Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

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B) Transmission electron microscope

If you wished to clearly observe the organelles inside of a white blood cell, which type of microscope would you choose? A) Light microscope B) Transmission electron microscope C) Scanning electron microscope D) Dissecting microscope


In a prokaryotic cell, DNA is located in the______.

A) 60,000 mm2 ... 1,000,000 mm3 ... larger

A 100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm cell has a surface area that is _____ and a volume that is _____. A second cell, that is 10 mm x 10 mm x 10 mm, has a _____ surface-to-volume ratio when compared to the first cell. A) 60,000 mm2 ... 1,000,000 mm3 ... larger B) 60,000 mm2 ... 1,000,000 mm3 ... smaller C) 600 mm2 ... 1,000 mm3 ... larger D) 60,000 mm3 ... 1,000,000 mm2 ... smaller


A cell wall is primarily composed of ______.

D) Lack of dynein proteins

A disease called primary ciliary dyskenisia is characterized by abnormal ciliary movements. In these cilia, microtubule functioning is disrupted due to microtubules missing an essential component. This disease could be caused by __________. A) Lack of integrins B) Too many integrin proteins C) Lack of actin proteins D) Lack of dynein proteins

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

An immune system cell called the plasma cell produces thousands of antibodies per second for release into the body. What type of intracellular structure would you expect to be very prominent within the cell? A) Microtubules B) Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) C) Nucleus D) Peroxisome


Bacteria and archaea are ______ cells.

Dynein feet

Cilia and flagella move by bending motor proteins called ______.

B) Are hydrophilic and face outward towards the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane

In the plasma membrane, the phospholipid heads A) Are hydrophilic and face inward, shielded from water. B) Are hydrophilic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane. C) Are hydrophobic and face inward, shielded from water. D) Are hydrophobic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane.

D) Chloroplast

Many researchers think that the first eukaryotic cells obtained energy for life-sustaining functions from organic compounds. Given this information, which of the following organelles most likely appeared last in eukaryotic cells? A) Plasma membrane B) Ribosome C) Nucleus D) Chloroplast

A) Several million

Pancreatic cells produce large amounts of protein. About how many ribosomes would you expect there to be in a pancreatic cell? A) Several million B) Several hundred C) About ten D) One


Plant cells have cell junctions called ______ that allow plants tissues to share water, nourishment and chemical messages.

A) Photosynthesis.

The function of chloroplasts is... A) Photosynthesis. B) Cellular respiration. C) Intracellular digestion. D) Lipid synthesis.

D) To manufacture ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

The function of the nucleolus is... A) Intracellular digestion. B) To manufacture polypeptides. C) To store chromatin. D) To manufacture ribosomal RNA (rRNA).

C) Allows different chemical conditions to be maintained in different parts of the cell.

The membranous compartmentalization of a cell... A) Is common to both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. B) Divides the cell into two equal-sized halves. C) Allows different chemical conditions to be maintained in different parts of the cell. D) Requires the presence of a cell wall.

A) Contains the cell's DNA

The nucleoid region of a prokaryotic cell... A) Contains the cell's DNA. B) Contains the cell's nucleoli. C) Is surrounded by a nucleoid membrane. D) Separates the RNA from the cytoplasm.

C) Support, movement, and communication

The plasma membrane would fit into which general function category? A) Breakdown B) Manufacturing C) Support, movement, and communication D) Energy production


The type of cell the contains organelles is a ______ cell.

C) Embedded in the thylakoid membrane

Where are chlorophyll molecules located within the chloroplasts? A) Within the outer membrane of the chloroplasts B) Within chloroplast ribosomes C) Embedded in the thylakoid membrane D) In the stroma

C) Mitochondrion

Which cell structure is responsible for metabolism? A) Golgi apparatus B) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum C) Mitochondrion D) Nucleus


The ______ is the site of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis.

C) Electron microscopy

Which technique allowed scientists to figure out that all cells, and not just muscle cells, contained actin filaments? A) Light microscopy B) Immunofluorescence microscopy C) Electron microscopy D) Molecular cytochemistry

C) The protein is folded, then packaged for transport to the Golgi apparatus.

How are cell surface proteins exported out of the cell? A) The proteins are packaged into vesicles for transport to the lysosomes. B) The protein will be sent to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum to be sorted for its final destination. C) The protein is folded, then packaged for transport to the Golgi apparatus. D) The protein will be modified with the addition of a monosaccharide.

A) Presence of a cell wall

Which of the following would distinguish a bacterial cell from an animal cell? A) Presence of a cell wall B) Presence of a plasma membrane C) Replication of DNA D) roduction of proteins

A) The plant cell wall provides a more rigid structure.

One function of the central vacuole in plant cells is facilitating cell growth: the central vacuole absorbs water and increases in size, expanding the volume and size of the plant cell while doing so. Animal cells, however, do not grow by this method. What is an essential difference between animal and plant cells that could explain how a plant cell can withstand this expansion of the central vacuole? A) The plant cell wall provides a more rigid structure. B) Plant cells cannot divide. C) Plant cells grow at a slower rate than animal cells. D) Animal cells have a similar organelle that produces the same effect as the central vacuole.

B) Released from the cell through the plasma membrane.

Secretory proteins are... A) Produced by the cell for internal use. B) Released from the cell through the plasma membrane. C) Chemically modified in the nucleus. D) Produced by ribosomes on the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

B) Stores calcium ions in muscle cells.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum... A) Helps assemble ribosomes for protein synthesis. B) Stores calcium ions in muscle cells. C) Is the major site of carbohydrate synthesis in eukaryotic cells. D) Produces proteins for cell membranes.

A) Lysosomes.

Tay-Sachs disease results from the malfunction of... A) Lysosomes. B) Endoplasmic reticulum. C) Mitochondria. D) Nucleoli.

A) Lysosome

The cells of a person with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) swell with a buildup of fatty acids. In other words, fatty acids are not being broken down. Which organelle is most likely failing to function correctly? A) Lysosome B) Mitochondrion C) Golgi apparatus D) Ribosome

C) A small cell lived inside a larger cell to the benefit of both cells

The endosymbiosis hypothesis proposes that... A) Two separate cells worked cooperatively and one benefited from the other. B) A large cell engulfed and digested a smaller cell, exposing its enzymes for use by the larger cell. C) A small cell lived inside a larger cell to the benefit of both cells. D) Two cells merged into one cell, improving the enzyme function of the new cell.

B) 40x

The eyepiece of a light microscope has a magnification level of 10x. If you were looking at a paramecium under the lowest-power objective (4x), what would be the total magnification of the microscope at this setting? A) 10x B) 40x C) 4x D) 400

A) Plasmodesmata

Which plant structure is most like gap junctions in animal cells? A) Plasmodesmata B) Primary cell wall C) Vacuole D) Secondary cell wall

D) Stomach tissue

Which tissue would likely contain large amounts of anchoring junctions? A) Brain tissue B) Root tissue C) Bone tissue D) Stomach tissue

B) Increased levels of endoplasmic reticulum activity

What changes would you expect to see in the liver cells of someone suffering from chronic alcoholism? A) Decreased levels of nuclear permeability B) Increased levels of endoplasmic reticulum activity C) Increased levels of mitochondrial activity D)Decreased levels of DNA synthesis

A) Integrins

What component of the cell membrane connects signals from the outside of the cell with the inside of the cell and vice versa? A) Integrins B) Glycoprotein C) Collagen D) Extracellular matrix

A) They are constructed of interrelated membranes.

What do the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes have in common? A) They are constructed of interrelated membranes. B) They are all physically connected to each other. C) They all perform similar roles in the cell. D) All are located in the nucleus of the cell.

Plasma membrane

What forms a flexible boundary between the living cell and its surroundings?

Extracellular matrix (ECM)

What helps hold cells together in tissues and protects and supports the plasma membrane?


What is the measure of the clarity of the image, or the minimum distance of two distinguishable points?

B) The finished products of the Golgi apparatus may leave the cell through vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane.

What is the relationship between the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane? A) The membranes of the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane are continuous. B) The finished products of the Golgi apparatus may leave the cell through vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane. C) The Golgi apparatus begins the formation of the lipids that make up plasma membranes. D) The plasma membrane stops the products of the Golgi apparatus from leaving the cell.

A) Cristae

What mitochondrial feature enhances cellular respiration? A) Cristae B) Intermembrane space C) Matrix D) Mitochondrial DNA


What organelle carries out cellular respiration in nearly all eukaryotic cells?

Scanning electron

What type of microscopes focus a beam of electrons onto the surface of a specimen, providing images that look 3-D?

Transmission electron

What type of microscopes focus a beam of electrons through a specimen?

C) Breaking down of damaged organelles, such as chloroplasts

Which is a typical function of lysosomes? A) Rebuilding macromolecules, such as glycoproteins B) Storage of food particles for energy purposes C) Breaking down of damaged organelles, such as chloroplasts D) Keeping bacteria within a safe, contained environment

C) Plasma membrane

Which location in the cell is unlikely to contain ribosomes or ribosomal subunits? A) Nuclear envelope B) Endoplasmic reticulum C) Plasma membrane D) Cytoplasm

B) Microtubules

Which of the following cytoplasmic structures functions in the transport of vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus? A) Microfilaments B) Microtubules C) Intermediate filaments D) Actin filaments

C) Lysosome

Which of the following organelles is found only in animal cells and NOT in most plant cells? A) Chloroplast B) Mitochondrion C) Lysosome D) Peroxisome

C) Lysosomes synthesize proteins from recycled amino acids.

Which of the following statements about lysosomes is false? A) Lysosomes destroy harmful bacteria engulfed by white blood cells. B) Lysosomes fuse with food vacuoles to expose nutrients to lysosomal enzymes. C) Lysosomes synthesize proteins from the recycled amino acids. D) Lysosomes help to digest worn-out or damaged organelles.

A) Once laid down, the elements of the cytoskeleton are fixed and remain permanently in place.

Which of the following statements about the cytoskeleton is false? A) Once laid down, the elements of the cytoskeleton are fixed and remain permanently in place. B) The cytoskeleton plays an important role in amoeboid motion. C) The cytoskeleton helps to support cells. D) The cytoskeleton is composed of three types of fibers: microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments.

C) The central vacuole of a plant cell may digest chemicals for recycling.

Which of the following statements about the functions of a plant cell central vacuole is false? A) The central vacuole of a plant cell may store waste products. B) The central vacuole of a plant cell may store poisons. C) The central vacuole of a plant cell may digest chemicals for recycling. D) The central vacuole of a plant cell may help increase the size of cells by absorbing water.

B) All cells have a cell wall

Which of the following statements regarding cells is false? A) All cells can interconvert forms of energy. B) All cells have a cell wall. C) All cells have DNA as their genetic material. D) All cells are enclosed in a membrane that maintains internal conditions different from the surroundings.

D) The endomembrane system is a system of interrelated membranes that are all physically connected

Which of the following statements regarding the endomembrane system is false? A) The endomembrane system includes the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. B) The endomembrane system is involved in the synthesis, storage, and export of important molecules. C) The endomembrane system includes the nuclear envelope. D) The endomembrane system is a system of interrelated membranes that are all physically connected.

B) Transport vesicles

Which of the following structures is essential for the successful operation of the endomembrane system? A) Chloroplasts B) Transport vesicles C) Anchoring junctions D) Centrioles

D) Plant

You have identified a new organism. It has ribosomes, plasmodesmata, and cell walls made of cellulose. This new organism is most likely a(n) __________. A) Animal B) Prokaryote C) Bacterium D) Plant


______ are the cellular components that use instructions from the nucleus, written in mRNA, to build proteins.


______ are the photosynthesizing organelles of plants and algae.


______ fuse with food vacuoles and digest food, destroy bacteria engulfed by white blood cells, or fuse with other vesicles containing damaged organelles or other materials to be recycled within a cell.


______ junctions are channels that allow small molecules to flow through protein-lined pores between cells.


______ junctions fasten cells together into sheets.


______ junctions prevent leakage of fluid across a layer of epithelial cells.

Cell theory

______ states that all living things are composed of cells, and all cells come from other cells.

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