Chapter 4 Radiation biology

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-R= 2.58 X 10^-4 C/kg -1 rad = 0.1Gy -1 rem= 0.1 Sv -1 Gy= 10 rad -1 Sv = 10 rem


-R=2.58x10^-4 C/kg -1Gy=100rad -1Sv=100rem -1 rem=rad x QF

A free radical

-an uncharged molecule -has an unpaired electron in the outer shell -is highly reactive and unstable -combines with molecules to form toxins

The sensitivity of tissues to radiation is determed by

-mitotic activity -cell differentiation -cell metabolism

The amount of radiation exposure an individual receives varies depending on

-receptor type -collimation -technique

Which factors contributed to radiation injury

-total dose -dose rate -cell sensitivity -age

A single intraoral image using a digital sensor results in an effective exposure dose of


Arrange examination types using digital receptors in order of effective dose, from smallest (A) to largest (E)

26. Panoramic E-largest 27. Single periapical/rectangular collimation A-smallest 28. complete series/round collimation D-next 29. Complete series/ rectangular collimation C-next 30. Single bite-wing/ round collimation B next smallest

What is the approximate average dose of back-ground radiation received by an individual in the United States

300m rem or 3.1 mSv per year

Arrange the annual sources of radiation exposure in the United states from smallest (A) to largest (E)

31. medical procedures; D 36% 32. cosmic (space); C 5% 33. radon and thoron; E largest 37% 34. terrestrial (soil); B 3% 35. consumer products; A smallest 2%

What is the dose at which leukemia induction is most likely to occur

5000mrad (.05Gy)

An organ that, if damaged, diminishes the quality of an individual's life is termed a:

Critical organ

The latent period in radiation biology is the time between;

Exposure to x-radiation and clinical symptoms

Which relationship describes the response of tissues to radiation

Linear, nonthreshold

What is the greatest contributor to artificial radiation exposure

Medical radiation

Which radiation unit is determined by the quality factor (QF)


Only used for x-rays


The traditional unit for measuring x-ray exposure in air is termed


Which traditional unit does not have an SI equivalent


Dental images ____ the patient


Radiation injuries that are not seen in the person irradiated but that occur in future generations are termed:

genetic effects

Long-term effects are seen within a small amount of radiation absorbed in a

long period


mature bone cells

In dental imaging, the benefit of disease detection benefits _____ the risk of damage from radiaiton


The unit for measuring the absorption of x-rays is termed

rad (radiation absorbed dose)

Most susceptible to ionizing radiation

small lymphocyte

Biologic damage results from _____ exposure


Indirect radiation injury occurs when

x-ray photons are absorbed and form toxins

Direct radiation injury occurs when

x-ray photons hit critical targets within a cell

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