Chapter 32: The Digestive System

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Which of the following are characteristics of the liver?

-Hepatocytes are contained in each lobule of the liver. -Branches of the hepatic portal vein carry blood from the digestive organs to the hepatic lobules. -Hepatic is the medical term that means "pertaining to the liver." -The liver stores vitamins and iron; filters impurities out of the blood; and aids in the digestion of fats. -Hepatocytes process nutrients in the blood to make bile, which is used to digest fats.

Which of the following organs are involved in the digestive process?

-Ileum -Tongue -Gallbladder

Which of the following are characteristics of the pharynx?

-It is involved in swallowing. -It is divided into 3 divisions. -It connects the oral and nasal cavities.

Which of the following enzymes digest sugars?

-Maltase -Lactase -Sucrase

Which of the following are considered accessory organs of the digestive system?

-Pancreas -Teeth -Tongue -Liver -Salivary glands

Which of the following are characteristics of the pancreas?

-Pancreatic juices contain a variety of enzymes. -The organ is located behind the stomach.

Which of the following pertain to the large intestine?

-Vermiform appendix -Ascending colon -Sigmoid colon -Rectum -Transverse colon -Cecum -Descending colon

Which of the following are terms that relate to the stomach?

-gastrin -fundus -rugae -gastric -chyme

Which of the following terms relate to the mouth?

-saliva -lingual -sublingual -buccal -salivary

1. Cecum 2. Transverse colon 3. Sigmoid colon 4. Ascending colon 5. Desending colon

1. Beginning of the large intestine 2. Structure that crosses the abdominal cavity 3. Portion of the descending colon in the pelvic cavity that forms an S-shaped tube 4. Portion of the large intestine that rises from the cecum and runs up the right side of the abdominal cavity 5. Portion of the large intestine that descends the left side of the abdominal cavity, eventually becoming the sigmoid colon

1. K 2. D 3. A 4. E

1. Blood clotting 2. Calcium absorption 3. Production of receptors, mucus, normal growth of bones and teeth 4.Prevention of the breakdown of certain tissues

1. Serosa 2. Muscular layer 3. Parietal peritoneum 4. Mucosa

1. Double-walled outermost layer of the alimentary canal; it is also known as the peritoneum 2. Portion of the alimentary canal just outside the submucosa; it contracts to assist in moving material through the canal 3. Abdominal lining 4. Innermost wall of the alimentary canal; it is mostly made of epithelial tissue that secretes enzymes and mucus into the lumen

1. Mesentery 2. Microvilli 3. Duodenum 4. Illeum 5. Jejunum 6. Ileocecal sphincter 7. Cecum

1. Fanlike structure attached to the posterior wall of the abdomen to hold the jejunum and ileum in the abdominal cavity 2. Cells of the small intestine that greatly increase its surface area to increase the absorption of nutrients 3. C-shaped structure located at the beginning of the small intestine 4. Last portion of the small intestine that directly attach to the large intestine 5. Middle section and largest portion of the small intestine 6. Structure that controls the movement of chyme from the ileum to the cecum 7. Structure at the beginning of the large intestine

1. Diverticula 2. Triglycerides 3. Esophageal hiatus 4. Uvula 5. Feces

1. Outpouchings of the wall of a canal or an organ 2. Simple lipids consisting of glycerol and 3 fatty acids 3. Hole in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes 4. Part of the soft palate that hangs down in the back of the throat 5. Material found in the large intestine and made from leftover chyme

1. Nasopharynx 2. Laryngopharynx 3. Oropharynx

1. Portion behind the nasal cavity 2. Portion behind the larynx that continues to the esophagus 3. Portion behind the oral cavity

1. Chemical digestion 2. Palate 3.Cholesterol 4. Peritoneum 5. Chyme 6. Sphincter

1. Process of chemically digesting food, beginning in the mouth 2. Roof of the mouth 3. Fat-related substance that the body produces in the liver and obtains from dietary sources; it is needed in small amounts to carry out several vital functions 4. Also known as the serosa 5. Mixture of food and gastric juice 6. Valve like structure formed from circular bands of muscle

1. Chief cells 2. Mucous cells 3. Parietal cells

1. Secrete pepsinogen, which becomes pepsin in the presence of acid to digest proteins 2. Protect the stomach lining 3. Secrete the hydrochloric acid necessary to convert pepsinogen to pepsin

1. Monosaccharides 2. Triglycerides 3. Glycogen 4. Cellulose

1. Simple sugars 2. Dietary fats 3. Excessive glucose stored in the liver 4. Type of carbohydrate found in many vegetables that humans cannot digest

1. Liver 2. Pancreas 3. Tooth 4. Tongue 5. Salivary gland 6. Gallbladder

1. Stores vitamins and iron; produces bile, which aids in the digestion of fats 2. Secretes various enzymes that aid in digestion 3. Decreases the size of food particles to enable their entry into the esophagus 4. Mixes and holds food against the teeth during mastication 5. Produces and secretes saliva, which starts the chemical breakdown of food 6. Stores bile

The wall of the alimentary canal, also known as the digestive tract, consists of ______ layers.


The _____ is the last segment of the rectum, between the sigmoid colon and the anus.

anal canal

The large intestine extends from the ileum of the small intestine to the ______.


The term "sublingual" means

below the tongue

The hormone cholecystokinin stimulates the gallbladder to release


The ______ sphincter is also known as the esophageal sphincter and controls the movement of food into the stomach.


Mucous, chief, and parietal are stomach ______ involved in secreting products to assist in the chemical digestion process.


Digestion is the

chemical and mechanical breakdown of foods to a form that the body can absorb.

The ______ carries bile to the duodenum.

common bile duct

The beginning of the small intestine is called the


Peptidases are

enzymes that digest proteins.

The opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes is the

esophageal hiatus.

Chyme enters the large intestine, where water and some electrolytes are absorbed.The remaining chyme is excreted in the form of ______ via the anus.


Diets high in ______ decrease the incidence of colon diseases such as cancer by increasing water absorption and bulk and enhancing emptying of the colon.


The ______ is a saclike structure, located inferior to the liver, that stores bile.


The medical term for "pertaining to the stomach" is


The ______ tonsils, located at the back of the tongue, are made of lymphatic tissue.


The ______ aids in digestion and is a very large organ in the right upper abdominal quadrant.


The ______ is behind the stomach; it produces various enzymes to assist in the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.


The lining of the stomach contains folds called


The ______ salivary glands are located below the tongue.


The function of the ________ is to mix food and hold it against the teeth.


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