Chapter 5

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A country's economic policy actions are directed toward all of the following goals EXCEPT: a. economic growth b. high employment c. price stability d. all of the above are primary policy goals


During the 2007 - 2009 financial crisis, many major financial institutions and business corporations were on the verge of collapse or failure; however, some of the very largest corporations and financial institutions were deemed as being ________ because their failure would cause cascading negative repercussions throughout the U.S. and many foreign economies. a. toxic firms b. boat rockers. c. too large to ignore d. too big to fail e. none of the above


In an effort to stimulate economic activity, Congress and the president passed the $787 billion _________________________________ in February, 2009 with the funds to be used to provide tax relief, appropriations, and direct spending. a. American Reconstruction and Reconfiguration Act of 2009 b. American Real Estate and Reconstruction Act of 2009 c. American Real Estate Reinvestment Act of 2009 d. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 e. none of the above


Primary groups of policy makers that are actively involved in achieving U.S. economic policy objectives include all of the following EXCEPT: a. the Federal Reserve System b. the President c. Congress d. all of the above are primary policy makers


Total reserves in the banking system consist of: a. vault cash held at commercial banks and other depository institutions b. reserve deposits held at Federal Reserve banks c. currency in circulation d. both a and b


Transactions that affect bank reserves can be initiated by the: a. nonbank public b. Federal Reserve System c. U. S. Treasury d. all the above


Automatic stabilizers include all of the following except: a. unemployment insurance b. social security c. welfare d. pay-as-you-go tax system


Bank reserves are increased when the Treasury: a. sells Treasury bonds to individuals b. decreases its holding of cash c. increases its account at a Federal Reserve bank d. none of the above


Banking system reserves plus currency held by the nonbank public is referred to as the: a. money supply b. monetary base c. monetary multiplier d. monetary requirement


Continuing federal programs that stabilize economic activity are called a. transfer payments b. automatic stabilizers c. social insurance programs d. none of the above


The U.S. Treasury is primarily responsible for: a. monetary policy b. debt management c. fiscal policy d. the money supply


The U.S. banking system has the ability to alter the size of the money supply because of the use of: a. a 100% reserve system b. a fractional reserve system c. the Federal Reserve System's excess reserves d. Federal Reserve notes issued by the U.S. Treasury


The relationship between the money supply and demand affects the level of prices and economic activity in our market economy.


Transfer payments are income payments for which no current productive service is rendered.


The U.S. Treasury is responsible for refinancing the outstanding debt of the government.


A country's economic policy actions are directed toward all of the following goals EXCEPT: a. balance in the federal budget b. high employment c. price stability d. all of the above are primary policy goals


A primary focus of the Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which became know as the ___________________________, was to allow the U.S. Treasury purchase up to $700 billion of troubled or toxic assets held by financial institutions. a. Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) b. Toxic Asset Recovery Program (TARP) c. Troubled Area Relief Program (TARP) d. Toxic Area Recovery Program (TARP) e.none of the above


Deposits that add new reserves to the bank where they are deposited are called: A. primary deposits b. derivative deposits c. secondary deposits d. Special Drawing Rights


During the 2007 - 2009 financial crisis, ___________ and __________, who were major participants in the secondary mortgage markets, were on the verge of financial insolvency and possible collapse in mid-2008. a. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac b. the Federal Treasury and the Federal Reserve c. Morgan Stanley and Smith Barney d. Washington Mutual and Lehman Brothers e.none of the above


Government financing of large budgetary deficits: a. absorbs savings which decreases interest rates b. may crowd out private borrowers c. is known as monetizing the deficit d. increases savings which increases interest rates


During the 2007 - 2009 financial crisis, some of the very largest financial institutions were deemed as being "too big to fail" because their failure would cause cascading negative repercussions throughout the U.S. and many foreign economies. As a result, the Federal Reserve a. moved to increase liquidity in the monetary system and reduced its target federal funds rate to below .25 percent. b. worked with the U.S. Treasury to help facilitate the merging of financially weak institutions with institutions that were financially stronger. c. both a and b are true d. none of the above are true


In fall 2008, the U.S. Congress and President George W. Bush responded to the financial crisis with the passage of the _____________ in early October of that year. a. Economic Stimulus Act b. Economic Recovery Act c. Economic Stabilization Act d. Economic Booster Act e.none of the above


The percentage of deposits that must be held as reserves is called a. excess reserves b. required reserves c. required reserve ratio d. none of the above


The "perfect financial storm" that developed in 2008, which put the U.S. economy was on the verge of collapse was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. The housing price "bubble" burst in 2006 and began a sharp decline. b. Stock market prices peaked in 2007 and began a sharp decline. c. Many of the mortgage-related debt securities originated and sold to others, or held, by banks became difficult to value during the perfect financial storm and quickly became known as "troubled" or "tonic" assets. d. Individuals and businesses were defaulting on loans and home mortgages in increasing numbers due to the weakening economy and falling home prices. e.All of the above were factors


Bank reserves are not affected by: a. the purchase of government bonds by the Fed b. changes in reserve requirements c. the sale of government bonds by the Fed d. changes in the level of deposits of foreign banks at the Federal Reserve banks e. all of the above affect bank reserves


If a check is written for the full amount of a derivative deposit created by a bank loan and then is sent to a bank in another city for deposit: a. the lending bank would lose all of its excess reserves b. the lending bank would still have reserves to lend c. the full amount would be added to the receiving bank's excess reserves d. both a and c


One factor that decreases the volume of bank reserves is a(n): a. increase in the public's demand for currency to be held outside the banking system b. decrease in the reserve requirement ratio c. increase in life insurance company reserves d. increase in Federal Reserve Float e. none of the above


The federal government pays for the services it provides primarily through: a. taxation b. creating money c. borrowing d. selling assets owned by the government


To equal M1 money supply, the monetary base: a. is multiplied by the money multiplier b. is added to by the money multiplier c. is subtracted from the money multiplier d. none of the above


Total bank reserves do not include which of the following? a. deficit reserves b. excess reserves c . required reserves d. all the above are included in total bank reserves


When the United States Treasury makes a payment to an individual or business, it usually takes the form of a: a. check drawn on a Federal Reserve Bank b. check drawn directly against the U.S. Treasury c. special Treasury voucher d. check drawn against a bank in which tax balances are held


Which one of the following transactions or operations is entirely at the initiative of the Federal Reserve? a. open market operations b. change in float c. change in bank borrowings d. change in Treasury cash holdings


Under required reserves of 20%, the maximum to which the money supply could be expanded by the banking system is: (Pick the closest answer.) a. four times a new primary deposit b. five times a new primary deposit c . six times a new primary deposit d. until all of a new primary deposit has been converted to required reserves

A primary deposit = $1,000 → final stage = $1,000(5) = $5,000 banking system expansion = $5,000 - $1,000 = $4,000 4 times primary deposit

Federal Reserve open market operations, setting reserve requirement, and lending to depositories are: a. usually conducted simultaneously b. all designed to have their effect by influencing the reserves of depository institutions c. of equal importance in their effort d. functions shared with the U.S. Treasury


In our financial system, the money multiplier: a. is not affected by the Federal Reserve b. can fluctuate over time c. is not affected by the nonbank public d. is not affected by the U.S. Treasury


Various programs of the federal government help stabilize disposable income, and in turn, economic activity in general. In so doing: a. income tax rates may be lowered during periods of prosperity and increased during slack economic periods b. some programs act on a continuing basis and are described as automatic stabilizers c . the timing of sale of U.S. savings bonds is instrumental in accomplishing this objective d. these programs seldom attain their goals


Which of the following statements is false? a. The difference between total reserves and the monetary base is currency held by the nonbank public. b. The ability to alter the money supply and credit is based on the fact that our banking system does not utilize a fractional reserve system. c. The ability to predict M1 velocity, in addition to money supply changes, is important in achieving successful monetary policy making. d. A derivative deposit arising out of a loan from Bank A is transferred by check to Bank B, where reserve requirement are again imposed.


Which of the following statements is most correct? a. Bank reserves are not affected by transactions involving the Treasury. b. Derivative deposits occur when reserves created from primary deposits are made available through bank loans to borrowers who leave them on deposit in order to write checks against the funds. c. Total bank reserves in the banking system consist of bank's member bank deposits held in Federal Reserve Banks, plus non-member banks vault cash. d. Federal Reserve notes have been increasingly backed by gold certificates and eligible paper in recent years.


If a customer makes new deposits of $10,000 to a bank and the reserve requirement is 15%, then excess reserves will be: (Pick the closest answer.) a. $1,500 b. $8,500 c. $10,000 d. none of the above

B Required Reserves = $10,000(15%) = $1,500 Excess Reserves = $10,000 - $1,500 = $8,500 or Excess Reserves = $10,000(1 - 15%) = $8,500

A customer of a bank needs additional currency and cashes a check for $10,000. The reserve requirement is 20%. The bank has no excess reserves. It must: (Pick the closest answer.) a. refuse the check b. get an additional $8,000 of reserves c. get an additional $2,000 of reserves d. none of the above

B Since excess reserves = 0, the $10,000 comes out of required reserves $10,000 required reserves supports $50,000 of deposits deposits are now reduced to $40,000 which requires $8,000 is reserves

In a simple financial system, if the reserve requirement is 25% and $5,000 is injected into the banking system, the maximum expansion in the money supply would be: (Pick the closest answer.) a. $1,250 b. $20,000 c. $6,667 d. none of the above

B money multiplier = 1/20% = 4 → $5,000(4) = $20,000 final stage of checkable deposits

Debt management includes all of the following except: a. the types of securities to sell b. the interest rate patterns to use c. the required reserves ratio d. all of the above are included in debt management


Examples of automatic stabilizers are: a. open market operations b. changes in the discount rate c. unemployment insurance d. issuance of currency


Open market operations differ from discounting operations in that they are: a. initiated by member depository institutions b. designed to be of significance only to large city banks c. initiated by the Federal Reserve d. initiated by the U.S. Treasury


Price inflation: a. is relatively unimportant to individuals b. is considered to be acceptable in the nation's quest for high levels of employment c. discourages investment by increasing the uncertainty about future returns d. is almost always due to financing wars


The monetary base: a. equals the money supply b. consists of checkable and noncheckable deposits c. consists of bank reserves, plus currency held by the public d. equals the money multiplier, plus bank reserves


U.S. debt management, which is an important function of the Treasury, is generally designed to: a. lower interest rates b. stimulate economic activity c. encourage orderly economic growth and stability d. all three of the above, a, b, and c


When a customer demands additional currency by cashing a check for $500, all of the following occur except: a. the deposits of the bank are reduced $500 b. required reserves are reduced c. Federal Reserves notes decrease d. additional reserves must be acquired if the bank has no excess reserves


Which of the following statements is most correct? a. A monetary base of $5 million and a money multiplier of 5 means that the money supply will be $1 million. b. The magnitude of the money multiplier today is in the 8 to 9 range. c. The money multiplier is influenced by the public's switching between checkable and noncheckable deposits at their banks. d. The monetary base multiplied by the money multiplier calculates the amount of required reserves for the banking system as a whole.


Assume that a bank receives a primary deposit of $1,000. If the reserve requirement is 25%, what will be the amount of excess reserves available for lending purposes? (Pick the closest answer.) a. zero b. $250 c. $750 d. $1,000 e. none of the above

C Required Reserves = $1,000(25%) = $250 Excess Reserves = $1,000 - $250 = $750 or Excess Reserves = $1,000(1 - 25%) = $750

Assume that a banking system must keep reserves of 20% against deposits. The bank receives a primary deposit of $20,000. What would be the maximum amount of loans that could be made by the system? (Pick the closest answer.) a. $16,000 b. $40,000 c. $80,000 d. $100,000

C Required Reserves = (20%)($10,000) = $4,000 increase in Excess Reserves = $20,000 - $4,000 = $16,000 change in checkable deposits = (Increase in excess reserves)/(required reserves ratio)=$16,000/20%=$80,000 or money multiplier = 1/20%=5 → $20,000(5) = $100,000 final stage of checkable deposits maximum new loans $100,000 - $20,000 = $80,000

Assume that a bank must keep reserves of 20% against deposits. The bank receives a primary deposit of $50,000. What amount of excess reserves can the bank safely lend? (Pick the closest answer.) a. $10,000 b. $20,000 c. $40,000 d. $50,000 e.none of the above

C Required Reserves = (20%)($50,000) = $10,000 Excess Reserves = $50,000 - $10,000 = $40,000 or Excess Reserves = $50,000(1 - 20%) = $40,000

Almost all Treasury disbursements are made by: a. checks drawn directly on the U.S. Treasury b. check drawn against deposits at commercial banks in large cities c. drafts drawn on member banks d. checks drawn against deposits at Federal Reserve Banks


Assume that a bank receives a primary deposit of $1,000, and the reserve requirement is 15%. Which of the following would reflect the asset side of the balance sheet after a maximum loan amount has just been made (i.e. before the check on the new loan is deposited in another bank)? a. reserves of $1,000 b. deposits of $1,000 c. reserves of $1,000 and loans of $150 d. reserves of $1,000 and loans of $850


Budgetary deficits always have the effect of: a. creating inflationary pressures b. crowding out private lenders c. forcing the Federal Reserve to buy government securities d. creating governmental competition for private investment funds


Changes in the growth rates for money supply and money velocity affect the growth rate in: a. real economic activity b. the rate of inflation c. the turnover of goods and services d. both a and b


Currently, the backing for Federal Reserves notes is primarily in the form of: a. gold certificates b. gold bullion c. eligible paper (business notes and drafts) d. none of the above


Debt management of the federal government includes: a. determining which types of refunding to implement b. determining the types of securities to sell c. deciding which interest rate patterns to use d. all the above


One factor that decreases the volume of bank reserves is a decrease in: a. the public's demand for currency to be held outside the banking system b. the reserve requirement ratio c. life insurance company reserves d. Federal Reserve float


Which of the following statements is false? a. The multiplying capacity of primary deposits is hindered by cash leakages from the banking system. b. The monetary base is defined as bank reserves plus currency held by the nonbank public. c. In contrast to the other transactions that affect reserves in the banking system, open market operations are entirely at the initiative of the Federal Reserve. d. All the above statements are correct.


Bank reserves are increased when the Treasury: a. sells Treasury bonds to individuals b. needs to increase its payment of funds from its accounts at the Reserve Banks c. increases its account at a Federal Reserve bank d. increases its holding of cash e. none of the above


Continuing federal programs that stabilize economic activity are called a. transfer payments b. leveling programs c. social insurance programs d. socialist spending e. none of the above


Debt management of the federal government includes: a. determining which types of refunding to implement b. determining the types of securities to sell c. deciding which interest rate patterns to use d. two of the above e. answers a, b and c are correct


Federal Reserve open market operations, setting reserve requirement, and lending to depositories are: a. usually conducted simultaneously b. designed to improve the federal deficit c. of equal importance in their effort d. functions shared with the U.S. Treasury e . none of the above


Open market operations differ from discounting operations in that they are: a. initiated by member depository institutions b. designed to be of significance only to large city banks c. initiated by the President d. initiated by Congress e. none of the above


Price inflation: a. is relatively unimportant to individuals b. is considered to be acceptable in the nation's quest for high levels of employment c. encourages investment by reducing the uncertainty about future returns d. is almost always due to financing wars e.none of the above


The budget-making process is carried out by: a. Congress b. U.S. Treasury c. the President d. U.S. Treasury in cooperation with the Fed e. both a and c


The federal government pays for the services it provides primarily through: a. service fees b. creating money c. borrowing d. selling assets owned by the government e.none of the above


The government entity responsible for fiscal policy is: a. the U.S. Treasury b. the Federal Reserve c. the Congress d. the President e.both c and d


Various programs of the federal government help stabilize disposable income, and in turn, economic activity in general. In so doing: a. income tax rates may be lowered during periods of prosperity and increased during slack economic periods b. these programs waste valuable resources c. the timing of sale of U.S. savings bonds is instrumental in accomplishing this objective d. these programs seldom attain their goals e. none of the above


When the United States Treasury makes a payment to an individual or business, it usually takes the form of a: a. check drawn on the Central Bank of China b. check drawn directly against the U.S. Treasury c. special Treasury voucher d. check drawn against a bank in which tax balances are held e. none of the above


Under required reserves of 20%, the maximum to which the money supply could be expanded by the banking system is: (Pick the closest answer.) a. ten times a new primary deposit b. fifteen times a new primary deposit c. twenty times a new primary deposit d. fifty times a new primary deposit e. none of the above

E primary deposit = $1,000 → final stage = $1,000(5) = $5,000 banking system expansion = $5,000 - $1,000 = $4,000 4 times primary deposit

A government raises funds to pay for its activities in only two ways: levies taxes or prints money for its own use.


A primary Treasury objective is to maintain satisfactory conditions in the government securities market through maintaining investor confidence.


Automatic stabilizers include trade deficits, budget deficits, and floating exchange rates.


Commercial banks are one of the four policy making groups.


High inflation has been a significant problem in the United States during the past decade.


If required reserves are larger than the total reserves of an institution, the difference is called excess reserves.


Inflation occurs when an increase in the price of goods or services is more than offset by an increase in quality.


Nations that export more than they import will have a trade deficit.


Primary deposits are deposits that add new reserves to a bank while secondary deposits are deposits that were borrowed from the reserves of primary deposits.


Tax receipts tend to increase during economic downturns.


The Fed plays a significant role in tax policy.


The President of the United States and the Fed formulate a program of fiscal policy.


The President of the United States has no influence over the Federal Reserve System nor exerts any pressure on the Fed.


The Treasury's primary checkable deposit accounts for day-to-day operations are kept at several commercial banks in large cities.


The U.S. Treasury has little power to influence money markets.


The United States economy has little influence on the economies of other nations.


The branch of government primarily responsible for the formulation of fiscal policy is the President and his Council of Economic Advisors.


The branch of government primarily responsible for the formulation of fiscal policy is the U.S. Senate.


The deposit of a check drawn on the Fed is a derivative deposit because it adds new reserves to the bank where deposited and to the banking system.


The fiscal policy effects of a tax cut occur more slowly than an increase in government spending.


The government body primarily responsible for monetary policy is Congress.


The velocity of money is expressed as the average number of times each dollar is spend on purchases of goods and services, and it is calculated as real GDP divided by M1.


The velocity of money measures the rate at which wire transfers can be transmitted to overseas banks.


"Crowding out" caused by deficit financing can result in tighter credit conditions and higher interest rates.


Aggregate demand refers to total spending in the economy.


Although the Treasury has vast power to affect the supply of money and credit, the Treasury largely limits its actions to taxing, borrowing, paying bills, and refunding maturing obligations.


In the fractional reserve system, banks must hold, with the Fed, reserves equal to a certain percentage of their deposits.


Monetizing the debt occurs when the Fed increases the money supply by purchasing government securities.


One of the reasons open market operations are conducted virtually every business day is to implement changes in the money supply called for by the Federal Open Market Committee.


Required reserves are the minimum amount of total reserves that a depository institution must hold.


The Fed can increase the money supply to help offset the demand for increased funds to finance the deficit.


The Fed closely monitors the Treasury account and takes any changes into consideration in conducting daily open market operations in order to minimize the effect on bank reserves.


The President of the United States formulates budgetary and fiscal policy, but Congress must enact legislation to implement these policies.


The U.S. Treasury has primary responsibility for management of the federal debt.


The U.S. government may influence monetary and credit conditions indirectly through taxation and expenditure programs.


The four groups of policy makers that are actively involved in achieving the nation's economic policy objectives are the Federal Reserve System, the President, Congress, and the U.S. Treasury.


The monetary base is the banking system reserves, plus currency held by the public.


The money multiplier indicates the maximum increase in deposits (and money supply) that can result from a given increase in excess reserves.


The output of goods and services in an economy is referred to as the gross domestic product.


Traditionally, the federal government should provide services that cannot be provided as efficiently by the private sector.


U.S. economic policy actions are directed toward the four general goals of economic growth, high employment, price stability, and balance in international transactions.


Unemployment and welfare benefits are examples of transfer payments for which no current productive services are given in return.


When a government borrows to finance budget deficits, crowding out may occur, which results in a restriction of available funds for private sector borrowers due to public sector demand.


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