Chapter 3

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Provide three recommendations to prevent unethical experiments by government researchers.

1. required to disclose (fully) purpose of research after works, 2. subjects have to prove they know what they are consenting to, 3. explain what voluntary waived confidentiality means

Researchers would need to get the informed consent of this group if they wished to conduct interviews with high school sophomores about their delinquency: a. Teachers b. Legal guardians c. Child psychologists d. Family members


If only some research subjects—not all—were given compensation for participation in a study, this would be a violation of: a. Informed consent b. Beneficence c. Justice d. Respect for persons

B. Beneficence, C

Which of the following groups can give only assent, but not informed consent, to participate in a study? a. University students b. Children c. Economically disadvantaged persons d. Prisoners

B. Children

Questions about the ethics of Milgram's study of obedience to authority have frequently been raised. Which of the following is not an ethical issue encountered in this experiment? a. Milgram expected the experiment to unfold as it did yet he did not make explicit the potential for harm in the informed consent. b. There was no debriefing. c. Follow-up interviewing discovered no evidence of lasting trauma. d. The subjects were from a vulnerable group.

B. There was no debriefing.

Following Sherman and Berk's domestic violence study, Sherman advised police departments to: a. Immediately adopt mandatory arrest policies b. Use caution when making changes to their arrest practices c. Make arrest decisions based on the police officer's hunch d. Disregard the results of the experiment

B. Use caution when making changes to their arrest practices

Institutional review boards regulate: a. All experiments involving humans, animals, plants, or robotics. b. Experiments involving animals only. c. Experiments involving human subjects. d. Experiments in which subjects are at great risk of physical harm.

C. Experiments involving human subjects

Depending on the state, if a researcher suspects elder abuse, then the researcher must break confidentiality and report the incident. a. True b. False


In certain situations, the law may require researchers to break confidentiality. a. True b. False


The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) has its own code of ethics. a. True b. False


The Stanford Prison Experiment was terminated earlier than planned. a. True b. False


The necessity of deception in research is universally agreed upon by social scientists. a. True b. False


To maintain confidentiality, researchers should not disclose the sources of their financial support. a. True b. False


When can researchers break their assurances of confidentiality? Why should researchers be able to do? Why shouldn't they be?

child abuse, participant committed crime/man hurt themselves

Do you believe that certain groups (e.g., pregnant women, prisoners, children, etc.) are vulnerable and need special protection? Why or why not? Are there any additional groups not currently recognized that you believe should receive special protection. Defend your position.

yes, children, prisoners, pregnant women need protection because

Which of the following is not a current ethical standard? a. Research should avoid harm to subjects. b. Anonymity or confidentiality should be maintained. c. Researchers should fully disclose their identity when possible. d. Subjects should be financially compensated for their time and effort.

C. Researchers should fully disclose their identity when possible

According to research, research subjects who have been deceived were less trusting in the future. a. True b. False


Children with exceptionally high IQs can legally consent to participate in research studies. a. True b. False


In the Stanford Prison Experiment, subjects were assigned the role of "officers" if they scored higher on aggression tests and "inmates" if they received lower scores. a. True b. False


Milgram offered full debriefings to all of his subjects. a. True b. False


Milgram opted to end his experiment earlier than planned. a. True b. False


One criticism of Zimbardo's experiment is that he did not pay his subjects. a. True b. False


Subjects can waive the protection of confidentiality. a. True b. False


The US government has never been involved in unethical studies involving human subjects. a. True b. False


Zimbardo's and Milgram's studies have never been replicated. a. True b. False


Bergen and her colleagues' research on pedophilia in chatrooms involved issues related to: a. Informed consent and voluntariness b. Deception and debriefing c. Debriefing and deception d. Informed consent and deception


Results from a survey conducted by Michigan's Institute for Social Research Survey Center indicate that the majority of people who participated in a study: a. Felt that they should have been compensated. b. Felt that they were unable to give informed consent. c. Believed that deception of subjects should not be permitted in research. d. Expressed interest in participating in a future study.


Which of the following is an accurate statement about the findings in the Burger replication of Milgram's experiment? a. Respondents were much less likely to administer the shocks as compared to Milgram's sample. b. Respondents were more likely to administer the shocks as compared to Milgram's sample. c. Respondents were slightly more likely to administer the shocks as compared to Milgram's sample. d. Respondents were slightly less likely to administer the shocks as compared to Milgram's sample.


Which of the following was not an issue with the Tuskegee Syphilis Study: a. Proper medical treatment was withheld from some subjects. b. Informed consent was not obtained from subjects. c. Some subjects were not told that they had syphilis. d. The subjects were given substantial amounts of money to participate that it affected their voluntary participation.


Which of the following is an accurate statement about Milgram's and Zimbardo's opinions about their experiments? a. Zimbardo maintained that his experiment was ethical, but Milgram did not. b. Milgram maintained that his experiment was ethical, but Zimbardo did not. c. Both Zimbardo and Milgram maintained that their experiments were ethical. d. Both Zimbardo and Milgram believed that their experiments were unethical.

D. Both Zimbardo and Milgram believed that their experiments were unethical. At first Zimbardo believed it was ethical and then later deemed it unethical in hindsight.

The ethics of Zimbardo's prison study have been debated because researchers: a. Informed consent was not obtained. b. Subjects were deceived. c. Participation was not voluntary. d. Some subjects were harmed as they experienced adverse psychological reactions.

D. Some subjects were harmed as they experienced adverse psychological reactions

In order to ensure openness and honesty in research, all of the following should be, if not published, at least open to public scrutiny except: a. Data b. Data collection methods c. Research procedures d. Subjects' names

D. Subject's names

Which of the following is an accurate summary regarding voluntary participation? a. Voluntary participation is required for all subjects. b. Subjects can be forced into participating based on the discretion of the researcher. c. Only specially protected groups cannot be coerced into participating. d. Subjects can be forced into participating if it is believed that the findings of the experiment have great social importance.

D. Subjects can be forced into participating if it is believed that the findings of the experiment have great social importance.

Of the following violations to general ethical rules, which is the most common and most acceptable if properly addressed? a. Deceiving subjects b. Mentally torturing subjects c. Publishing the names and addresses of respondents d. Physically harming the subjects

A. Deceiving subjects

Sara presents subjects with photographs of people and asks them to describe their impressions. In order to get their honest opinions, she does not tell them that she is studying the stereotypes people form based on race and gender. In order to adhere to ethical guidelines while using deception in her research, she should: a. Debrief all participants at the end b. Debrief only those who appear upset at the end c. Not have them sign an informed consent form d. Not report the deception in her findings

A. Debrief all participants at the end

One year after completion of Milgram's obedience study, interviews with the subjects found that: a. The majority reported that they were pleased with their participation in the study b. The majority reported that they were displeased with their participation in the study. c. Older subjects, but not younger subjects, reported that they were pleased with their participation in the study d. Almost all reported traumatic reactions as a result of participation in the experiment.

A. Majority reported that they were pleased with their participation in the study

Researchers must set aside all personal biases and prejudices if research is to be approached: a. Objectively b. Qualitatively c. Quantitatively d. Subjectively

A. Objectively

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Stanford Prison Experiment? a. Other researchers allege that the results were invalid. b. Replications of the Stanford Prison Experiment have produced different results. c. Zimbardo later admitted the results were invalid. d. Zimbardo has been criticized for failing to disclose the research procedures.

A. Other researchers allege that the results were invalid

Which of the following groups is not considered to be a vulnerable population, subject to special protection? a. The elderly b. Pregnant women c. Prisoners d. Educationally disadvantaged persons

A. The elderly

Milgram's study was influenced by which historical event? a. The Holocaust b. The Attica Prison Riot c. Watergate d. The Vietnam War

A. The holocaust

All of the following are requirements when obtaining informed consent except: a. Subjects must be informed of their roles in the research study. b. Subjects can never be deceived. c. Subjects must consent voluntarily. d. Subjects must comprehend what they are told.

B. Subjects can never be deceived

Which of the following is not an aspect of the requirement that subjects give informed consent to participate in research? a. Subjects must be competent to consent. b. Subjects must be fully debriefed immediately after the study. c. Subjects must consent voluntarily. d. Subjects must fully understand what they are consenting to.

B. Subjects must be fully debriefed immediately after the study

When does a researcher need to break confidentiality and report suspicions of child abuse? a. When he or she does not have a Privacy Certificate or Certificate of Confidentiality b. The researcher must always report child abuse. c. When the child has been abused multiple times. d. When the child has been abused by a non-relative.


Which of the following is an incorrect statement about maintaining privacy and confidentiality? a. Subjects' privacy can be protected by locking records and creating special codes to identify subjects. b. A researcher can be ordered by a court subpoena to turn over research records. c. Observations in public places are subject to the same protections of confidentiality as observations in private places. d. In a life-threatening situation, a researcher may break the assurance of confidentiality.


Which of the following is not a mandated protection in the Burger replication of Milgram's experiment? a. Restrictions were made on how much voltage could be administered. b. A screening was implemented to eliminate potential subjects who could have an adverse reaction. c. No deception was used. d. The respondents were debriefed immediately.


Which of the following is not one of the ethical elements established in the "Belmont Report"? a. Beneficence b. Justice c. Compensation d. Respect

C. Compensation

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the long-term effects of participation in Zimbardo's prison study? a. Some of the guards experienced long-term adverse effects. b. None of the participants experienced long-term adverse effects. c. Some of the prisoners experienced long-term adverse effects d. Guards and prisoners experienced long-term adverse effects.

C. Some of the prisoners experienced long-term adverse effects, B

The domestic violence study conducted in 1984 by Sherman and Berk had an ethical concern in that: a. They financially profited from the research. b. They did not adhere to special protections for vulnerable populations. c. They potentially withheld a beneficial treatment. d. They deceived their subjects.

C. They potentially withhold a beneficial treatment

A researcher wants to determine if prosecuting (rather than simply arresting) domestic violence offenders will lower the rate of domestic violence. Write an essay in which you outline relevant ethical concerns. Are the ethical concerns of this study different than those for studies examining the influence of arrest on domestic violence?

ethical concerns w/ prosecuting DV offenders, withholding treatment/punishment, and justice (ethics wouldn't be fair

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