Chapter 36- Global Interdependence

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global economy

Economy linking the economies of many nations

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1948 United Nations statement of specific rights that all people should have.

free trade

Absence of barriers that can block trade between countries.


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a disease that attacks the immune system, leaving sufferers open to deadly infections.

green revolution

Attempt to increase food resources worldwide

How did the September 11 attacks affect the way Americans looked at life?

Before September 11, many Americans thought that terrorism was something that happened in other countries. After September 11, many Americans became afraid that terrorist attacks could happen to them.

Sustainable growth

Economic growth that meets current needs but conserves resources for the future.

Popular Culture

Cultural elements—such as sports, music, movies, and clothing—that reflect a group's common background

Section 5

Cultures Blend in Global Age

gender inequality

Difference between men and women in terms of wealth and status.

political dissent

Difference of opinion over political issues

Why is genetic engineering an important development?

Genetic engineering facilitates the developments of plants, cloning

Section 2

Global Economic Development

Section 3

Global Security Issues

What has caused most of the terrorist activity in Africa?

In Africa, civil unrest and regional wars cause most terrorist acts.

developed nation

Industrialization nation

ozone layer

Layer of atmosphere that blocks dangerous rays from the sun.

2. What Western aspects of culture have spread throughout the world?

Mass Media, Political power and Materialism.

What problems can result from global movement of people?

Migrations can lead to problems. Refugee camps can put a strain on resources Overpopulation Hunger and disease (Crusades) Nativism

1. Name three aspects of culture that have become international.

Music, Food and Clothing Styles

emerging nation

Nation that is still developing industry


People who leave their country to move to another to find safety.


Placing high value on owning things Secularism

3. What problems or challenges can cultural blending bring?

Problems like worry over peoples own culture being swallowed up by other cultures


Process of creating identical copies of DNA for research and other purposes

International Space Station

Project, involving 16 nations, to build a huge laboratory in space.

Which area of the world has hardest hit by the AIDS epidemic?

Sub-Saharan Africa

genetic engineering

Use of genes to develop new products and cures

Section 4

Terrorism Case Study: September 11, 2001

What types of weapons do terrorist use?

Terrorists often use bombs and bullets. Some terrorist groups have used biological and chemical weapons.

How was aviation security increased?

The Federal Aviation Administration ordered airlines to put bars on cockpit doors. These bars would help stop hijackers from getting control of planes. National Guard troops began to guard airports. Trained security officers called sky marshals were put on planes. The Aviation and Transportation Security Act was passed. It put the federal government in charge of airport security.

Section 1

The Impact of Science and Technology

What types of jobs are on the increase in developed nations?

The jobs on the increase in developed nations are service and information industries

Name three steps that have been taken in the direction of the free trade.

There have been several steps taken in the direction of free trade. - The European Union (joining together of nations in the EU) -NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is discovered -Latin America set up its own free trade

What environmental problems have resulted from economic growth?

There were several environmental problems -Pollution -Global Warming -Damage to the ozone layer -Acid rain

How have computers changed everyday living?

They have affected us in terms of communication. They have impacted production, consumer goods, and lifestyle.

Give three examples of international cooperation in space.

Three examples of cooperation in space are the Hubble Space Telescope, the US and the Soviets go up together, and the ISS (International Space Station).

Name two specific approaches toward collective security.

Two approaches towards collective security are the United Nations (replacing the League of Nations), and reducing weapons

Name two events that have been important in the worldwide struggle for human rights.

Two important events in the worldwide struggle for human rights are -The UN approved the Universal Declaration of Rights -The Helsinki Accords


Worldwide computer network



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