Chapter 4: Voting and Elections

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Participation paradox

The fact that citizens vote even though a single vote rarely decides an election

When are general elections held in Texas?

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years (same day as national elections)

Electronic voting

Voting by using touch screens

Crossover voting

When members of one political party vote in the other party's primary to influence the nominee that is selected

Factors that help deter higher voter turnout in Texas

-Demographic factors: large number of poor who are less likely to vote -Political structure: length of the ballot is long, frequent elections for many reasons -Party competition: the closer the race, the greater the interest

Reasons for low voter turnout in Texas

-Legal constraints -Demographic factors -Political Structure -Party Competition -Political Culture

3rd party access to getting on the ballot

-Must be a party nominee or an independent -Must have received at least 5% of the vote in the last general election -Petition with signatures from 1% of total state vote in last presidential election

How does someone get their name placed on the general election ballot?

1% of total voters must sign petition to place of ballot; very difficult to do

Legal qualifications for voting in Texas

1) A citizen of the U.S. 2) At least 18 years of age 3) A resident of the state Is eligible to register and vote in Texas.

2 Factors that predominate in state elections

1. Party identification 2. Incumbency (those already in office who are up for reelection)

Winning an office is typically a two stage process:

1. The candidate must win the Democratic or Republican party nomination in the primary election 2. The candidate must win the general election against the other party's nominee

Three options for the administration of general elections in counties

1. The first option is to maintain the decentralized system that the counties have used for decades 2. The second is for the county commissioners' court to transfer the voter registration function from the tax assessor-collector's office to that of the county clerk, thus removing the assessor-collector ffrom the electoral process. 3. The third calls for all election-related duties of both the assessor-collector and the county clerk to be transferred to a county election administrator

Describe the Terrell Election Law

1903- A statewide direct primary system for all state, district, and county elective offices was established

United States v. Texas

1966- U.S. Supreme Court declared that all poll taxes were considered unconstitutional (including for state elections)

How many of the 13.6 million registered voters voted in the Republican primary?

2014: 2 million

How many days before an election does an individual have to be registered to vote?

30 days

Australian ballot

A ballot printed by the government (as opposed to the political parties) that allows people to vote in secret

Direct primary

A method of selecting party nominees in which party members participate directly in the selection of a candidate to represent them in the general election

How can a person register to vote?

A person may register in person or by mail at any time of the year up to 30 days before an election. A person can also register when obtaining or renewing a driver's license ("motor voter" legislation). Spouses, parents, or offspring also can register the applicant, provided that they are qualified voters.

Political action committees (PACs)

Organizations that raise and then contribute money to political candidates

Runoff primary

A second primary election that pits the two top vote-getters from the first primary, where the winner in that primary did not receive a majority. The runoff primary is used in states such as Texas that have a majority election rule in party primaries.

Negative campaigning

A strategy used in election campaigns in which candidates attack opponents' issue positions or character

Party-column ballot

A type of ballot used in a general election where all of the candidates from each party are listed in parallel columns under the party label

Office-block ballot

A type of ballot used in a general election where the names of the parties' candidates are randomly listed in under each office

Open primary

A type of party primary where a voter can choose on election day in which primary they will participate

Closed primary

A type of primary where a voter is required to specify a party preference when registering to vote.

Split-ticket voting

A voter selects candidates from one party for some offices and candidates from the other party for other offices

Smith v. Allwright (1944)

African Americans could not be excluded from primaries (white primary)

Did you know?

Although voting is the most common form of political participation, a much smaller number of Americans participate in other ways. In 2012, surveys indicate that 16% wore a button or displayed a bumper sticker, 13% donated money to a political party or campaign, 6% attended to a political meeting or rally, and 4% worked for a political party or candidate.

Plurality vote

An election rule in which the candidate with the most votes wins regardless of whether it is a majority

Beare v. Smith (1971)

Annual registration was prohibited along with early registration requirements by Jan 31

What is allowed with recounts by TX law?

Can request a recount if a candidate loses by less than 10%, however, the requesting candidate must pay for the recount. -Only one method of recount may be used (manual recount preferred over electronic)

Closed primary vs. open primary

Closed primary only allows those who are registered and affiliated with that party to vote. Open primary allows members of any party to vote in whichever primary they choose but they can only vote in one.

Names on returned certificates are stricken from the eligible voter's list and placed on a strike list. What else is used to purge the list of eligible voters?

Coroner's reports, lists of felony convictions, and adjudications of mental incompetence

What two things influence who votes?

Demographic variables and political factors

Which Texas area is the traditionalistic political culture most prevalent?

East Texas

What are the most important demographic variables in determining who votes?

Education, income, and age; the more education and income a person has and the older they are the more likely they are to vote.

Responsibility of the Texas Ethics Commission

Enforcement of campaign regulations

The Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1972

Established regulations that apply only to federal elections: president, vice president, and members of Congress. It provided for public financing of presidential campaigns with tax dollars, limited the amount of money that individuals and PACs could contribute to campaigns, and required disclosure of campaign donations.

Arguments against voter ID law

Expected to dampen turnout, especially for minorities (hurts Democrats). In addition, minorities and elderly may not have any of the forms of ID required

Elections requiring a plurality of votes in Texas

General elections

Legal constraints in Texas

Historically Texas was among the most restrictive states in its voting laws through the institution of such things as the poll tax, women's suffrage, the white primary, restrictions on the military vote, a long residence requirement, property ownership as a requirement for voting in bond elections, annual registration requirements, early registration requirements, and the linking prospective jurors from the voting rolls. (*All of these restrictions have since been changed by amendments to the U.S. Constitution, state and national laws, rulings by the U.S. department of Justice and judicial decisions.

How does the U.S. voter turnout compare to other industrialized democracies of the world?

In most comparable nations, voter turnout is approximately 20% higher than in the U.S. (Significantly lower than the rest of the world)

Voting Rights Act of 1965 and 1970

In order to vote, a person must be registered

Why did a number of TX counties start using electronic voting in the 2002 midterm election?

In response to the events in Florida (Bush v Gore recounts)

When are new voter registration cards mailed?

January 1 of even numbered years

Independent expenditures

Money individuals and organizations spend to promote a candidate without working or communicating directly with the candidate's campaign organization

Soft money

Money spent by political parties on behalf of political candidates, especially for the purposes of increasing voter registration and turnout

Dunn v. Blumstein (1972)

No long residence requirements to vote

Which ballot would a minor party candidate prefer and why?

Office-block ballot because it makes straight-ticket voting more difficult

What political factors influence the likelihood of voting?

One's expressed interest in politics and intensity of identification with political parties

Elections requiring a majority vote in Texas

Primary elections, run off elections, and special elections

Kramer v. Union Free District (1969)

Property ownership is unnecessary for revenue bond elections

Cipriano v. City of Houma (1969) and Hill v. Stone (1975)

Property ownership is unnecessary for tax elections

Straight-ticket voting

Selecting all of the candidates of one particular party

Soft money v. Hard money

Soft money- funds spent by a political party on behalf of a political candidate Hard money- tightly regulated contributions to candidates

Which elections are nonpartisan in Texas?

Special elections designed to meet special or emergency needs (constitutional amendments, filling vacant officies)

Carrington v. Rash (1965)

Supreme Court voided Texas's constitutional exclusion for military members to vote

How does voter turnout in Texas compare to other states?

Texas (as in most of the South) has remained fairly stable at levels far below the national average. In 2012, Texas turnout was 41.7%, about 12 percent below the rest of the nation. That same year, Texas had the second lowest turnout rate of any state in the nation, just above Hawaii.

What are the two main reasons for the decrease in voter turnout in the United States after the 1960s?

The first reason can be traced to the Twenty-sixth Amendment which lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 in 1972. This was passed at height of Vietnam war and expanded the eligible voting population. (Young people are less likely to vote) Second, identification with the two major political parties dropped substantially after the 1960s, and more than one-third of all Americans now consider themselves independents- that is, unattached to either of the parties.

Early voting

The practice of voting before election day at traditional voting locations, such as schools, and other locations, such as grocery and convenience stores.

Voter turnout

The proportion of eligible Americans who actually vote


The small pieces of paper produced when voting with punch-card ballots

Voting-age population

The total number of persons in the U.S. Who are 18 years of age or older

Individuals excluded from voting

Those who have been declared "mentally incompetent" in formal court proceedings and those currently serving a sentence, parole, or probation for a felony conviction.

Where do candidates spend most of their "on the stump" time?

Urban and suburban areas where they can get the attention of a large audience through the local media

What language was Harris county required by US Justice Dept to place on ballots and voting material by 2002?


24th Amendment (ratified in 1964)

voided the poll tax in national elections

19th Amendment (1920)

women were allowed to vote

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