chapter 4 : Component system
PL and AL
PL : presentation logic AL : application logic
technical architecture
allows to present a generalised view
which layer is the intermediate
application layer is the intermediate between data and presentation
web architecture: application
business logic
cloud architecture definition
cloud ERP is designed to help businesses manage their operations, processes and data. the software can be delivered through the Internet as a SAAS application. could based solutions are offered and managed in a vendor's cloud platform.
web architecture: data
database tier
every service has it's own API: internet or local,connect 2 machines protocols: SOAP and REST •application divided into different services •we can you it on any tech through web services
3 tier architecture: application tier
network security technique: firewalls between each layer to guard the traffic and systems allowed + intrusion detection systems
benefits of SOA
reusable services that we can apply to create new processus
modular architecture of an ERP
these modules independent of each other, share a commun database
web architecture: presentation layer
web browser: access web server: show interface
infrastructure requirement of ERP
•2 tier •3 tier •web based •SOA •cloud⬅️ SAAS same layers but the presentation of them is different
web based architecture
•3 tier + web based architecture •web tier=presentation tier split into : •web server •web browser
2 tier architecture
•adopt the client/server architecture •direct communication without intermediate •client:presentation layer •server:app and data layer
presentation layer
•allows client to connect to the application •self service portal to access and analyse information through their web browser
limitations of cloud ERP
•connectivity issues •vulnerability •data security •lack of ownership
benefits of web architecture
•cost saving •less expensive client software installation •client centric: better response time, hight performance
Application layer
•data entered and shared with other components •application programming interface API: connect modules to database: allows legacy/thirdparty application related web site to ERP
3 tier architecture: data tier
•data management, central repository, maintain the integrity •system components SQL
benefits of 2 tier architecture
•easy to use and access information •low cost •higher performance with limited number of work stations
limitations of SOA
•high bandwidth server •high cost
limitations of 3 tier ar
•high cost: firewalls, security between each layer •complexity to employ them
limitations of 2 tier architecture
•inflexible in terms of adding more clients and software
SOA service oriented architecture
•is an approach, model to implement, integrate in one platform •we use web services to apply SOA •integrate multiple apps that use different platforms •allows everyone to connect without delay or bug
benefits of cloud architecture
•no maintenance fees •accessed from everywhere •pay for subscription not for license and upgrades
there are 3 layers
•presentation layer •application layer •data layer
SOA architecture
•presentation layer •business logic layer •service layer •integration layer •data layer
limitations of web architecture
•reliable Internet connection •lacks security: client centric architecture
benefits of 3 tier architecture
•security: more security •reusability:reusable components •flexibility: more adaptable yo changes by separation PL from AL •scalability: easy to add,alter and delete apps from architecture
web architecture can be
•server centric: access app through application •client centric: local access/download app exp: Microsoft teams
ERP technical modules
•servers and peripherals •data management system •security module •operating systems
data layer
•structure of organisational data •SQL inquiry and report writer tools •where data will be stored •database access layer DAL include data dictionary: database ➡️ERP modules
cloud architecture info
•the user is shown the presentation layer •2 tier ERP •transactions between user and ERP is done with OLTP online transaction process •transaction based application
layered architecture of ERP
•web based user interface •java enabled web browser connected to intranet + Internet •java virtual machine interface (c/s) ⬇️➡️ verification/gives access to the application ⬇️➡️secure access SSL ⬇️➡️if access given, open interface •application software layer ASL
3 tier architecture: web tier
•web tier includes web servers •graphical user interface GUI •located and accessed within internal network or externally
choosing a suitable architecture
•work with IT staff in selecting the architecture •specify the budget and limits •determine 2 tier or 3 tier