Chapter 4 & 5 exam

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Differences in both the timing and the intensity of a sound can help humans localize the sound


Rose is addicted to cigarette smoking. Therefore, Rose is addicted to a stimulant


The fovea is a tiny area in the center of the retina that contains only cones


The receptors for touch, temperature, and pain form the cutaneous senses


In the auditory system, information about sound moves from the auditory nerve to the hair cells of the inner ear, which carry neural impulses to the brain's auditory areas


In the visual system, stimuli in the left visual field are registered in the left half of the retina in both eyes


Melody tells Ben that a drug she took produced a dream-like alteration to her perceptual experiences. She must have taken a stimulant


People are considered drug addicts only if they show physical dependence


The auditory information from the left ear goes only to the right side of the brain


While Sarah does her dishes, she doesn't pay full attention to her dishes. Instead, she thinks about what she is going to have for dinner. Which of the following is Sarah most likely demonstrating?


Emily selects a new paint color for her bedroom. She notices a difference between sky blue and midnight blue. Emily's ability to distinguish between these two colors can best be explained by the concept of

-Difference threshold

According to the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming, during sleep, conscious experience is driven predominately by externally generated stimuli that have strong behavioral consequences


Cocaine is a dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant cannabis sativa, which oriented in central Asia


A person's predisposition or readiness to perceive something in a particular way is known as

-A perceptual set.

Michael, a famous musician, is designing a new apartment that will serve as both his residence and his recording studio. Since the music studio shares a wall with his bedroom, Michael wants to be sure that the recording studio is soundproof. This means that Michael wants to be sure that sound from the studio is well under his _____ while he is in his bedroom.

-Absolute threshold

Rachel jogs in the morning. Her friend, who is jogging behind her, only has a 50 percent chance of calling out to her when she is 15 feet away from her. In this scenario, Rachel's ________ for detecting her friend's call is at a distance of 15 feet.

-Absolute threshold

The concept of "Theory of mind" is best described as

-An understanding that everyone thinks, feels, perceives, and has private experiences

Which of the following is a reason why many people with normal vision throughout their young adult lives require reading glasses as they age?

-As people get older, the lens loses its flexibility to bring close objects into focus

________ is the process of focusing awareness on a narrow aspect of the environment


Adam, a student, is attending a lecture on the topic of semantics. He is able to concentrate on the lecture and is also able to type a message to his friend on his smartphone without looking at the phone. In the context of the levels of awareness, Adam's state of consciousness best illustrates the concept of

-Automatic processes

Priya is an experienced motorbike rider. While riding her motorbike, she brakes and steers when needed without giving much thought. She does not consciously make an effort to do these activities. This scenario most likely exemplifies the concept of

-Automatic processes

________________ includes knowing about oneself and thoughts about one's experiences


Miranda watches a video about hypnosis in which a person is being hypnotized and then acts like a dog. After watching the video Miranda says "Hypnosis only works if the person being hypnotized knows what behavior is expected of him or her under hypnosis Which of the following statements, if true, would STRENGTHEN Miranda's belief?

-Before hypnotizing a person, hypnotists explain what will happen during hypnosis

Mary requests her neighbor to turn down the volume of his television so that Mary does not hear it. The volume at which Mary cannot hear the television most of the time is

-Below her absolute threshold

Lauren is at the airport waiting to board her flight. She initiates a friendly conversation with another passenger. Despite the noise at the airport and multiple announcements being made at the same time, Lauren is able to focus on the passenger's voice. This scenario best demonstrates the

-Cocktail party effect

In the visual system, the major purpose of the iris of the eye is to

-Control the pupil size

Frank buys a new smartphone and tries exploring the phone's features as soon as he reaches home. While doing so, he fails to hear the doorbell, which has been ringing for five minutes. This illustrates the concept of

-Controlled processes

Timmy is going to participate in the national spelling bee competition to be held over the weekend. In order to prepare for the competition, he locks himself in his room and starts memorizing words along with their spelling. His mom calls him several times for supper, but he is so engrossed in memorizing that he ignores her repeated calls. Timmy is exhibiting

-Controlled processing

Bradley participates in a sleep study at a university clinic. The researchers measure his body's physiological changes while he is sleeping. Which hormone do they find in large doses just before Bradley wakes up?


During a lecture, Veronica fancies herself to be attending a Bon Jovi concert at Miami. She is most likely


Paul, an aspiring musician, is commuting to work by bus. While on the bus, he starts imagining himself playing his guitar in a live concert with his favorite musicians. In the context of the levels of awareness, Paul's state of awareness best illustrates


Valium is an illegal synthetic drug with both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties


Fredrick, George's roommate, observes George drinking a lot of coffee. Fredrick warns George, saying, "I think you might be suffering from caffeinism, so try to reduce your coffee intake." Which of the following statements, if true, would STRENGTHEN Fredrick's conclusion?

-George has been suffering from insomnia

Fredrick, George's roommate, observes George drinking a lot of coffee. Fredrick warns George, saying, "I think you might be suffering from caffeinism, so try to reduce your coffee intake." Which of the following statements, if true, would WEAKEN Fredrick's conclusion?

-George is always calm and composed

Ross takes a flight from Log Angeles to New York to attend a business meeting the next day. He checks into a hotel and goes to bed at 11 p.m. However, he is unable to fall asleep even though he is accustomed to sleeping by 11 p.m. Ross is unable to sleep because

-His body is out of phase with clock time

Nathan is being tutored by one his classmates, Sarah. Nathan wants to ask Sarah to the prom but does not know whether she is interested in him. He looks out for signals of encouragement from her and realizes that she does not have a date for the prom. He also notes that she often calls him on the telephone just to talk and joins him for lunch on most days. This encourages Nathan to ask Sarah out and when he does, she says yes. According to the signal detection theory, this outcome can best be labeled as a


Miranda watches a video about hypnosis in which a person is being hypnotized and then acts like a dog. After watching the video Miranda says "Hypnosis only works if the person being hypnotized knows what behavior is expected of him or her under hypnosis If Miranda's statements are true, which of the following must also be true?

-If the person being hypnotized does not know what behavior is expected of him or her under hypnosis, then hypnosis will not work on that person

Celia fails to figure out the solution to a puzzle given by her friend. However, on her drive home, she figures out the solution to the puzzle even though she wasn't thinking about the puzzle. In this scenario, Celia is demonstrating the altered state of consciousness called


Which of the following statements is true of caffeine?

-It affects the brains pleasure centers

Which of the following statements is true of sleep?

-It involves the reversible loss of consciousness

Which of the following statements is true of sensation?

-It is given meaning by the brain through perception

Which of the following statements is true of the stroop effect?

-It represents a failure of selective attention

Which of the following statements is true of daydreaming?

-It usually occurs when a person is doing something that requires less than full attention

Which of the following examples best illustrates extrasensory perception (ESP)?

-Jeff reads another person's mind

In the visual system, the _________ of the eye is filled with a gelatinous material that helps focus light


Lukas is anesthetized before a surgery. In the context of the levels of awareness, which of the following levels best illustrates Lukas's state?

-No awareness

Rachel is walking in the wood and feels sudden pain in the back of her neck. Because of the nature of the pain, she recognizes that she has been stung by a bee. In this scenario, which of the following processes has most likely helped her identify the source of the pain?


Sakura suffers from the most common form of color blindness. She has to prepare dinner for guests who will visit her later in the day. She goes to the supermarket to purchase groceries. Which of the following is Sakura most likely to do at the supermarket?

-Pick red bell peppers instead of the green ones she wants

Nick is studying for his science test that has been scheduled to be held the next day. He is unaware that his cellphone has been ringing loudly for the past five minutes. In this case, Nick is exhibiting

-Selective attention

Thomas is playing his video game and is about to complete the last level. He seems unaware that his mom has been calling him for long. Which of the following is Thomas demonstrating?

-Selective attention

When Carlos first arrives at his friend's party, the music is so loud that he covers his ears. After a few hours, even though the music is still at the same volume, it stops bothering him. This change in his reaction to the volume of the music illustrates

-Sensory adaptation

When Carlos first jumped into the pool, he thought the water was very cold. Although the actual temperature of the pool remained constant, after a few minutes Carlos no longer complained about feeling cold. This change is his reaction to the temperature of the water is an example of

-Sensory adaptation

Controlled processes differ from automatic processes in that controlled processes are

-Slower than automatic processes

The factor that differentiates top-down processing from bottom-up processing is that top-down processing

-Starts with cognitive processing in the brain

Miranda watches a video about hypnosis in which a person is being hypnotized and then acts like a dog. After watching the video Miranda says "Hypnosis only works if the person being hypnotized knows what behavior is expected of him or her under hypnosis Which of the following statements, if true, would WEAKEN Miranda's belief?

-The easiest people to hypnotize are those who have never heard of hypnosis before

Which of the following statements is true of umami?

-The taste of umami is the flavor of L-glutamate

Which of the following statements is true of difference thresholds?

-They increase as a stimulus becomes stronger

Identify a true statement about automatic processes

-They occur at a lower level of awareness than controlled processes

Which of the following statements is true of controlled processes?

-They require selective attention

George is looking at the colors on a paint swatch card to select the right shade of red for his wall. He is able to differentiate between the various shades of red on the card and makes a quick decision. His perception of the differences in the shades can be attributed to the ___________ of light reflecting from the shades.


Which of the following is most likely an example of no awareness or an "unconscious" state of mind?

-being anesthetized

Bethany is experiencing headaches, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating at work. She most likely stopped using which drug?


Subliminally presented stimuli

-can sometimes be subconsciously perceived.

Betty has dissociative identity disorder. Dr. Harper hypnotizes her to interact with the other personalities that she exhibits as a result of her condition. Betty is most likely

-in an altered state of consciousness

Controlled processes

-involve individuals actively focusing their efforts toward a goal

While working, Lila imagines that she is at a beach and zones out. This scenario exemplifies the concept of

-mind wandering

Which of the following refers to the network of structures including the brain stem, medulla, and thalamus that are involved in the experience of arousal and engagement with the environment?

-reticular activating system

Aaron is working on a history assignment that he must submit the next day. His favorite TV show is on air, but he continues to work on the assignment as it is a priority. In this case, Aaron is demonstrating

-selective attention

As you walk barefoot in the park, your nose conveys to your brain the smell of the freshly cut grass, your skin sends information about the feel of the gentle breeze, and your ears transmit the sound of children laughing to your auditory cortex. This process of detecting stimuli in the environment is called


The ________ theory of perception states that detection of sensory stimuli depends on a variety of factors besides the physical intensity of the stimulus and the sensory abilities of the observer

-signal detection

Meredith always has a cup of coffee as soon as she wakes up. She usually has around five cups of coffee everyday. If she does not have a cup of coffee every afternoon, she gets a headache. Meredith's headache is likely due to

-stimulant use/abuse

Lauren and her friend are at a crowded tourist destination. Despite the noise of the crowd, Lauren and her friend have no trouble speaking to each other. In this scenario, this phenomenon is known as

-the cocktail party effect

Three-year-old Missy and her four-year-old brother Bob are watching a movie. In the movie a "monster" sneaks into the closet while a little boy is sleeping. While Missy says nothing, Bob begins to shout at the screen telling the little boy not to open the closet door. Their different reactions reflect

-the theory of mind

Robert loves watching action films. While watching an old action film, he notices that he may have already watched that film. He confirms this by predicting the sequence of events in the movie. In this scenario, Robert is using

-top-down processing

The ____ theory of color visions states that color perception is produced by three types of cone receptors in the retina that are particularly sensitive to different, but overlapping, ranges of wavelengths


Fredrick, George's roommate, observes George drinking a lot of coffee. Fredrick warns George, saying, "I think you might be suffering from caffeinism, so try to reduce your coffee intake." Fredrick's conclusion is most likely based on the assumption that:

George consumed caffeine on that day like he did on any typical day

hypnagogic reverie refers to

an overwhelming feeling of wellness right before one falls asleep

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