Chapter 3- Economic Renewal and Wars of Religion 1560-1648

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The Disintegration and Reconstruction of France

-Background -"Disintegration" -1559-1589 Civil War -1572- St. Bartholomew's day Massacre -Reconstruction -1598- Edict of Nantes -Louis XIII (1610-1643)


-Provinces in Spain (smaller units) -He put a governor in charge of each province -The governor --> Viceroy -not hereditary nobles

Commercial Capitalism

- An economic philosophy 1. Private Ownership- A business is owned by an individual or a couple of individuals 2. Competition- Companies compete with each other to get people to buy your product. It gives us a lot of variety. 3. Profit- The reason why you do this is to get money -All of these types of capitalism begins to build wealth in Europe

Charles I,V, Habsburg

-1555 Peace of Augsburg- ended religious wars and then caused more -Divided his land: now two different dynasties (spanish and Austrian)


-Bourbon Dynasty (1589-1793) -Henry IV (same as Henry Navarre who married Marie de' Medici) -Commenced the reconstruction of France - He was a Huguenot, but became a Catholic to keep the peace -He is a politique --> A person who does not believe religion is worth fighting for

Rise of the Middle Class

-Business owners, the drivers of commerce revolution -Bourgeoisie- middle class name in France -Burgess- middle class name in England -Burgher- person who lived in town -More people went to schools, and there were more universities Significance: The middle class builds wealth in Europe, and give plus points to the countries on the Atlantic

Phase Two: The Danish Phase (1625-1629)

-Christian IV, King of Denmark -On Habsburg side --> Albert of Wallenstein WON-Austrian Habsburgs vs. Danes-LOST Spain vs. Dutch

Mercantilism- Manufacturing

-Cloth, furniture, guns, tools. -Goal is to make a surplus to export and enough to distribute to the country


-Columbus sailed across the Atlantic to reach Japan, but reached America -Amerigo Vespucci did not think that the Americas were India. He proposed the idea of the New World. -The Spanish colonized much of central, north, and South America

Austrian Habsburgs

-Gave Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia to his brother, Frederick -Then got elected Holy Roman Emperor

Phase Three: The Swedish Phase (1629-1635)

-Gustavus Adolphus was the King of Sweden WON-Austrian Habsburgs vs. Sweden-LOST Spain vs. Dutch

1494 Treaty of Tordesillas

-Papal line of Demarcation -Gave half the world to Portugual (India, Africa, the west) -Gave the other half to the Spanish (The Amercias) -Some violators were the French, English, and the Dutch. They thought they could got through a North West passage and wanted to fins a new route.

The Catalyst: The Defenestration of Prague, 1618

-Prague- the capital of Bohemia-Catholic- but has a strong Protestant minority -Holy Roman Emperor wanted Bohemia to be Catholic, so the Protestants began to protest. -Catholic representatives were sent to Prague and they were thrown out the window. - The Holy Roman Emperor is pretty mad so he starts a war


-Prince Henry the Navigator made sailing schools -The Portuguese found an all water route to India around Africa.

Philip II

-Reason for Wars of Catholic Spain -Son of Charles -Married to Mary I for four years -Directly attributed to the decline of Spain

Phase Four: The French Phase (1635-1648)

-Religious concerns were not as big of a deal -France who were Catholic, sided with Protestants to fight other Catholics (Austrian Habsburg) -Cardinal Richelieu, Regent of King Louis XIII LOST-Austrian Habsburgs vs. France-WON

Decline of Serfdom in Western Europe

-Serfdom began to die out, serfs could own their own land. -They became the labor class -However, serfdom did not die out in Eastern Europe

Mercantilism- Agricultural

-So enough food is grown and given to other people. Also they could export it. The goal is to produce a surplus so the monarchs would invest the taxes into good farming supplies, etc.

Result of the Opening of the Atlantic

-The Americas are discovered. -The Native Americans were infested with new diseases and many died. -Significance: 1. Global Age- First time we see major continents connected by trade. 2. This connection is driven by Europeans, which benefits Europeans and causes the rise of Europe in power


-The ruler Henry II (1547-1559) was married to Catherine de' Medici 1. Henry dies in 1559, his sons are too young, so chaos starts 2. Religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants -Government so weak that they could not stop the fighting which ruins France Sons: A. Francis II (1559-1560) B. Charles IX (1560-1574) C. Henry III (1574-1589)

Religious Plan of the Counter-Reformation

-Wanted all land to be Catholic, Netherlands were protestant -Wanted to change the Netherlands, so it led to war

Spanish Habsburgs

-Western Europe -Gave Frache Comte, Spain, Netherlands, Americas, Balearics, and Sicily to Philip II.

1572- St. Bartholomew's day Massacre

-carried out by Catherine de' Medici -Henry of Navarre was getting married and invited a tons of Huguenots -After the wedding, Catherine killed thousands of Huguenots. She thought it would wipe them out, but it only made them angry.

Phase One: The Bohemian Phase (1618-1625)

-elected Frederick V, the head of Protestants, the elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine as King of Bohemia. WON-Austrian Habsburgs vs. Bohemia-LOST WON-Catholic Union vs. Protestant Union-LOST Spain vs. Dutch (goes on for whole war)

The Netherlands

-most tolerant place for religion during this time -17 Stadts- 1 Stadtholder -7 Northen- Spoke Dutch, had a German culture, and a Protestant Religion -10 Southern- Spoke Flemish, had a French culture, and a Catholic Religion *Philip II wanted to send out the Inquisition to make people change back the Catholicism or they would be killed. This resulted in the Dutch Revolt

Opening of the Atlantic

-sailing across the Atlantic Includes: 1. Portugal 2.Spain 3. 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas 4. The Result of the Opening of the Atlantic

Losers of the War

1. Catholics 2. Spain 3. The Austrian Habsburgs - Germany

The Thirty Years' War is...

1. German Civil and Religious 2. Danes, Swedes, and France against the Habsburg 3. Union of Utrecht against Spain 4. France against Spain 5. Soldiers of fortune (mercenaries) following demand

Causes of the Thirty Years' War

1. Peace of Augsburg, 1555 -stopped fighting in HRE -Divided Germany, States North of Main R. were Lutheran, states South of the Main R. were Catholic A. There were a lot of Protestant groups who wanted to be legalized. B. Created a lot of tension between Lutheran and Catholic 2. 1608 Elector of the Palatinate forms a Protestant Union: Palatinate of the Rhine-Count/Elector-Frederick V -He talks to Utrecht (Northern 7 stadhts of Netherlands), England (since they are Protestant), and France (Henry IV was a closet Protestant plus he did not want the HRE to gain more power. 3. 1609 A League of Catholic States is organized by Bavaria; Bavaria approaches Spain 4. Sovereign movements in Germanic states -the feudal elements wanna be independent 5. In 1621, the Dutch-Spanish truce is to expire and nothing has been settled. 6. Denmark, Sweden, and France are concerned about Habsburg's efforts to unite the HRe.

Wars of the "Most Catholic King of Spain"

1. Religious plan of the Counter-Reformation 2. The Netherlands -The Dutch Revolt -Background of War - The Spanish Armada

Changes in Commerce

1. Rise of Entrepreneurs- someone who starts a business. Someone who saw something new, and makes it a product. These people are creative and takes risks. 2. Banking- it was really good for the economy

Cardinal Richelieu's Goals

1. Strengthen the State- (make the king absolute) -1629 Peace of Alais- No one in France is allowed to fortify anything, no army, no walls, or weapons 2. Make France the balance of power in Europe Significance: Since France was reconstructed, it becomes a large power

Spanish Empire in America

1.Gold and Silver- Made Spain really wealthy 2.Need for Labor- Slavery; led them to go to Africa -Didn't conquer Africa since they were not immune to tropical illnesses. 3. Jesuits- To spread Catholicism in North America and all around the world

The Dutch Revolt 1581-1648

1566- 200 nobles petitioned Philip II 1567- Spanish Response: Duke of Alva (Viceroy) and Council of Troubles --> led to 10,000 Protestants dying within 10 years -The Netherlands unite! 1567- William I of Orange "The Silent" leads the Protestants with war against Philip II. 1579- Split: -7 Northern- alliance called the Union of Utrecht and they revolt! -10 Southern- do not revolt! Result: The Northern (became independent) become the Dutch Netherlands and the South (did not become independent) becomes the Spanish Netherlands *Dutch Revolt leads to war between Spain and England*

War of Catholic Spain

1580's- preparation of "Armada Catholic" -Preparing and to supply for war with England -Philip II thought England was mainly Catholic- but he was wrong -Philip II landed in the Netherlands to get some more Spanish troops onto the boat, but none of the troops showed up. -The English attacked when Spanish was anchored, so the Spanish went through the North Sea.


A drastic change of the making of things and trading


As a type of fiscal policy in which the government promotes agriculture, manufacturing, and a favorable balance of foreign trade.


Capital of Spain -It is in the middle of Spain, which makes it easier to connect with everyone

A balance of power

Is said to exist when all countries in a given area are about equal in strength

1598- Edict of Nantes

It declared that... 1. Huguenots can worship freely (freedom of religion) 2. Huguenots are able to build fortified cities. -allowed to hire troops, make weapons, walls, and are able to defend themselves. -Why? Henry is a "closet Huguenot" so he thought about the future, since his descendants probably wont protect the Huguenots -His government- the first to adopt Mercantilism

Fiscal Policy

It is part of mercantilism - The government taxes people and then spend the money to promote the economy - The government is getting involved into the economy.

Significance of Thirty Years' War

It was the last of the religious wars and causes the ruin of Germany. Germany will not be untied for another 200 years -Ruins Spain and Germany -France is ruined but is reconstructed -England rises in power


Philip II's palace -It was a home and the center of government

Why England is involved

Queen Elizabeth I-Was helping the Dutch 1. Protestant helping Protestant 2. Preserve easy trade route 3. Elizabeth supported piracy of Spanish ships with supplies from the New World 4. Philip II did not like Elizabeth I since she was Protestant. Mary Queen of Scots- Chosen by Philip II to replace Queen Elizabeth since Mary was Catholic and Elizabeth was Protestant.

THE balance of power

Refers to one country when it becomes so powerful that the only way it can be opposed is by an alliance of other countries.

Louis XIII (1610-1643)

Regent 1: Marie de' Medici Regent 2/Advisor: Cardinal Richelieu -technically made the decisions -manipulated Louis XIII to always ask him about decisions. Louis XIII was not independent

1559-1589 Civil War

Royal Party led by Queen- Catherine de' Medici vs. Catholic Party led by Duke of Guise vs. Huguenot Party led by Henry Bourbon (Henry of Navarre)

1648- The Peace of Westphalia (Remember this Data)

Significance- it insures that Germany will not be united 1.The German states are independent 2.Calvinism is recognized in the HRE 3. Denmark receives portions of Schleswig 4. Sweden receives portions of Bremen and Pomerania 5. France receives Alsace, Metz, Toul, and Verdun 6. The Union of Utrecht is recognized as the Dutch Netherlands. 7. Switzerland is independent of the HRE 8. Hohenzollern marriage to House of Brandenburg is recognized.

Colonial Mercantilism

Use of colonies 1. Sources of raw materials (gold, wood, tobacco) 2. To be markets for finished goods -the raw materials go to Europe and then it comes back to the Americas to be sold.


Valois Dynasty -Francis I- was ruling when Protestantism began in France -France remained Catholic, but there was a strong and feisty group of Calvinists --> Huguenots

Mercantilism- a Favorable balance of foreign trade

exports > imports -Trading one good for another exchange. It could be for another product or money


making things and trading

The Spanish Armada - 1588 (Remember this Date)

vs. England 1. Sir Francis Drake- leader of the England "navy" 2. Protestant Wind- big storm led the Spanish to circumnavigate England. They came right back. 3. Result: -Protestant Wind: led to the destruction of the Armada -Bad Supplies -Spanish looses, Spanish not attacked. 4.Signifance: -The loss of the Spanish Armada resulted in the slow destruction of Spain as a Major power -This leads to the long, slow rise of England as a major power. *Looking ahead* -Philip II dies 1598 -Philip III (1598-1621) -Philip IV (1621-1665) -Charles II (1665-1700) -end of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty

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