Chapter 3 Textbook Review
For file I/O, you must use the statement ________________________ to include the header file __________ in the program. You must also do the following: declare variables of type _____________ for file input and of type ___________ for file output and use open statements to open input and output files. You can use ___, ___, _____, ___________, ______, __________, or ______ with file stream variables.
#include <fstream>; fstream; ifstream; ofstream; <<; >>; get; ignore; peek; putback; clear
In C++, _______________________________ is the ______________________.
' (single-quote mark); digit separator
The manipulator ________ outputs floating-point numbers in the ___________________ format.
fixed; fixed decimal
The header file __________ contains the definitions of ___________ and ___________.
fstream; ifstream; ofstream
The function ____ is used to read data on a _______________________________________ and ____________________ any ________________________________.
get; character-by-character; does not skip; whitespace characters
To use the stream functions ______, __________, ______, _______, _________, and ________ for standard I/O, the program must include the header file ___________.
get; ignore; putback; peek; clear; unsetf; iostream
The manipulator _______________ outputs floating-point numbers with a ____________________ and __________________.
showpoint; decimal point; trailing zeros
an infinite sequence of characters in C++ that form a source to a destination
Attempting to read invalid data into a variable causes the input stream to enter _________________.
the fail state
When the ___ is used with an ______________________________, such as _____, it is called the ________________________________________. The __________ operand of ___ must be an _______________________________, such as ____; the ____________ operand must be a ____________.
>>; input stream object; cin; stream extraction operator; left-side; >>; input stream variable; cin; right-side; variable
When the ___ is used with an ______________________________, such as _____, it is called the ________________________________________. The __________ operand of ___ must be an _______________________________, such as ____; the ____________ operand must be an _________________________________________.
<<; output stream object; cout; stream insertion operator; left-side; <<; output stream variable; cout; right-side; <<; expression or a manipulator
When inputting data into a variable, the operator ____ skips ____________________________________________.
>>; all leading whitespace characters
stands for common input; input stream object; typically initialized to the standard input device, which is the keyboard
To use ___ and _____, the program must include the header file _____________.
cin; cout; iostream
Once an input failure has occurred, you use the function ______ to restore the input stream to a working state.
stands for common output; output stream object; typically initialized to the standard output device, which is the screen
To close a file as indicated by the ____________ variable _______, you use the statement _________________. To close a file as indicate by the ___________ variable ___________, you use the statement ____________________.
ifstream; inFile; inFile.close();; ofstream; outFile; outFile.close();
The function _________ is used to skip data in a line.
a stream from a source to a computer
input stream
a stream from a computer to a destination
output stream
The function _____ returns the next character from the input stream but does not remove the character from the input stream.
The function ___________ puts the last character retrieved by the function get back into the input stream.
The manipulator _________ is used to fill the unused columns on an output device with a character other than a space.
To use the manipulators _________________, ______, and ___________, the program must include the header file ___________.
setprecision; setw; setfill; iomanip
The manipulator __________________ formats the output of floating-point numbers to a _______________ number of decimal places.
setprecision; specified
The manipulator ______ formats the output of an expression in a specific number of columns; the default output is right-justified.
If the number of columns specified in the _____ manipulator ___________ the number of columns required by the next expression, the output is _____________________. To _______________ the output, you use the manipulator ______.
setw; exceeds; right-justified; left-justify; left
If the number of columns specified in the argument of ______ is _____ than the number of columns needed to print the value of the expression, the output is _________________ and the output of the expression ___________________________________________________________.
setw; less; not truncated; expands to the required number of columns