CHAPTER 4 2nd study set

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___ _____ 1600's termed the word "Cell" in describing the structure of living things (looked like monastery cells)

Robert Hooke

_____ ER makes/forms Proteins


______ - a pill shaped organelle composed of a double membrane structure with an inner cavity which carry on cellular respiration and breaks down carbohydrates


______ are indispensable to cells because they carry on cellular respiration, the process that transforms the energy of carbohydrates to that of ATP molecules.


___ - enclosed by a double membrane; inner membrane forms cristae


___ - function: carries on cellular respiration with the breakdown of carbohydrates to produce ATP


Actin filaments and microtubles of the cytoskeleton have binding sites for _____ molecules, which are proteins able to break down ATP and use the resulting energy to change shape in order to move from one binding site to the next.

motor molecules

___ molecules are either kinesins, dyneins, or myosins. As they move along a cytoskeletal fiber they pull their carbgo (lysosomes, chromosomes, vesicles,etc.) with them

motor molecules

You can primarily associate actin filaments with _____


___ - tissue death if there is a build up of hydrogen peroxide in the body


_____ ____ - double membrane that surrounds he nucleus and is connected to the endoplasmic reticulum; has pores that allow substances to pass between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

nuclear envelope

3 structures of the nucleus?

nuclear envelope, chromatin (net), nucleolus

_____ - process whereby ribosomes use the sequence of codons in mRNA to produce a polypeptide with a particular sequence of amino acids.


_____ vesicles - pinch off from the ER and carry protein and lipids, notably to the Golgi Apparatus, where they undergo further modification.

transport vessicles.

____ ____, which is the pressure of cell contents against the plant cell wall, is maintained by the central vacuole.

turgor pressure

The toxic substances in the plants _____ help protect a land plant from feeding insects.


___ - function: stores varied biomolecules and wastes; in plant cells produces turgor pressor


___ - small to large membranous sac-- plant cells have large central_____


The pigments in the ___ of plants are responsible for many of the red, blue or purple colors of flowers and some leaves.


_____ -are organelles that are large in size and contain solid materials (common in plants)


___ - function: isolates and transports biomolecules


____ - tiny membranous sac containing cell products.


____ are organelles that are small in size and contain tiny things in a liquid solution


__ _____ - of prokaryotic cells consists of the plasma membrane, cell wall, and glycocalyx (sticky sugar glue substance) or capsule

-Cell envelope

Explain why cells are so small.

A cell needs a surface area large enough to allow sufficient nutrients to enter and to rid itself of wastes. This is why small cells are more likely to have adequate surface area per volume.

Explain the attachment of ribosomes to the er.

1. mRNA (RNA copy of a gene) moves through a nuclear pore into the cytoplasm 2. mRNA attaches to ribosomes and polypeptide or protein synthesis begins 3. Ribosome attaches to the ER (Rough) and the protein/polypeptide enters the interior 4. A protein forms and folds itself into the correct shape or its final 3D shape/ Tertiary structure

2 functions of the cytoskeleton?

1. supports the animal cell and determines its shape. 2.anchors the organeles in place but can also allow them to move, as when a vesicle moves from the Golgi to the plasma membrane.

The three tenets of the cell theory?

1.) a cell is the most basic unit of life 2. ) all living things are made up of cells 3.) New cells arise only from preexisting cells.

Ribosomes are made of __ parts.

2 parts; large and small

3 different types of fibers in the cytoskeleton?

Actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules

___ _ ____1600's built the first simple magnifying instrument

Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

3 shapes of bacteria

Bacillus/rod Spirillum/spiral Coccus/sphere

Two groups of Prokaryoic cells?

Bacteria and Archea

The golgi apparatus is named for ___ ___, who discovered its presence in cells in 1898.

Camillo Golgi

___ ____Microscope consist of a two-lens system, one above the other, to magnify an object

Compound Light

Lysosomes in white blood cells may (2)?

DIgest disease causing viruses and bacteria digest damage cells at a wound to allow for repair

What are 3 functions of Lysosomes?

Digest old, worn out organelles and debris Digest Macromolecules Degrade nucleotides, proteins, lipids, phospholipids, and also remove carbohydrate, sulfate or phosphate groups from molecules.

These cells have many organelles

Eukaryotic cells

____ cells have a "true Nucleus" or a membrane-bounded nucleus; are organisms of the domain Eukarya (plant, animals, fungi, and protista)

Eukaryotic cells

3 appendages of bacteria (prokaryotic cells)

FLagellum, Fimbrae or Pili, and Sex Pili

___ ____ - basically another type of lysosome or vacuole that contains various enzymes important to plant or animal metabolism; also peroxisomes (gets rid of hydrogen peroxide); generated from free floating ribosomes (not associated with the ER like Lysosomes)

Micro Bodies

___ and ____ 1800's concluded "No spontaneous generation of life" by inventing a new flask and were the first to pasteurize milk

Pastor & Virchow

the cell wall of bacteria is made of?

Peptidoglycan, which is disaccharide and peptide fragments

_____ has the important function of regulating the entrance and exit of substances into and out of the cytoplasm.

Plasma Membrane

These cells have very few organelles

Prokaryotic cells

____ ER is studded with ribosomes; ribosomes are attached to the side of the membrane that faces the cytoplasm, once protein enters the interior of this ER from an atached ribosome, A protein undergoes the process of folding into its final shape.

Rough ER

__ ____ Microscope Beam of electrons scan over a specimen point by point and builds up an image on a florescent screen

Scanning Electron

___ and _____ 1800's concluded "All living things are made of cells" and animal cells are circular and plant cells are rectangular in shape

Schleiden & Schwann

2 types of ER?

Smooth ER and Rough ER

___ ____ Microscope similar to the scanning of electron microscope but the image is colored by computer

Transmission Electron

Storage, transport and digestion involve what (4) cell parts?

Vesicle, vacuole, lysosome, and peroxisome

___ _____ - cytoskeletal filaments of eukaryotic cells composed of the protein actin; also refers to the thin filaments of muscle fibers

actin filaments

___ _____- are so named because they contain two twisted strands of actin

actin filaments

Few _____ cells contain vacuoles, but fat cells contain a very large lipid-engorged vacuole that takes up nearly two thirds of the volume of the cell!


RIbosomes are bigger in ___ cells than ____ cels

animal ; plant

___ - are short arrays of microtubles (found in the MTOC??)


both cilia and flagella grow from ___ bodies made by centrioles and are composed of 9-pairs of microtubules surrounding two single microtubles (called 9+2 because they move when doublets pass eachother)

basal bodies

It is possible that centrioles give rise to ___ bodies, which lie at the base of and organize the microtubules in cillia and flagella

basal bodies.

(bacteria) the cell wall is surrounded by a ____, gelatinous (polysaccharides) layer that prevents H2O loss and helps to resist the hosts immune system

capsule or glycocalyx

In addition to the plasma membrane bacteria have a __ ____ which helps maintain the shape of the cell.

cell wall

__ ___ - in plant cells, outer layer of cellulose

cell wall

___ ___ - function: helps maintain shape of a plant cell, protects and supports the cell

cell wall

Carbs are a main source of energy but protein are also utilizedin __ ____

cellular respiration

___ ____-is a complex series of catabolic reactions in which the energy of food molecules is transferred to ATP

cellular respiration

Plant cells have a large ___ vacuole that make take up to 90% of the volume of the cell and is filled with a watery fluid called cell sap that gives added support to the cell.

central vacuole

Microtubules radiate from the ___, helping maintain the shape of the cell and acting as tracks along which organeles can move.


____ - central microtubule organizing center of cells. In animal cells it contains two centrioles


Microtubules make up the ______ or a cellular structure existing in pairs, that possibly organizes the mitoic spindle for chromosomal movement during mitosis and meiosis.


Located in the centresome, _____ are sort barrel shaped organelles composed of microtubles.


____ are compoesed of 9-triplets (9+0) microtubules arranged in a circular bundle (licorice) with 2 bundles per cell arranged perpendicular to each other


It is also possible that ____ help organize the spindle which is so necessary to cell division.


Plants lack ____ in their centrisomes yet they do form a spindle during division which is why its possible that _____ do not organize spindle for cell division


The MTOC is made up of a pair of ____ at its center, and is surrounded by ____

centriolles, asters

Assembly of the microtubles is under the control of a microtubule organizing center located in the ______


The green pigment____, and other pigments as well, are responsible for the ability of the chloroplasts to absorb solar energy.


___ - enclosed by a double membrane; interior has membranous thylakoids that contain chlorophyll


Plants can photosynthesize because their cells contain organelles called _______.


Energy transformations involve what 2 cell parts?

chloroplasts and mitochondria

___ - function: absorbs solar energy; carries on photosynthesis and produces carbohydrates


____ - network of fine threads in the nucleus that are composed of DNA and proteins.


_____ Net - diffuse threads containing dna; -loosely coiled 90% of the time -active DNA in association to protein -Genes are located here

chromatin (net)

A long looped, threadlike strand of DNA, the ______ of prokaryotic cell is located within a region of the cytoplasm known as a nucleoid.


____ are short hair like structures that move stiffly like an oar paddling. They line the upper respiratory tract and are unicellular paramecium with cilia can move about.


___ and ___ are made by microtubules

cilia and flagella

___ and ___ are whiplike projections of cells

cilia and flagella

____ move stiffly, like an oar, and ______move in an undulating, snakelike fashion

cilia; flagella

_____ short, fingerlike projections formed by the folding of the inner membrane of mitochondria


the inner membrane of mitochondria is convoluted: _____ and their inner cavity: ____) which carry on cellular respiration and breaks down carbohydrates

cristae; stroma

______ (Prokaryote) are able to photosynthesize in the same manner as plants because they have light absorbing chlorophyll on internal membranes.

cyanobacteria or blue green bacteria

______ - contents of a cell between the nucleus and the plasma membrane that contains the organelles; It is a semifluid substance that is enclosed by a plasma membrane


Because the ___ has dual function of support and movement, it is appropriately described as the "skeleton and muscles" of an animal cell.


Protein fibers of the ______ can assemble and disassemble their subunits rapidly, and this accounts for why the shape of some animal cells can change from moment to moment.


___ - function: maintains cell shape, assists transport of organelles within cell.


____ - network of actin and intermediate filaments and microtubles


________ - ( all eukaryotic cells have this) a network of protein fibers within the cytoplasm


____ enzymes/vacuole are secreted into a tube that carries them to the digestive tract, where they break down food to nutrient molecules.


A cell can have ___ of lysosomes


____ is called the "powerhouse of the cell" because ATP synthesis occurs mostly there.


_____ system - is composed of membranous structures that are either directly connected or communicate by way of transport vesicles (the nuclear envelope is a part of this system.)

endomembrane system

Ribosomes can occur freely within the cytoplasm but other ribosomes attach to the __ ____. Which is why they can be associated with the __ ____.

endoplasmic regiculum

__ ___ -function: produces proteins; forms transport vesicles, produces lipids; forms transport vesicles

endoplasmic reticulum

__ ____ means "within the plasm network"

endoplasmic reticulum

___ ____ - intricat network of flattened membranous saccules (small sacs) and tubules that is contiguous/connceted with the nuclear envelope

endoplasmic reticulum

____ - network of membranous tubules and flattened sacs -RER studded with ribosomes -SER lacks ribosomes

endoplasmic reticulum

the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope becomes the membrane of the __ ____

endoplasmic reticulum

____ cells have compartmentalization of membranous organelles (or each are specialized for particular functions), alllows ___ cells to be larger than a prokaryotic cell; this allows them to not be put at a disadvantage for having a larger surface area per volume than prokaryotes.

eukaryotic cells

____ - hair like structures that allows bacteria to attach to surfaces.

fimbrae or pili

____ are long whip-like structures that move in an undulating, snakelike fashion (ex. SPerm)


____ & ___ - microtuble-containing cellular extensions

flagella and cilia

__ & ___ - move the cell; ____ move substances along its surface

flagella and cilia; cilia

_______- organelle for locomotion in bacteria made of flagellin which is a solid spiral rod of protein that spins 360°


__ ___ - function: caries out processing and packaging of proteins and lipids; forms secretory vesicles and lysosomes

gogi appparatus

Products of the ___ ____ are utelized by the cell or repackaged in SECRETORY vesicles that make their way to the plasma membrane where they are secreted.

golgi apparatus

The __ ___ readies proteins for secretion.

golgi apparatus

The __ ___ receives, processes, and packages proteins and lipids, so that they may be sent to their final destination in the cell.

golgi apparatus

__ ___ - stack of several flattened saccules

golgi apparatus

__ ____ - organelle, consisting of 3 to 20 slightly curved un-connected, flattened sacules and vesicles, that processes, packages, and distributes molecules about or from the cell. (one side of the stack is directed toward the ER the other toward the plasma membrane)

golgi apparatus

__ ____ sorts & packages proteins and lipids in vesicles that carry them to their final destination.

golgi apparatus

an example of what the __ ___ does is for example, proteins may have attached carbohydrate chains and the ____ contains enzymes that modify these chains, in some cases these modified carbohydrate chain serves as a signal molecule that determines the proteins final destination in the cell.

golgi apparatus

The membranous tubules and flattened sacs of the ER typically account for more than ___ of the total membrane within an average animal cell.


___ ____ - are local accumulations of food, waste and other materials.

inclusion bodies

Some ____ filaments suppport the nuclear envelope, whereas others support the plasma membrane and take part in the formation of cell-to-cell junctions.

intermediate filaments

____ filaments - ropelike assemblies of fibrous polypeptides in the cytoskeleton that provide support and strength to cells; so called because they are intermediate in size between actin filaments and microtubules;

intermediate filaments

____ filaments made of the protein keratin strengthen skin cells.

intermediate filaments

_____ can be killed by some bacterial antibodies


___ - function: breaks down debris, large biomolecules, and even organelles


___ - vesicle produced by golgi apparatus that contains hydrolytic digestive enzymes


when a ___ fuses with incoming vesicles from the plasma membrane, the vesicles contents are digested ( or hydrolysis is performed add water to break down) by ___ enzymes into simpler subunits that then ente the cytoplasm.

lysosome; lysosomal

_____ - are vacuoles or vesicles, produced by the Golgi Apparatus, have a very low ph and and are filled with powerful "hydrolytic" digestive enzymes(breakdown protein, carbohydrate and fat molecules to their simplest units)


Because the ER produces ____, it can form transport vesicles by which it communicates with the Golgi Apparatus.


Proteins to be secreted from the cell remain in the interior of the ER, but the ones destined to become membrane constituents become embedded in its ______.


The RER and SER working together, produce _____, composed of phospholipids and various types of proteins including those that have carbohydrate chains.


_______ - are threads made of Actin and myosin that help cells move by contracting; two chains twisted in a helical manner; muscles celll have many microtubles and can contract stronger than others can


_____ are hollow cylindrical structures composed of 13 rows of a protein called tubulin.


____ can reproduce independently of the cel.


___ ___ - permit the passage of ribosmal subunits out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, and the passage of proteins from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.

nuclear pores

___ - "Primitive Nucleus" - lacks a membrane bounded nucleus; irregularly-shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material or DNA


____ - is the dark staining, spherical body region in the cell nucleus that produces ribosomal subunits. (is actually absent in prokaryotic cells)


The ____ is the control center of the cell because the genes specify the sequence of amino acids in proteins. When protein is neede, an mRNA leaves the ___ by way of the nuclear pore and becomes attached to a ribosome.


____ - enclosed by nuclear envelope with pores; contains nucleolus and chromatin where DNA is located


____ - function: controls cell because it houses genetic information; nucleolus produces ribosomal subunits


____ - the command center of the cell; membrane enclosed organelle that contains chromosomes and controls the structure and function of the cell


Protein synthesis and modification involve what (4) cell parts?

nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus

Photosynthesis not only takes in carbon dioxide bu also releases ____


____ - vesicle with enzymes for varied functions


_____- function: breaks down fatty acids and posions such as hydrogen peroxide


All _____ contain enzymes whose actions result in hydrogen peroxide, but is also immediately broken down to water and oxygen by another _____ enzyme called catalase.

peroxisome; peroxisomal

Some of the enzymes in _____ synthesize needed substances and several of them break down toxic substances.


___ are especially prevalent in cells that are synthesizing and breaking down lipids.


_____ neutralize hydrogen peroxide with an enzyme catalase to break it down to oxygen and water molecules.


_____ originate at the ER and thereafter they import enzymes from the cytoplasm.


______ - similar to lysosomes, are membrane enclosed vesicles that break down long chain fatty acids to products that can be metabolized by mitochondria for production of ATP.


Process in which a plant uses solar energy and the inorganic nutrients water and carbondioxide to make energy rich carbohydrates.


_____ is a complex series of reactions best considered as (2) reaction groups (two groups with one sub group) (Light dependent and light independent reactions)


______ - process occuring usually within chloroplasts whereby chlorophyll-containing organelles trap solar energy to reduce carbon dioxide to carbohydrate.


____ vacuoles contain not only water, sugars, and salts, but also water-soluble pigments and toxic molecules.


____ also have peroxisomes


___ ___ - phospholipid bilayer with embedded integral and peripheral proteins

plasma membrane

____ ___ - function: regulates the passage of molecules into and out of cell

plasma membrane

______ - membrane surrounding the cytoplasm that consists of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins; functions to regulate the entrance and exit of molecules from the cell.

plasma membrane

_________ is a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins and peripheral (one-sided proteins).

plasma membrane

Cell shape and movement involve what 3 cell parts

plasma membrane, cell wall and cytoskeleton

groups of ribosomes are called


____ cells: have a "primitive Nucleus" or Nucleoid; because this cell lacks a membrane bound nucleus

prokaryotic cells

____ cells are much smaller than ____ cells .

prokaryotic cells; eukaryotic

The vacuoles of some ____ are quite specialized, including contractile vacuoles for ridding the cell of excess water and digestive vacuoles for breaking down nutrients.


Prokaryotic cells contain thousands of _____ where proteins are produced.


___ - RNA and protein in two subunits(large and small); site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm


___ are composed of RNA in prokaryotic cells


____ - function: produces proteins according to the coded information supplied by the mRNA nucleotides


____ - produce proteins; cell uses them like a workbench for producing proteins and they are quite small


____ - small particle having two subunits composed of RNA and protein


______ -are small organelles composed of RNA used for translation, or protein synthesis.


____ vesicles from the golgi apparatus proceed to the plasma membrane, where they stay until a signal molecule triggers the cell to release them. There membrane becomes part of the plasma membrane as they discharge their contents during secretion.

secretory vesicles

___ ____ - (tubular structures) that pass bacterias DNA from cell to cell and is regarded as their equivalent of sexual reproduction

sex pili

____ cells, not ____ cells, are more likely to have adequate surface area per volume. (This is why cells are ____)

small cells not large cells

the outer membrane of mitochondria is ____


____ ER- is continuous with the other ER, does not have attached ribosomes therefore has a smooth appearance and does not participate in protein synthesis, it synthesizes lipids and starches (phospholipids and steroids)

smooth ER

Before a cell divides, microtubules disassemble and then reassemble into a structure called a _____, which distributes chromosomes in an orderly manner


_____ fluid within a chloroplast that contains enzymes involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates during photosynthesis.


In mitochondria, _____ bacterial cells are captutred in a vacuoles and put to work making ATP for eukaryotes


____ a saclike membrane that contains chlorophyll in cyanobacteria and allow it to photosynthesize like plants and release O2


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