Chapter 4 & 5 - Theology

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How is the Holy Spirit presented in the Old Testament?

"Ruah"; It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that human beings are created with an immortal spirit, Abraham is able to become the father of a nation, and it is the Holy Spirit that inspires the prophets and writers of the Psalms.

How does prayer help us reach our destiny?



A "holy one" of God who lives in union with God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and whom God rewards with eternal life in Heaven.


A Greek term for Mary meaning "God bearer" or "birth mother of God" that was used by the Council of Ephesus in AD 431.


A Hebrew word meaning "wind" or "breath" often used in the Old Testament to refer to God's mysterious and powerful life-giving presence.

Immanent Trinity

A focus on the inner life of God as a Trinity or three divine Persons without consideration of God's relationship to human beings or his creation work.

Who is St. Patrick and why is he associated with the Trinity?

A great teacher from Ireland that proclaimed and explained the Church's doctrine. He used the example of the three leaf clover to explain the Trinity.

What is the Sign of the Cross?

A reminder of the central belief of the Christian faith, the Trinity. The gestures we use, touching our forehand, chest, and shoulders, convey that we are making this profession with our minds, hearts, and entire being.


A spiritual gift given by God to individuals to help build up and strengthen the Church.


A statement of beliefs; sometimes a collection of creedal statements.


A term for the practice of "speaking in tongues"; a gift from the Holy Spirit that allows a person to speak in languages that were never learned.


A term that describes existing without a beginning and forever.


A term that means extending endlessly, having no end or limits.

ecumenical council

A worldwide, official assembly of the bishops under the direction of the Pope. There have been twenty-one ___________, the most recent being the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).


An attribute of God that he is everywhere, unlimited, and all-powerful.


Another name for the Holy Spirit that means advocate, defender, or consoler.

What advice did God give us regarding Jesus?

At the Transfiguration, when Jesus appeared in a glorified state with the prophets Moses and Elijah, God gave advice to us - to pay close attention to everything Jesus says and does if we are to follow our heavenly Father.

infallible teaching

Catholic teachings, proposed by the Magisterium in union with the Pope, that is declared to be totally free of error. ____________ is a gift of the Holy Spirit whereby the Pope and the bishops are preserved from error when proclaiming a doctrine related to Christian faith or morals.

How is the Holy Spirit presented in the New Testament (Ministry of Jesus)?

Conceived in Virgin Mary's womb; Spirit is known at baptism (Jesus and John); led Jesus in desert and with Satan; Jesus began preaching ministry with Spirit's power; Jesus rose from the dead; sent Holy Spirit to strengthen us and guide the Church.

What are the three Divine Missions of the Blessed Trinity? Explain what part of the Trinity each one is related to.

Creation- Father Salvation- Son Sanctification- Holy Spirit

How does the Church explain the relationships among the three Persons of the Trinity?

Father is without origin; Son is second; Holy Spirit precedes from Father and Son as perfect expression of divine love for each other; consubstantial.

What are six symbols of the Holy Spirit? Why are they symbols?

Fire Dove Oil Water Laying on of hands Wind Symbols because they communicate the Holy Spirit's presence, nature, and activity.


From the Greek words monos ("one") and theos ("God"); the belief in one, all-powerful God. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are three great _________ religions.

What is the difference between Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit?

Gifts- bestowed on us at Baptism and Confirmation. Fruits- spiritual perfections that result from the Holy Spirit living in us.


God's gift of friendship and life that enables us to share his life and love.

List the 7 "I AM" statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John.

I am the bread of life. I am the light of the world. I am the gate for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I am the resurrection and the life. I am the way and the truth and the life. I am the true vine.

What is the difference between Immanent and Salvific Trinity?

Immanent- refers to the inner life of God; "God exists in God." Salvific- considering how God interacts with us; how God has gone outside himself to communicate with us and save us.

List the traits of God.

Infinite, omnipotent, eternal.

Why is the doctrine of the Trinity a mystery?

It is beyond human understanding.

gifts of the Holy Spirit

Seven spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit given to the Church and her members, especially at Baptism and Confirmation. The gifts are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord or wander and awe.

What are three symbols of the Trinity? Why are they symbols? Or how?

Shamrock- three leaves; St. Patrick. Triangle- three sides. Celtic symbols- three sides.

Why is Mary a model of faith and trust? The greatest saint?

She replied "yes" to all that God asked her of by becoming the mother of God and shows us the importance of having faith in God. Example of Christian love because she acted out of the good of others and didn't think of herself. Dedicated her life to her Son, Jesus Christ, and his ministry. Stayed with Apostles after Jesus's death and brought them strength and courage at Pentecost. Taken body and soul into Heaven at the Assumption. Immaculate conception- Mary wasn't born with Original Sin.

fruits of the Holy Spirit

Spiritual perfections that result from the Holy Spirit living in us. The Church lists them as charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.

What is Substance? Person? Relation?

Substance- nature; essence. Person- refers to distinctions between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Relation- indicates that the three Persons of the Trinity are distinct because of how they relate to one another.

Salvific Trinity

The active and inseparable work of the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - in Salvation History.


The belief, in opposition to Christian doctrine, that there are many gods.

Blessed Trinity

The central mystery of the Christian faith. It teaches that there are three Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

divine missions of the Blessed Trinity

The distinctive works of God's saving intervention in the world - creation, salvation, and sanctification. Although creation is attributed to the Father, Salvation (Redemption) to the Son, and Sanctification to the Holy Spirit, all three Persons of the Trinity act as one and are fully present in all the missions.

Immaculate Conception

The dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church that Mary was conceived in the womb of her mother without the stain of Original Sin that all other human beings inherit. This teaching was declared as an infallible teaching by Pope Pius IX in 1854.


The dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church that when the earthly life of Mary was completed, she was taken body and soul into the presence of God. Mary was granted this grace, the Church says, because she is the sinless Mother of God.


The forgiving of our sins in order to welcome us into a right relationship with God through our faith in Jesus Christ.


The quality "of one being" in the relationship between all the divine Persons of the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, the Son and the Holy Spirit have the exact same nature as the Father, the first Person of the Trinity.

divine providence

The sovereignty of God over events in the lives of individuals and throughout history.


The study of the existence or the attributes of God; a word taken from the Greek words theos ("God") and logos ("word").

What three mysterious truths does the Church teach about God's own inner life?

Three distinct persons, one God. They are not three separate beings, or three separate wills or intellects. God is one, a "community-in-unity."

How is venerating Mary different from worshiping her?

We ask her to intercede our prayers as a sign of our commitment and love to Jesus. She doesn't seek glory for herself, but for her Son.

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