Chapter 3 The Visible Computers

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What windows app in Windows 10 combines many Utilities into a unified tool?

"Settings" The settings app in windows 10 offers many Utilities in a unified interface.

What Mac OS X feature is essentially multiple desktops?

"Spaces" Spaces is the term Apple uses for multiple desktops in Mac OS X.

What features of Mac OS X is the equivalent of the command-line Interface in Windows?


What is the default Ubuntu desktop environment?

"Unity" Ubuntu Linux uses the unity DE by default.

Mac OS X (Finder)

- "Finder" holds the keys to files and folders in Mac OS X.

How to access System Tools in Windows Vista 7

- Go to "Start" - Then "All Program" - Then go to "Accessories" - Last step will be to go to " System Tools"

Linux GNOME 3 Setting Location

- It's the same as Linux unity - to Access all settings click the wench and screwdrivers icon - For other system Utilities such as system monitor or terminal click on the activities button on the far left of the menu bar.

To Access Utilities on Mac OS X.

- On the top left hand corner click on the apple symbol. With finder in focus, Click on "Go" than click in "Utilities". - or you Press on COMMAND-SHIFT-U.

Linux Unity System Setting Location

- Similar to Mac OS X - To a esa system setting, click on the gear icon on the far right of the menu bar and select System Settings. - Click on Ubuntu button at the top of the launcher, from here you can search or browse for handy application such as the system monitor or terminal.


- Sometimes abbreviated as b, a bit is short for binary digit and is a single unit of information that can have a value of either 0 or 1 (off or on, false or true, low or high). - Eight bits make a byte, as shown in the picture. So, if you had two bytes (word) it would be 16 bits (2 x 8=16) and 10 bytes would be 80 bits (10 x 8=80).

KDE Plasma Desktop (Default for openSUSE,Kubuntu)

- high in graphic - ram 615 MB - cpu 1 Ghz - Qt framework - lots of complex features

Mac OS X Has 2 Keys Launch Point

- system preference app - Utilities folders


- tell hardwares what to do (OS) - A process or running process refers to a set of instructions currently being processed by the computer processor (CPU). For example, in Windows you can see each of the processes running by opening the Processes tab in Task Manager. Windows Processes are Windows Services and background programs you normally don't see running on the computer. For example, a process may be a printer program that runs in the background and monitors the ink and other printer settings while the computer is running. Example: - central progressing unit (cpu)

Linux KDE Plasma Kickoff Menu

- the same in all the KDE based distros is that everything you need to work on the system is accessible from the kickoff menu on the far left of the panel.

Computer consists of three major components

1. Hardware 2. Operating system 3. Application

Apple Gets two OSs

1. OS X 2. iOS

Nine Steps that apply to most computers and computing devices when you want to get something done:

1. Power up. Computers run on the Electricity. 2. Processing parts prepare for action. 3. You provide input. 4. Processing part process your command. 5. Processing part sent output information to your output devices. 6. Output devices show you the results. 7. repeat steps 3-6 until you're satisfied with the outcome. 8. Save your work 9. Power down the computer.

How much RAM can a 64-bit processor theoretically access?

16 EB

How many bits make up a byte?

8 Bit


A large number of programs are called Applets. Populated control panel.

What comes after a bit?

A nibble comes after a bit, although it is more common for a nibble to be skipped and for a byte to come after a bit.

Command Line Interface

Abbreviation when searching in the start menu is "cmd"

In Windows 8, which tool enables you to set up hard drives, manage devices, test system performance, and much more?

Administrative Tools


Aero desktop environment

Linux Allows

Allows you to choose the kind desktop type you want.


Aqua desktop environment

How many clock cycles does the CPU require to act on a command?

At least two

Intel s Pentium and Celeron series of CPUs are intended for which target market?

Budget Desktop PCs

Intel's Pentium and Celeron series of CPUs are intended for which target market?

Budget Desktop PCs

32-bit Programs are installed into which folders by default in a 64-bit edition of windows?

C:\Program Files (x86)

In a Windows system, what would be the preferred download folder for applications for a user named Mike?


The user, Mike, has downloaded file with web browser. Where will they be stored by default?


Character Map

Character map allows you to use the euro character "€". It enables you to copy any Unicode characters into the clipboard and paste into your document. Unicode has all the special symbols and alphabet characters use in languages throughout the world.

Which windows 8 feature did Microsoft not include in windows 10?

Charm Bar

Windows 8 Interface

Code-name Metro UI than they changed it to modern UI. Works great for touch-enabled devices.


Default for Ubuntu Desktop

Pinned Apps on Windows 8

Default programs and programs selected by the user-and not all the applications installed on the computers.

Administrative Tools

Enables you to set up hard drives, manage devices,test system performance and much more.

Which Mac OS X feature is functionally equivalent to windows file explorer?


No CPU ever made has fewer than _______________ stages, but advancements in caching have increased the number of stages over the years.


Tech Essentials

Gives you very quick access not only to the control panel and it's collection of tools but also to septic folks that every tech on heavily, like the task manager. Tech essentials is located by you right clicking on the mouse over the start button menu. If you press down on the "windows tab" and "X " the Tech essentials will open up.

Windows 7 predecesor & Windows Vista

Have similar look and feel

Inside of a PC

Inside the system unit


It's built into the motherboard.

Linux KDE Plasma- What is Kickoff Menu?

It's like the start menu win Windows 7.

CPUs typically run at some factor of the clock speed. What makes this possible?



Name of the tab in Task Manager that lists running applications. Enable you to do specialized task on a computer: - type a letter - send a message from your computer in Houston to your friend in Paris.

Four bits make up a _______________.


Network Connection

Often describe how much one computer connect to one or more other computers.

To Access System Preferences on Mac OS X.

On the top left hand corner click on the apple symbol. Select System Preferences from the apple menu.


Opens a context menu from which you can select various options


Opens an item

A sudden CPU shutdown usually indicates what condition?


Typical PC

PC with common peripherals

How to Access Terminal in Linux.


Which of the following paths would open administrative tools in Windows 8.1?

Right-click the start button and select administrative tools from the context menu.

Linux Command Line is also called??


command prompt-steps on how to view a particular folder.

To view a particular folder you 1st type 'dir" hit enter. now to view a particular folder you now type the folder name "cd documents" hit enter than type "dir" enter,now you are able to view the document folder.

How many directory structures for program files are created by the 64-bit edition of Windows?


How much RAM can 32-bit processors access?

Up to 4 GB

Ubuntu Linux uses?

Uses Unity as the default to Ubuntu desktop environment..

In Mac OS X, what launch point provides access to the tools needed to perform services on a Mac beyond what s included in System Preferences, including Activity Monitor and Terminal?

Utilities folder


When typing in DIR in the command line, all the files and filers will display.

Which version of Windows introduced the Metro UI?

Windows 8

Windows hides

Windows hides "\" character at the beginning to make it prettier.

Because CPU makers cannot make the processors run much quicker, they instead _______________.

combine multiple CPUs on a single chip

In _______________, the cores in multicore CPUs to divide up work independently of the OS.

multicore processing

In today's computers, the CPU tells _______________ the clock speed it needs, and the clock chip then automatically adjusts for the CPU.

the motherboard

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

- A GUI uses windows, icons, and menus to carry out commands, such as opening, deleting, and moving files. - - Although many GUI operating systems are navigated through the use of a mouse, the keyboard can also be utilized by using keyboard shortcuts or arrow keys. -However, it is also possible to interact with a GUI using a keyboard or other input device.

Desktop Environment (DEs)

- An implementation of the desktop metaphor made of a bundle of programs running on top of a computer operating system, which share a common graphical user interface (GUI), sometimes described as a graphical shell. - A desktop environment bundles together a variety of components to provide common graphical user interface elements such as icons, toolbars, wallpapers, and desktop widgets. Additionally, most desktop environments include a set of integrated applications and utilities.

Distribution also known as "Distro"

- An installable operating system built from the linux kernal and supporting user program and libraries. - Short for distribution, distro is a term used to describe a specific distribution of Linux that is built from the common Linux operating system and includes additional applications. - Red Hat, Debian and SuSe are all examples of a distro.

Operating System (OS)

- An operating system or OS is a software on the hard drive that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. - Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless. Example: - Windows 8.1 -Linux


- Any information or data that is sent to a computer for processing is considered input. Input or user input is sent to a computer using an input device. - Get data into the computer (user) Example: - Keyboard - Mouse - Microphone - Webcam - Touchpad - Graphics Tablet - Scanner

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

- Brain of the computer that performs instructions defined by software. - The primary hardware device that interprets and runs the commands you give to the computer. - Also known as the microprocessor; the brains of the computer.

C:\Program Files (All Version)

- By default, most programs install some or all their essentials files into a subfolder of the program files folder. - The 64-bit goes into the C:\Program Files

C:\Program Files (x86)???

- Has 64-bit editions of windows create two directory structures for program files. - The 32-bit goes into the C:\Program Files (x86) folder.


- Is the hardware part of the computer. - On Apple computers and many Linux computers the Terminal is an interface that allows you to access the command line from the GUI. To open the Terminal on the Apple click the Terminal icon (shown to the right) on your Dock. Terminal is a term used to describe a group of hardware devices that commonly consists of a keyboard and a monitor that enables a user to communicate with the internal CPU or another network device or computer.


- Once the computer has processed your request, it shows you the result by changing what you see in the display or playing a sound through the speakers. - show the result (OS) Example: - Monitor - Speakers

Data Storage

Meaning saving a permit copy of your work so that you can come back to it later.

System Tools

Menu containing tools such as System Information and Disk Defragmenter.

Windows Vista 7

Other viable items are as follows: - The open application demonstrate the transparency, where the edges of the application show blurred background images. This feature is called Aero or Aero glass. - the pinned programs enable you to launch a program with a single left-click. - the taskbar shows running programs. - The notification area shows programs running in the background. Many text also called it the system tray.

Newer CPUs process instructions and commands in what type of execution?


Apple MacBook Air

Portable Computer (A Mac Air)/Ports on a portable computer

A _______________ is made up of 64 bits.

Quad word

Common operating system (OS) function

See image


Selects an item

In Mac OS X, what launch point provides access to almost all the settings needed to administer a Mac OS X system?

System Preferences

In Windows Vista/7, what is another name for the notification area that shows programs running in the background?

System tray

An essential tool in Linux for technicians is the command line, called _______________.


Charm Bar

The Charms Bar is a universal toolbar in Windows 8 that can be accessed from anywhere no matter what you are doing or what application you are running.

In the Mac OS X operating system, what is the background of the main screen called?

The Desktop

In Windows 8/8.1, what is displayed when a user drops the cursor to the bottom left corner when in the Start screen?

The Start button

Back of a PC

The business end of a PC

Computing Process

Three parts of a computer's operation: - input - processing - output

command prompt- How to clear command prompt.

To clear the screen in the command prompt type "cls" hit enter

Command Line Interface

- Tells the computer what to do - Short for command line - you use the command to talk to the terminal - interface, a user interface common to MS-DOS computers. The user sees the command line on the monitor and a promptthat is waiting to accept instructions from the user. - The user types in the command, the computer acts on that command and then issues a new prompt for the next instruction from the user. CLI operating systems are becoming less used as GUI operating systems gain in popularity. In a GUI operating system, such as Windows, the user responds to graphic images on the screen instead of typing in commands in response to a prompt.

Metro UI

- The Metro UI consists largely of a "Start Screen" made up of "Live Tiles," which are dynamic and continually updated links to applications and features. - Works great for touch-enabled devies.

Difference between Terminal & Command Line Interface

- The command-line tag should be used for questions that ask if or how something is done using the command-line as opposed to the GUI. - The terminal tag is concerned with questions about the terminal iself, that is what you see when you press Ctrl+Alt+F1. When the question is specific to gnome-terminal or konsole, these tags should be used instead.

User Interface (UI)

- The part of computer application through which a user interacts with a program. - Human interaction with a machine. - Dos is the command Line interface - is what the computer gives the user to use.

Three most common desktop for Linux

- Unity (Default for Ubuntu Desktop) - GNOME 3 (Default for fedora workstation, red hat enterprise Linux) - KDE Plasma Desktop (Default for openSUSE,Kubuntu)

GNOME 3 (Default for fedora workstation, red hat enterprise Linux)

- Unity is based on GNOME - GTK Toolkit - simplification - finer details to essentials - ram 768 MB - cpu 400 Ghz

Windows 8.1

- brought back the start button - easy access to a close button for apps - ability to reboot directly from the desktop - makes it easy to pin apps to the start screen - uses the desktop rather than the start screen as the default interface

Windows 8/8.1 Has 3 Tech Launch

- control panel - Administrative Tools - command-line Interface

Windows Vista/7 Has 3 Tech Launch

- control panel - system tools - command-line Interface

Windows 10

- created an OS that blends the traditional windows 7 style desktop experience with some of the more progressive features of the window 8.x metro/modern UI. - removed charm bar - Microsoft added the search button on the bottom left hand corner of the taskbar on the desktop - supports multiple desktops with task view

Windows 8

- graphical set of tiles for full-screen programs called Apps - no visible start button on the desktop (except in the charm bar)

Control Panel

- handles most of the maintenance, upgrades and configuration aspects of windows. - Displays the icons in groups like hardware and sound. - Always use Classic View

Unity (Default for Ubuntu Desktop)

- ram 2 GiB - cpu 2 Ghz

Mac OS X

- you can access frequently used applications by clicking on their icon on the dock - dock shows running apps and pinned apps - present a mission control button on it now but keyboard brings up utility called mission control enables you to switch between open applications , windows, and more or pressing control/ctrl key and pressing the up arrow. - supports spaces- multiple desktops


-Linux is not develop by a single organization but by a large community of open source project. - Is a free and open-source operating system first developed by Linus Torvalds and friends that was first announced August 25, 1991. - The Linux kernel runs on numerous different platforms including the Intel and Alpha platform and is available under the GNU General Public License. - The system can be distributed, used, and expanded free of charge. In this way, developers have access to all the source codes, thus being able to integrate new functions or to find and eliminate programming bugs quickly. - - Thereby drivers for new adapters (SCSI controller, graphics cards, etc.) can be integrated very rapidly. Example: - post office - Amazon - android phone and tablets - NYSE he New York Stock Exchange

Hardware (HW)

-Physical computer equipment such as electrical, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical devices. - Anything in the computer world that you can hold in your hand hard drive is a hardware; Microsoft Word is not.

One billion cycles per second is equivalent to _______________.

1 gigahertz

Five Microsoft operating system

1. Windows vista 2. Windows 7 3. Windows 8 4. Windows 8.1 5. Windows phone/mobile


Default for fedora workstation, red hat enterprise Linux

KDE Plasma Desktop

Default for openSUSE,Kubuntu

Al of the machine language commands that the CPU understands make up its _______________.

Instruction set

Computer also known as system unit

Is an electronic device that can perform calculations.

Open Source

Is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance. "Source code" is the part of software that most computer users don't ever see; it's the code computer programmers can manipulate to change how a piece of software—a "program" or "application"—works.

Windows 7 Difference

Is the sidebar. Enabled by default, the sidebar houses one or more gadgets, suck as the clock,calendar, and speeds you can see in Windows 7 supports gadgets too, but doesn't have a sidebar.


Linux is case sensitive in the In the command prompt.

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