Chapter 31 AP World

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The capitulations were humiliating concessions to the west that

Held European citizens exempt from Ottoman laws and taxes

Where was opium grown


The British insisted on their right to trade opium with China because

It was the only trade good that they could sell in China at a profit

The Taiping rebellion was defeated when

Nanjing was defeated by a combined force of imperial and European soldiers

The success of the Meiji restoration depended on destroying the power of

The daimyo and samurai classes

The Meiji constitution promulgated in 1889 by the emperor gave the effective power to

The emperor

The most significant indication of the decline of Ottoman foreign influence in the 19th century was

The empire's loss of control in Egypt

The Opium War made plain the difference between

The military power of Europe and China

The centerpiece of Sergei Witte's Russian industrial policy was

A massive program of railway construction

What was the result of the reforms instituted by Mahmud II

A smaller empire that was more manageable

By 1913 all of the following provinces gained either independence or authority from Ottoman control, except


The Russian empire was defeated in the Crimean War because

Britain and France joined forces to prevent Russian expansion into the Ottoman empire

Foreign merchants could deal only with specially licensed Chinese firms known as


The most significant achievement of Sultan Mahmud II was the

Creation of a modern army

The Russian expansion into the Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire sparked the

Crimean War

Penalty for opium importation


In China a sphere of influence was

District in which a foreign power had exclusive trade, transportation, and mineral rights

By 1898 France, Great Britain, and Japan had carved out ________ in China

Economic spheres of influence

After the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Crimean War, what did Tsar Alexander II do

Free the Russian serfs

The emancipation of Russian serfs in 1861

Intended to avert a revolution, bring freedom, and increase agricultural production

The capital of the early industrialization of Meiji Japan came from

Land taxes

Tanzimat refers to

Ottoman movement to reform and recognize the empire

The Tokugawa shogunate was overthrown because

The Japanese were outraged by the unequal treaty forced on them by Commodore Perry

Which country demanded permission to establish trade with Japan

The US

The Russian intelligentsia promoted terrorism as a strategy because

Their attempts at a more peaceful reform were crushed by Tsarists

What language did the Proclamation of Young Turks designate for official correspondence


Which of the Young Turk proposals caused the most dissension in the empire

Turkish as the official language of the empire

How did the Russo-Japanese war conclude

With the destruction of the Russian navy

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