Chapter 4 - The Tissue Level of Organization

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- Consists of chondrocytes located in a threadlike network of elastic fibers. • It makes up the malleable part of the external ear and the epiglottis.

Elastic Cartilage

- Dense Connective Tissues - Consists predominantly of fibroblasts and freely branching elastic fibers. • It allows stretching of certain tissues like the elastic arteries (the aorta).

Elastic Connective Tissue

- Mesenchyme - Mucous Connective Tissue

Embryonic Connective Tissue

Glands that secrete their contents directly into the blood

Endocrine Glands

A specialized simple squamous epithelium that lines the entire circulatory system from the heart to the smallest capillary - it is extremely important in reducing turbulence of flow of blood.


- Mucous Membranes - Serous Membranes - Cutaneous Membrane = Skin

Epithelial Membranes

Cover body surfaces and form glands and line hollow organs, body cavities, and ducts

Epithelial Tissues

E) All of these answer choices are correct

Epithelial tissue... A) is used as a covering of body surfaces B) is used as a lining of body cavities and hollow organs C) is used to form glands D) usually has a free surface that interacts with external environment E) All of these answer choices are correct

- Glands that secrete their contents into a lumen or duct • Secretions of the exocrine gland include mucus, sweat, oil, earwax, saliva, and digestive enzymes. • Examples of exocrine glands are sudoriferous (sweat) glands.

Exocrine Glands

- Connective Tissues - A non-cellular material located between and around the cells. • It consists of protein fibers and ground substance (the ground substance may be fluid, semifluid, gelatinous, or calcified.)

Extracellular Matrix

Are the most numerous cell of connective tissues. These cells secrete protein fibers (collagen, elastin, & reticular fibers) and a "ground substance" which varies from one C.T. to another.


- With its thick bundles of collagen fibers, is a very strong, tough cartilage. • Fibrocartilage discs in the intervertebral spaces and the knee joints support the huge loads up and down the long axis of the body.



Flat sheets of pliable tissue that cover or line a part of the body are referred to as...

Are pores (connexons) that allow small substances like ions to pass between cells. If one of the cells gets sick or dies, these seal like a hatch to prevent damage to other cells.

Gap Junctions

Are half-welds that join cells to the basement membrane.


- Are produced by rupture of the plasma membrane, releasing the entire cellular contents into the lumen and killing the cell (cells are replaced by rapid division of stem cells.) • The sebaceous gland is an example of a holocrine gland, because its secretion (sebum) is released with remnants of dead cells.


- Is the most abundant type of cartilage; it covers the ends of long bones and parts of the ribs, nose, trachea, bronchi, and larynx. • It provides a smooth surface for joint movement.

Hyaline Cartilage

Stem Cells

Immature, undifferentiated cells that can divide to replace lost or damaged cells are called...


In the diagram shown below, what of the indicated structure is composed of basal lamina and reticular lamina?


In the diagram shown below, where is the apical surface of the epithelial cell?


In the diagram shown below, where is the basal surface of the epithelial cell?


In the diagram shown below, which cell junction is a desmosome?


In the diagram shown below, which cellular junction is a tight junction?

A & C

In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows a muscle tissue that is under involuntary control?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows areolar connective tissue?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows blood?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows cardiac muscle?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows dense regular connective tissue?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows fibrocartilage?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows reticular connective tissue?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows the type of cartilage that is most abundant in the human body?


In the figure shown, which light micrograph shows the type of connective tissue that contains the hardest matrix of all connective tissues?

A) Mucous membrane

In which of the following types of membranes would you expect to find goblet cells? A) Mucous membrane B) Serous membrane C) Cutaneous membrane D) Synovial membrane E) Plasma membrane

Connect adjacent cells mechanically at the cell membranes or through cytoskeletal elements within and between cells.

Intracellular Junctions

Secrete antibody proteins and attack invaders.


Are the "big eaters" that swallow and destroy invaders or debris. They can be fixed or wandering.


Play an important role in inflammation.

Mast Cells and Eosinophils

- Loose Connective Tissue - Dense Connective Tissue - Cartilage - Bone - Liquid

Mature Connective Tissue

- Secretion is the most common manner of secretion. • The gland releases its product by exocytosis and no part of the gland is lost or damaged.


- Embryonic Connective Tissue - Gives rise to all other connective tissues


Found in serous membranes such as the pericardium, pleura, and peritoneum.


- Embryonic Connective Tissue - (Wharton's Jelly) is a gelatinous substance within the umbilical cord and is a rich source of stem cells.

Mucous C.T.

- Line "interior" body surfaces open to the outside: • Digestive Tract • Respiratory Tract • Reproductive Tract

Mucous Membranes

Goblet Cells

Mucus-secreting cells found distributed among the simple columnar epithelial linings of the gastrointestinal and respiratory system are called...

Generate the physical force needed to make body structures move. They also generate heat used by the body.

Muscular Tissues

Detect changes in the body and respond by generating nerve impulses

Nervous Tissues

Are also macrophages ("small eaters") that are numerous in the blood.


- Connective Tissues Cells - Make bone


- Endoderm, Mesoderm, and Ectoderm - Epithelial tissues from all three germ layers - C.T. and muscle are derived from Mesoderm. - Nervous tissue develops from Ectoderm.

Primary Germ Layers:

Ciliated columnar is characteristic of the upper respiratory tract


- Appears to have layers, due to nuclei which are at various depths. In reality, all cells are attached to the basement membrane in a single layer, but some do not extend to the apical surface - Ciliated tissue has goblet cells that secrete mucous

Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

- Loose Connective Tissues - Is a network of interlacing reticular fibers and cells. • It forms a scaffolding used by cells of lymphoid tissues such as the spleen and lymph nodes.

Reticular Connective Tissue


Reticular fibers in soft organs like the spleen and liver form a supporting framework called the...

- Line some internal surfaces: • Parietal layer next to body wall • Serous fluid between layers • Visceral layer next to organ

Serous Membranes

- This type of epithelial tissue lines the fallopian tubes, uterus, and some bronchioles of the respiratory tract - Goblet cells are simple columnar cells that have differentiated to acquire the ability to secrete mucous

Simple Columnar Epithelium

It is often found lining the tubules of the kidneys and many other glands.

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

Makes up epithelial membranes and lines the blood vessels

Simple Squamous

- Is composed of a single layer of flat cells and this type of epithelial tissue is found in the air sacs of lungs, lining the heart, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and in all capillaries, including those of the kidney - As the major part of a serous membrane

Simple Squamous Epithelium

- Has an apical surface made up of two or more layers of cube-shaped cells. - Locations include the sweat glands and part of the ♂ urethra

Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

- This type of epithelial tissue forms the most superficial layer of the skin - Is a prominent feature of the outer layers of the skin.

Stratified Squamous Epithelium

Enclose certain joints and are made of connective tissue only.

Synovial Membranes

- Muscular Tissue - Epithelial Tissue - Nervous Tissue - Connective Tissue

The 4 Basic Tissues


The extracellular matrix of blood tissue consists of...

Protein Fibers and Ground Substance.

The extracellular matrix of connective tissue consists of...

Providing strong attachment between structures like muscle and bones.

The main function of dense regular connective tissues is...


The pubic symphysis and intervertebral discs are composed of this type of connective tissue.

Basement membrane.

The thin extracellular layer, consisting of the basal and reticular lamina, that anchors epithelial cells to underlying connective tissue is called the...

Adherens junctions and desmosomes

These types of cell junctions anchor adjacent cells together and resist their separation during contractile activities.

Ground substance

This component of connective tissue is found between the cells and fibers, and functions to support and bind cells in the tissue together.

Serous Membrane

This type of membrane lines a body cavity that does not open directly to the exterior and the organs contained in that body cavity.

- Are found where a leakproof seal is needed between cells. - They keep materials from leaking out of organs like the stomach and bladder.

Tight Junctions

Found in the bladder.


- Change shape depending on the state of stretch in the tissue - In a full bladder, the cells are flattened.

Transitional Epithelium

- Merocrine - Apocrine - Holocrine

Types of Exocrine Glands


What is the basic structural unit of compact bone tissue?


Which diagram in the figure below represents a compound tubular exocrine gland?


Which diagram in the figure below represents a simple acinar exocrine gland?

E) Myofibers and Neurons

Which following types of cells are considered excitable cells because they are able to produce electrical signals? A) Neuroglial cells and myofibers B) Myofibers and connective tissue cells C) Neuroglial cells and neurons D) Neurons and epithelial cells E) Myofibers and neurons

Heat production

Which is a function of the tissue shown in diagram A?

Conduct nerve impulses to muscle fibers.

Which is a function of the tissue shown in diagram D?


Which of the diagrams in the figure below represents a compound tubuloacinar exocrine gland?


Which of the following figures shows tissue found along the developing bones of the embryo?


Which of the following figures shows tissue found in lymph nodes?


Which of the following figures shows tissue found in yellow bone marrow?


Which of the following figures shows tissue that is found in tendons and ligaments?


Which of the following figures shows tissue that is found in the trachea?


Which of the following figures shows tissue whose functions are secretion and absorption?

B) Large amount of extracellular matrix.

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of epithelial tissues? A) Cells are tightly packed together. B) Large amount of extracellular matrix. C) Contains no blood vessels within tissue. D) Found on the exposed surfaces of the body. E) Line the inside of blood vessels.

E) Epidermis

Which of the following is NOT a connective tissue? A) Bone B) Blood C) Cartilage D) Tendons E) Epidermis

- Connective Tissues Cells - Are part of the blood

White Blood Cells

Are atypical liquid connective tissues

Blood and Lymph

- Is a connective tissue with a calcified intracellular matrix. In the right circumstances, the chondrocytes of cartilage are capable of turning into the osteocytes that make up bone tissue.


- Reticular Fibers - Elastin Fibers - Collagen Fibers

C.T. Cells Secrete 3 Common Fibers:

Is a tissue with poor blood supply that grows slowly. When injured or inflamed, repair is slow


- Connective Tissues Cells - Make the various cartilaginous C.T.


Is the main protein of C.T. and the most abundant protein in the body, making up about 25% of total protein content.


Common in the digestive tract


- Protect, Support, and Bind Organs. - Fat is a type of C.T. that stores energy. - Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are all C.T. - The most abundant and widely distributed tissues in the body - they are also the most heterogeneous of the tissue groups.

Connective Tissues (C.T.)

• Bind tissues together • Support and strengthen tissue • Protect and insulate internal organs • Compartmentalize and transport • Energy reserves and immune responses

Connective Tissues Functions

Lines ducts and sweat glands.


Skin, which is not a simple organ

Cutaneous Membrane

- Macrophages - Neutrophils - Mast Cells and Eosinophils - Lymphocytes

5 Types of White Blood Cells

- Make an adhesion belt (like the belt on your pants) that keeps tissues from separating as they stretch and contract. - Cadherin is a glycoprotein that forms the belt-like "plaque".

Adherens Junctions

- Connective Tissues Cells - Store Triglycerides


- Loose Connective Tissues - Is located in the subcutaneous layer deep to the skin and around organs and joints. • It reduces heat loss and serves as padding and as an energy source.

Adipose Tissue

"Bud" their secretions off through the plasma membrane, producing membrane-bound vesicles in the lumen of the gland. • The end of the cell breaks off by "decapitation", leaving a milky, viscous odorless fluid. • This type of sweat only develops a strong odor when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin surface.


- Loose Connective Tissues - Is the most widely distributed in the body. It contains several types of cells and all three fiber types. • It is used to attach skin and underlying tissues, and as a packing between glands, muscles, and nerves.

Areolar Connective Tissue

- Dense Connective Tissues - Consists predominantly of fibroblasts and collagen fibers randomly arranged. • It provides strength when forces are pulling from many different directions.

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

- Dense Connective Tissues - Comprise tendons, ligaments, and other strong attachments where the need for strength along one axis is mandatory (a muscle pulling on a bone).

Dense Regular Connective Tissue

Act as "spot welds". They also use cadherin glycoprotein (plus intermediate filaments) to hook into the cytoplasm.


A) Subcutaneous layer deep to the skin

Which of the following is a location where adipose tissue is commonly found? A) Subcutaneous layer deep to the skin B) Lining the chambers of the heart C) Surrounding the brain D) Inside the ear canal E) In the cartilage found in joints

Hyaluronic acid

Which of the following is a polysaccharide commonly found in the ground substance of connective tissues?

A) Adhesions

Which of the following is an abnormal joining of tissues resulting from the formation of scar tissue at a previous site of inflammation or surgical repair? A) Adhesions B) Articulations C) Cysts D) Granulomas E) Osteophytes

C) Areolar connective tissue

Which of the following is classified as loose connective tissue? A) Blood B) Spongy bone C) Areolar connective tissue D) Elastic connective tissue E) Hyaline cartilage

c) Myocardial

Which of the following is not one of the main tissue types found in the human body? A) Epithelial B) Connective C) Myocardial D) Muscle E) Nervous

D) All of these Answer choices are correct.

Which of the following types of fibers are commonly found in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue? A) Elastic B) Reticular C) Collagen D) All of these Answer choices are correct. E) None of these Answer choices are correct.

Synovial Membrane

Which of the following types of membranes found in the human body does NOT contain epithelial tissue?

A) Skeletal muscle

Which of the following types of tissues contains multinucleated cells whose movements are under voluntary control? A) Skeletal muscle B) Smooth muscle C) Cardiac muscle D) Transitional epithelium E) Areolar tissue

Smooth muscle

Which of the following types of tissues is made up of small spindle-shaped cells and is commonly found in the walls of hollow organs?

Cardiac muscle

Which of the following types of tissues is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?


Which of the light micrographs in the figure below shows a pseudostratified columnar epithelium?


Which of the light micrographs in the figure below shows a simple columnar epithelium?


Which of the light micrographs in the figure below shows a stratified cuboidal epithelium?


Which of the light micrographs in the figure below shows the type of epithelial tissue found lining lymphatic vessels?


Which of the light micrographs in the figure below shows the type of epithelial tissue that lines the kidney tubules?


Which of the light micrographs in the figure below shows the type of epithelial tissue whose functions include filtration, diffusion, osmosis, and secretion in serous membranes?

C & E

Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows a type of epithelial tissue whose functions include movement of mucus over their apical surface by ciliary action?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue found lining the large excretory ducts of esophageal gland and whose functions include protection and secretion?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue found lining the upper respiratory tract and whose functions include moving mucus and othersubstances by ciliary action?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue that lines part of the conjunctiva of the eye?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue that lines the epididymis?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue that lines the urinary bladder walls?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue that lines the uterinetubes?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue that lines the vagina?


Which of the light micrographs in the following figure shows the type of epithelial tissue whose structure allows it to be stretched or distended?


Which substance is secreted by the gland shown?

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