Chapter 30 - Plants

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Which of the following is NOT true of ferns? ( ) Ferns are seedless vascular plants. ( ) Ferns can grow in dry, cold conditions. ( ) The gametophyte of ferns is nonvascular. ( ) Ferns can reproduce asexually through the growth of rhizomes in the soil. ( ) The gametophyte is dependent on the sporophyte for nourishment.

Ferns are seedless vascular plants.

What flower mechanism(s) would NOT help prevent pollination by a foreign species? ( ) A pollen tube only grows in the style of its own species. ( ) The stigma is sticky mainly to its own species of pollen. ( ) The timing of flowering varies by species and keeps pollinators moving among a limited number of species. ( ) Flowers attract a small number of specialized pollinators, and therefore pollen is not spread equally to all available species of flowers. ( ) Flowers of different species are the same color and attract similar pollinators.

Flowers of different species are the same color and attract similar pollinators.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why the ginkgo is unique? ( ) The ginkgo grows well in polluted areas. ( ) Ginkgo biloba is the only surviving species in its division. ( ) The tree is propagated vegetatively to provide male trees that lack smelly seeds. ( ) Ginkgos have naked seeds. ( ) Ginkgos are popular for big cities along streets and parks.

Ginkgos have naked seeds.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about angiosperms? ( ) The reproductive structures are located in flowers. ( ) The flower protects the developing male gametophyte. ( ) They are divided into monocots and eudicots. ( ) The seeds are enclosed by fruit. ( ) They exhibit double fertilization.

The flower protects the developing male gametophyte.

Which of the following is from a division within the gymnosperm group? ( ) horsetail ( ) cycad ( ) moss ( ) fern ( ) monocot


Plants that flourished in the Mesozoic era along with dinosaurs were the


In the fern life cycle, the ______ generation is dominant.

diploid sporophyte

The fiddlehead is a _______ that unfolds into a ______.

diploid sporophyte; fern frond

In the life cycle of the fern, meiosis takes place ( ) during development of seeds. ( ) upon development of the gametophyte. ( ) during the production of egg and sperm. ( ) during the production of spores. ( ) during the development of vascular tissue.

during the production of spores.

Which part of a seed provides nourishment for the embryo enabling seed plants to survive on land?


Which part of an angiosperm seed is triploid (3n)?


Which of the following is NOT a significant event in the evolution of plants? ( ) protection of the embryo ( ) evolution of vascular tissue ( ) evolution of the seed ( ) evolution of the flower ( ) evolution of the rhizoid

evolution of the rhizoid

The megaspore in seed plants will develop into the

female gametophyte.

Psilotum are most closely related to ( ) angiosperms. ( ) gymnosperms. ( ) conifers. ( ) green algae. ( ) ferns.


The small heart-shaped gametophyte called a prothallus is part of the life cycle of the


A lily (a monocot) would have ( ) rhizoids rather than true roots. ( ) flower parts in threes. ( ) seeds in a cone. ( ) netted leaf veins. ( ) two cotyledons.

flower parts in threes.

The structure that forms most of the flesh of an apple is the


Botanically, a seed is a structure developed from a(n)


The vascular tissue by which nutrients are transported throughout ferns is called


A land based adaptation that pine trees have is that when microsporocytes undergo meiosis to produce microspores they are then liberated as the

pollen grains.

Which feature is common across all seed plants? ( ) flowers ( ) fruits ( ) pollen tubes ( ) flagellated sperm ( ) sperm carried by windborne pollen

pollen tubes

The site of formation of pollen grains is in the


During pollination in angiosperms, pollen grains will stick to the enlarged knob in the center of the flower called the


Pollen would land on the ______ during pollination.


The term for the body of a bryophyte such as Marchantia is


Ovules are contained within the


The anther and filament are parts of the


Which statement best describes double fertilization in an angiosperm? ( ) Two egg cells are fertilized within each ovule. ( ) A sperm nucleus fuses with an egg cell and a sperm nucleus fuses with polar nuclei. ( ) Two sperm are required for fertilization of one egg cell. ( ) A flower can engage in both self pollination and cross pollination. ( ) One sperm fertilizes the egg while two polar nuclei fuse with a second egg.

A sperm nucleus fuses with an egg cell and a sperm nucleus fuses with polar nuclei.

What is thought to be the first major derived feature that separates land plants from charophytes?

Both charophytes and land plants protect their zygotes but only land plants also protect the resulting embryo.

Both charophytes and land plants share which of these characteristics? ( ) Both have true roots, and leaves. ( ) Both have chlorophyll a and store carbohydrates as starch. ( ) Both have vascular tissue and protect the zygote. ( ) Both protect the embryo and have cell walls with cellulose. ( ) Both cell walls that contain cellulose and produce seeds.

Both have chlorophyll a and store carbohydrates as starch.

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a fern? ( ) Eggs are produced in antheridia. ( ) Fern sporophyte is the dominant generation in the fern life cycle. ( ) Fern gametophyte is nonvascular. ( ) Fern sporophyte leaves first appear in a curled-up form termed a fiddlehead. ( ) Fern sporophyte is vascular.

Eggs are produced in antheridia.

Why are green algae placed in the Protista while plants are given their own kingdom?

Plants enclose and protect the embryo within the female plant while green algae do not.

Which of these may occur in both angiosperms and gymnosperms? ( ) Seeds develop within a cone. ( ) Seeds develop within a flower. ( ) Seeds are surrounded by a fruit at maturity. ( ) Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination. ( ) Pollen is carried by honeybees as pollinators.

Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination.

One adaptation that was necessary for charophytes to move onto land was the protection of the embryo from desiccation. In mosses the embryo, called a developing sporophyte, is

Protected within the archegonium and nourished by the 'foot' growing down into the gametophyte tissue.

Which statement is NOT true about seed plants? ( ) They generally do not require external water for reproduction. ( ) Seed plants produce homospores. ( ) The pollen grain later becomes the male gametophyte. ( ) The female gametophyte is retained within the sporophyte. ( ) The seed contains the embryonic sporophyte generation.

Seed plants produce homospores.

Which statement is NOT true about the life cycle of gymnosperms? ( ) The sporophyte is diploid. ( ) The sporophyte produces two distinct types of spores. ( ) The megasporocyte develops into the pollen grain. ( ) The microsporocyte develops into the pollen grain. ( ) Two nonflagellated sperm are released by the male gametophyte.

The megasporocyte develops into the pollen grain.

Which of these statements is NOT true about fertilization in a fern plant? ( ) An egg is produced in an archegonium. ( ) A sperm is produced in an antheridium. ( ) The sperm is carried by the wind to the egg. ( ) The eggs and sperm are produced on the same plant. ( ) Eggs and sperm are produced by the gametophyte generation.

The sperm is carried by the wind to the egg.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about alternation of generations life cycle? ( ) Meiosis produces spores that are haploid. ( ) Spores develop into the gametophyte generation. ( ) The gametophyte produces eggs and sperm. ( ) When the sperm fertilizes the egg, a zygote results that develops into the sporophyte. ( ) The sporophyte generation produces spores by mitosis in structures called sporangia.

The sporophyte generation produces spores by mitosis in structures called sporangia.

Which statement is NOT true about ferns? ( ) The sporophyte stage lacks vascular tissue. ( ) Antheridia and archegonia develop on the prothallus of the gametophyte stage. ( ) Fertilization requires moisture for the sperm to swim to the egg within the archegonia. ( ) The sporophyte stage is the dominant generation. ( ) The gametophyte stage lacks vascular tissue.

The sporophyte stage lacks vascular tissue.

Which statement is NOT true about fiddleheads? ( ) They are young fronds curled up. ( ) They are found in ferns. ( ) They are part of the sporophyte generation. ( ) They are haploid. ( ) They are part of a vascular plant.

They are haploid.

How is a seed like a spore?

They both disperse the species.

Which statement is true regarding both gymnosperms and angiosperms? ( ) They both have swimming sperm. ( ) They both lack the gametophyte generation. ( ) They both have a separate male and female gametophyte generation. ( ) They both produce cones and flowers. ( ) They both rely on pollinators.

They both have a separate male and female gametophyte generation.

Both land plants and algae use starch as a storage medium and cellulose in their cell walls, this means that

They both produce glucose since this is the molecule that both starch and cellulose are made from.

Which statement is NOT correct about the sporophyte generation in gymnosperms? ( ) It is the diploid generation. ( ) It contains vascular tissue. ( ) It is the dominant generation. ( ) They produce winged naked seeds. ( ) They produce homospores.

They produce homospores.

Which feature possessed by most land plants is missing in mosses, which grow low to the ground in damp, shaded areas?

Vascular tissue, so they must grow along the ground in damp areas to supply water to the cells.

For the ancestors of land plants, supplying water to all cells of the organism would have been possible because

Water would simply diffuse into the cells from the surrounding environment.

It is possible to take the mature frond of many ferns and rub the brown growths on the lower surface over a wet plug of peat moss. Soon small heart-shaped green structures grow on the nutritious peat moss plugs. What has happened?

You have broken the sori on the bottom of the fern frond and spores fell on the plug to germinate and form the gametophyte called a prothallus.

Double fertilization in an angiosperm produces

a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm.

In the pine life cycle, a microspore develops into ( ) a seed. ( ) a sporophyte. ( ) a pollen grain. ( ) a megaspore. ( ) an ovule.

a pollen grain.

Seeds contain all of the following EXCEPT ( ) a seed coat. ( ) an endosperm. ( ) an embryo. ( ) a pollen grain. ( ) triploid tissue.

a pollen grain.

A major evolutionary trend among plants is

a reduction in the size of the gametophyte and an increase in the size of the sporophyte.

Swimming sperm are produced in the ____ of the moss gametophyte stage.


In the life cycle of a fern, the zygote ( ) becomes the sporophyte generation. ( ) becomes the gametophyte generation. ( ) does not occur. ( ) undergoes meiosis. ( ) is haploid.

becomes the sporophyte generation.

The stigma, style, and ovary are located in a


The reproductive parts of an angiosperm are the

carpel and stamen.

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a fruit according to a biologist? ( ) apple ( ) grapes ( ) tomato ( ) peas in a pod ( ) celery


Structures in plants that produce the gametes are called


Which sequence is correct in the life cycle of alternation of generations? ( ) gametophyte → spores → sporophyte ( ) gametophyte → gametes → spores → sporophyte ( ) gametophyte → gametes → zygote → spores → sporophyte ( ) gametophyte → spores → gametes → zygote → sporophyte ( ) gametophyte → gametes → zygote → sporophyte → spores

gametophyte → gametes → zygote → sporophyte → spores {Gy-G-Z-Sy-S}

Which of the following types of plants will produce a naked seed? ( ) moss ( ) ferns ( ) algae ( ) gymnosperms ( ) angiosperms


Which vascular plants have seeds?


In the moss life cycle, the ______ generation is dominant.

haploid gametophyte

Compared to the moss, the fern is better adapted to life on land because the fern

has vascular tissue, but the moss does not.

Showy flowers are most likely pollinated by

insects or birds.

A megasporocyte would be found in the


A leafy plant with no true roots, no stem, and rhizoids that grow into the soil from the leaf like structure is a


A fruit is a ( ) mature ovary. ( ) microspore. ( ) megaspore. ( ) seed. ( ) stigmatized pollen grain.

mature ovary.

Gladiolus produces leaves with parallel veins and floral parts in multiples of three. This plant is a(n)


Which of the following is a nonvascular plant that has the longest evolutionary history on land? ( ) ferns ( ) bristlecone pine tree ( ) moss ( ) redwood tree ( ) grass


When a moss spore lands on an appropriate site, it germinates into the first stage of the gametophyte called a(n)


When a moss spore germinates, the single row of cells that first appears will branch and form a(n)


The function of endosperm is to

provide nutrients to the embryo.

The structure found in non-vascular plants that anchor them to the soil and may serve in asexual reproduction is called the


The first fossil evidence of vascular tissue is seen in the


Spores are produced in the ____ of a fern.


Haploid spores are produced in the ___ of a moss.


Which life cycle phase is diploid in moss?

sporophyte generation

Which of the following is NOT correct? ( ) xylem-conducts water up from the soil ( ) phloem-transports organic nutrients ( ) vascular tissue-xylem and phloem ( ) vascular plants-sporophyte is dominant ( ) sporophyte-haploid


If a tree has flower petals that are small and the same color as its leaves, it is likely to be pollinated by

the wind.

Monocots have their floral parts in ______, while eudicots have their parts in _______, or multiples of those numbers.

threes; fours or fives

Characteristics of eudicots include all EXCEPT ( ) two cotyledons. ( ) leaves with netted veins. ( ) woody or herbaceous plants. ( ) flower parts in fours and fives. ( ) vascular bundles arranged irregularly in the stem.

vascular bundles arranged irregularly in the stem.

Fertilization in the mosses is dependent upon


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