Chapter 32 Electrostatics

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If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, your hair becomes a. uncharged. b. Positively charged. c. Negatively charged.


Lightning bolts occur between a. Clouds and the ground. b. clouds. c. Both A and B.


State Coulomb's law. Explain what each symbol stands for.

The magnitude of the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

A negatively charged rod is brought near a metal can that rest on a wood table. You touch the opposite side of the can momentarily with your finger. The can then is a. Positively charged. b. Negatively charged. c. Charged the same as it was. d. uncharged.


A positive charge and a negative charge held near each other are released. As they move, the force on each particle a. increases. b. Stays the same. c. decreases.


Protons and electrons a. attract each other b. repel each other c. do not interact


The fundamental force underlying all chemical reaction is a, electrical b. gravitational c. centripetal d. nuclear e. none of the above


Two charged particles held close to each other are released. As they move, the force on each particle increases. Therefore, the particles a. Opposite signs. b. The same sign. c. Charges cannot be determined.


When a charged cloud passes overhead, the ground below is charged by a. induction. b. polarization. c. deduction. d. electrification.


Two charged particles held near each other are released. As they move, the acceleration of each decreases. Therefore, the particles a. Opposite signs. b. Same sign. c. Charges cannot be determined.


A difference between electrical forces and gravitational forces is that electrical forces include a. Infinite range. b. Repulsive interactions. c. The inverse square law. d. Separation distance.


A positive ion has a. More electrons than protons. b. More protons than electrons. c. A +1 charge always. d. One proton.


Electrical forces between charges are strongest when the charges are a. far apart b. close together c. the electrical force is constant everywhere


Electrical polarization occurs when a. An electron is at a different location than a proton. b. Charge distribution in a neutral molecule separates. c. The electron and the proton are on different sides of an atom. d. An atom vibrates in a single direction. e. None of the above.


The charge of an electron is a. positive b. negative c. electrons have no charge


The net charge of a nonionized atom a. Depends only on the number of electrons it has. b. Is zero. c. Usually cannot be determined. d. Depends only on the number of proton it has.


A 2C charge and a 4C charge attract each other with 10N of force. How much will a 2C charge and a 12C charge attract each other when placed the same distance apart? a. 5N. b. 12N. c. 10N. d. 30N.


A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall, which demonstrates charge a. transfer. b. potential. c. conservation. d. polarization.


In a good insulator, electrons are usually a. Not moving at all. b. Free to move around after an impurity has been added. c. Free to move around. d. Tightly bound in place. e. Semi-free to move around.


Objects can be charged by a. induction. b. friction. c. touching. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.


Particle A has twice as much charge as particle B. Compared to the force on particle A, the force on particle B is a. ½ as much. b. 2x as much. c. 4x as much. d. The same.


Two charges are separated by a certain distance. If the magnitude of each charge is doubled the force on each charge is a. halved. b. doubled. c. tripled. d. quadrupled.


When the distance between two charges is halved, the electrical force between the charges a. doubles. b. Reduces to ¼ . c. halves. d. quadruples. e. none of the above


A conductor differs from an insulator in that a conductor has a. More protons than electrons. b. Faster-moving molecules. c. More electrons than protons. d. More electrons than an insulator. e. None of the above.


Atomic nuclei of almost all elements consist of a. only neutrons b. protons and electrons c. neutrons and electrons d. only protons e. protons and neutrons


Conservation of charge means that a. The total amount of charge in the universe is constant. b. No experimenter has ever seen a single charge destroyed by itself. c. Electrons by themselves can be neither created nor destroyed. d. Charge can be neither created nor destroyed. e. All of the above.


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