chapter 3 psy

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Brain lesions and brain stimulation are different in that lesions injuries to the brain and brain stimulation heals the inyurles Brain lesions can be performed with electrodes while stimulation cannot. Lesions destroy part of the brain while stimulation reinvigorates the area being stimulated. brain stimulation is the only one done with electrodes The optimal research test for brain and

Lesions destroy part of the brain while stimulation reinvigorates the area being stimulated.

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that regulated heart rate and digestion is the peripheral division. PARAsympathetic the sympathetic division the central division


brain stimulation is the only one done with electrodes The optimal research test for brain and behavior is a(n) ultrasound. PET scan. MRI X-Rays

PET scan.

After an action potential fires, there is a waiting period before it can fire again which is called recharging period. resting potential activation. absolute refractory period. potential displacement

absolute refractory period.

No one thinks about this but every move the body makes is due to replicators acetylcholine (Ach) axons neurotransmitters

acetylcholine (Ach)

The nervous system that is part of another and works with the heart, blood vessels, and smooth muscles is peripheral. central autonomic. somatic


The narrow fiber where the action potential travels through is called the soma axon neuron dendrites


Nerves are bundles of dendrites that lay within the brain and spinal cord. dendrites that lay outside the brain and spinal cord. axons that are routed inside the brain and spinal cord. axons that are routed together outside the brain and spinal cord,

axons that are routed together outside the brain and spinal cord,

The nervous system comprised of the brain and spine is somatic. autonomic nervous system peripheral central.


In discussing the hypothalamus the basic biological needs discussed are bodily emptying, eating, sleeping, and drinking, mating, eating, sleeping, dreaming fighting. fleeing eating and mating. dreaming fleeing, mating fighting

fighting. fleeing eating and mating.

Alice was in an accident which damaged her brain. After the accident, Alice could not speak. The part of the brain that was damaged was the brain stem left hemisphere Midbrain right hemisphere

left hemisphere

The part of the brain that controls breathing and other unconscious essential functions is the cerebellum. medulla. hippocampus. pons.


The cells in the nervous system that receive, integrate, and transmits information are the glia. dendrites neurons soma


Chemicals sending messages from one neuron to another are called biochemicals neurotransmitters axons terminal button


Monoamines are three neurotransmitters which are testosterone, estrogen, and serotonin. norepinephrine, dopamine, and testosterone. estrogen dopamine, and serotonin. norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.

norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.

The statement most compatible with neurons importance is our perception, thoughts, and actions are all controlled by neurons. neurons have synapses neurons have many parts neurons send messages

our perception, thoughts, and actions are all controlled by neurons.

The nervous system that is located outside the brain and spine and extends to the outside of the body is autonomic. somatic. central. peripheral.


Presynaptic neurons and postsynaptic neurons are given these names because presynaptic neurons carry the signal before the synapse, once the synapse occurs postsynaptic neurons receive the message. the postsynaptic neuron is the organism that creates the presynaptic neuron, presynaptic neurons are just forming while the postsynaptic neurons are older and being replaced by the presynaptic neurons presynaptic neurons are formed before a baby is born while postsynaptic neurons are developed after delivery.

presynaptic neurons carry the signal before the synapse, once the synapse occurs postsynaptic neurons receive the message.

Functions of the glia are supplying neurons their nourishment, removing waste from neurons, and providing protection around the axons. sending messages from one neuron to another. helping control muscle movement. delivering blood to the brain.

providing protection around the axons.

The nervous system that is part of another and works with sensory muscles and sensory receptors is somatic. peripheral central


The part of the forebrain that works with complex thought is the thalamus. the cerebrum, the limbic system. the hypothalamus.

the cerebrum,

The part of the brain that houses the pons, medulla, and cerebellum is called the brain stem. the midbrain. the forebrain. the hindbrain.

the hindbrain.

The part of the brain that works largely with vision and hearing is the midbrain. the forebrain. the grain stem the hindbrain

the midbrain.

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that deals with flight or fight is the sympathetic division. the parasympathetic division the peripheral division. the central division.

the sympathetic division.

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