Chapter 4 history test

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Who is the archaeologist responsible for uncovering the Minoan ruins on the island of Crete?

Arthur Evans

Who were the group of people that settled in Greece and began to bring them out of the dark ages?


What three seas surround Greece?



a noble athenian who reformed the constitution

What happened to many Athenians, including Pericles, during the second year of the war?

a plague spread through the crowded city

What were hoplites?

armies of ordinary citizens

how was zoroaster like the jewish people?

believed in one god


body of land with water on three sides

List three ways farmers tried to overcome debt in greece city-states.

borrow money, harvest, sell products

What is Cleisthenes credited with?

central role in governing

The greeks were the first to develop the idea of _________.


In Pericles famous speech, Funeral Oration, he reminded Athenians to obey rules in their _______, or framework of government.


What job did ephors have within the Spartan government?

forced the laws and managed tax collection

cyrus the great

founder of the achaemenid empire

How were the Spartans able to get a navy to use to defeat the Athenians?

got the persians to make it

What did pericles do for poor citizens that had not been done before?

got to be apart of the government


government in which a small group of people holds power


government in which all citizens share in running the government

list two things became a problem for spartans because they focused so much on military training?

he cancelled all the farmers debt and freed slaves

Why couldnt Sparta attack Athenian ships during the Peloponnesian war?

he didn't have a navy

What did darius do for persia in 521 bc?

he reorganized the government to make it better


in early greek city-states, an open area that served as both a market and a meeting place

The people of Persia live in what is today _________.



king of kings of the achaemenid empire


most prominent and influential Greek statesman

where was the first headquarters of the delian league?



persian religion founded by zoroaster; taught that humans had the freedom to choose between right and wrong, and that goodness would triumph in the end


person who has conquered and enslaved by the ancient spartans


person who takes powers by force and rules with total authority


settlement in a new territory that keeps close ties with its homeland

Aspasia- How was she different than many Athenian women?

she was educated and taught public speaking to many Athenians.

who was left out becoming part of the delian league by athens and the other city-states?


representative democracy

system of government in which citizens chose a smaller group to make laws and governmental decisions on their behalf

direct democracy

system of government in which people gather at mass meetings to decide on government matters


the early Greek city-states, made up of a city and the surrounding countryside and run like an independent country

what two things became a problem for Spartans because they focused so much on military training?

they fell behind other Greeks in trade

what was the purpose of the delian league?

to defend its members against the persians

How did the Minoans make their wealth?


During the 400's BC, Athens become the _______ _______ of the Greek world.

trading center

The age of Pericles was a time of ______________.

tremendous creativity and learning that peeked in the mid 400's

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