Chapter 3: Menu Planning

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American of plate service

Food items placed on plates and delivered to guests

Family style of service

Food placed on platters on table, guests self-serve

What factors are cycle menus effective for? (3)

Food/labor cost control, forecasting, purchasing

French style of service

Foods partially prepared in kitchen, finished in dining room

A la carte menus

Customer can choose food items individually instead of the full meal, which makes pricing of food item separate

Russian style service

Customer's portions are transferred by waiter from platter to the customer's plate

What type of menu are used for hospitals?

Cycle menus

What is the menu implementation of commercial foodservices?

Essentially uses the basic rules of menu planning; serves as marketing/advertising tool

What is the Child & Adult Care Food Program?

Est. 1968; provide federal funds for meals/snacks to public schools and childcare centers

Where should the bar service be placed?

Placed where guests can see it on arrival

What are cycle menus?

Planned series of menus that change daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, seasonally

Du jour menus

Planned, written, and priced daily (specialized)

English style of service

Platters of food placed in front of host, who places on individual plates

What are non-selective menus?

Single menu item in each category

Types of menus (3)

Static/set Cycle Single use

Factors considered in menu planning (5)

Top: Type of foodservice Cop: Clientele Found: Financial limitations Food: Food availability Porn: Production capabilites

T/F To qualify for reimbursement, elementary and secondary schools must adhere to dietary guidelines


These menus can also be selective or nonselective (i.e. options to pick)


What are selective menus?

You can choose from 2+ choices of foods for each category (category: entrees, sides, breads, desserts)

What are the cause of semi-selective menus?

excessive labor/food costs, inadequate storage area

What is the menu implementation of hospitals?

more specialized diet menus are required; the specialized menus are built around the BASIC MENU

What are static menus?

same menu items DAILY that can change according to: seasonal, food cost price changes, and customer tastes ex) restaurant style menus

Since it costs labor to produce food in the kitchen, what helps when planning a food budget?

selling price helps determine food selection

What methods help to create a appetizing and cost-effective dish from the menu? (6)

1. variety; good nutrition 2. Eye appeal (food porn) 3. Contrast in texture and flavor of dish 4. Plan for consumer acceptance 5. Plan for financial, production, and service limitations 6. Plan to minimize leftovers

Prix fixe menus

Complete meal for fixed price but offer choice within menu category.

What are the steps in menu planning? (9)

1. Determine time period for the menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 2. Select menu items 3. Select entrees for menu cycle 4. Plan soups/sandwiches, complementing vegetables and salads 5. Variety of bread 6. Plan light dessert 7. Choose breakfast items 8. provide choice of beverages 9. evaluate menu

What factors must be accounted for non-selective menus? (2)

1. Include foods from each food group 2. Menu must have options for food allergens or diets.

What methods help to create an effective menu? (7)

1. Menu forms specifically created by TYPE and NEEDS of the foodservice 2. Establish a ubiquitous recipe file 3. Keep up with periodicals and foodservice publications 4. Menu suggestions 5. Look at previous menus 6. Get menu evaluation data by customers and staff 7. Check Dietary Guidelines for Americans to check if all is in health code

What are single-use menus?

Menus written for special event, holiday meal, or catering function

Maximum capacity at the wine and bar service?

1 bar per 100 people attending, 2 bartenders per bar

What are the names of four menus by pricing?

1. A la carte menus 2. Table d'hote menus 3. Prix fixe menus 4. Du jour menus

What is essential when menu planning for older adults & the disabled? (4)

1. CUSTOMER INPUT IS ESSENTIAL 2. Must follow Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) guidelines 3. Must follow Older Americans Act (OAA) 4. Must follow Dietary Guidelines for Americans

What are the responsibilities for planning menus for special meals, receptions, brunches, buffets, or catered events? (4)

1. Plan menu 2. Determine financial limitations 3. Supervise setup of room 4. Keep detailed report of MENU, GUESTS ATTENDING, QUANTITY FOOD, LEFTOVERS, INCOME/EXPENSES

What is the typical setup of a buffet? (4-5)

1. Salad station 2. First entree station 3. Second entree station 4. Dessert station --> AT LEAST ONE CENTERPIECE FOR QUICK CUSTOMER FLOW

Dining room preparation for banquet service?

1. Tables 4+ feet apart 2. Covers should be 20-30 inches apart 3. Napkin left of fork 4. Glass at tip of knife 5. Decoration at center of table

What is the School Breakfast Program (SBP)?

1975 Amendment: For reimbursement, schools must adhere to guidelines

Factors to be considered from clientele

Age, gender, nutritional needs, food habits, individual preferences (vegan, keto, religious)

What are the production capabilities? (3)

Available equipment, Number/experience of employees, & distribution of work in prep areas

Table d'hote menus

COMPLETE meal for a fixed price (banquet menus, valentine's day menus)

Which 3 elements do buffet platters need?

Centerpiece, main item, and garnish

Factors that could affect the menu (4)

Clients Budget Location Type of food service

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