chapter 3

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match responsible and honest with the example

1. accept responsibility for your failures or errors never misrepresent yourself on the medical practice

a task is noted as b priority

should be done today

An RMA credential is awarded by which of the following?


Which credential is not offered by the AMT?


The prime concern of all employees of the physician's office should be:

caring for the patient

patient are not concerned about the medical assistant grooming and wardrobe


which of these careers would not be available to person who has had medical assistant training

respiratory therapy assistant

jewelry should be conservative at work, & large earrings should never be worn


an arm credential is awarded by which of the following


a reliable way to improve professional behavior is by showing a willingness to respond to constructive criticism . learn to honestly evaluate your own hebavior and be willing to use criticism as a means to excel in you profession

both statement are true

match diplomatic and tactful with the examples

1. show sensitivity to the needs of the healthcare team members provide patient and family centered care consistently communicate politely and honestly

Checking personal e-mail several times a day in the medical office is always acceptable.


match courteous and respectful with the example

1. always use proper grammar to demonstrate respect for the individual display positive nonverbal behaviors demonstrate interest in patients as individuals

Deciding which tasks are most important is called


probably the most important asset a medical assistant can offer the employer is

a good attitude

Talk or widely disseminated opinion with no discernible source, or a statement that is not known to be true, is called:

a rumor

Self-boundaries are developed to protect us from being manipulated or used by others. Personal boundaries help identify each of us as a unique individual.

both statements are false

a reliable way to improve professional behavior is by showing a willingness to respond to constructive criticism learn to honestly evaluate your own behavior and be wiling to use criticism as means to excel in your profession

both statements are true

an obstruction to professionalism could be

bringing personal problems to the office

which of the following skill would not be an appropriate expectation of a competent medical assistant

diagnosing common patient symptoms

a tasks that is noted as an e priority is probably a (n)


Long nails and colored polish are always acceptable in the medical profession


patients are not concerned about the medical assistant grooming and wardrobe


the medical assistant is not at fault if he or she display a poor attitude after a reprimand from a supervisor


the medical assistant is not at fault if he or she displays a poor attitude after a reprimand from a supervisor


woman are more successful as medical assistants


woman are most successful as medical assistant


Which of the following statements about professionalism is true?

it can lead to wage increases and promotions unacceptable behavior is detrimental to the MA's career it must be practiced at all times in the work place

which is the most import consideration in choosing a uniform

it should give the wearer a professional neat apperance

which of the following personal hygiene attributes can be considered infection control problems

long polished nails

which of the following personal hygiene attributes can be considered infection control problen

long polished nails

the mental and emotional condition entusiam loyalty or confidence of an individual or group with regard to function or tasks at hand is called


task that correspond in order with the a b and c designation are

must should and could

If Meredith makes a list of the tasks that need to be done today, she is practicing


a person who is characterized by or conforms to the technical or ethical standards of a certain profession is considered to be


which of the following is NOT considered a benefit of wearing a uniform or scrub

projects a specific status

which of the following is not considered a benefit of wearing a uniform or scrubs

projects a specific status

which of these careers would not be available to person who has has medical assistant training

respiratory therapy assistant

what is the best way for new medical assistant graduates to become good team players in the media office

show consideration and appreciation for each member of the staff

what is the best way for new medical assistant graduates to become good team players in the medical office

show consideration and appreciation for each member of the staff

The best way to earn a favorable evaluation on your externship is to

show integrity and practice high ethical standars

which quality in medical assistant is most likely to promote positive and relations in the medical office

sincere interest in patients welfare

which statement is true regarding the status of students during the extrenship compared with that of regular employees?

students are expected to perform under the same professional standards as regular employees

If managers were asked to name the most important attribute for medical professionals, what would always be high on the list?

team work

If managers were asked to name the most important attribute for medical professionals, what would always be high on the list?


which state best describes the relationship of administrative and clinical medical assisting responsibilities

the two are equally import for maintaining a high quality medical practice

Most tasks can be prioritized into three general categories, which of the following is NOT one of the three?

those that are essential to complete that day

must tasks can be prioritized into three general categories which of the following is not one of the three

those that are essential to complete that day

Habits formed during a medical assistant's training program will continue into the externship and employment:


employees should be aware of the attendance policies in their facility policy and procedure manual


employees should be aware of the attendance policies in their facility s policy and procedure manual


the medical assisting students should treat the extrenship as a probationary period on an actual job


the medical assisting students should treat the extrenship experience as a probationary period on an actual job


the personality that people project in public is their persona


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