Chapter 3 BIO 260

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protein molecules proceed through several organelles between the time they are produced and when they are secreted from the cell. place these organelles in the order through which the proteins pass starting from where they are produced at the top

1: rough endoplasmic reticulum 2: golgi apparatus 3: cell membrane

the difference between active and passive transport is that active mechanisms use


the nucleus contains___________, which directs all cell activities


which event occurs during S phase of interphase

DNA replication

Na+-K+ pumps true

Na+-K+ pumps are active forms of transport Na+-K+ pumps consume about half of your daily energy expenditure Na+-K+ pumps move 2 molecules of K+ toward the ICF per cycle Na+-K+ pumps are enzymes that hydrolyze ATP in ADP and Pi

which of the following correctly describes the structural organization of the cell membrane

a bilayer of phospholipid molecules in which protein molecules are embedded and can move

in phagocytosis

a cell membrane engulfs solid particles.

every cell in the body

has varying amounts of components

a(n) ________ protein is a type of compact or globular protein that spans the cell membrane


what are three parts of cytoskeleton

microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules

the cell membrane is composed mostly of a bilayer of __________


what type of cells retains the ability to divide repeatedly into any type of cell, thus allowing the body to repair and grow

stem cell

Cytoplasm is located between the cell membrane and the nuclear envelope


Like mitosis, apoptosis is a continuous stepwise process.


osmosis is the diffusion of


place in order the sequence of events that occur during phagocytosis starting at the beginning on the top

1: an engulfed particle is enclosed within a vesicle 2: a vesicle detaches from the cell's surface and moves into the cell's interior 3: vesicle-lysosome fusion occurs 4: digestive lysosomal enzymes decompose vesicle contents 5: products of intracellular digestion diffuse into the cytoplasm 6: residues are expelled outside through exocytosis

how many chromosomes are in each new cell after mitotic divisions

2 sets of 23 chromosomes 46 chromosomes

about how many cells constitute the body of an adult

50 to 100 trillion

The cellular abnormality that causes cystic fibrosis is

abnormal chloride channels that trap salt inside cells lining the lung passageways

what is the meaning og the prefix "hyper-"


in ______ transport, substances are moved across a membrane against the concentration gradient


interphase is a(n) ________ phase in the cycle


the source of energy for __________ transport mechanisms is cellular energy


specialized cells in the body have ________ the genes and express _____ of them

all; some

moving down a concentration gradient is the movement from

an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

what is a stem cell

an undifferentiated cell that can divide

indicate characteristics of vesicles

are membranous sacs contain substances that have just entered the cell contain substances that have been produced by other organelles

what is a centromeme

attaches two sister chromatids

what is the meaning of the prefix "hypo-"


what molecule(s) should be able to pass directly through the cell membrane

carbon dioxide oxygen

which of the following is the correct meaning of the prefix "cyt-"


the series of changes that a cell undergoes from the time it forms until the time it finishes dividing is called

cell cycle

the term that describes the series of changes that a cell undergoes, including its growth and division is

cell cycle

components of the cellular structure called the __________ include phospholipids, carbohydrates, proteins and cholesterol

cell membrane

what organelle plays a role in the distribution of chromosomes during cell division


ion ___________- protein structures that permit ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium, or chloride to cross the membrane


_____________ functions to stabilize the cell membrane, increase the hydrophobicity of the interior of the cell membrane, and plays a role in the flexibility of the membrane


the material in the nucleus called ________ is composed of protein and DNA; it contains information to guide synthesis of proteins and it condenses into chromosomes during cell division


what occurs during prophase

chromatin coils up into chromosomes; spindle fibers forms the nucleus and nucleolus disappear

multiple hairlike, motile extensions called _______ are attached to basal bodies; they wave, moving fluids across cell surfaces


salt is placed in a glass of water. slowly the salt begins to even out in concentration due to what factor

concentration gradient

the three main stages of the cell cycle are interphase, mitosis, and _________


the three major difference of a cell are the nucleus,_______, and cell membrane


What occurs during cytokinesis?

cytoplasm is divided between cells cell membrane constricts around center of the cell

cytoplasm contains protein rods and tubules that form a structural framework called the


what is found in cytoplasm

cytoskeleton organelles cytosol

the liquid portion of cytoplasm is called


cells with specialized characteristics are called


the process of specialization by a cell is called


the process that occurs due to the random movement of atoms, molecules, or ions in air or liquid, from areas of higher concentrations to areas of lower concentrations is known as


match each mechanism with its definition

diffusion: movement of molecules through the bilayer and down a concentration gradient osmosis: movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane towards a solution with greater osmotic pressure endocytosis: the process of the cell taking particles in with use of a vesicle exocytosis: the process of the cell releasing contents from a vesicle to outside the cell active transport: movement of molecule against the concentration gradient with the use of a protein pump

determine whether the different types of transport require cellular energy or not

do not require cellular energy: diffusion; filtration; osmosis require cellular energy: endocytosis; active transport

the type of active transport mechanism in which large molecules or particles are conveyed by a vesicle into the cell is known as


what transport mechanisms are classified as active mechanisms

endocytosis exocytosis active transport

the ______ is an organelle composed of interconnected membrane-bound sacs that provide a transport system and an attachment for ribosomes

endoplasmic reticulum

Stem cells taken from a person to be used to treat a disease in that same person come from

existing cell population or reprogrammed cells

ions that use specific protein channels in the membrane use a process called ______to move down their concentration gradient across the plasma membrane

facilitated diffusion

ions that use specific protein channels in the membrane use a process called____________ to move down their concentration gradient across the plasma membrane

facilitated diffusion

the passive transport mechanism in which molecules or ions move via carrier proteins from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called

facilitated diffusion

Transcytosis combines diffusion and active transport.


cell division consists of mitosis and cell differentiation


during interphase, a cell rests


energy is stored in ATP molecules in ribosomes


smooth endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes and rough endoplasmic does not


true or false: interphase is the resting stage and therefore no cellular activity takes place

false; a lot of cellular activity is taking place during interphase

true or false: both facilitated diffusion and simple diffusion require no carrier to move molecules across the membrane

false; facilitated diffusion requires a carrier while simple diffusion requires no carrier

the passive transport mechanism in which small solutes are forced through a membrane by hydrostatic pressure is known as


the passive transport mechanism in which small solutes are forced through a membrane by hydrostatic pressure is now as


determine which describe relates to cilia and which relates to flagella

flagella: usually only one longer function to move the cell in the body cilia: multiple on one cell shorter function to move substance across the cell surface

the molecules within the cell membrane that function in cell recognition are the


sometimes described as a "shipping center", this organelle functions in packaging protein molecules for transport and secretion from the cell into the extracellular environment. which organelle is this

golgi apparatus

what is the term given to the difference in concentration of particles from one area to another


which of the following would increase the diffusion rate

higher temperture

the movement of molecules through a membrane by filtration requires

hydrostatic pressure

what is the force behind filtration

hydrostatic pressure

in filtration, a solution is pushed through a membrane by a force called_____. this is a(n) _________ transport mechanism

hydrostatic pressure; passive

if cells replaced in a solution shrivel up, the solution is


a nucleolus is found ________ and function to ___________

in the nucleus; produce ribosomes

determine whether each factor would increase or decrease the rate of diffusion

increase rate of diffusion: shorter distance; higher temperature; larger concentration gradient decrease rate of diffusion : longer distance; smaller concentration gradient; lower temperature

which prefix means "between"? for example, the phase between the end of one cell division and the beginning of the next


Chromosomes duplicate during


the phase that begins after cytokinesis and ends at prophase is called


the segment of the cell called ________ is subdivided into the G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase


endocytosis takes particles ________ the cell bh using _________

into; vesicles

ions are hydrophilic, and therefore cannot cross the plasma membrane without help from what structure(s)

ion channels; integral proteins

transmembrane integral proteins that act as pores or channels allow what type of molecule(s) to cross the cell membrane

ions; water

what are the characteristics of chromatin

is made of protein and DNA condenses into chromosomes during cell division

red blood cells are placed in a solution of 0.9% NaCl and no diffusion or osmosis is observed. this means that the solution is


a cell surrounded by an extremely thin, flexible membrane. why is the membrane selectively permeable

it allows some substances to pass through and excludes others based on size, polarity and other factors

indicate the characteristics of the cell membrane

it carries out important metabolic reactions it functions as a boundary for the cell it enables communication and interaction

identify the characteristics of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

it functions in the synthesis of proteins it functions in the synthesis of lipids it is composed of membranous sacs it provides attachment for ribosomes

what are some characteristics of phagocytosis

it is a line of defense against infection it is an active transport mechanism it allows the body to remove damaged cells

identify the characteristics of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

it is composed of membranous sacs it provides attachment for ribosomes it functions in the synthesis of lipids it functions in the synthesis of proteins

the major components of the cell membrane are

lipids and proteins

what two organic molecules does the endoplasmic reticulum play a role in synthsizing

lipids and proteins

active transport is a process that moves particles through a membrane from a region of _________ concentration to a region of _______ concentration

low; higher

what conditions are necessary for diffusion of a substance to occur across a membrane

membrane permeability; a concentration gradient

what are some of the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum

metabolism of drugs lipid synthesis

during the phase of mitosis called ________ , spindle fibers attach to centromeres, chromosomes move along spindle fibers and are aligned at the equator of the cell


the cytoskeleton of a cell consists of threadlike structures called ________ and ________ that are rods and tubules made of protein

microtubules; microfilaments

pair the following organelles with their correct function

mitochondria: release energy from nutrients ribosomes: production of proteins lysosomes: digest worn cellular parts centrosome: important in cell division

ATP is used to power many cellular processes. some genetic disorders are the result of defects in ATP creation. which organelle is likely affected in these disorders


somatic cell division , the nucleus undergoes a 4-stage process of


endoplasmic reticulum is best described as a

network of interconnected membranes

the ________ envelope is the double membrane that maintains the integrity of the nucleus and contains pores that control the passage of materials between the nucleus and the cytoplasm


the dense body of protein and RNA inside the nucleus, which produces ribosome, is called the


the dense body of protein and RNA inside the nucleus, which produces ribosomes, is called the


the _________ is surrounded by an envelop and contains the genetic material (DNA) of the cell


what houses the genetic material of a cell and directs all cell activity


a(n) _________- is a specialized structure inside a cell that performs specific functions such as extracting energy from nutrients or building proteins


what is a specialized structure inside a cell called


__________ is the name the transport mechanism in which water molecules move through a selectively permeable membrane toward the solution with more impermeant (one that cannot cross the membrane)


the potential pressure of the solution due to impermeable particles ( like protein) is called

osmotic pressure

correct category to indicate whether the statement describes a substance to which the membrane is permeable or impermeable

permeable: small polar molecules urea oxygen molecules carbon dioxide impermeable: large polar molecules ions proteins phosphates

following the nomenclature for cells, what type of cells take in solid particles like bacteria


certain cells can undergo the process of ___________ to take in the solid particles and cellular debris from surrounding fluid


cell membranes are described as a fluid mosaic that maintains stability while still allowing movement. what component maintains most of the flexibility of the membrane

phospholipid bilayer

cell membranes are described as a fluid that maintains stability while still allowing movement. what component maintains most of the flexibility of the membrane

phospholipid bilayer

the nuclear envelope is perforated with openings called nuclear


certain membrane proteins work as ______, which admit water molecule, while others work as ________, which admit small molecule or ions

pores; channels

name the stage of cellular development that occurs after division . of a stem cell and before the cell becomes a fully differentiated cell

progenitor cell

what is the definition of apoptosis

programmed cell death

the phase of mitosis during which the chromosomes first become visible due to the tight coiling of DNA is


place the stages of mitosis in the correct order with the beginning of the process at the top

prophase metaphase anaphase telophase

what are the four stages of mitosis

prophase; metaphase; anaphase; telophase

in the cell membrane,___________ function as receptors, cell surface markers, transporters, channels, enzymes, and cellular adhesion molecules


Molecules bind to receptor sites and are enclosed in vesicles in the process of

receptor-mediated endocytosis

what are three functions of proteins in the cell membrane

receptors to bind to chemicals adjacent to each other division

organelles called _________ are the site of protein synthesis


the defining characteristic of a stem cell is


what are characteristics of the nuclear envelope

separates the nuclear contents from the cytoplasm is a double -layered porous membrane

phagocytosis is the process by which cells engulf ________ from extracellular fluid

solid particles

mitosis occurs in ______ cells and produces _________ daughter cells

somatic; two

meiosis occurs in ______ cells and produces ____ daughter cells

sperm and egg; four

a flagellum is found on a(n) __________cell and functions in __________

sperm; movement

cells that have the ability to divide repeatedly without specialization are called _____ cells


how often a cell divides ________ controlled and __________

strictly; varies with cell type

how often a cell divides is _________ controlled and _________

strictly; varies with cell type

function of mitochondria is to

synthesize ATP

the structure in the nucleus that serve as a "mitotic clock" are


what is the physical basis for the "mitotic clock", which controls the number of division one cell can undertake


the stage of mitosis in which chromosomes uncoil to become chromatin and the nuclear envelope reforms is


what term describes the series of events that a cell undergoes from the time it forms until the time it divides

the cell cycle

which cell structure acts as a selectively permeable barrier, controlling the movement of substances into and out of the cell

the plasma membrane

some people cannot be infected with HIV because

their cells lack receptors that admit the virus

what is the function of glycoproteins

to identify the cell as being "self" or forgeign

what are the function of integral proteins

transport molecules across the membrane transduce signals across the membrane

Peroxisomes and lysosomes are sacs that contain enzymes.


during telophase of mitosis, chromosomes elongate and form chromatin threads


some types of active transport use energy provided by ATP molecules


true or false: active transport processes require cellular energy (ATP) while passive transport don't require cellular energy (ATP)

true; the source of energy in active transport processes is cellular energy while in most passive processes the sources of energy is molecular motion

anderson's disease results in the failure to secrete large proteins called chylomicrons. which organelle is most likely affected


organelles called transport________ are membranous sacs containing substances that were produced in the cell like neurotransmitters or hormones


exocytosis uses _______ to move substances _________ the cell

vesicles; out of

osmosis is the movement of

water through a selectively permeable membrane to a solution containing a higher concentration of impermeant solute

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