Chapter 4 Inquizitive: From Colonies to States

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Place in chronological order the following events to show how the French and Indian War progressed. *A large force of British troops led by General Braddock is defeated by French and Indian forces. *France and Britain formally declare war. *Major George Washington demands French forces abandon forts in the Ohio Valley. *Washington builds Fort Necessity and fights the Battle of Great Meadows.

1. Major George Washington demands French forces abandon forts in the Ohio Valley. 2. Washington builds Fort Necessity and fights the Battle of Great Meadows. 3. A large force of British troops led by General Braddock is defeated by French and Indian forces. 4. France and Britain formally declare war.

The Treaty of Paris (1763) altered the political geography of North America. In what ways did the Western Hemisphere change?

*Britain received the Ohio Territory. *France relinquished all territory in North America.

What were some of the reasons for the Revolutionary War?

*British efforts to regulate colonial *a desire to avoid high taxes *the fear that Britain might abolish slavery in the future

After the French and Indian war in 1763, Britain needed to pay the debts generated by the conflict, so the English Crown decided to enforce the Navigation Acts that had been in place for decades. They also passed new laws, including the Sugar Act and Tea Act. What impact did these acts have on the colonies?

*Colonists were obliged to purchase stamped paper for virtually everything they wanted to do. *They led to colonists promising not to import or buy British goods. *They increased the Crown's control over the colonial economies.

After the French and Indian war, Britain enacted _______ on the colonies to help pay for the expensive war. Additionally, Britain needed to take steps to keep the peace with Indians, so King George III issued the ________, which prevented colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. These policies were unpopular with the colonists and those tensions would lead to the ________.

economic regulations; Proclamation Act of 1763; American Revolution

Colonists in New France did not enjoy a representative government. The government of New France was led by a _______ and modeled after the ______ n France. Meanwhile, British colonial governments included a governor and a _______ that was elected.

governor-general; absolute monarchy; legislature

Why did the French and Indian war start?

France and Britain each claimed the fertile lands in the Ohio Valley.

John Locke believed all people are endowed with natural rights to life, liberty, and _______. He noted that people created ________ to protect those rights. If the government failed to fulfill its _______, the people had the right to overthrow the rule and change the government.

property; government; duties

Place in chronological order the events that led to the Declaration of Independence. *The Battle of Lexington and Concord takes place. *The First Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia. *The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence.

1. The First Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia. 2. The Battle of Lexington and Concord takes place. 3. The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence.

What was the cause of the Boston Tea Party?

Colonial smugglers were angry that the East Indian Company was allowed to sell tea at a greatly reduced price.

Colonial women organized into groups called the ________. These groups supported nonimportation by _______ British goods and making products in the colonies, rather than _______ them from Britain.

Daughters of Liberty; boycotting; importing

The Stamp Act Congress issued the _______ in which they opposed taxation without representation in Parliament. In 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act and passed the _______, which reasserted the power of Parliament to govern the colonies.

Declarations of the Rights and Grievances of the Colonies; Declaratory Act

What was the British motivation for increasing taxes on their colonies in North America after the French and Indian war?

George Grenville believed the colonists should pay for the British troops who defended them during the war.

Identify one of the reasons the number of French colonists in Canada were much lower than the number of British and Dutch colonists in North America.

In 1627, the French government ordered that only Catholics could live in New France.

What was one of the effects of the Navigation Acts on the colonies?

King Charles II revoked the royal charter for Massachusetts in 1684 after the colony's legislature declared that the Navigation Acts had no legal standing in the colony.

How did Pontiac's Rebellion End?

King George III issued the Proclamation Act of 1763 o keep the colonists from encroaching on Native American land, sparking a new conflict.

Which colony led the resistance against British authority? *Pennsylvania *South Carolina *Virginia *Massachusetts


What ultimately prompted Parliament to repeal the Townshend Acts?

The Boston Massacre shocked Parliament into repealing the acts.

How did the Glorious Revolution in Britain impact the colonies?

The revolution proved that a despised monarch could be deposed.

What made the Sugar Act different from other acts passed by Britain regarding the colonies?

This was the first time Parliament adopted taxes designed to raise revenues from the colonies, rather than simply regulate trade.

Throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, British officials found it difficult to enforce laws regulating ________ in the American colonies. Oliver Cromwell ended the tradition of ________ in favor of ________, a political and economic policy in which the government controls all economic activities. Key industries were taxed, and new laws were created to increase Britain's colonial revenues.

trade restrictions; salutary neglect; mercantilism

Match the description to its geographic feature or city. *This was the location of French outposts that allowed colonists to access inland rivers. *In 1686, Sir Edmund Andros was appointed royal governor of the British colonies in New England and sent to this city to rule. *In 1664, Britain took over New Netherland and removed the Dutch from North America. *Founded in 1718, this was the capital of the Louisiana Colony. *Great Lakes *New York *New Orleans *Boston

*Great Lakes: This was the location of French outposts that allowed colonists to access inland rivers. *New York: In 1664, Britain took over New Netherland and removed the Dutch from North America. *New Orleans: *Founded in 1718, this was the capital of the Louisiana Colony. *Boston: In 1686, Sir Edmund Andros was appointed royal governor of the British colonies in New England and sent to this city to rule.

France and England colonized different parts of North America at virtually the same time. Yet there were significant differences in how each ruled over their possessions abroad. Identify the statements that describe the ways in which the French king Louis XIV ruled New France.

*He imposed a model of absolute power. *He sent soldiers and settlers during the 1660s to solidify its colonial population.

Match the items to show how North America was divided after the French and Indian war. *given to Spain from France *set aside for Indians *given to Britain from Spain *new boundary between British colonies and New Spain *Indian land *Florida *Louisiana *Mississippi River

*Indian land: set aside for Indians *Florida: given to Britain from Spain *Louisiana: given to Spain from France *Mississippi River: new boundary between British colonies and New Spain

Identify the following parts of the Coercive Acts. *Quartering Act *Port Act *Reparations Act

*Quartering Act: force Boston authorities to provide lodging for British soldiers *Port Act: closed Boston Harbor until the city paid for the tea lost in the Boston Tea Party *Reparations Act: imposed a 3 percent tax on all goods to help pay for tea lost during the Boston Tea Party

Identify the following acts. *Quartering Act *Stamp Act *Sugar Act

*Quartering Act: required colonists to feed and house British troops *Stamp Act: affected all colonists, and was the first effort to put a direct tax on American goods and services, rather than an external tax on imports and exports *Sugar Act: added taxes on goods such as wine, coffee, spices, and sugar

Why was the Albany Plan of Union drafted, and why did the plan ultimately fail?

*The colonies wanted to maintain their autonomy, and the British military merely wanted a military alliance. *The northern and mid-Atlantic colonies sought a union that would aid the British defense in the French and Indian War.

Identity the statements that describe how the British colonies were ruled and controlled.

*They had to adhere to the Navigation Acts, requiring the colonists to send valuable goods to British colonies rather than Europe. *Although laws were established, they were governed by what politician characterized as salutary neglect.

Match the British imperial economic policy to the correct definition. *law requiring that all goods imported to or exported from Britain be carried only on British ships *law requiring all shipments of goods from Europe to America to stop in Britain to be taxed *a period of loosely enforced trade restrictions in the American colonies *a political and economic policy enabling the government to take control of all economic activities *mercantilism *Navigation Act of 1651 *salutary neglect *Staples Act

*mercantilism: a political and economic policy enabling the government to take control of all economic activities *Navigation Act of 1651: law requiring that all goods imported to or exported from Britain be carried only on Britain ships *salutary neglect: a period of loosely enforced trade restrictions in the American colonies *Staples Act: law requiring all shipments of goods from Europe to America to stop in Britain to be taxed

Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between Native Americans and settlers of New France?

Settlers of New France sought to build close bonds with the Native Americans and did not encroach on their lands as much as their British counterparts.

The Continental Congress endorsed the _______, which encouraged Massachusetts to resist Britain with force. Additionally, the Congress adopted a _______, which said the colonists had all the rights of British citizens and denied Parliament's authority to regulate internal colonial affairs. Finally, the Congress passed the ________ of 1774, which suggested all colonies completely boycott British goods.

Suffolk Resolves; Declaration of American Rights; Continental Association

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