Chapter 3 Cells and Methods to Observe Them

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A flexible molecular framework throughout the cytoplasm that anchors organelles and permits shape changes in some cells is called the _____.


Previously it was thought that bacteria lacked a(n) _____, a network of interior proteins that provides support and structure to the eukaryotic cell. Recently though, similar proteins have been characterized in bacteria.


Eukaryotic cells use the process of _____ to take in substances too large to move through a transport protein.


Pinocytosis and phagocytosis are two of the three examples of _____.


Some secreted proteins will act as _____ outside of the cell and catalyze the breakdown of large macromolecules.

enzymes, exoenzymes, or enzyme

The motility of bacteria is typically facilitated by long appendages called _____.


The _____ microscope is a specially modified light microscope that uses an ultraviolet light source.

fluorescence, fluorescent, or confocal

What type of staining is used to observe the gel-like layer that surrounds certain microbes? -acid-fast -capsule -Gram -endospore -flagellar


Select all that apply: The prokaryotic cell envelope consists of which of the following? -capsule -cytoplasm -cytoplasmic membrane -nucleoid -cell wall -extracellular matrix

-capsule -cytoplasmic membrane -cell wall

Which structure provides strength and rigidity to a cell? -glycocalyx -flagellum -cell membrane -cell wall

-cell wall

Select all that apply: Eukaryotic flagella and cilia are ______. -anchored in the outside layer of the cytoplasmic membrane -composed of long microtubules -flexible structures

-composed of long microtubules -flexible structures

The cytoplasmic membrane of prokaryotic cells plays a crucial role in transforming energy. This means that the membrane is directly involved in ______. -contributing phospholipids as the primary energy supply -propelling the cell to an energy source -converting the energy of sunlight or food into ATP

-converting the energy of sunlight or food into ATP

What is the main function of lysosomes? -degradation -secretion -synthesis -motility -aggregation


An electron microscope uses a beam of electrons, which is focused by _______ lenses, to generate a magnified image on a _______ screen. -electromagnetic; non-fluorescent -high-resolution glass; non-fluorescent -electromagnetic; fluorescent -high-resolution glass; fluorescent

-electromagnetic; fluorescent

The _______ of eukaryotic cells is a complex system of flattened sheets, sacs, and tubes. -lysosomal complex -peroxisome -Golgi apparatus -endoplasmic reticulum -mitochondria

-endoplasmic reticulum

The surface layers of a prokaryotic cell are collectively referred to as the cell _______. -wall -envelope -exopolysaccharide -matrix -capsule


Which of the following microscopes exposes specimens to ultraviolet light and forms an image with the light emitted at a different wavelength? -bright-field microscope -dark-field microscope -scanning electron microscope -fluorescence microscope -phase-contrast microscope

-fluorescence microscope

Which eukaryotic organelle consists of a series of membrane-bound flattened compartments? -rough endoplasmic reticulum -peroxisome -chloroplast -golgi apparatus -mitochondrion

-golgi apparatus

Small, rigid, protein-bound compartments that provide buoyancy to some aquatic bacterial cells are called _____ vesicles.


The _____ stain is the most widely used staining procedure for distinguishing different groups of bacteria.


If a cell has a nutrient in relative excess, it may accumulate that compound in a storage _____.


The strength of the bacterial cell wall is due to the layer of _____.


The cytoplasmic membrane of prokaryotes is composed of a _____ bilayer embedded with proteins.


True or false: Although eukaryotic flagella and cilia appear to project out of the cell, they are covered by extensions of the cytoplasmic membrane.


True or false: Bacterial components unique to bacteria are potential targets for antibacterial medications used to treat infectious diseases.


True or false: Compounds unique to bacteria or certain other microbial groups can be detected by "alarm systems" in the body.


True or false: Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, which contains the cell's genetic information.


Unlike a stained specimen, living moving cells can be observed using a(n) _____ mount.


Which type of microscope transmits a light through a specimen in order to illuminate the field of view evenly? -phase-contrast microscope -bright-field microscope -dark-field microscope

-bright-field microscope

A distinct and gelatinous layer surrounding a cell is called a ______. -capsule -biofilm -plaque -slime layer


Light microscopes that are routinely used in the laboratory can magnify images about _______. -10,000X -1,000X -100X -100,000X


The eukaryotic ribosome found outside the mitochondria is best described as ______. -30S + 60S = 80S -30S + 50S = 80S -30S + 50S = 70S -40S + 60S = 100S -40S + 60S = 80S

-40S + 60S = 80S

What is the principal function of mitochondria? -lipid synthesis -secretion -DNA synthesis -motility -ATP production

-ATP production

Which organelle is the site of photosynthesis? -Peroxisome -Golgi -Nucleus -Endoplasmic reticulum -Chloroplast -Mitochondrion -Lysosome


What collective name is given to the various proteins that criss-cross the cell's interior, hold various organelles in place, enable movement of intracellular structures, and give the cell internal structural integrity? -Cytoskeleton -Lysosomes -Golgi -Cytoplasm


What internal structure helps control cell shape and is involved in cell division? -Inclusion body -Cell membrane -Cell wall -Cytoskeleton


What long protein structures are responsible for most types of prokaryotic motility? -Flagella -Pili -Fimbriae -Glycocalyx


Which of the following organelles typically receives and then modifies proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum before they are transported to other destinations? -Nucleus -Mitochondrion -Golgi apparatus -Lysosome -Chloroplast

-Golgi apparatus

Bacteria of the genus _______ do not have cell walls, and so they are naturally resistant to the antibiotic _______. -Histoplasma; penicillin -Mycoplasma; penicillin -Histoplasma; tetracycline -Mycoplasma; tetracycline

-Mycoplasma; penicillin

Which of the following staining procedures requires the use of only a single dye? -Acid-fast staining -Simple staining -Gram staining -Endospore staining

-Simple staining

Select all that apply: Why are cells sometimes difficult to see in a wet mount? -Some are transparent. -The liquid can make it difficult to focus. -The liquid causes them to swell. -Some move quickly.

-Some are transparent. -Some move quickly.

_______ are accumulations of high-molecular weight polymers synthesized from a nutrient that a cell has in relative excess. -Storage granules -Gas vesicles -Bacterial microcompartments -Vacuole regions

-Storage granules

The capsule stain shows the capsule as ______. -pink structures surrounding the entire cell -a pink structure inside a cell -blue structures among a background of pink cells -a clear area surrounding a cell

-a clear area surrounding a cell

When preparing a wet mount specimen for viewing, what should be placed on top of the specimen? -crystal violet stain -clear tissue paper -a coverslip -transparent tape -another glass slide

-a coverslip

Compared to an electron microscope, the atomic force microscope has ______. -a lower resolving power and requires special sample preparation -a higher resolving power and does not require special sample preparation -a lower resolving power, but does not require special sample preparation -a higher resolving power, but requires special sample preparation

-a higher resolving power and does not require special sample preparation

A typical bacterium possesses ______. -a single, circular chromosome -a single, linear chromosome -multiple, circular chromosomes -multiple, linear chromosomes

-a single, circular chromosome

Peptidoglycan provides strength to the cell walls of ______. -archaea -protozoa -bacteria -fungi


Penicillin interferes with the synthesis of peptidoglycan, and lysozyme degrades peptidoglycan. Based on this information, you can conclude that penicillin and lysozyme may result in bursting (lysing) of which type of cells? -protozoan -archaeal -bacterial -fungal


How do electron microscopes differ from light microscopes? -magnification is higher -resolution is lower -glass lenses replace electromagnets -light replaces electrons

-magnification is higher

Where is DNA contained in eukaryotes? -nucleus -nucleolus -cytoplasm -nucleoid


Which of the following is a component of Gram-negative cells but not Gram-positive cells? -peptidoglycan -teichoic acid -outer membrane -cytoplasmic membrane

-outer membrane

The Gram stain separates bacteria into two major groups called _______, based on the structure of their _______. -alpha and beta; cell membranes -positive and negative; cell walls -positive and negative; cell membranes -alpha and beta; cell walls

-positive and negative; cell walls

The function of the cell wall is to ______. -store nutrients -prevent wastes from entering the cell -prevent the cell from bursting -contain components for cellular respiration

-prevent the cell from bursting

Members of the genera Bacillus and Clostridium ______. -produce dormant cells called endospores -are the biggest producers of antibiotics -are drug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens

-produce dormant cells called endospores

Select all that apply: Which two macromolecules are the major components of cytoplasmic membranes? -proteins -waxes -nucleic acids -lipids -carbohydrates

-proteins -lipids

Suppose that the concentration of an ion is higher in the cytoplasm than in the extracellular environment. If the bacterium wants to bring in more of that ion into the cell, which description best describes this type of transport? -requires no energy usage by the cell, moves against the concentration gradient -requires energy from the cell, moves against the concentration gradient -requires no energy usage by the cell, moves with the concentration gradient -requires energy from the cell, moves with the concentration gradient

-requires energy from the cell, moves against the concentration gradient

Compounds that interfere with the synthesis or structural integrity of peptidoglycan can ______. -interfere with nutrient uptake by a bacterial cell -result in bursting of a bacterial cell -result in bursting of a fungal cell -interfere with nutrient uptake by a fungal cell

-result in bursting of a bacterial cell

In a bacterium, pili are typically _______ than flagella. -shorter and less numerous -shorter but more numerous -longer but less numerous -longer and more numerous

-shorter but more numerous

Select all that apply: Which of the following molecules can freely pass through the phospholipid bilayer? -ions -small hydrophobic compounds -O2 -amino acids -water -CO2 -sugars

-small hydrophobic compounds -O2 -water -CO2

Ribosomes are directly involved in ______. -the synthesis of DNA -the breakdown of lipids -the breakdown of sugars -the synthesis of proteins

-the synthesis of proteins

The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is characterized by ______. -thick layer of chitin -thin layer of peptidoglycan -thick layer of peptidoglycan -thin layer of chitin

-thick layer of peptidoglycan

A bright-field microscope ______. -reflects light from a specimen -transmits light through a specimen -transmits light around a specimen

-transmits light through a specimen

All of the following statements about immunofluorescence are true except one. Which? -uses fluorescently tagged molecules -would require a special UV microscope -Stained cells often appear bright against a black background. -uses the dye methylene blue -makes use of the specificity in binding of antibodies

-uses the dye methylene blue

_____ are membrane-bound organelles that contain digestive enzymes, which degrade materials taken up by the cell and participate in autophagy.


In eukaryotes, a cytoplasmic ribosome is _____, and is made up of a small 40S subunit and a large _____ subunit.

Blank 1: 80S or 80 S Blank 2: 60S or 60 S

Active transport moves compounds against their concentration gradient. The form of energy used for this purpose is either _____ or the _____ _____ force.

Blank 1: ATP or adenosinetriphosphate Blank 2: proton Blank 3: motive

The two most common examples of endospore-forming genera are _____ and _____.

Blank 1: Clostridium Blank 2: Bacillus

Many members of the Archaea have _____-_____ , which are sheets of flat proteins or glycoprotein subunits.

Blank 1: S Blank 2: layers

Penicillin is ineffective against Mycoplasma species because the organism lacks a rigid _____ _____.

Blank 1: cell or peptidoglycan Blank 2: wall or layer

This is a cartoon figure of a eukaryotic organelle called the _____ _____. (NO abbreviations please)

Blank 1: endoplasmic Blank 2: reticulum

This micrograph shows the appendages of a bacterium. A = _____; and B = _____.

Blank 1: flagellum or flagella Blank 2: pili, pilus, or fimbriae

Gram-_____ cell walls have less peptidoglycan than Gram-_____ cell walls.

Blank 1: negative or - Blank 2: positive or +

The cytoplasmic membrane is a _____ bilayer embedded with _____.

Blank 1: phospholipid or lipid Blank 2: proteins or protein

Some bacteria are covered with a substance that creates a diffuse irregular layer called a _____ _____.

Blank 1: slime Blank 2: layer

When observing live organisms, the specimen is prepared with a drop of liquid on which a coverslip has been placed. This is called a _____ _____.

Blank 1: wet Blank 2: mount

_____ function as ATP-generating powerhouses and are found in nearly all eukaryotic cells.

Mitochondrion or Mitochondria

Immunofluorescence uses a(n) _____ that has a fluorescent compound to tag a specific protein.

antibody or immunoglobulin

A(n) _____ force microscope uses a very sharp scanning probe to produce detailed images of surfaces with a very high resolving power.


In plant and algae cells, _____ are organelles that contain pigments for photosynthesis.


The bacterial _____ is typically a single, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule that contains all of the essential genetic information required by a cell.

chromosome or genome

All cells have a _____ membrane, also called the cell membrane or the plasma membrane.


A light microscope uses visible light and a series of _____ to magnify objects.


Bacteria use gas vesicles to float to the surface of water to better access _____ as a source of energy.

light, sunlight, or sun

This figure shows a micrograph of a Gram-_____ bacterium. Text alternative of figure: The outer membrane is followed by peptidoglycan, periplasm, and cytoplasmic membrane.


In eukaryotic cells, the genetic material is found in the _____.


The most significant structural difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is the presence or absence of a membrane-bound _____, which contains the genetic material.


Which mechanisms of energy transformation match which types of organism? prokaryote: eukaryote: -Membrane-bound organelles transform energy -Cytoplasmic membrane plays a critical role in transforming energy

prokaryote: -Cytoplasmic membrane plays a critical role in transforming energy eukaryote: -Membrane-bound organelles transform energy

None of the Archaea have peptidoglycan in their cell walls. However, some have a similar molecule called _____.


The joining of amino acids to synthesize proteins is facilitated by cytoplasmic structures called _____.


Cells use a process called _____ to move certain enzymes and other proteins they synthesize out of the cell.

secretion (or protein secretion)

The cytoplasmic membrane is a(n) _____ permeable barrier of the cell.


A procedure that requires the use of a single dye to stain a specimen is called _____ staining.


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