Chapter 42 Connect

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Which of the following are functions of the limbic system? (Select all that apply) A. Formation of conscious thoughts B. Visual perception C. Perception of smells D. Formation of emotions E. Formation of memories

C, D, E

Fill in the following blanks with CNS or PNS, as they apply. The __________ interprets information about the internal and/or external environments, and may initiate a response that is then carried out by the __________.


This figure illustrates both the __________ and __________ nervous systems. Fig 42.5

Central; Peripheral

The formation, over evolutionary time, of an increasingly complex brain in the head that controls sensory and motor functions of the body is known as __________.


The __________ maintains balance and coordinates hand-eye movements.


The cerebrum is composed of three parts which are the __________ cortex, the __________ nuclei, and the __________ system.

Cerebral; Basal; Limbic

The __________ __________ fills the subarachnoid space and the ventricles, acting as a shock absorber to the brain.

Cerebrospinal Fluid

When looking at a cross-section of the spinal cord, the gray matter has two __________ and two __________ horns.

Dorsal; Ventral

The thick tract that connects the two hemispheres of the cerebrum is the: A. Epithalamus B. Gap junction C. Median eminence D. Reticular formation E. Corpus callosum


True or False: Cerebrospinal fluid would not contain hormones, which are only carried in the bloodstream.


The cerebral cortex is composed of __________ matter


The cerebral cortex is composed of __________ matter.


The vertebrate cerebrum is divided into two halves, which are known as __________.


Of the three basic divisions of the brain in vertebrates, the pons is located in the __________.


Define the functions of tracts and nerves by matching these words with descriptions of where in the nervous system they work to convey information. I. Tracts II. Nerves A. Convey information between the brain and the spinal cord B. Convey information from region to region within the brain C. Convey information from outside of the CNS into the CNS D. Convey information from the CNS to structures outside of it

I--A, B II--C, D

Match the structures in the adult human brain with their antecedent structure in the brain of the four-week old embryo. I. Hindbrain II. Forebrain III. Midbrain A. Medulla Oblongata B. Cerebrum C. Thalamus D. Cerebellum E. Midbrain

I--A, D II--B, C III--E

Match the division of the peripheral nervous system with its function. I. Sympathetic II. Parasympathetic III. Somatic A. Controls contraction of skeletal muscles B. Prepares the body for response to danger or stress C. Restores body functions during rest or after a meal


Match the vertebrate brain region with its major functions. I. Forebrain II. Midbrain III. Hindbrain A. Monitors and coordinates body movements and controls homeostasis B. Initiates motor functions and processes sensory inputs C. Processes sensory inputs and plays a role in alertness


Match the division of the human system with its main functions. I. Somatic nervous system II. Autonomic nervous system III. Central nervous system A. Interpretation of sensory information and initiation of responses B. Control of skeletal muscle C. Control of internal organs


Match the division of the human nervous system with its main functions. I. Somatic Nervous System II. Autonomic Nervous System III. Central Nervous System A. Control of internal organs B. Interpretation of sensory information and initiation of responses C. Control of skeletal muscle


Match each cerebral lobe with its associated function. I. Frontal Lobe II. Parietal Lobe III. Occipital Lobe IV. Temporal Lobe A. Receives and interprets visual and somatic information B. Color recognition C. Decision and plan-makings impulse control D. Language and hearing


Match the example of a CNS disease/disorder on the right with its category on the left. I. Infectious disorder II. Neurodegenerative disorder III. Demyelinating disorder IV. Seizure disorder V. Movement disorder A. Multiple sclerosis B. Alzheimer disease C. Meningitis D. Parkinson disease E. Epilepsy

I--C II--B III--A IV--E V--D

Match the component of the brainstem with its major function. I. Midbrain II. Pons III. Reticular Formation IV. Medulla Oblongata A. Coordinates bodily functions involved in homeostasis B. Relay station between the cerebellum and the rest of the brain C. Controls alertness and sleep D. Processes sensory inputs


Match the representative nervous system with the animal in which it is found. I. Nerve net II. Nerve ring III. Cerebral ganglia with nerve cords IV. Subdivided brain with ventral nerves V. Subdivided brain with spinal cord and peripheral nervous system A. Flatworm B. Chordate C. Echinoderm D. Arthropod E. Cnidarian

I--E II--C III--A IV--B V--B

In the CNS, __________ convey information from region to region within the brain, and between the brain and the spinal cord.


Groups of myelinated axons are referred to as __________ in the central nervous system and as __________ in the peripheral nervous system.

Tracts; Nerves

The __________ __________ refers to a collection of evolutionarily older cerebral structures It is involved in basic functions that were important to early vertebrates, such as memory and the perception of smells.

Limbic System

The structures indicated by the arrows are known collectively as the __________. Fig 42.7


Infection leading to inflammation of the meninges is known as __________.


The first structure to form in the development of the vertebrate nervous system is a central fold in the embryo called the __________ __________.

Neural Tube

The __________ division of the autonomic nervous system maintains and restores body functions to normal levels.


Patients that appear not to be able to use visual cues to orient themselves in space have probably experienced damage to the __________ lobe of the forebrain.


All members of the Kingdom Animalia possess a nervous system, with the exception of __________.


An animal about to be attacked by a predator would rely on the __________ division of the autonomic nervous system to respond quickly to the threat.


The efferent nerves of the autonomic nervous system can be separated into the __________ and __________ divisions.

Sympathetic; Parasympathetic

Parallel bundles of myelinated icons found within the central nervous system are referred to as: A. Tracts B. Nuclei C. Ganglia D. Nerves


Sensory nerves are also called: A. Afferent nerves B. Receptor nerves C. Motor nerves D. Efferent nerves


The peripheral nervous system carries information about the internal and external environments __________ the central nervous system, and signals that control the contraction of muscles and organ function __________ the central nervous system. A. to; from B. from; to


The surface layer of the cerebrum is known as the cerebral __________, which is especially developed in mammals. A. Cortex B. Matrix C. Capsule D. Medulla


Which type of muscle tissue is controlled by motor neurons of the somatic nervous system? A. Skeletal B. Smooth C. Cardiac


The functions of the somatic nervous system include: (Select all that apply) A. Controlling skeletal muscles B. Sensing the external environment C. Sensing the internal environment D. Controlling cardiac muscle E. Controlling smooth muscles

A, B

Cerebrospinal fluid contains: (Select all that apply) A. Nutrients B. Hormones C. Metabolic waste D. Blood cells E. Plasma

A, B, C

Which of the following structures are part of the brainstem? (Select all that apply) A. Midbrain B. Pons C. Cerebellum D. Medulla oblongata

A, B, D

Functions of the brainstem include: (Select all that apply) A. Maintaining homeostasis B. Controlling alertness and sleep C. Control of breathing D. Controlling emotion E. Controlling conscious thought

A, B, D?????

Which of the following are bodily functions controlled by the autonomic nervous system? (Select all that apply) A. Heart rate B. Gag reflex C. Blood pressure D. Heat sensitivity

A, C

Which of the following are functions of the parietal lobe of the forebrain? (Select all that apply) A. Receives and interprets visual information B. Controls color recognition C. Receives and interprets somatic information D. Important for voluntary initiation of movement E. Necessary for facial recognition

A, C

Which of the following are matched correctly? (Select all that apply) A. Somatic nervous system: controls skeletal muscles B. Somatic nervous system: senses changes in the internal environment C. Autonomic nervous system: controls smooth and cardiac muscles

A, C

In a patient with a damage to the hindbrain; you expect to see changes or deficits in: (Select all that apply) A. Swallowing B. Breathing C. Conscious thought D. Balance E. Memory F. Speech

A, C, D

Identify the regions of the hindbrain. (Select all that apply) A. Medulla Oblongata B. Thalamus C. Pons D. Cerebrum E. Cerebellum

A, C, E

Which areas of the brain process sensory inputs? (Select all that apply) A. Midbrain B. Medulla Oblongata C. Cerebellum D. Forebrain

A, D

Which of the following are components of the central nervous system in chordates? (Select all that apply) A. Brain B. Cranial nerves C. Motor neurons D. Spinal nerves E. Spinal cord

A, E

The __________ end of the embryonic neural tube becomes the brain, and the __________ end of the embryonic neural tube becomes the spinal cord.

Anterior; Posterior

One of the three meninges, the __________ __________ has numerous weblike tissue connections to the innermost membrane.

Arachnoid Mater

As cerebral cortex size increases in mammal, the number of gyri: A. Remains the same B. Decreases C. Increases


Based on gene studies, it is hypothesized that the nervous system of bilateral animals evolved __________ years ago. A. 1 billion B. 100 million C. 500 million D. 200 million


In comparison to most other vertebrates, the human brain is remarkably: A. Simple B. Tiny C. Complex D. Smooth


Nerve cords are characteristic of the more complex members of which group of animals? A. Echinoderms B. Sponges C. Invertebrates D. Chordates E. Cnidarians


The brain region that lies immediately anterior to the pons is involved in processing sensory input from visual, olfactory, and auditory pathways is called the __________. A. Medulla Oblongata B. Hindbrain C. Midbrain D. Cerebellum


The efferent pathways of the autonomic nervous system each involve __________ motor neuron(s). A. Multiple B. One C. Two


The hindbrain coordinates hand-eye movements and many bodily functions important in A. Learning B. Speech C. Homeostasis D. Conscious thought


The vertebrate central nervous system is composed of the __________ and the __________. A. Spinal cord; spinal accessory nerves B. Brain; cranial nerves C. Brain; spinal cord D. Spinal cord; motor neurons E. Brain; spinal ganglia


Ventral roots are parts of spinal nerves that transmit information to __________ nerves. A. Sensory B. Cranial C. Motor


What are the three main divisions of the vertebrate brain? A. Cerebrum, midbrain, and cerebellum B. Forebrain, midbrain, and cerebellum C. Forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain D. Cerebrum, midbrain, and hindbrain


What role does the pons play? A. It mediates the fight-or-flight and rest-or-digest responses B. It helps to maintain balance and coordinate hand-eye movements C. It serves as a relay between the cerebellum and other areas of the brain D. It regulates numerous homeostatic processes, such as heart rate, and blood pressure


Which of the following are structures within the limbic system? (Select all that apply) A. Optic tracts B. Amygdala C. Olfactory bulbs D. Reticular formation E. Hippocampus

B, C, E

The autonomic nervous system regulates: (Select all that apply) A. Sensory inputs B. Organ function C. Skeletal muscle contraction D. Homeostasis

B, D

The fight-or-flight response prepares an individual to: (Select all that apply) A. Recover from a threat B. Evade a dangerous situation C. Recover from a dangerous situation D. Respond to a threat

B, D

Rank the nervous systems below in order of increasing complexity. Put the least complex at the top of the list. A. Subdivided brain B. Nerve net C. Nerve cord(s) and ganglia D. Nerve ring E. Subdivided brain and spinal cord

B, D, C, A, E

Which of the following are characteristic outcomes of Alzheimer disease? (Select all that apply) A. Interruption of oxygen flow to neurons in the cerebral cortex B. Lapses in language and abstract thinking C. Severe headaches, seizures, or fever D. Loss of normal motor control E. Memory loss

B, D, E

Sensory neurons of the autonomic nervous system that detect blood pressure are called __________.


The __________ nervous system regulate homeostasis and organ function, and the __________ nervous system controls skeletal muscles.

Autonomic; Somatic

The __________ nervous system regulates homeostasis and organ function, and the __________ nervous system controls skeletal muscles.

Autonomic; Somatic

Groups of neuron cell bodies within the central nervous system that perform a common function are referred to as __________. A. Nerves B. Nuclei C. Tracts D. Ganglia


Initiating motor functions and processing sensory inputs are both functions of the: A. Thalamus B. Forebrain C. Medulla Oblongata D. Hypothalamus


Sensory nerves are also called: A. Receptor nerves B. Afferent nerves C. Motor nerves D. Efferent nerves


The dorsal roots of spinal nerves receive information from __________ nerves of the PNS. A. Cranial B. Sensory C. Motor


The hindbrain functions by: A. Initiating motor functions and process inputs into conscious thought B. Coordinating reflexes and functions involved with homeostasis C. Processing sensory inputs


The medulla oblongata is located between the __________ and the __________. A. Cerebrum; cerebellum B. Pons; spinal cord C. Thalamus; pons D. Cerebral cortex; cerebrum E. Thalamus; hypothalamus


The physiological functions active during restful periods or after a meal are collectively referred to as the __________ responses. A. Recline-or-dine B. Rest-or-digest C. Rest-or-recline D. Eat-or-sleep


Which part of the vertebrate nervous system is protected by bone, meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid? A. Somatic nervous system B. Central nervous system C. Peripheral nervous system D. Autonomic nervous system


__________ nerves carry information between the peripheral nervous system and the spinal cord. A. Cranial B. Spinal C. Meningeal


Brains can be found in: (Select all that apply) A. Flat worms B. Most invertebrates C. All vertebrates D. Sea stars

B, C

Neurons of the parasympathetic nervous system: (Select all that apply) A. Increases the heart rate B. Promote digestion C. Decrease glucose and fat secretion into the bloodstream D. Inhibit absorption of food from the gut

B, C

The hindbrain is important for maintaining: (Select all that apply) A. Mood B. Balance C. Homeostasis D. Communication between the cerebral hemispheres

B, C

The peripheral nervous system: (Select all that apply) A. Is an integral part of the central nervous system B. Communicates with the central nervous system C. Is not part of the central nervous system D. Is completely independent of the central nervous system

B, C

Which of the following are bodily functions controlled by the autonomic nervous system? (Select all that apply) A. Gag reflex B. Blood pressure C. Heart rate D. Heat sensitivity

B, C

Which of the following are functions of cerebral ganglia? (Select all that apply) A. Subdividing the brain into functional regions B. Integrating input from the sense organs C. Controlling motor outputs

B, C

Cerebrospinal fluid: (Select all that apply) A. Lubricates nerves B. Absorbs physical shocks C. Surrounds the spinal cord D. Aids in electrical signal conduction E. Surrounds the brain

B, C, E

The somatic nervous system is said to be "voluntary" because, for the most part, responses are under __________ control.


Nerves that are directly connected to the brain are called __________ nerves.


Nerves that connect directly to the brain are __________ while __________ nerves connect the PNS to the spinal cord.

Cranial; Spinal

Bundles of myelinated axons running in the same direction within the peripheral nervous system as referred to as: A. Ganglia B. Tracts C. Nuclei D. Nerves


The complexity of the human nervous system is derived from just two types of cells: A. Nerves and glia B. Neurons and synapses C. Tracts and glia D. Neurons and glia


The embryonic structure from which the entire vertebrate nervous system develops is the: A. Notochord B. Cerebellum C. Medulla oblongata D. Neural tube E. Forebrain


Where does the cerebellum sit? A. Ventral to the medulla oblongata B. Anterior to the hypothalamus C. Anterior to the cerebrum D. Dorsal to the medulla oblongata


Which of the following best describes the location of the pons? A. Posterior to the cerebrum, and beneath the olfactory bulbs B. Dorsal to the hypothalamus, and ventral to the thalamus C. Dorsal to the midbrain and above the hindbrain D. Anterior to the medulla oblongata beneath the cerebellum


Rank the Nervous systems below in order of increasing complexity. Put the least complex at the top of the list. A. Nerve Ring B. Nerve cord(s) and ganglia C. Subdivided bring and spinal cord D. Nerve net E. Subdivided brain

D, A, B, E, C

Odors from food reach the CNS vis sensory neurons of the __________ __________ __________.

Somatic Nervous Systems

Although several animal groups have a brain, only the chordates have a dorsal __________ __________.

Spinal cord

Cerebrospinal fluid surrounds the __________ nervous system and absorbs physical shocks.


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