Chapter 31- Multiple gestations

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TRAP syndrome may also be referred to as : a . TTRS b . Vanishing twin syndrome c . Twin embolization syndrome d . Acardiac twinning

Acardiac twinning

The term that indicates the presence of two separate amniotic sacs is : a . Dichorionic b . Bichorionic c . Monoamniotic d . Diamniotic


Twins having two placentas and two amniotic sacs are referred to as : a . Monochorionic diamniotic b . Biamniotic dichorionic c . Dichorionic diamniotic d . Dichorionic biamniotic

Dichorionic diamniotic

The sonographic examination of twins reveals a triangular extension of the placenta at the base of the membrane . This finding is indicative of : a . Monochorionic monoamniotic twins b . Monochorionic diamniotic twins c . Dichorionic diamniotic twins d . Monochorionic diamniotic twins

Dichorionic diamniotic twins

Fraternal twins result from : a . Monozygotic twinning b . Dizygotic twinning c . Heterotopic pregnancies d . Monochorionic pregnancies

Dizygotic twinning

c . d . What is a treatment that separates abnormal placental vascular connections between twins that are suffering from TTTS ? a . Cleavage - laser resection treatment b . Endoscopic - guided laser photocoagulation c . Endemic translocation of placental vessels d . Circumvallate resection of shared placental vasculature

Endoscopic - guided laser photocoagulation

Monozygotic twins result from : a . A single zygote that splits b . Two zygotes that are fertilized by the same sperm c . Two morulla d . A single zygote that is fertilized by two sperm

A single zygote that splits

Acardiac twinning results from : a . Poor maternal nutrition b . Dizygotic gestations c . Abnormal links between the placental vessels d . Twin embolization syndrome

Abnormal links between the placental vessels

Which of the following can occur as a result of monozygotic twinning ? a . Monochorionic diamniotic twins b . Monochorionic monoamniotic twins c . Dichorionic diamniotic twins d . All of the above

All of the above

The inner membrane surrounding the fetus ist referred to as the : a . Placenta b . Chorion c . Amnion d . Yolk sac


Which term relates the number of amniotic sacs ? a . Chorionicity b . Placentation c . Amnionicity d . Embryology


The most common form of monozygotic twins is : a . Monochorionic diamniotic b . Dichorionic monoamniotic c . Monochorionic monoamniotic d . None of the above

Monochorionic diamniotic

The outer membrane of the gestation is referred to as the : a . Placenta b . Chorion c . Amnion d . Yolk sac


Which term relates the number of placentas ? a . Chorionicity b . Zygocity c . Amnionicity d . Cleavage


Twins whose bodies are connected at some point are said to be : a . Fraternal b . Conjoined c . Identical d . Stuck


The term that indicates the presence of two separate placentas is : a . Dichorionic b . Bichorionic c . Monoamniotic d . Diamniotic


Which of the following can occur as a result of dizygotic twinning ? a . Monochorionic diamniotic twins b . Monochorionic monoamniotic twins c . Dichorionic diamniotic twins d . All of the above

Dichorionic diamniotic twins

Typically , the first sonographic manifestation of TTTS is : a . Oligohydramnios b . Polyhydramnios c . Dichorionic twinning d . Discordant fetal growth

Discordant fetal growth

Asymmetry in fetal weight between twins is indicative of : a . Discordant growth b . Preeclampsia c . Dichorionic diamniotic twinning d . Intrauterine infections

Discordant growth

Twins that result from the fertilization of two separate ova are called : a . Diamniotic b . Dizygotic c . Monozygotic d . Monochorionic


Which of the following would not increase the likelihood of multiple gestations ? a . Gestational diabetes b . Maternal age of > 40 years c . Maternal history of twins d . ART

Gestational diabetes

Ovulation induction drugs not only increase the likelihood of multiple gestations , but also increase the likelihood of : a . Maternal diabetes b . Ovarian prolapse c . Heterotopic pregnancies d . Choriocarcinoma

Heterotopic pregnancies

All of the following complications are associated with multiple gestations except: a . Preterm delivery b . High birth weight c . Maternal anemia d . Maternal preeclampsia

High birth weight

Twins having one placenta and one amniotic sac are referred to as : a . Dichorionic monoamniotic b . Dichorionic diamniotic c . Monochorionic diamniotic d . Monochorionic monoamniotic

Monochorionic monoamniotic

Twins that have the threat of being conjoined are : a . Monochorionic monoamniotic b . Monochorionic diamniotic c . Dizygotic d . Dichorionic diamniotic

Monochorionic monoamniotic

Which form of monozygotic twinning is least common ? a . Monochorionic diamniotic b . Monochorionic monoamniotic c . Dichorionic diamniotic d . Dichorionic biamniotic

Monochorionic monoamniotic

Identical twins result from : a . Monozygotic twinning b . Dizygotic twinning c . Heterotopic pregnancies d . Monochorionic pregnancies

Monozygotic twinning

Conjoined twins that are attached at the abdomen are referred to as : a . Omphalopagus b . Thoracopagus c . lleopagus d . Craniopagus


The abnormal twin in acardiac twinning is also referred to as the : a . Pump twin b . Parasitic twin c . Stuck twin d . Vanishing twin

Parasitic twin

Factors that increase the likelihood of having multiple gestations include all of the following except : a . Advanced maternal age b . Ovulation induction drugs c . Poor nutritional state d . Maternal predisposition for twins

Poor nutritional state

What condition is pregnancy - induced maternal high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine after 20 weeks ' gestation ? a . Gestational diabetes b . Preeclampsia c . Porencephaly d . Maternal mirror syndrome


Which of the following would a newborn most likely suffer from if he or she were born prior to 32 weeks as a result of multiple gestation complications ? a . Ascites b . Pulmonary hypoplasia c . Amnionitis d . Preeclampsia

Pulmonary hypoplasia

What is the term for conjoined twins attached at the sacral region ? a . Sacralpagus b . Omphalopagus c . Pyopagus d . Thoracopagus


The twin that will appear larger in TTTS is the : a . Donor b . Recipient c . Both will be the same d . Both will be demised


TTTS , experiences severe oligohydramnios and What is it called when a twin fetus , suffering from becomes closely adhered to the uterine wall ? a . Acardiac monster b . Vanishing twin c . Acardiac twin d . Stuck twin

Stuck twin

Which of the following is not a sonographic sign of a dichorionic diamniotic gestation ? a . Twin peak sign b . Lambda Sign c . Delta Sign d . T sign

T sign

The shunting of blood from one twin to the other is termed : a . TTTS b . Twin embolization syndrome c . Twin peak sign d . Conjoined twins


Twins having two placentas and one amniotic sac are referred to as : a . Monochorionic diamniotic b . Monoamniotic dichorionic c . Dichorionic monoamniotic d . This does not occur

This does not occur

The demise of a twin can lead to the development of neurologic complications in the living twin as a result of : a . Twin embolization syndrome b . TTTS c . TRAP syndrome d . Dichorionicity

Twin embolization syndrome

The demise of a twin during the second or third trimester can lead to : a . TTTS b . Twin embolization syndrome c . Twin peak sign d . Acardiac twinning

Twin embolization syndrome

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