor-friendly legislation passed during theFair Deal. d. None of the choices are correct.

None of the choices are correct.

Holding Companies (Identify the historical significance)

Often, a holding company does not produce goods or services of its own but only exists to control other companies.

World War I began when Austria-Hungary delivered a harsh ultimatum against which of its neighbors?


Rape of Belgium Poster What does the image suggest the soldier is about to do to the young girl?

Sexually Assault Her

President Wilson viewed America's entry into World War I as an opportunity for the United States to do which of the following?

Shape a new international order based on democracy.

Which of the following benefited labor?

The Clayton Antitrust Act and the Adamson Act

Which of President Wilson's walls of privilege was the Federal Trade Commission Act aimed at?

The Trusts.

When did President Wilson break diplomatic relations with Germany?

When Germany announced that it would wage unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic

Rape of Belgium Poster What conclusion can be made based on the image

The poster exhorts the viewer both to "Remember Belgium" and "Buy Bonds," which are presumably connected. It is reasonable to conclude that the bonds being sold were necessary to support the war effort.

George Creel (Identify the historical significance)

The young, outspoken, and tactless journalist who was tapped to head the Committee on Public Information, also known as the Creel Committee, during World War I

Underwood Tariff

This tariff provided for a substantial reduction of rates and enacted an unprecedented, graduated federal income tax. By 1917, revenue from the income tax surpassed receipts from the tariff, a gap that has since been vastly widened.

Speech The point of view in the excerpt best supports which of the following historical arguments about United States involvement in the First World War before 1917 ?

United States policies favorable to Great Britain undercut American neutrality.

Wilson defeated Charles Evans Hughes in the Election of 1916 for all of the following reasons except:

Wilson's sweep of the Eastern part of the country overcame his narrow loss in California.

Rape of Belgium Poster What can be inferred from the image about the social structure of America at the time?

Women need to be protected

Who has registered the knowledge or approval of the American people of the course this Congress is called upon in declaring war upon Germany? Submit the question to the people, you who support it. You who support it dare not do it, for you know that by a vote of more than ten to one the American people as a body would register their declaration against it. "I venture to say that the response which the German people have made to the demands of this war shows that it has a degree of popular support which the war upon which we are entering has not and never will have among our people. The espionage bills, the conscription bills, and other forcible military measures . . . [are] proof that those responsible for this war fear that it has no popular support. . . . "It was our absolute right as a neutral [power] to ship food to the people of Germany. That is a position that we have fought for through all of our history. . . . "The only reason why we have not suffered the sacrifice of just as many ships and just as many lives from the violation of our rights by the war zone and the submarine mines of Great Britain as we have through the unlawful acts of Germany in making her war zone in violation of our neutral rights is simply because we have submitted to Great Britain's dictation. . . . We have not only a legal but a moral responsibility for the position in which Germany has been placed . . . . By suspending the rule [of law] with respect to neutral rights in Great Britain's case, we have been actively aiding her in starving the civil population of Germany. We have helped to drive Germany into a corner, her back to the wall, to fight with what weapons she can lay her hands on to prevent the starving of her women and children, her old men and babes." Senator Robert La Follette, speech in the United States Senate, 1917 A limitation of the excerpt as evidence of the reasons for United States entry into the First World War was that it

expressed opposition to war with Germany

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