Chapter 3: Geography and Early History of Africa
How might the languages of Africa be a problem in building unified nations?
-1000+ languages spoken in very close proximity to one another (many "families") -communication barriers between local groups --misunderstanding, even just a little, could lead to a lack of trade and/or massive conflicts. -studying language patterns gives clues as to the early movements and migrations of African peoples
Population Patterns
-763 million -growing rapidly -not densely populated
The equator runs through the middle of Africa
-80% of Africa is in the tropics -Higher elevations have somewhat cooler climates
Describe achievements of Egyptian civilization.
-Construction of still standing pyramid tombs and temples -Development of hieroglyphics (writing) -365-day year (star and planet knowledge for farming) -Mathematical surveying; data collecting -Medical treatments (repair wounds/bones, mummification) and surgeries
The Aswan High Dam; mistake?
-Disrupted flooding/renewed silt of Great River Valley -Farmers must purchase fertilizer to grow crops
What are the five basic kinds of societies in Africa?
-Farming -Herding -Fishing -Hunting and Food Gathering -Urban
What are the four major climate zones of Africa?
-Tropical Wet (8%) Tropical Wet and Dry (biggest) (~50%) -Desert (40%) -Mediterranean (~2%)
Olduvai Gorge
-an area along the edge of the Great Rift Valley in Tanzania -Mary and Louis Leakey found bone fragments that were nearly 2 million years old -speculated to be of the earliest people on the planet (earliest evidence of human life).
How do different scientists help us learn about the ancient past?
-archaeologists(study early civilization remnants) -geologists (help determine the age of rocks since their formation, when fossils are found within them). -botanists (help determine types of plant life and the climate needed for them) -biologists (like prior, but more broad on life)
How have the landforms of Africa discouraged movement?
-cataracts made it impossible for ships to sail in some directions (usually up river).
-cover 40% of Africa -the Sahara is larger than the continental US -Sahara, Kalahari and Namib
Hydroelectric power
-electric sourced/produced from moving water -causing dam construction
-form of writing (pictures and symbols) used by the Egyptians -allowed people to communicate then and make advancements -historians and archeologists can understand/hypothesize ancient culture
What resources do African nations export to the world?
-heavy in mineral resources -gold (in the past) -copper (D.R. Congo and Zambia) -diamonds and cobalt (South Africa, D.R. Congo, Botswana) -offshore oil (Angola and Nigeria)
-king of the Axum Kingdom (Ethiopia and Eritrea today) -conquered Kush around 350 AD. -brought Christianity to Africa (specifically Ethiopia).
-king of the kingdom of Kush (south of Egypt) around 750 BC -conquered the Nile Valley to the north of them during Ancient Egypt's weakening of power
Tropical Wet and Dry climate region
-largest climate zone in Africa (~50%) -covered by savanna -home to most Africans -summer= rainy -winter= dry -rainfall; unreliable and hard to predict -droughts; common -population growth, natural forces, and human interaction -> desertification
-long periods of time with little to no rainfall -rain unreliable and unpredictable
disease carrying insects
-major concern -tropical—mosquito; malaria savannah—tsetse fly; sleeping sickness (affects people and livestock) -others? River blindness (flies), bilharzia (snails)
How has Africa's location both set it apart from and linked it to the rest of the world?
-many bodies of water bordering the landmass (Atlantic to the west, Indian to the east, Mediterranean to the north, Red Sea to the NE). -caused other lands, such as Europe, the Middle East and South Asia, to easily travel around Africa and transport people, goods, and ideas -ideal spot for world transportation routes today
How have the landforms of Africa encouraged movement of people and goods?
-plateaus allowed great farm land, several migrations across the continent, and the potential for trade
The Aswan High Dam; major achievement?
-provides irrigation for crops in upper Nile Valley -supplies hydroelectric power to cities and industries -Stopped house damages from flooding
-rulers (and seen as gods) of ancient Egypt. -under their ruling, the Nile villages were "unified" (large empires, trade, early world civilization).
Tropical Wet climate region
-runs along the Equator -makes up only 8% of Africa -abundant rainfall and warm temperatures produce lush plant growth. -the soil is poor due to leaching
How has the land affected the location of these societies?
-savannas (most of population) ;farming or herding societies -by rivers; fishing societies. -urban societies are rapidly growing -hunting and food-gathering societies; minimal and/or dying out.
Mediterranean climate zones
-southern tip and northern coast of Africa (~2%) -farming, herding attracted European colonists
-steep cliffs -plateaus and coastal plains
-the slow transition of a semidesert area (i.e., savanna) to a complete desert -sped up by human interaction
Why is rainfall a key to Africa's climate?
-too heavy or too little, can affect if and how people can settle in certain regions -some areas unknown on when or how much rain will fall in some years -differentiates seasons from one another; temperature constant year-round
-warm year-round -between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (latitude lines). -80% of Africa's land area -determines the cultures in Africa
-when heavy rain dissolves or washes away nutrients/minerals -poor soil in Tropical wet climate regions results from this.
What do ancient rock paintings reveal about the Sahara?
Sahara may have once been a tropical wet or wet and dry land area where basic societies thrived; it wasn't always a desert
How was the culture of Kush affected by trade and warfare?
Trade: Egyptian religion and hieroglyphics Warfare: Iron weapons
large waterfall or rapid
Rainfall is distributed very ________ throughout Africa.
Temperatures in Africa are generally...
Alternating ___ and ___ seasons
wet, dry